By Lemonade___Tears

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Hello! I'm completely redoing this story. This was such a fun project and my first real experience with writi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two: Hidden Enemy
Chapter 3: Clone Wars Movie p1
Chapter 4: Clone Wars Movie p2
Chapter 6: Jedi Crash
Chapter 7: Defenders of peace
Chapter 8: Resolute Fun
Chapter 9: Trespassers
Chapter 10: Blue Shadow Virus
Chapter 11: Coruscant
Chapter 12: Wishes
Chapter 13: Meet the Parents
Chapter 14: Goodbyes
Chapter 15: Joyful Reunions
Chapter 16: Holocron Heist
Chapter 17: Cargo of Doom
Chapter 18: The Zillo Beast
Chapter 19: Dark Side of Love
A Secret Rendezvous

Chapter 5: Rookies

8.4K 135 248
By Lemonade___Tears


There was once a time when you found Anakin crumpled up on the floor sobbing. He was heartbroken in a way you did not understand. Anakin was crying because he felt Padmé's sorrow from halfway across the galaxy. You comforted him the best you could that night, but scoffed a bit. How was it possible for anyone to feel another person's emotions from that far away, or be so heavily affected by it?

The second the pain medication that fogged your senses wore off, you understood perfectly. Rex was in absolute agony, and you felt it too. His impression in the Force was like a dark hole, and your heart hurt. He had seemed fine the night before when he basically asked you out and went in for a kiss. You honestly thought he was okay. But, you now knew he wasn't. While you were forced to stay in bed by a crabby medical droid, you contemplated why Rex acted like everything was fine when it definitely was not.

It could have been for the simple reason that he hadn't actually cared or thought about all of the dead soldiers. The mere idea was irrational and you discarded it quickly. Yet, why he kept his pain disguised was bothering you. Ahsoka had been there in the room. He wouldn't have wanted her to feel guilty about leaving, so, he kept his pain in check. That made sense. You sighed out loud. But what about the kiss?

Rex was a man, a clone, but a man none the less. He was created to live and die fighting for the Republic that had commissioned his existence. He had no parents, no real "family". Each clone was his brother, and he just had to watch almost the entire 501st fall. Goodbye Torrent Company. Was his attempted kiss just something to help him forget? You shook your head. Rex definitely was not like that. The medical droid walked up to you.

"How is your mental state?" Swearing, you wondered just how long the droid had been watching.

"Just fine, though I'd kill for some company," you said. The boxy droid hummed, then left the room. Rex had also gone in for a kiss earlier on Teth. As for asking you out to drinks, the poor commander probably just needed something to look forward to, something besides living for an empty cause. That battalion was the closest thing to a family he had, and he nearly lost them all. The doors opened and you smiled just a bit bashfully, feeling his heroic presence before he had even reached the entrance. There stood Rex as the droid continued to complain about how horrible you were as a patient.

"And then (N) tried to walk," the droid somehow managed to say dramatically. Rex chuckled.

"Sounds like something General (L/N) would do," he said directly looking at you. In a single, fluid motion, Rex removed his helmet and carefully tucked it between his arm."No pain doesn't mean no damage, sir," Rex said almost smugly. You rolled your eyes. Yet again, he seemed to be fine, but you felt his sadness like a thin mist.

"So I've noticed."

Only the droid's grumbling could be heard as the room fell into silence. "Excuse me, but are there any other patients you need to attend," you asked. The droid froze, looked between you and Rex, then realized what you meant.

"Oh. Yes, indeed," and it shuffled out. Even a medical droid could read between the lines

"Of course he found you for my companion," you said.

"Of course, Cyar'ika," he said with a wink. A blush burned your cheeks when he said that Mando'a name again. You were 95% certain it wasn't an insult. "The droid came by and asked if anyone was free, and Coric sure wasn't in the mood to leave his bunk. I couldn't stay there a second longer."

You could feel Rex's pain again as he stood quietly by the door, brown eyes refusing to meet your own. "Come here, Rex," you said as you patted the sterile, white bed spread. "And tell me what Cyar'ika means!"

"Is that a command, sir?" His lips barely lifted. You smiled at him, and held out your hand.

"No, silly. It's a request from a friend who's worried," you said.

"Does that mean I don't have to tell you what Cyar'ika means?" He questioned, a small smile gracing his lips. You raised your eyebrows.

"Do I need to make it a command?" you joked. Still he hesitated, lingering only a few steps away from your bed. His eyes went from yours to the floor, and back again. You sat up more, careful not to harm yourself further. Whispering, you said, "Come talk to me."

His eyes closed, and this weariness overtook his handsome face. Rex placed his helmet on the shiny, metalic table and sat next to you. He ran a tired hand over his head, a loud sigh escaped his lips.

"I hid it pretty well from the little'un, didn't I," he muttered. You nodded.

"Yeah, and you even hid it from me," you said playfully. He looked you over with a sad smile.

"That's a scary thought."

You punched his shoulder, or really just the armor that protected it. "Hey now, I wasn't exactly Force wielding last night."

"So, you Jedi can feel the emotions of others?" He asked, each word carefully spoken. Gulping, you nodded.

"Yeah. It's easy for me now. I literally feel the emotions of others... It's hard to explain," you said a bit nervously. He was in deep thought.

"You must know how I feel then, Cyar'ika," Rex said carefully. On the sheets, his hand rested closely to yours. Your heart hammered as you debated if you should grab it or not, if you wanted to push past friendship. Did you really want to break the Jedi Code? For Rex, yes, you did and you would. You grabbed his hand.

"I know how you feel, how I feel," you said. His whole body went stiff, indicating he heard a deeper meaning within your words. Without moving, he eyed your interlocked hands.

"Those are dangerous words for a Jedi," he said lowly. You hesitantly rested your head on his shoulder.

"They're dangerous words for anyone," you said softly. His body relaxed. Rex shook his head.

"What am I going to do with you, General," he muttered amused. It was obvious that he harbored feelings for you back, even though Rex wouldn't straight out say it. You had both just confessed without explicitly stating that you had romantic intentions.

"For starters, you can keep me company 'till Anakin and Ahsoka get back from their search for survivors," you said. He turned to you with a smile.

"I can do that," he responded.

You stared into his eyes, heart beginning to pound again, and murmured, "Or you can kiss me."

Smirking, you grinned at your captain. His cheeks flushed a fiery crimson. Rex seemed fine when he was flirting, but the second when you were he seemed to get a bit flustered. He was adorable.

"I'm not sure if it's possible," he said. Your heart sunk and you looked away utterly embarrassed. Your heart felt crushed. Rex's hand slipped from yours, and gently cupped your chin and turned you to face him. "Not by choice. General Skywalker always seems to pop up and ruin everything." You smiled, and Rex ran his thumb over your cheekbone.

"Ani's not on board now," you whispered as you leaned in. His hands framed your face, you closed your eyes and Rex's comlink went off.

"Captain Rex, come in."

It was Anakin. Rex was about to pull away, and before he had a chance to say, "See," you pressed your lips to his
Consequences be damned. He was shocked, elated, and a bit angry since the com kept beeping. You sent out a prayer it wasn't an emergency.

The kiss was a bit sloppy and awkward at first as you were both learning how to do it right then and there. The both of you pulled away in a fit of childish giggles. Rex pressed his forehead against yours. "The comlink stopped."

"I wasn't letting Anakin get in the way again," you said and smiled at him while blushing profusely. Rex laughed.

"I'm glad you didn't."

"I think, for that being both of our first kiss, that went pretty well," you said with a light hearted shrug. He laughed.

"I think I can do better," Rex murmured as he cupped your face again, and went in slower this time. Rex pressed himself deeper against your lips, making the kiss more intimate than it had been before. Your heart seemed to burst, fireworks erupted in your stomach. Everything in the galaxy was okay for a moment. The world was at peace. Until you both realized what this meant, what this would mean. He pulled away mortified.

"I'm so-so sorry. I-I should be leaving now, General," he stammered. Rex's face was red as he got up. You grabbed his hand.

"Wait," you cried frantically. "You can't just leave after that!" Rex was not about to leave after he kissed you like that. He pulled his hand away.

"Damn it! I never should have done that," he basically yelled. You carefully swung your legs over the edge of the bed.

"Oh, so you regret it?" You said dryly, trying to suppress your rising panic.

"No, no, I never said that," he spoke angrily with his hands. "I've wanted to kiss you since I saw you on Geonosis."

You paused, and felt butterflies. Wide-eyed, you stared at him. "Really? Then why did you say that?"

"Because," he started. Rex bit his lip, anger slipping away as he glared at the floor. "You know what Jedi say about attachments. And you especially shouldn't get attached to me."

Your heart ached as Rex started towards the door. In the heat of the moment, you jumped off the bed and collapsed in a pile on the floor. You cursed in pain. Swiftly, he turned around and quickly scooped you up bridal style. "(N), are you alright!" he exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm fine," you spat sarcastically. "I just happened to fall on the ground in my failed attempt to stop you from ripping my heart out." You hadn't meant to say that with so much venom. His handsome face softened. And just looking into his dark eyes caused all your anger to melt away.

"I know exactly what the Jedi say," you said calmly as he helped you onto the bed. You looked away. "It's too late. I've already gotten attached," you laughed bitterly.

Rex sighed. "You're a Jedi and my General. I'm a clone, I'm seen as expendable-"

"Expendable? By who? Not by Anakin or Ahsoka, and definitely not by me," you said, hand over your heart as you searched his face. You felt shaky, desperate, and afraid. You were putting your heart out for the very first time, and it went from wonderful to horrible in only a few moments. It was absolutely terrifying. His eyes slowly rose to yours.

"I could die at any time," he said. "It wouldn't be fair to you."

You laughed. "Rex, I could die just as easily as you." With a sweeping motion of your hand, you gestured to the room and your wound. "Hence the fact I'm the one stuck in the med bay."

You felt the war in his heart as he stood there quietly. He seemed emotionless on the outside, but the Force let you know the truth. "It would have to be a secret," he finally said after an eternity of waiting.

"Of course," you said quickly, heart pumping faster as he came to the conclusion you were hoping for. Your eyes went wide as he sat down next to you and grabbed your hand.

"And the mission always has to come first," he said sternly. His thumb ran over your knuckles and stared into your eyes. "No matter what's at stake."

You nodded. "Yes, though I wish you wouldn't talk that way."

After a moment of absolute quiet, you feel a huge amount of ecstasy pour from his being. Quietly he asked, "Are we dating now?"

The emphasis and surprise and delight in his voice made you giggle. "Yeah, I guess we are. I haven't exactly done this before," you said with the most goofy of grins.

Rex snorted. "Yes, because I've done this plenty of times."

Rex gave you one of those side looks as you cheerfully grabbed his hands. "I knew you were a professional!"

He smiled down at you fondly. The same hurt he had been feeling earlier surfaced again as he realized most of his troops back on Teth never had the chance to fall in love. You felt that dark cloud through the Force, but didn't pry. If he wanted to tell you he would. Until then, you comforted him with your presence.


"Rishi outpost, this is commander Cody," he said from behind you and Rex. The three of you were going together to check on the station.

"That's strange. Why aren't they responding," Rex muttered under his breath. The only reason why you heard him was because he was sitting next to you.

Rex was a bit nervous and that was not due to the mission. It had been a little over a week since the kiss and your leg was healing nicely. Anakin said this inspection would be a good opportunity for you to walk around and get that leg back in shape before heading back to the front lines. You agreed, especially since this would be a simple check up. Nothing too strenuous. Even so, Rex didn't exactly like the idea of you tagging along. He was only irritated because he wanted you to be safe. You caught yourself smiling at him. He looked at you and winked. It was so strange to be dating him! If this could even be consider "dating". It was all so new to you, walking (admittedly limping) around the Resolute and randomly feeling a finger run down your spine, or the side glances Rex kept giving you while Anakin ranted about Grievous's last known location. Being new didn't mean bad.

"Do you copy? Rishi outpost, please respond," Cody tried again. Now that was bad. You frowned at Rex, but he had already turned away.

"Rishi outpost, come in." What started as irritation turned into an almost frantic panic. "Rishi outpost, come in."

The screen in front of you lit up. There stood a clone trooper. "Sorry, commander," he said awkwardly. "We're experiencing technical difficulties."

Your frown deepened as Rex returned the look. Technical difficulties? That was weird.

"This is the inspection team," Cody said. The clone acted shocked as far as you could tell. Those dang helmets hid their faces pretty well.

"Inspection? Negative, negative. We, do not require an inspection. Everything is fine here. Thank you," he said once again with strange pauses and awkward pitches.

"We'll be the judge of that. Prepare for our arrival," Cody said sternly.

"Roger, roger," he responded.

"What the hell?" You said. Rex raised a brow.

"Something's not right here," he said. Res was obviously unsettled by the conversation. You all were.

"Well, good luck," Cody chimed. "I'm putting you in charge of this one."

"He means you Rex," you said playfully since Anakin specifically ordered Cody and Rex to not let you overexert yourself. He shook his head, but returned Cody's smirk. Rex was always up for a challenge.

The outpost

"This is not good. I don't see the deck officer anywhere," Cody said as you walked down the ramp an onto the landing platform. Well, you more limped, but it was getting a lot better.

"These boys are sloppy," Rex said. You looked around the dimly lit platform. Sure enough, there were no troopers.

"There should always be an officer on duty," Cody said. He was not happy, and neither was Rex. The dark planet was eerily quiet. You felt around the platform with the Force, and even into the building, yet you felt no lifeforms. You stopped in your tracks, fear fluttering within your stomach.

"No one's here," you said, "at all. I don't feel anyone, and not just on the platform."

Rex gently put a hand on your shoulder. "It might be your meds messing you up," he said. You shook your head.

"I'm not on any medication."

The doors that lead onto the platform opened up. White lights spilled out into the gloom as a trooper staggered towards you. The strange motions made your hands rest instinctively on the lightsabers at your hips.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Cody said just loud enough for you to hear.

"Welcome to Rishi, Commander," he said. His words were choppy, and his statements were phrased as questions. "As you can see, the outpost is operating at peak efficiency. Thank you for visiting, and have a safe trip back."

Rex and Cody shared a look. You wished you could have seen their faces.

"We need to inspect the base just the same," Rex said as he took a step in front of you. You rolled your eyes but grinned. He was such an overprotective guy.

"There is no need. Everything is fine and fully operational," he said, arms waving all over the place. You laughed sarcastically.

"Oh really? Where's your Sergeant," you said. He put his hands up.

"There is no need to-"

"Take us to the Sergeant in command," Cody said. Tension seemed to soar. You saw Rex finger his pistol.

"Roger, roger," the clone said. Just then, the sky lit up a burning crimson.

"A droid attack flare?" Before anyone could say anything else, Rex put his pistol to the clone's head and fired. He hadn't hesitated for a second.

"Rex!" Cody exclaimed. "What the heck are you doing?"

You were a bit surprised as well. "Relax," Rex said. Kneeling down by the clone, he lifted the helmet off, and sure enough, there was a commando droid. "Just as I thought."

"Looks like one of those new commando droids," Cody said. You nodded.

"That's exactly what it is," you said. Rex put down the helmet. "We need to be careful. They're supposed to be difficult to smash."

"That flare must have come from the survivors," he said. You saw grey movement and your lightsabers were out and twirling. The platform came to life with red blasts.

"Ambush!" Rex yelled. Rex and Cody ran for cover and you carefully followed. You deflected many blasts in the process, yet no droids fell. They just got bank up.

"Those clankers have tough armor," Rex said as you slid up beside him. Droids got between your group and the ship. When the droids threw explosives at the ship, Rex yelled, "Off the platform!"

The two troops fired their ascension cables. You held on to Rex's, your lightsabers tucked safely away. The ship exploded. Cursing under your breath, you tried to search through the Force for the survivors who shot the flair. All you could sense in this gigantic crater were the eels. Rex motioned for you to be quite. The commando droids were talking about something. Cody and Rex made the cables slowly descend. The men landed lightly on the rocks, burning ship debris was the only source of light. The jump wasn't very smooth for you, and pain shot down your leg.

"Well, that sure complicates things, commander," Rex said while facing the flames.

"No worse than that time on Tibrin," Cody said in an attempt to "brighten" the dire situation.

"We had Jedi with us on Tibrin," Rex said. You feigned hurt.

"What am I then, Rex," you said playfully. Like Cody, all you wanted was to lighten the mood. He shook his head.

"We had Jedi, not just one who's injured," he said. "They helped." Rex didn't seem to share that thought. Through the smoke, you spotted three figures. Rex motioned for you to get down and he pulled his pistols out.

"Hands above your head," he yelled. "Take your sun bonnets off!"

"Sir? " one of them gasped. Rex took another step forward.

"Take 'em off! Now!"

The troopers took of their helmets, and they were living, breathing clones. You sighed in relief. Rex and Cody followed. Before you could introduce yourself, an ear piercing shriek sounded as a gigantic eel came towards your group. Rex shot it right through the eye. You couldn't suppress the grin that tugged at your lips. Rex was such a badass.

"Nice shot," one of the new clones said as Rex went to inspect the eel. He dipped his hand into its blue blood.

"The name's Rex. But you'll call me Captain or sir," he said as he turned and addressed the men at attention. The troops showed him their respect.

"Sir, yes, sir!" They said in unison. Cody stepped forward and introduced himself. After he was done, you walked up to them and smiled.

"I'm (f/N), I'm a Jedi general, so, you can call me General (L/N)," you said. They seemed to get excited when you said you were a Jedi. One trooper seemed particularly taken with you, and he stepped forward and shook your hand.

"My designation is trooper 27-5555, General (L/N)," he said. You laughed.

"Well, aren't you enthusiastic," you said. One of his companions walked up and gently pushed him back. He grinned down at you.

"We call him Fives. I'm Hevy," he said pointing to himself. He then gestured to the remaining trooper. "This is Echo."

"Where's your Sergeant?" You asked.

"Dead, sir," Hevy said. "We're all that's left."

You frowned. It wasn't fair that these poor young clones had to fight so early. And to lose all of their squad? That was the horrible fate nearly all clones had to look forward to.

"Looks like we got ourselves a batch of shinies, Commander," Rex said to Cody.

"Shinies, sir?" Echo asked. Of course they wouldn't know what shinies were, they were rookies after all.

"That's right," Rex said. He stopped in front of Echo. "Your armor, it's shiny and new, just like you." Well, it was until he put his hand print on it. Echo beamed at his brothers. You cracked a smile at that dorky one.

"Sir, me and my batchers are trained and ready," Hevy said, head high. "We'll take back our post, shiny or not."

You and Rex shared a side look as he smirked. "There's hope for you yet, rookie."

"What are your orders, General?" Hevy asked. You laughed.

"Me? Commander Cody put Rex in charge," you said with a wink at your captain. It didn't take years of Jedi training to know he was holding back a laugh. He cleared his throat.

"Look sharp, rookies. As long as those tweezers occupy this post, our home planet of Kamino is at risk," he said. His voice rang with authority, just another thing you admired about him. It was maddening to think, to know that a man like him was created in a laboratory. "We have to retake this base, so we will retake this base."

You agreed. "Unless, of course, we just want to hand the Separatists Kamino." Your comment earned a few eager smiles. "Anyway, before we take the base, we have to get in. I can cut through those doors without a problem."

Rex shook his head. "No, that's too risky."

Cody looked over. "How do you propose we get through those blast doors, Rex, old boy?"

Red smiles devilishly. "I have a few ideas."

Roger Roger

It was never going to work. Nervously, you watched as Rex took awkward steps toward the door. You wished he would just let you cut a hole in the metal, bit he didn't want to put you in danger. But, this was just... You had no words.

"What is that? Unit 2-6, is that you?" The commando droids inside the base said.

"Roger, roger."

"You sound strange. Is something wrong with your vocabulator?" The droids were smarter than they seemed, and instantly you were worried. Rex tilted his head.

"Roger, roger," he repeated.

"Take off your helmet. Let me see your faceplate." They were definitely more intelligent than the average droid.

"Roger, roger." Rex crouched down and held up a decapitated droid head.

"This is never gonna work," Cody muttered, face-palming just like you. The droids opened the blast doors. You almost screamed. They were stupid.

"Clones!" They exclaimed.

"Roger, roger." Once again, Rex was looking fine. You cut down the remaining droid, your leg only protesting a bit.

"Nice one, Rex," you said. He was smiling under that helmet, you just knew it. "Right. Let's move."

You took up the rear, leg wound starting to hurt. Rex, of course, took point. He was the first one into the command room and you the last. By the time you took down one droid they were all scraped. You felt a bit bad, but, Cody brought you a chair and basically ordered you to rest. You smiled at him. He understood. "Thanks, Cody."

"My pleasure, General," he said.

"Get to the window. It looks like we have more visitors," Rex said. You started to get up and he stopped you with his hand. "Not you, Sir. I want you to rest that leg."

"Alright," you responded. The rookies were shocked that a Jedi was listing to a clone's command. Embarrassing as it was, you were grateful for the rest. Your leg was throbbing. From your seat, you saw what they were staring at; a Separatist fleet.

"That's why they commandeered the outpost. They're mounting a full-scale invasion," Rex said.

With the transmitter sabotaged and the all-clear signal hard-wired, there was no way to warn the Republic. Echo was already working on restoring communications. "It'll take time to repair."

But when it came down to a full scale invasion on Kamino, there was no time. You got up and made your way over to them. That leg pain would go away eventually.

"I hate to say it, but we can't protect the outpost long against a whole fleet of droids," you said. Rex frowned, then looked up.

"Then we'll destroy the outpost instead." Eyebrows raised, you pursed your lips.

"Would that even work?"

"Sir, our mission is to defend this facility at all costs," one of the rookies said.

"We have to warn the Republic about the invasion. They'll take notice when the all-clear signal stops," Rex said matter of factly. You smiled.

"Perfect idea. Good job, Rex," you said. He glanced over you and smiled. Cody stepped forward. "That's right. When they stop receiving our beacon, they'll get the message something's wrong."

"And, boom! There's the Republic," you said, earning multiple chuckles.

"Speaking of boom, we'll need every thermal detonator in the inventory."

They started making plans about blowing the base up. But you didn't really have anything to add to the conversation. A feeling of uselessness washed over you as you stood in front of the window. All you really got out of the conversation was that Liquid Tibanna equaled a super bomb.

"All right, listen up. There's only one target of interest in this sector: Kamino," Rex said."It's the closest thing we clones have to a home. Today we fight for more than the Republic. Today we fight for all our brothers back home. Understood?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" The rookies said proudly in unison.

You caught yourself blushing. Rex was an excellent commander, and it was no surprise how he earned his name. Rex, King of the Clones. He sure carried himself like royalty, and his very presence demanded respect. He smirked and motioned for you and Cody.

"I think we can even the odds a bit, especially since they don't know we're here," he said.

"Tell me what I need to do," you said. Both Cody and Rex exchanged a look. You frowned. "I'm fine. I don't need to be coddled like a baby."

"You can stay here and watch our backs while we prime the bomb," Cody said. You nodded.

"That's easy enough," you said. It wasn't like you were dying. Even so, their worry was comforting in a strange way. The rookies got to their spots as the reinforcements came. You carefully watched over Cody and Rex as they worked on the bomb. Working flawlessly, the two of them made an unstoppable duo. You were pretty sure Cody was Rex's best friend and vice versa.

"Rex, time's wasting," he said as the rookies fell back into the room.

"Almost ready," he said as he pressed a button repeatedly. "The handset isn't linked up with the detonator."

"That's not good," you said. He nearly froze.

"You're still here? Get out of the base," he responded. Rex was not happy. You put up your hands, and sprinted to the open air duct. Cody, Fives, and Echo were already exiting through it. It didn't take long to leave the base. Your group was out.

"Hevy, hit the-," Rex stopped mid sentence when all of you realized he wasn't out yet. "Where's Hevy?"

"I'm on it, sir," he said through his comlink. Oh no.

"Hevy," Rex said with a deadly tone. "Get out of there." You felt Rex's mounting horror and struggled to suppress it yourself.

"The remote isn't working. I have to detonate it manually."

"Oh god," you whispered, knowing all too well where this was going.

"Hold on there," he said to Hevy. He started back towards the base. 'We've got to get up there. Let's move."

"Rex's comlink lit up. It's no use. I know what I have to do," Hevy said.

"I don't like your tone, rookie," Rex said. The tension was so thick you could cut it with your lightsaber. Then there were the blasts. You closed your eyes. He wasn't dead, but he was hit.

"Are you there? Soldier, come in! Respond! Hevy, come in," Rex practically begged. The base exploded. Fiery debris rained down, and you used the Force to keep them all safe. When the worst of it was over, you quietly made your way to Rex. He was filled with a bubbling rage. More young clones were dead. It wasn't his fault, but he blamed himself.

"Hevy always did hate that place," Fives said. You sighed as Republic ships appeared in the sky.

"We've got those tinnies on the run thanks to Hevy."

"There are the gunships," you said. Rex was alive and safe, yet you were worried. Losing troops always dealt a hard blow on him emotionally. No matter what those scientists on Kamino said, no clone could truly withstand battle induced stress.

Your group was taken aboard the Resolute. After Echo and Fives were officially recruited into the 501st, you and Rex organized some alone time. Anakin hadn't slept in almost a week and Obi-Wan was not better. They both went and got some well needed rest. You invited Rex to your quarters since neither of them would need you. You were lucky each Jedi got their own room. When he got there, you just held him in your arms. He was stressed to the max, so, for health reasons, you commandeered some alcohol from the mess hall.

"I didn't even know there were drinks on-board," he muttered as he drank straight from the bottle. His arm hung loosely around your shoulder as you both sat on your bed. You took a sip and shrugged. It wasn't necessary good, but it was strong.

"You know, I don't know a lot of things," he said. You smiled as he brought up this topic for the sixth time. Rex was a funny drunk. He was completely in control of himself, but he just kept on ranting about random things, then started ranting about them again. Most importantly, he talked about battle experiences. However, he was just talking about nonsense now. "I can't walk on my hands. I bet that'd be a useful skill."

You couldn't contain your giggles as you snuggled into him. "Ah, yes. You could scare all your enemies away by doing handstands."

Rex tilted his head back and downed the whole bottle. He grimaced, took yours, and did the same thing. "Hey," you laughed. "Your head is going to pound tomorrow," you warned in a sing song voice. He huffed, then tackled you to the bed. You squealed, thankful he took off his armor. He gave you a simple kiss on the forehead and flopped down on his side. You shifted so you were facing him. He sighed happily and ran his thumbs over your cheeks.

"Cyar'ika..." He said breathlessly. Your heart flipped around from the way he spoke that word. "You're flawless."

You blinked, unsure of how to answer. "Thanks," you stammered. He smirked and kissed you again.

"The Kaminoens prepped me for war, but never for this."

"For being so drunk you actually believe handstands can win the war?" He gives you a dull stare and you smile. "What? I'll suggest it to Anakin," you said. He shifts and pulls you closer.

"No, for being vulnerable." You held onto him tightly.

"The Jedi never prepared me either." You smacked his side. He looked at you, confusion his primary emotion. "Hey, you never told me what cyar'ika means."

He does this stupid smug grin that makes you want to kiss him. "Telling you the meaning of your nickname ruins the fun."

Pouting, you said, "But that isn't fair!"

"All's fair in love and war," he said. You rolled your eyes and he buried his face into your hair. His breathing slowed and feel into a continuous rhythm. You felt like you needed to wake him, but he looked so peaceful. When was the last time Rex got to enjoy a good night's rest? I'll wake him up later...

You fell asleep too.

And note:
Okay, I honestly won't leave notes every chapter, but, yeah, Rex is now in a relationship with you! And, admittedly it's a bit rushed. However, if you've ever been in a life or death situation, you get a whole new look at life. When I was told I had an aneurysm in my brain and I was going to need surgery right away, I legit thought I was going to die. People die from aneurysms all the time. So, I went up to my crush, told him I liked him, and boom! Was in a happy relationship for a while. Honestly, I know not everyone thinks like I do, but I realized that I'm not promised a tomorrow or a future and that I need to make the most of my life. Really deep stuff for a sixteen year-old. I ended up not needing surgery and I just had an abnormal blood vessel formation in my brain *don't worry it's benign*! But, ever since, I tend to rush into things. It's not the best habit, but it's who I am. That's why I rushed it. Also because I have so many fluff paragraphs written. LOL I was not 'bout to write 37 chapters of friendzone either. I'm sorry if you get irritated because I've rushed this, and remember, you can write a Rex x Reader too! I'll read it as long as there are paragraphs and commas. I'm a bit of a grammar freak even though I'm sure my story is littered with a plethora of them. And that scene in the beginning with Anakin crying is actually pulled from one of the clone wars books I have. Although I made it a bit more dramatic.

Lemons out \(*'∀`*)>

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