High School DxD: Rise of the...

By WarriorMan199456

381K 6.2K 6.3K

AU. Every hero has a beginning. The path of a hero is forever determined by the events he is placed in. In t... More

A Strong Yet Young Presence
Wrathful Transformation!
Issei vs Riser: The Conclusion
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter Part 23
Chapter Part 24
Chapter Part 25
Chapter Part 27
Chapter Part 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter Part 26

2.8K 71 10
By WarriorMan199456

Dimensional Gap

The Ouroboros Dragon and the 'Above' entity watched Issei silently. Although there were no words, the expression on her faces said it all. The son of Amaterasu had finally defeated the transformation that personified his anger instability.

Unfortunately, Issei had used all of the power he had left to destroy his Death/Grim Reaper incarnation. It didn't help that the fact that it was the winter season, meant that Issei couldn't absorb any of the Sun's ray at this time.

The last of his power had manifested into a colossal powerful Dragon composed of pure Solar Energy, completely destroying his death incarnation into oblivion.

The Infinite Dragon God gently rubbed her mate's head, her body trembling ever so slightly. Her emotions were beginning to overwhelm her. The worry and sadness were directed towards the pale Issei. The heated anger was predominately directed towards Hades, the Olympian God of the Dead.

The 'Above' entity mechanically brushed a stand of black hair behind her ear. As she pulled a part of hair in front of her, the entity spotted the scrunchie Issei had given to her. Maintaining her stone-faced expression, the 'Above' looked back at the unconscious Issei, and her eyes seemed to slant downwards just slightly.

The Ouroboros Dragon and the Omniversal Entity looked to the left to see a cultivation capsule glowing on top of the Apocalypse Dragon's scales. Surrounding the cocoon was an aura of black energy derived from Ophis' power.

"Is the cocoon finished?" Ophis asked.

"Almost." Great Red answered, "Don't worry."

Ophis looked over at the 'Above' entity, who tilted her head.

"Once this body transfer occurs, I wonder what will be my Issei's classification this time?"

The 'Above' entity closed her eyes and placed the scrunchie back into her hair.

"From the day of his birth, Issei has always possessed the attributes of a God. Due to being a spawn of the Sun Goddess, he is essentially a pure-blooded God. During his battle against Riser Phenex, he absorbed his flames. This led to him becoming part Phoenix. Then, he acquired his death transformation in the Realm of the Shinigami, labeling him as a Death-Phoenix. After that, the influence of Hades' scythe slowly converted his death transformation into a Grim Reaper."

"Humph," Great Red huffed, "the kid's a multitude of races. At least he destroyed his Grim Reaper incarnation. And the way he did it. Converting his energy into the form of a Dragon made out of the energies of the Sun. He's never done that before."

"So what will my Issei be now?" Ophis asked.

"With the Apocalypse Dragon's flesh and your own power," the 'Above' began, "Perhaps he will be a small True Dragon. With his original powers remaining."

The Ouroboros Dragon tilted her head at the 'Above' entity revelation.

"So my Issei...will be a True Solar Dragon."

"Hmm. Has a nice ring to it." Great Red admitted.

"To be revived by the Dragon God and the True Dragon. Issei Hyoudou is a very unique being." The 'Above' commented.

"That is why I love my Issei." Ophis declared.

"All right, it's ready," The Apocalypse Dragon said, "Let him go."

Ophis hesitantly let go of her mate's body, which absorbed itself into the cocoon made of Great Red's flesh. The cocoon trapped Issei's soul within, with the capsule glowing brightly.

Issei's Inner World/Subconscious

When the Red Dragon Emperor met Issei Hyoudou for the first time, he knew his host was...special. He wasn't special in a powerful way. Nor was he special in a negative standpoint. Due to being sealed within the confines of the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, Ddraig proclaimed Issei as his first true host.

He knew from the start that Issei's power, as well as his personality, was unstable to say the least. He wasn't insane, but he wasn't well either. There were points in Issei's life that Ddraig often questioned the mindset of his host. In spite of Issei's power deriving from the Sun, Ddraig deduced that Issei's overall power came from his emotions. However, Issei was not stable, which affected his power to a great degree.

With the exception of the Super Solar God transformation, which was achieved by Issei absorbing the full power of the Sun, all of Issei's transformations were achieved through Issei's instability, most prominently, his anger. His Super Solar form, his Hell-Fire form, and his Death-Phoenix (later turned Grim Reaper) transformations were all achieved by Issei's bouts of anger. The young man was never calm when he was in his transformations, because he acquired them through fury.

Ddraig looked up at the sky of Issei's Inner World, watching the light blue color fading into a pitch-black color. The Welsh Dragon had experienced this sight before, the moment after Issei's battle with Susanoo. Except this time, Issei had destroyed a literal part of himself. The transformation that embodied all of the insecurities, unstable aspect, and instability he had suppressed in his mind.

The Welsh Dragon was frantic when he couldn't help Issei while the young man was trapped in his soul room. He knew something was off about the scythe Issei got in Hades' Realm. It was affecting Issei's Inner World, and his body chemistry.

By turning him into a damn Grim Reaper.

The Red Dragon Emperor closed his eyes. He, the Yamata-no-Orochi, and Albion's clone could hear the screams of Issei within his soul room. Ddraig tried many times to contact his host, to no avail. He felt even more maddened when he couldn't help Issei when he faced his Death/Grim-Reaper transformation.

He could feel that Issei was tremendously weakened from the scythe's power, and from the separation of his Grim Reaper incarnation. When a being was slashed by a scythe from Hades' Realm, the lifespan of that being was shortened.

((...Ddraig. Are you feeling all right?))

At the call of his name, Ddraig turned to see Albion's clone, who was giving him a solemn but worried glance. Sitting across from Al, was the Yamata-no-Orochi herself. Her reptilian golden eyes were downcast in sadness. Ddraig knew the reason for the Orochi's melancholy, and he didn't blame her.

Remaining silent, Ddraig looked away from the Vanishing Dragon's clone.

{...Partner finally conquered himself.}

((Himself? What are you talking about?))

{...Issei has always had problems with himself. From being born a God, to being sent to Earth, and forced to endure his first contact with the supernatural, he's always had trouble dealing with things.}

((Humph. You make it sound like he's had a traumatic life.))

{Oh, but he hasn't. And Issei doesn't act like it either. He's aware that his own childhood and life wasn't traumatic at all.}

((If that is so, then why did you say he's finally conquered himself?))

{...It's like I just told you. Partner has always had problems. He was a lonely shut-in, always wanting to be left alone. And even though he's become more 'sociable', that trait of my host still remains as an alternative part of his personality. He's become protective and more affectionate of Ouroboros, Apocalypse, Trihexa, Amaterasu, and his adoptive human cousin Leiko. He no longer wants to be left alone. He just...}


Ddriag and Al looked over at the Yamata-no-Orochi, who stuck her tongue out. The clone of the Vanishing Dragon widened his eyes when he spotted a sharp fang rolled around in the Orochi's tongue. Through Albion's and Vali's memories, he remembered seeing that fang.

The fang of Fenrir.

{...He just wants to have a normal life. To get away from the supernatural. He wants to live peacefully with the Dragon God, the True Dragon, and Leiko.}

((But that's impossible. With the exception of that human cousin of his, they are all part of the supernatural.))

{That's true. And even then, the supernatural seems to always follow Issei wherever he goes. It make sense. Amaterasu comes from the Shinto side of the supernatural. And because of that, the supernatural draws to Issei, whether he likes it or not.}

((And all this time, he keeps trying to escape from that world.))

{Well, I can't blame my host. It's not like he wanted to be introduced to the supernatural. He was forced into an unfamiliar world that constantly involved him without any of his voluntary actions. But...even I can't deny, that if he hadn't been introduced to the supernatural at all, he would've never met Ophis or Great Red at all. And he knows this.}

((...Your host is confusing, Ddraig.))

{Humph. I know. That's why he's broken in a way.}

Seconds later, the black sky began to brighten into a light blue color, drawing the attention of Ddraig, Al, and the Orochi. The Welsh Dragon widened his green eyes in surprise, unable to believe what he was sensing.

Could it be?



Dimensional Gap

The three beings within the Dimensional Gap watched on with tense patience. The cocoon continued to glow with immense power. Ophis' eyes trembled, a feeling of excitement beating within her heart. She desperately wanted to see the outcome of her and Great Red's actions.

Suddenly, the cocoon released a powerful and bright shock-wave that illuminated throughout the Dimensional Gap. The shelter then cracked open, revealing a familiar young man. Ophis' eyes widened as she looked at her precious mate, whose eyes started to open slowly.

"O-Ophis?" The reborn True Solar Dragon mumbled tiredly.

"My Issei!"

The Ouroboros Dragon floated quickly over to Issei and tackled him. The 'Above' remained where she was, looking directly at Issei. Her face didn't show it, but a burst of suppressed emotion echoed within her conscience. The entity deduced the emotion as...happiness.

"W-what happened?" Issei asked.

"I, shall tell you later, my precious mate." Ophis stated happily, "All that matters is that you are back with me."

"It's good to have you back, kid." Great Red greeted his 'brother-in-law', "And now that you're back, we both have some other business to attend to."

"What do you mean?"

"The Apocalypse Dragon has 'a bone' to pick with the Olympian God of the Dead." The 'Above' told him.


"Humph. You heard her, Issei. Hades isn't going to get away with this." The True Red Dragon God Emperor declared.

"What about Azazel?" Ophis pointed out, "He is the one who caused trouble for my mate in the first place."

"You do not have to worry about the Fallen Angel," The 'Above' entity began, "He is getting what is coming to him in a few moments."

"What makes you say that?" Great Red asked.

Azazel's Laboratory


Azazel groaned as he rubbed his head. He looked around to see that he was the only one who was in his lab. Spotting the shattered glass and dried blood on one of his seats, Azazel deduced that Issei had been taken to be healed somewhere else.

Sighing, the Fallen Angel stood up from his spot and went to go clean up, until he felt a powerful presence nearby. The power was nowhere near Great Red or Ophis', but it was strong nonetheless.

Turning around, Azazel widened his eyes at the sight in front of him. The person in front of him fixed him with an enraged scowl, her usual warm eyes narrowed into slits. Her long curly blonde hair matched the color of the large and powerful spear composed of pure light clasped in her hand.

Blinking several times, Azazel paled at the threatening gaze the woman was sending towards him.

"Azazel," The woman began darkly, "You have a lot of explaining to do. What did you do to Issei?!"

"Gabriel?! Wait, I can explain about Issei!"

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