worth more than gold(Complete...

By yannabella

201K 5.6K 547


worth more than gold
chapter 1 wedding
chapter2 4 months before marriage!
chapter 3 the exciting news
chapter 4 -tragic news
chapter 5 -at sister kamilah house
chapter6 -2 months later /graduation day
chapter 7- character details
chapter 8 - 1 month later almost the wedding
chapter 9 The wedding!
Chapter 10 -the party
Chapter 11-fun day at the fair
chapter 12 fatimah wedding
chapter 14 at mom house
chapter 15-we meet again
chapter 16 the baby
chapter 17 SURPRISE!!!!!!!
chapter 18- sad time
Chapter 19- Leaving you is hard part 1
Part 2 of leaving you is hard
Chapter 20-happy to hear your voice
Chapter 21-visting aunt wasilah
*Quick note*
Chapter 22- shocker
Chapter 23-tell me
Quick a/n
Chapter 24- Fun Time part 1
Fun time Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26-The hard truth
Chapter 27
Chapter 28-pay back sucks
Chapter 29- I'm home
Chapter 30-ramadan is here
Chapter 31- memories/love/excitment
Chapter 32
Chapter 33- labour and deliver?! Part 1
Chapter 34: labour and delivery?! Part 2
Chapter 35: Annoyance?!/Wedding
Chapter 36: Family time
Chapter 37:part 1 EID!!!!
Chapter 38: part 2 how bad can eid get
Chapter 39- WHAT HAPPENED?!
Chapter 40- haaziq and hafiz
Chapter 41: You are WORTH MORE THAN GOLD!

chapter 13 hanging out

4.3K 121 14
By yannabella

We woke up around 2:00pm. That's the lastest we ever sleep. Usually we wake up around 8:00am because I prepare Isma'el breakfast while he get ready for work.

"Asmah is breakfast ready?" Isma'el shouts from the bedroom.

"Almost" I shout back. For breakfast I'm cooking pancakes ,saugages, and eggs.

"Asmah pick up the phone your friend is calling"

I pick up the phone.

"As Salamu Alaykum" I say.

"Wa laykum Wa salam sugar plup" shamsia excitedly say in the phone.

"Shamsia what are you so excited about?" I ask now excited.

"Okay so my dad just gave me $200 dollars in cash for no odd reason. He was just like 'Hey shamsia here's some money use it wisely'. I was like OMG!! Thank you Thank you! He just was like 'okay'. So I want you to come with me on a shopping spree. We can use this money to buy whatever"

"Okay so did you invite lulu, hayanna, fatimah too?" I ask as I flip the pancake.

"Lulu is at her grandma. Hayanna is at her cousin house. Fatimah is with her husband on their honeymoon. I called them but they all declined. So I was hoping you wasn't busy"

"I'm not busy but I just woke up so I'll have to call later when I'm ready"

"Alrighty then As Salamu Alaykum sugar poo"

"Wa laykum Wa salam" I chuckle.

I put the phone back on the hook and take the pancake out the skillet. I put two pancakes, two saugages, and an egg. I pour syrup on his pancakes and take his plate to him.

"Isma'el here's your food" I say coming into the bedroom where he was on his laptop.


"Isma'el are we doing anything today?" I ask sitting on the bed.

"No. Do you want to do something?" He put a piece of pancake in his mouth.

"Well, shamsaa just called me and wants me to go shopping with her. Is that okay?" I ask nervously.

"Only if you don't come home late"

"Okay. I'll try to be in before maghrib comes in" I get off the bed and kiss his cheek. Then go back into the kitchen to eat my breakfast.


"Isma'el did you see my phone?" I ask looking under the bed.

"It's in the living on the coffee table"

"Oh, thanks" I run into the living room and take it off the charger. I put on my gym shoes and go back into the bedroom to get my purse.

"Asmah what's the big hurry" he ask looking at me as i put my phone in my purse.

"Shamsia comes too early when she picks people up so I'm hurrying to get ready" I say fix my hijab in the dresser mirror.

"Asmah just calm down baby" when I'm done fixing my hijab he pulls me to sit on his lap.

"Isma'el I need to go"

"Calm down" he squeeze me a little then he kiss my cheek.

"Can I get up now?"

"If you don't rush"

"Okay I won't" I get up and slowly walk out the room.

"Asmah I'll know if you run" he calls after me.

"Okay" I unlock the front door and close it behind me. I sit on the porch chair and wait. The breeze today was really cool. Shamsia pulls up in a dark blue kia car. I walk off the porch and get inside the car.

"As Salamu Alaykum shamsia"

"Wa laykum Wa salam"

We pull out the drive way and head down the rode out of my neighborhood.

"Where we going first?" I ask.

"To a belly dancing class but first I got to get is the belly dancing outfits"

"Belly dancing outfits? Belly dancing class?" I ask.

"Yeah. You can shake some for your hubbie once you learn to belly dance" she laughs.

"You are crazy. So how much is it? I got a couple of hundreds in my wallet"

"It's free for us because my mom friend works there so she said she'll let us do the class for free"

"That's great"

"Sure is"

"Where do we get the belly dancing clothes at?"

"At the mall"

"What store?"

"There this store that has hermit grabs in it and all this other stuff. But there's a clothes part and the belly dancing kit and clothes are there. It comes in different colors. I'm getting baby blue. What are you getting?

"Um maybe pink or purple or black" I shrug.

"I think you would look good in pink. But you can spice it up for you hubbie and get red" she nudge me.

"Oh whatever" I chuckle.

"I'm serious. Men like it when the women look hot. Red is hot especially for when your in that hottie mood" she laughs.

"How do you know this?"

"I have a mom who belly dance for her husband. My mom is a pro. She can belly dance so fast. I had to video tape her. She taught me some moves and what colors to wear if I belly dance for my husband. My brother actually bust in on me when my mom was teaching me to belly dance and I had on the bra and the slip thing on but I put shorts underneath. He was laughing at me because I was moving my hips. So I throw a shoe at him" she shakes her head laughing.

"I wish I had a brother. Their cute when their babies but I don't know about when there older"

"Brothers are okay but there's a down side to it"

"That is?"

"Well boys are 'know it all' some of them. They always do anything they want" she throws her hand in the air.

"Shamsia keep your hands on the steering wheel. I want to live today" I put my hand on her shoulder.

"I can drive with one hand"

"Um no, drive with two hands"

"Asmah do you drive?" She ask looking at me from the corner of her eye.

"No but Isma'el will teach me"

"Yeah, he'll teach you" She said sarcastic.

"Seriously, he will"

"Yeah right"

We pull up at the mall and find a parking space.

"Let's go shop til we drop baby" shamsia excitedly says as she gets out the car.

We walk into the mall and we immediatly go inside Victoria Secrets.

"Asmah look at these pink polka dot panties" shamsia holds them up grinning.

"Don't hold them up crazy and let me see I could probably use these" I take them and look them over.

"Ewwww Asmah. Your nasty" shamsaa nudge me playfully.

"Shut up" I throw the underwear back in the bin and move on to look at more things.

"Shamsaa look at this cute pajama set" it was a lime green short and shirt with slippers set.

"Cute, I wonder do they got this in purple or baby blue" shamsaa said looking through the clothes rack.

"I don't see another color" I say looking through the clothes rack also.

"Make-up" shamsaa speeds walk to the make-up section and I follow behind her.

"Are you about to buy make-up?"

"Of course and so are you" she grabs so many different make-ups and two make-up bags. One pink and the other purple. She walks over to the cashier while I get a lot of different nail polishs.

"Wow you all must really like make-up and nail polish" the cashier says shocked at the counter load of make-up and nail polish.

"Yup, today is our Girl Day so we want to make it fun and exciting" shamsaa says bouncing like a happy college girl.

"Okay" the lady rings up all the things and put it in the bag.

"Your order total is $47.25"

Shamsaa gives the lady a $50.00 bill.

"Shamsaa you didn't want to split the cost?" I ask taking my money out.

"No, today is my doing. I will pay for everything today okay litte girl. And I don't want no fusing about it" shamsaa smiles as the lady gives her the change back and the bags.

"Let's go. Off to another store" we walk down the mall shopping at almost ever store. We brought heels, flats, shirts, sweaters, pants,shorts, capri, jewelry, and our belly dancing clothes.

"I'm so wore out" shamsaa slumps in the bench near the food court.

"Shamsaa I'm going to get us something to eat okay" I leave the bags with shamsaa and go to the food court.

"Hi how are you doing today ma'am?" A man says smiling.

"I'm doing good"

"That's great, what would you like to order?"

"Um... two double cheese burgers , two large fries , and 2 lemonades"

"Okay one moment" he leaves to make the food and I sit nearby at one of the tables.

My phone starts to buzz in my abaya pocket. I had text from Isma'el.





"Ma'am your food is done" the cashier called out.

"Oh sorry"

"That's okay, your total is $7.02"

"Okay" I hand the lady the money and I get my food.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome"

I go back over to shamsaa and make space on bench for us to eat.

"Smells good, what is it? Shamsaa said sitting up.

"Burger, fries, lemonade" I give her food to her and drink.

"Yum" shamsaa takes a huge bite out of her burger then stuff fries in her mouth.

"Your going to choke girl calm down"

"I'm just so hungry" she laugh.

"So crazy"


We finally leave the mall and it is 4:31pm. We've been shopping for more than an hour. I'm so tired. We put all our bags in the back seat but leave the belly dancing clothes in the front with us.

"Let's make asr in the car before we go to class" I say.

"Alright, you can lead"

"Okay" I start salat with Allahu Akbar.

After salat we leave the mall and go to belly dancing class.

"Come on Asmah I think their about to start" shamsaa pulls me as we run down the hall to the bathroom.

"Hurry up and put on the belly dancing clothes" shamsaa goes into a bathroom stall and I go into the other. I take off my black abaya and black hijab. I keep on my t-shirt and pants. I slip on the belly dancing jingle scarf thing you put around your waist and put my abaya in the back. I put back on my hijab think leave out the bathroom stall.

"Shamsaa your done?" I knock on her stall.

"Almost" she said struggling with something.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to put on my these pants I bought"

"What pants?

"The black excerise pants"

"Shamsaa If your struggling with those pants I think those are mines"

"No wonder these things are tight"

Your pants are in the bag"

"The ones with the blue tag"


After shes done putting on her pants. she opens the stall and jingle her hips in the mirror.


"Jingle yours" she said with her hands on her hips.

I sway side to side as she did.

"Come on silly you need to practice for real" she pulls me out the bathroom and we run to class. When we get in the class there was a bunch of girls with a different color jingly scarf around their waist.

"Hello shamsaa how are you darling?" The teacher say as she continue to show the beginners how to belly dance.

"I'm doing good Miss. Lizie and you?" Shamsaa says as she joins in on the class.

"I'm doing wonderful, how's your mother?" She ask.

"She's doing good, I brought a friend with me today. She wants to learn belly dancing for her hubbie" shamsaa giggles.

"Oh really how are you darling? I'm glad you joined us" she grins happily.

"I'm doing great" I smile.

"What's your name darling" she snaps her finger and the class stop practicing. Everyone goes to get some water and chat for a bit.


"So how much belly dancing you know?" She ask putting her hand on her hips.

"I only know how to move my hips a little nothing more"

"Uh, show me" she steps back and I begin.

I position my body in belly dancing mode and start to move my hips alittle.

"Good good"

"Really" I ask surprised.

"Yes, you got the stance right and you can move them hips good. Where did you learn that?" She ask curious.

"I sometimes watch it on youtube but I never thought that I would actually be in a class" I say chuckling.

"Oh... youtube. Okay class we will have a new student her name is Asmah. She's shamsaa my sweetheart guest. Treat her well and welcome her" she goes back to the front of the class and stretch.

"Hey Asmah" everyone says in a welcome manner. I wave to them all and then miss. Lizie snaps her finger and everyone gets in postion. I stand next to shamsaa.

"In position" she runs her wavy golden hair back and sigh.

"Start slow"

Everyone starts to sway slow and So does Miss.lizie.

"Good, good" she starts to go a little faster and we follow.

"Faster" we move faster. I'm surprised I'm keeping up.


This time I couldn't keep up they were going really faster. Shamsaa was keeping up well. But me and some other girls stop.

When Miss.Lizie went really faster everyone stopped except this indian girl. She was a pro. Miss. Lizie was moving fast and she was doing this thing with her body. Her body was doing the wave. It was amazing. After miss. lizie stopped she let out a huge sigh.

"Valiqah your going to the advance class upstairs. You were amazing. You keep up very well I'm proud of you" she hugs valiqah and raise valiqah hand in the air.

"Yea valiqah" we all yell in excitment. Valiqah smile brightly and blow kisses.

For the rest of the class miss. Lizie keep training us and training us. It was fun because she used different rhymthes to see if we can keep up and not get confused. At the end of the class we all gave each other sweaty hugs because of how hard and long we trained. Shamsaa and I put on our abaya and hijab before we left out.

"That was fun wasn't it?" Shamsaa ask as we get into the car.

"Yup" I buckle up and we drive off.

I didn't even realize how long we were at the class because now Its about 30 minutes pass maghrib and I have to make maghrib.

When shamsaa gets to my house we immediatly go throught the bags. She seperates her things from mines. After about 10 minutes of sorting she helps me carry my bags to the house. Both of our hands were filled to the max.

"Isma'el home" shamsaa ask.

"He should be home" I ring the door bell twice before he came to the door.

"As Salamu Alaykum ladies" he says with a charming smile.

"Wa laykum Wa salam" we reply.

"So I see you went shopping around the world. Did you get my cough drops?" He ask taking the bags from shamsaa and I.

"Oh shoot. I forgot I was really busy" I say apologetic.

"No prob. Is they more bags?"

"No this is all" I give shamsaa a hug and wave goodbye.

"Love ya Asmah poo" she said as she gets into her car.

"Love ya too" I wave until she drove off.

I close the door and turn around startled because Isma'el was still standing behind me.

"Why are you standing behind me?"I ask staring at him while on my tippe toes.

"I just wanted to" he kiss me then turn to leave.

"Hey I want to show you what I got from the mall" I say grabbing his hand.

"Just tell me" he said.

"No I want to show you" I pull him to the couch where he put the bags.

"Alright after salat"


We both went to make wudu then he leads maghrib. After salat I show him my mall stuff.

"Okay so here we go" I sit on the couch and he sits in the recliner next to the couch. I open the first bag that's beside me which was a pair of heels.

"Heels" he said looking at me akaward.

"Yeah, I was going to get a pair of baby blue ones but I didn't see any at the store so I just got these pink ones. You have to tie these type. I also got some more like these" I say examining the shoes from every angle.

"Your not I repeat your not wearing heels outside. You can only wear them in the house" he says with a frown.

"I already knew that I couldn't wear heels outside" I say looking through the other bags.

"I just wanted to make things clear just so we're on the same page" he says rubbing his head.


"What else you got?"

"Clothes. Shorts, pants, skirts, dresses, shirts"

"Show me a few"

"Here's a skirt. Navy blue circle skirt" I stand up and put it up to me.

"I like it"

"Okay, here's a dress. Chocolate brown maxi dress" I hold this up to me.


"Shorts. Rip gray shorts with glitter on the pockets"

"Put them on" he says smiling.

"No, I'm didn't wash up and these clothes need to be washed"

"Fine when they get wash wear it"

"Black pants with the word pink on the behind" I turn the pants around so he can see it.

"Nice. Why does it say pink when the pants aren't pink"

"I forgot"

"So anything else"

"Jelewry and more shoes and undergarments"

"What type of undergarments" he ask sitting up in the chair.

"None of your business" I say putting the clothes back in the bag.

"Tell me" he says getting up from the couch with a mischeivious smile.

"No" I laugh.

"Tell me Asmah" he chuckle.


"I will take a look myself" he grabs one of the bags but It's shoes. I take the bags with undergarments in it and run to the back.

"Come here girl" he laughs as he chase me.

"No, leave me alone" I run into the bedroom closing the door then into our bathroom.

"Asmah you should have locked the door and I know your in inside the bathroom the light is on. I'll just sit on this bed and wait" he says by the bathroom door inside our room.

"Whatever jerk" I yell.

"Jerk? Seriously? Come up with something better"

"Shut up" I laugh.

"Asmah" he calls.


"I won't take your little girly underwear ,you can come out"

"Are you lying?" I said


"Are you lying?"


Are you lying?"

"I said no girl"

Okay, I asked you three times and if your lying then your going to be in trouble with Allah"


I open the door and peek out. He wasn't by the door or on the bed. I step out the bathroom clutching my bag. Where was he?

Isma'el" I called out as I clutch my bag tighter.

"Raaaaaaa!!!" He jumps out the closet and I scream running out the room.

"Asmah baby come back" he laughs.

"You idiot" I hit him with my bag and push him.

"Sorry" he tried to hug me but I push him away.

"Isma'el you are a idiot"

"Asmah you are a idiot" Isma'el mimicks me.


"Stop"he repeats.





"Seriously stop. Its annoying" I snap as I through my bag on the couch with everything else.

"Okay" he puts his hands up and smile.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask looking through the fridge.

"Uh... pizza" he opens the freezer and take out a pizza.

"Okay, you cook it. " I walk out the kitchen and to the bedroom.

"Seriously Asmah?"

"Yup, you have so much energy to bother me so put that energy into that cooking"

"It is going to burn"

"So, I can cook myself a nice cheesy one while you eat the burnt one"


I get on the laptop and look up nice henna designs. Henna feels so cold on my skin. I was thinking about getting my henna done soon again. Whenever the one I have wears off I get something else.

Isma'el p.o.v

I put the pizza in the oven after I put onions and green peppers on it. I set the timer and leave to go to the bedroom.

"Getting henna?" I say as I lean over her shoulder.

"Yep" she says scrolling through pictures of henna designs.

"Why?" I asked.

"I want to ,is that okay?"

"Baby" she rolls eyes as I turn her towards me.

"what?" She ask looking at me smiling.

"Don't be rude" I smirk.

"Hush" she says pushing away.

"Don't push me girl" I say poping her head.


"Whatever. Don't inturrupte me I'm about to call my friend"

"Alright just remember the pizza"

40 minutes later

"Isma'el something is burning"

He waves me off.

"Isma'el the pizza is burning!" I yell. He toss his phone across the bed and run out the room. I get up and go into the kitchen. The kitchen was smoky and when he opened the oven, grayish smoke came out. The pizza looked like coal.

"You should've been watching the food" I say laughing.

"You could've watched" he yells.

"Shut up"

I grab some chicken nuggets out the freezer and put it in the microwave. I set the time and when I was done i took it out.

"So easy not even burnt like ashes" I say biting into a crispy ,crunchy, and golden brown chicken nugget. Isma'el looks at me then goes back to clean up the pizza.

"Babe you chicken nugget will be on the counter.

"Yeah okay"

I eat my chicken nuggets as I watch Isma'el clean. A few minutes later he's eatting his too. I smile at him.

"What's so funny?" He ask chewing a chicken nugget.


"Something must be funny if you just smiling a mile wide" Isma'el say smiling too.

"I just want to smile. I remembered something funny"


I get up from the table and wash out my plate. Isma'el comes up behind me and picks me up.

"Isma'el put me down" I giggled.

He carrys me to the bedroom then put me on the bed.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Can't I carry my baby to bed?" Isma'el sits on the bed and pulls me close to him.

"I guess you can" I tap his nose.

He kisses my neck softly and rub along my lower back. I pull away and he frowns. I sit up on the bed and take off my shirt. His frowned face turns to a light up surprised one. I climb on top of him and we kiss.

"Asmah I love you" Isma'el says through the kiss.

"I love you too"

We stop kissing and just look at each other. I get off him and pull off my pants. Isma'el got the concept and followed. I got back on him and he turned off the lights. This was going to be a interesting night.

As Salamu Alaykum, hello salut hi Hey what's up folks. Hope u like the chapter. Hopefully i will sometime soon do a super editing on all my chapters. But right now u just read.

~~~ yannabella

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