Protective Love

Від Nicky-Vivi

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The story of a young girl trying to find her way through life, with a rare past, suffering a rare disease, an... Більше

Ch. 1 Me!
Chapter 1. Start of our Vacation!
Chapter 2. First Punishment
Chapter 3. Emergency Room
Chapter 4. Boyfriend at Eight
Chapter 5. Special Surprise
Chapter 6. The Airport
Chapter 7. Trouble in the Plane
Chapter 8. The Hotel
Chapter 9. Some Fun under the Sun
Chapter 10. The Ruins
Chapter 11 - Morning Sickness
Not an Update
Ch. 12 - Grand Canyon
Ch. 13 - Big Mistake
Ch. 14 - Fun before School
Ch. 15 - Doctor's Appointment
Ch. 16 - Small prank
Ch. 17 -- The Circus
Ch. 18 -- First Day of School
Ch. 20 -- Big News
Ch. 21 -- Road Trip
Ch. 22 -- Hospital Part 1
Ch. 23 -- First Therapy Session
Ch. 25 -- Case Closed
Ch. 25 -- Uncle Bobby
Ch. 26 -- Aquarium
Ch. 27 -- The Ship
Ch. 28 - The Road Trip
Ch. 29 -- Figuring ME out
Ch. 30 -- Lost
Ch. 31 -- Weird Car Ride
Ch. 32
Ch. 33 - The Big Family Secret Part 1
Ch. 34 - Big Family Secret Part 2
Ch. 35 -- Zeus
Ch. 36 -- Back Home
Ch. 37 -- New Neighbors
Ch. 38 -- Sick Part 1
Ch. 39 -- Sick (Part 2)
Ch. 40 -- Unexpected Turn
Ch. 41 -- Family Time
Ch. 42
Ch. 42 -- Coma
Ch. 43
Ch. 44 -- Mara Salvatrucha Gang
Book #2 Defensive Amor

Ch. 24 -- Murder Case

843 15 0
Від Nicky-Vivi

Just to warn you guys, I switched it up a bit in this chapter. I am running out of idea's for Viviana so I have decided to write about the boys! Dean and Sam. Yes, they are from SUPERNATURAL! And I introduce Bobby in this chapter as one of their coworkers. There is a little cussing and blood but only in like one sentence. Nothing bad, promise. Thank you for being so patient with me!!       


        I woke up from another nightmare, the same one as last nights, only this time the masked man kept repeating over and over that I am stuck, I am vulnerable. It's like he is taunting me with my fears. I look at my clock, nine o'clock in the morning.

"Dean? Sammy? Hellpp" I yell out

        My door opens slowly, revealing Sammy! He approaches my bed and gently picks me up, holding me against his chest.

"Good morning, little one. How was your sleep?"

I shake my head, "Good morning brother." I kiss his cheek as he sets me down in a chair in the dinning room.

"You never answered my question, Vivi. How did you sleep? Did your nightmare come back?"

I nodded my head yes and stay quiet. I don't like talking about this sort of stuff, too private in my opinion. Sam sits down next to me and turns my chair facing his, then he gently lifts me onto his lap.

"Can you tell me what happened this time?"

I shakily reply, "The same one as last nights but this time the masked man kept repeating over and over that I am vulnerable."

        I bury my head into Sam's chest, waiting for my food patiently. William walks over with two plates of food, I'm guessing the smaller one is for me. Sam gradually placed some eggs with hash browns onto a spoon and held it up for me to take. I take the bite from him, I have decided that I am way too weak and tired to fight this. The rest of breakfast went that way and when I was done eating, Sam placed me back into my chair to wait for someone to finish eating and carry me for my daily bath. Dean finished eating and after cleaning up after himself and me, he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.

"Why can't you take Cody a bath too?" I asked, upset that I am the only one being treated this way and worried that they might not be giving Cody any attention.

"Don't worry sweetie, Damon is taking care of Cody as we speak. He is taking a bath too."

        Dean takes off my pajamas and starts to unwrap my hand. When the bandage is off, I noticed that my cut is still ugly but at least it is all sealed up. Damon puts on some cream and then lifts me into the bathtub where warm water waits. I start playing with my mermaid as Dean washes my body with my blueberry flavored body wash. I notice that Dean is only in his sweat pants and has no shirt on, so I splash him with water.

"Hey! No, Viviana now I'm all wet!" Dean tries his hardest to stay serious, but as I splash him again, he lets out a loud laugh

"Maybe you shouldn't have taken off your shirt." I stick my tongue out at him and do a little, 'na na na na na' singing.

"I took it off because the last time you took a bath you wet the whole bathroom. I'll get you back little girl!"

        Dean starts to splash me with the water and we have a little splashing contest. When I start to pant from all the work I put my muscle into, Dean drains the tub and picks me up, wrapping me in the towel. He helps me into a cute pink dress that reaches down to my knees with some blue flats and carries me into the living room where I sit next to Cody to watch Power Rangers.

"Change this shit, Cody. I want to watch power puff girls!"

"No, I came here first. It's my remote and my tv!"

        I lean forward to try to grab the remote out of his grasp, but he just places it farther away from my reach. I smack his arm and make grabby motions to the remote.


"Stop being a baby, Vi. It's MY turn!!" yells Cody.

"But I hate power rangers! It's for boys and I'm sick anyways so ha!"

"You being sick doesn't matter. You can't use that as an excuse to have everything!"

Dean walks into the living room from the kitchen holding two plastic cups with tops on them filled with hot tea.

"Knock it off you too. Stop fighting or I will  place the both of you over my knees and you wouldn't want that now do you?" Dean intervenes and tries to stop our fighting.

He hands us our cups and then takes the remote from Cody, switching the channel to Looney Tunes.

"There. Now your both happy."

        Dean throws the remote on the coffee table and walks away, I'm guessing to get the guys to start heading to my stupid therapy session today. After a half an hour, I am picked up by Sam and taken to the elevator where we wait patiently for it to reach the basement garage. Cody is holding Damon's hand and he makes funny faces to me, sticking his tongue out and mocking me. I stick my tongue out and kick my feet, hitting his arm.

"OWW!! What the fuck, Vi! That hurt!"

        Cody lets go of Damon's hand to grab his now bruised arm. Damon picks up Cody and starts examining his bruising arm and lecturing him on his dirty mouth as Sammy steps away from Damon to stop our fighting. He lands four sharp *SMACKS* on my bum and whisper/yells into my ear,

"Knock it off, NOW! I am tired of all this fighting with you and your twin. You will receive a spanking when we get home after your therapy."

        I start to whine as Sam sets me into the car, buckling me up and sitting in between me and Cody. When Cody started to mock me again, Sam quickly turned him sideways a little bit and smacked him too. That shut him up quickly. During therapy, I told everything that happened to June and how I felt towards having this illness.
"I don't like it, it makes me different from the other kids. I can't run or walk. There's this girl at school that bullies me because of it and she hasn't hit me or anything but it bothers me."

"You don't think that maybe she's jealous of how beautiful and smart you are, especially jealous that you have older brothers to protect you?"

"Maybe? I mean she is lonely. It's just her and her parents."

        After an hour, June talked to William and my brothers and I was left with Cody alone again.
"You better do as I said, no fighting or I will spank you right alongside Vi." Sam reminded Cody.

They all left and when the door closed, Cody turned to me and said,
"You got me in trouble!"

"I didn't mean too. You started it."

I was coloring in the coloring book that June kept on the table and so was Cody. I reached for the blue crayon and instead touched Cody's hand.

"I want to use the blue."

"I had it first! Give it to me!"

We started to pull on the little crayon until it broke into two pieces and Cody yells, "You broke it! I'm telling!"

~~~~Dean's POV~~~~

"Viviana has been having some issues at her private school back in the country, she informed me of some bulling going on with another girl. Now, I wouldn't be telling you this if I don't think that it can get worse. Please just keep an eye out. She told me that so far there hasn't been any fights but I cannot be 100% certain. Other then that, I will be seeing you tomorrow."

        I shake June's hand and as I start heading for the door, we all hear a small thud hit it. I quickly open the door to see Cody and Vi yelling at each other, their faces only a few inches away from each others. I slam my hand down on the table separating them which quickly gets their attention, they sit back down in their chairs trying to explain to me what happened. They try to talk over each other, but I cannot hear a damn thing either of them are saying.

"STOP! RIGHT NOW! BE QUIET! I don't care who started this, I don't care what happened. Stop this fighting!"

        I pick up Vi and forcefully place her on my hip, speed walking towards our car. William had picked up Cody and was in a heated conversation with him. Viviana is smart enough to stay quiet as I place her in my lap, sitting down in the back. Cody is sitting next to Sam, still arguing about his punishment. Viviana just laid her head on my chest, her breathing a little ragged. I start shushing her and rocking her to calm her down, we cannot have her get another attack. William finally had enough of Cody's bickering as he yelled out,


        Cody whimpers and starts to cry into Sam's shirt as Sam lectures him on his behavior. Vi got scared when William lashed out on Cody and started to cry too.

"No, no sweetie, don't cry. You are being very good, Cody is being naughty. Actually, since your being such a good girl, you don't have to go to time out."

        Vi nodded her head and wrapped her little arms around my neck as I carried her out of the car and up to our suite. Once we got inside, William took Cody into his room and you could tell he was upset since he demanded Cody to repeat what he did wrong and started to smack him. Cody's cries and screams could be herd through the semi-cracked door.

"Okay, Vi. It's your turn. Come on, if you don't fight me on this, I will only give you twenty-five."

~~~~~Viviana's POV~~~~~~

        I nod my head and quickly lay down over Dean's lap. Dean pulls down my undies and starts to spank me.

"Why are you receiving this spanking, Vi?" *SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK*

"Owiee, b-because I was being a bad girl and *SMACK SMACK* OWIEE!!! a-and I was f-fighting with C-Cody *SMACK SMACK SMACK* Ouch!"

"Good. *SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK* Now what will you do next time we tell you to stop fighting?"

"I-I w-will *SMACK SMACK* OUCH! l-listen to you and n-not argue or fight with my t-twin."

*SMACK SMACK SMACK* "ouch, I'm sorry! I-it  won't h-happen again!"

"It better not. Last five sweetie."


       Dean picks me up, gently putting my undies back on me and places me on his lap, hugging me. I am still crying and don't seem to stop anytime soon as my red bum starts to sting. I scream and grab my bottom, Dean quickly sets me back on my tummy and starts to rub some lotion on it, cooling it in the process. He lays down on the sofa adjusting my body to be laying on top of his on my tummy so I won't hurt my bum anymore. Dean rubs my back and as he is shushing me I start to doze off. Before I can actually go to sleep though, William brings in a whimpering Cody towards me.

"I'm s-sorry, twin. I didn't mean to be mean." Cody starts to get all teary eyed again and as one escapes his eyes, I quickly whip it away.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have fought with you."

        Cody kisses my cheek and then William leans down and kisses my cheek too. I giggle as Dean stands up and walks with me into the dinning room to eat lunch. After I gobble down my sandwich, I decide to sit on the floor and read my book. William and Damon are sitting on the sofa reading their book and Cody is finishing up his studying. Sam and Dean are once again in their rooms working on work.

~~~~Sam's POV~~~~

        I look over my laptop multiple times now, no sign of any clues getting us closer to this mystery.  This guy has murdered five people downtown in a radius span of 200 miles, no sign of murder. No clues. Dean left last night to investigate the murder scene of each victim only to show up with a tattoo marking of some kind with the shape of some type of bird. The reason that we have not let Viviana or Cody outside alone lately is because this guy is somewhere near our building. Maybe around 20 miles or so away. We have the building in lock down and security surrounding the place 24/7. Our other brothers know about the killings, but we cannot reveal any information since it is Top Secret, only until we find the guy and through him in jail for a long time can we reveal to the public who it is and a little bit of information about the killings.

        Dean stands up and stretches his arms a bit. "The only guys that have that mark is a gang near the urban area of downtown. Lets go, maybe we can get some info on their where abouts." I quickly stand up and grab my coat, following Dean out to the car after we told everyone we were heading out on business. 

"How do you expect this gang of bikers would react to a couple of FBI agents, Dean?"

"Oh, I don't know Sammy. Maybe they'll just have to cooperate with us or we have the right to arrest them." Dean holds up an arrest warrant.

"How did you get this?!" I grab the paper from his hand and fold it up, putting it into the inside of my jacket pocket.

"The judge found it suspicious that the only people with the same tattoo that the murderer has is this gang. After some research, the judge gave that piece of paper to us. Just in case the gang decided to make things complicated for us. We also have back up provided if we need it."

        Dean pulls us into a bar, parking the '67 black Chevy Impala behind a big green cruiser. Its a type of motorcycle. We get out of the car and head to the entrance, once inside, we see a big group of motorcyclists drinking beer, playing cards, and talking about their experiences.

"So, we know that our guy has a bird tattoo, the wings are spread out wide and the beak is pointing towards the shoulder. Just try to blend in."

I roll my eyes and start to head towards the bar, maybe I can get some information out of the bartender.

"How you doing, what can I get you?"

"Uhm, what about a beer."

The bartender grabs a cold beer and hands it to me.

"In the wrong place, buddy? You seem lost. I don't think you know where you're at."

"Oh no, I know exactly where I'm at." I take out my FBI badge and show it to him. "Just some questions, if you don't mind." The bartender looks around, making sure nobody is listening in. "Have you seen this tattoo here?" I take out the piece of paper with a drawing of the tattoo our murderer has and show him. The bartender takes a good look at it and starts to nod his head. 

"Yup, only one guy with that tattoo. All the gang members have the same tattoo, a bird with the wings folded. Jacob Guy is the only one with that tattoo around here, maybe even in the whole damn state."

"Can you tell me why?"

The bartender leans forward, motioning me to lean forward as well. "You see, Jacob is a nutcase. He thinks he runs this here gang. They've tried to kick him out multiple times, only to have him resurface ever now and then. He's sick I tell you! He almost killed a couple guys here. I had to kick him out myself. That's all I know about him, officer. I'm just an ordinary bartender."

I nod my head and thank him for his information. I spot Dean and head towards him to tell him the news I just received.

"I got something."

"Yeah? Well so do I. Bobby called, (he's their coworker) he said that they found another dead body, this time near the alley behind the club 'Ciela'. They have some pretty interesting evidence that might help us catch this guy once and for all."

        We head to the Impala and on our drive there, I filled Dean in the information that the bartender gave me. He even gave me his number for any further questions we needed to ask him. When we arrived at the crime scene the police had already blocked off the road and they even had a witness. A young girl who looked to be the club's waitress, barely 25 years old. We flash our badges to the police and they let us pass with no harm.

"Fill me in." Dean demanded Bobby

"Wow, boy. Watch who your talking too. This here is a 29 year old boy, murdered around an hour ago. We found him exactly like that." We turned to examine the body, the boy had bullet holes in his chest, as well as a few cuts on his arms telling us he almost bled out before the boy was shot to death. "We got a girl here who says she saw the whole thing happen."

"Thanks bobby."

 We walk over to the young girl who is sitting in the ambulance being checked out. We flash our badges once again and the man helping her quickly walks out of the car.

"Can we ask you a few questions, miss? It won't take too long."

"Sure, anything officers."

"Can you tell us exactly what happened?"

She nods her head and takes a few deep breaths, "It was my turn to take out the trash, but before I get to the dumpster, I hear someone yelling. I duck under the table we have sitting out there, we needed to throw it out but anyway, I see him. He was stabbing the poor boy, three times. He had on a leather jacket, brown with a big bird symbol on the back and when the boy started to dial 911, the man turned around and shot him. I saw his face for only a second. He had a long beard, black to be exact. He was definitely white, his whole face looked as if somebody burnt it with an iron or something."

I show her the picture of the bird tattoo, "Is this what the bird looked like?"

"Yes! Yes, it was all yellow and big. There was a lot of blood, everywhere. I tried to help the boy, I tried to stop the bleeding, but it was too late. Too late."

"Thank you for your time ma'am."

        We go back to Bobby and I give him the notes I took as the witness was telling us her story. Bobby takes them from me and starts to walk away.

"Hey!" Dean yelled after him.

"No. Go home you two. Viviana needs you. It's 6:00pm, its late boys. I'll call you when I have more details."

        We get into the car and head back to our suite, Dean is obviously upset. I stay quiet, not wanting to bother him. We both want this guy locked away, safe from society. The murderer was done exactly 5 miles from our suite, he's getting closer and closer to here. What is so important about this street that has him staying away from it? He has attacked every street around us, just not this one.

        We walk in to see that Damon has finished setting the table for dinner. Viviana was throwing a fit about something I don't even know. I raise an eyebrow towards Damon, asking him silently why she is throwing a tantrum. He starts to throw his hands around, pointing to the food and her. I understand perfectly well what he is trying to say.

"Viviana! Stop it, Now."

I obviously scare her, I don't think she realized we returned from our so called 'business'.

"You need to settle down young lady. You will eat everything off your plate or I will force feed you."

        She nods her head shakily and picks up her fork, shoving some mashed potatoes into her small mouth. After dinner, I clean up the kitchen and go into Vi's room to see that  William just finished helping her into bed and is now leaving the room.

"Goodnight, Vi. Please wake one of us up if your nightmares come back okay?"

        She nods her head and then falls asleep as I give her a kiss on her forehead. Damon crawls into his bed next to Vi and I head into Dean and mines room. Dean is laying on his bed, his arms behind his head as he watches some kind of show on tv.

"What is that?" I point to towards the tv

"Dr. Sexy! No judging. Come on Sammy, have a little fun! Lighten up, would you?"

        I roll my eyes and slip on my pajama pants, crawling into bed. Tomorrow will be a long day. We probably won't receive a call for an update until maybe the next day after. I turn on my side, away form the tv and Dean and attempt to fall asleep, succeeding around 12am.

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