In Time. [Completed]

By ummusk

5.3K 784 81

(Not Edited) Its my first story and has many mistakes. But it gets better as it goes further. Erica Hale, a... More

Introduction to the characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23- The dark secret.
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter-28 Decision's
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 36
Chapter-38 {The wedding part - 1}
Chapter- 39 {The wedding part-2}
New Story.

Chapter 3

183 20 0
By ummusk

Erica's pov

How strange it is when you trust someone so much and they cheat you. I am thankful it never happened with me. But I feel so guilty that Matt had to go through all that I mean if I had met him early I would have saved him from breaking down so much he was in depression for more than a year and he became the bad boy of the school. I knew that he was lily's brother but we were never introduced he often used be so much drowned and sad i guess because of layla. But Like all tales the bad boy with a horrible past gets a good, nerd girl. So our story is also the same. No wonder there were difficulties but as I said LOVE found way. And through all that difficulties I was with him. Yes it took time actually more time than it should have taken but its worth it,

Right now I am with Matt in his car he is taking me somewhere I don't know where. Its 3:30. Matt was already 15 min late for which is still apologizing he is the sweetest guy I ever met.

"I already told you Matt its ok I did not wait that long and why on earth will I be upset with such a cute guy..?"

"Okay I just thought you would be angry with me." He said with a weird expression.

"No Matt I can never be pissed off at you for such a small reason. Okay?"

"Yes princess" he said, a smile appearing on his face finally.
"But where are you taking be? Its 10 min since we are in the car?" I asked I really wanted to know where he is taking me.

"Erica today you have been invited at dinner. Which I am hosting"

"wait..w..what I thought your parents were hosting it that's what li told me."

"Lily!! Gosh could she ever not spoil my surprise" his tone showed that he was getting angry he parked in front of a boutique. Without listening to me he led me out of the car.

"Matt wait she did not do it purposely she just said me unknowingly. Its not her fault"

"I know Erica its just that I wanted you to be surprised and I know that when she would have told you about the dinner you would have guess that I am taking you for shopping." He complained. Oh how much this guy knows me?

I just kept quite I mean what could you possibly say when you boy friend's surprise is just ruined by his own sister. Not like really it was ruined.

"Matt, Layla is coming too?" I don't know why those words left my mouth it was sudden and I did not expect them to come out at this time. I could see his face filled with a little guilt and sorrow and anger.

"Princess, her mom wanted to join us and meet with my dad. Strange she wants to meet her cousin right now after a long time. Dad wasn't able to decide when she could join us for a lunch or dinner. So when I told him about the dinner I am hosting he invited them over. I am sorry Erica I don't..."

"Hey Matt, its all fine I don't have any issues with her coming over she is the part of family too. I cannot be that selfish you know and its perfectly fine with me. You don't need to feel guilty over that" he seemed a bit taken first then a smile creped on his lips.

"Okay then lets start with getting you a dress." He chuckled

We went to the boutique and after a long time which seemed like almost more than a hour I found my dress which was perfect. It is a dark blue gown with one strap. The strap is studded with diamonds and the whole rest on length falls below plain but elegant. After the dress he dropped me at my place and told he would be sending a car to fetch me. I was ok with that. I am not a complaining girl friend after all. I rushed up to my room. Mom and dad never come at this time in the house so I did not even check I took a plain shower after which I blow dried my hair and set them in to curls. My reddish brown hair looked almost gorgeous. I then started with my make up I decided to keep it low because my hair was done beautifully I just used some mascara, eye linear, my crimson lip color, and just some silver blush to complete. Time for dress. I carefully took the dress and wore it it just fitted me perfect I took my clutch and stuffed all necessary things in it.

Then I took my blue heeled shoes and hoped into them. I watched at the clock it was 7 just then the bell rang. I opened the door and saw Sam. He was standing for me with a chocolate box. Sam is the person Matt trust a lot with everything he is almost 36.

"Matt has given them he said u would be definitely hungry" he said. This guy he just knows so much about me.

"Thanks sam" I offered him a smile and locked my door before leaving. The ride was silent I just ate one chocolate not feeling like to eat. After all I was going to face Layla today about her I have just heard so much. Finally the car pulled in the gates and I could see my Matt standing on the door waiting. Sam opened the door for me with a smile. I walked to the door where he was waiting for me. Surprised! Really I could tell from his face expression that he loves what he sees. I went near him and now I could see him properly. He looked hot in his dark blue tux. He is so damn perfect. Finally it seemed like miles to walk up to him

"I wonder Erica, when will you walk up to me like this. I mean on the aisle" he said.
Ok that was not expected. Breath Erica. Breath. Oh gosh did Matt just asked me to marry him. What should I say him now I mean how could be marry at such an early age. Ofcourse I love him and we want to move in together but I never thought of marring I mean yes I want to but now is not the time I need time to figure out what I want to do with my life. Oh I am not ready for this step.

"Erica don't over-think I know you need time and I am not asking you to marry me now. Yes I will ask you one day when you are ready. I love you I wont force you to decide anything because I want to. Okay? "

Aw matt how loving you are. How can you know what is in my mind

"Now lets get inside. And you look breath taking. I mean amazing, so beautifull."
"Thanks" I blushed
With that Matt takes my hand and pulls me inside. The main living room was nicely decorated especially the dinning table. I could smell the awesome aroma of food. Matt's mom and dad were seated so was lily. I said hello to everyone specifically. I could see and elderly women sitting there with tons of make up on her face and next to her was another blonde who looked perfectly gorgeous just like lily and with that I understood she is layla and her mom I greeted her with a smile.
"Hey Layla. I am.."

"Erica I know. Nice to meet you." I was cut off by her and that was rude. I wasn't expecting that. I gave her a nod and matt pulled out a seat for me. With that we started with the dinner.

I sensed a poke on my shoulder. That was Lily.

"I smell trouble Eric" she chuckled.

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