Confetti It's A PARADE! Of Su...

By Krazyk2314

848K 22.7K 5K

This book contains different Supernatural stories featuring mainly Sam and Dean but also different characters... More

Dean's Birthday
Changing Channels
Pie Thief
Cooling Off
Your First Hunt
Lonely Eyes
A Real Date
A Real Date Part 2
Chocolate and Castiel
The Librarian
Becoming Queen
Taking Care of Business
Down in the Dumps
Cupids Arrow
Cupids Arrow part 2
Drummer Boy
BeWitched Pt. 2
Buried Deep Inside
Day Off
Teaching Castiel
Dean's Desire
Sleepless Nights
Dean's Desire Part 2
Dean's Desire Part 3
Undercover Part 2
Two Pink Lines
Scared Part 2
Missed Call
Car Wash
What's This Feeling
Sweet as Sugar
Broken Hearted
What's This Feeling Part 2
Evening Hunt
Silence Part 2
Hustling Pool
X Marks the Spot
Left behind
Batter Up
Fall Colors
Castiel's Grace
Castiel's Grace Part 2
County Fair
Possessed Part 2
Being right isn't always a good thing
Being Right Isn't Always a Good Thing Part 2
Your Cheating Heart
Game Time
Your Cheating Heart Part 2
Deal Breaker
Locked Inside
Reunited Part 2
Thanksgiving Surprise
Convenience Store Christmas
New Years Blues
Take Me Home
From the Outside
Siren's Call
Siren's Call Part 2
Thank You!!
Rocking Your World
Sam's Deepest Desire
Rocking Your World Part 2
Rocking Your World Part 3
Sam's Deepest Desire Part 2
To the Rescue Part 1
To the Rescue Part 2
Break Time
First Bite
First Bite Pt. 2
Too Little Too Late Pt.1
Too Little, Too Late Pt. 2
Too Little, Too Late Pt. 3
Stubborn Fool
Sleeping Beauty
Wreck Pt. 2
I Do
Till Death Do Us Part
Tell Death Do Us Part (Pt. 2)
Night Time Demons
A Game of Pool
Memory of a Kiss
Memory of a Kiss Part 2
Hunting Up a Birthday Surprise
Caught Staring Part 1
Caught Staring Part 2
Little Black Dress
Cold Hearted
Cold Hearted Part 2
Cold Hearted Pt. 3
Thank You!

Sleeping Beauty Part 2

4.4K 207 5
By Krazyk2314

The road trip was long and boring. Usually you stared out the windows, or leaned forward to tease Sam and Dean. If it was a particularly long road trip, you would curl up on the back seat, taking a long cat nap.

But now you could do none of those things. You laid as Sam placed you, unable to scratch the itch on your nose, or move your foot that had fallen asleep. It was unbearable, and you had a feeling you might go crazy before you died.

However, you had noticed subtle changes in your body, your skin felt as if it was drying out from the inside, your mouth was full of cotton, your lips chapped. With being like this for only hours, you wondered what sort of torture was in store for you the next couple of days.

Sam and Dean had stayed silent on the ride home, and you could only imagine what they were doing. Finally, you felt the road underneath the Impala shift, from pavement, to gravel, and you knew they were pulling up to the bunker. Bright lights flooded through the windows, bathing your eyelids in a soft yellow. The engine came to a stop, and the subtle vibration you felt through the seat vanished. 

"Dean, I've got her. Why don't you pray to Cas, see if he can come down and help us out?" You heard Sam say, before the squeak of heavy metal doors indicated that they were sliding out of the Impala. One set of footsteps pounded away, while you heard the door by your feet open.

"Y/N?" Sam's voice asked, a hint of hopefulness to it. When you didn't answer, he sighed, before gently pulling on your legs, pulling you to him. "Damn it, your fading from us already." He muttered, and you wondered what you looked like, if it looked as bad as it already felt. "Don't worry Y/N, Dean and I will figure something out. We always do."

You felt his arms gently slide under your knees and shoulders before lifting you up off the seat. Your head rolled to the side, bumping into his chest. You felt him move, and realized he must be carrying you down the hall. He paused for a moment, and you could almost feel the indecision permeating from him.

"I don't know if I feel comfortable locking you away in your room." He said out loud. "I want you where we can keep an eye on you." With that last statement, he moved on, climbing a couple of stairs, taking you into the library. Taking a couple more steps, you felt yourself being lowered, before you felt soft cushions below you.

Sam must have placed you on the couch that was hidden beside bookshelves in the library. It was your favorite place to lay and relax, and at least this way you would be able to hear what was going on.

Throwing a blanket over your lap, you felt the whisper of Sam's hand as he brushed a lock of hair away from your face. "Don't give up Y/N." He whispered, before walking away, to meet Dean, whose footsteps just sounded in the room.

"Well?" Sam asked, as you heard the slide of chairs being moved.

"I prayed, now we wait. He should come quickly, he always had a soft spot for Y/N." You heard Dean say before popping the top of a beer.

They turned silent, the only sounds in the room were the sounds of pages being rustled, and the keyboard being tapped. When you thought you could die from boredom, you heard a rustling of wings, and you knew your favorite angel had arrived.

"Cas! Finally!" Dean exclaimed.

"I came as fast as I could. What is it? You said something was a matter with Y/N?" Cas asked, in his gravelly voice.

Three sets of foot steps made their way to you, before you could feel their gaze on you. "We were hunting some witches today, and they placed a curse on her. It's the same one they used on the other women." Sam told him.

"And what happened to those other women?" Cas said from above your head.

"They withered away and died." Dean answered.

You heard a little bit of shuffling, before Cas spoke up again. "I can sense subtle changes in her already. She has started to waste away. How long did the other women live?"

This time Sam spoke up. "Three days. Which means we only have about 2 days left." 

"May I?" Cas asked, and you weren't sure what happened, because no one spoke. But then you felt two fingers being placed upon your forehead, and a bright light filled your head. Wishing you could cross your fingers, you waited, hoping he would be able to fix whatever that witch had done to you. 

Soon the light faded, and his fingers moved away. Concentrating hard, you attempted to open your eyes, ready to cry when they wouldn't follow your command.

"I'm sorry, it's something not even my powers can fix. They must have been using a very powerful curse." Cas apologized, and you heard the brothers cussing under their breath.

"Now what?" Dean asked, frustrated.

"Do you have anything of the witch's? Maybe their is a reversal spell in there?" Cas answered, and you heard them move back to the table.

You weren't sure how much time had passed, but you listened as footsteps came and went, bottles were open and trashed, books were plucked and then tossed on the table. The men stayed busy, always talking about a book, a website, anything that might be of assistance. Some time ago, Cas had vanished, promising to ask around and see if anyone knew a way to help you. It was a long shot, but it was all they had.

As you listened to them cuss and argue, you became weaker and weaker, your limbs slowly losing feeling, your lips dried and cracked, your clothes hanging off of your body, and your skin turning parchment thin.

"Dean it's been two days! We only have one more to figure this out!! Look at her! She's already faded so much." Sam exclaimed, slamming a book against the table. 

"Keep looking. We will figure this out." Dean comforted his brother.

You heard a chair slide back, before Sam spoke again. "And if we don't? I can't lose her Dean. I've been such an idiot, keeping my feelings to myself. I love her, and it's killing me  watching her waste away to nothing!" 

Sam loved you? At least that's what you thought you heard, you were so exhausted if felt like you were living in a dense fog. If it was true, then you could die somewhat happy, knowing that the man you loved, loved you back. You just wished that you had had the chance to tell him about your feelings.

Just then, you heard a big ruckus, the sounds of a struggle coming from the front of the room. "Sam, Dean, is this the witch?" Cas asked.

"Yes, that's the Bitch." Dean answered, and you listened intently, hoping that Cas had found the cure.

"Is that anyway to talk to a lady?" The familiar voice drawled out.

"Save her." Sam demanded.

"Now why would I do that?" She answered. "She's almost ready for plucking."

You heard shuffling, and you grew frustrated, not knowing what was going on.

"This knife can kill you." Cas threatened. "Now tell us, how do we save our friend?"

She laughed then, a truly evil sound. "You can't. It's too late. There is only one thing that could possibly save her, but it doesn't exist."

"Damn it." Dean cussed, the same time that Sam asked, "What is it?"

"Why it's a soul mate's kiss. But since those no longer exist, it's the perfect curse to use." She replied, her voice full of confidence even though she was a prisoner.

"What is the curse for?" Cas asked her, and he must have prodded her with the knife because she let out a little squeal.

"It's to keep us young and beautiful. You wouldn't imagine it, but I'm over two hundred years old." She answered, smugness tainting her words.

"Not anymore you aren't." Cas answered, and she let out a horrible scream, before you heard something drop to the floor. Cas must have killed her.

"Now what?" Both Dean and Sam asked at the same time.

"What she said was false." Cas started. "Soul mates are a legend, that is true, but they do exist. Now we need to find hers, and quickly."

A soul mate? You hadn't ever considered that there might be another person out there that you would be so attached to, that was the second half of your soul. You loved Sam, but a soul mate? You had never deemed it possible.

"And how are you going to do that?" Sam asked, and you could have sworn he sounded sad.

"I can search her heart." Cas said, before you heard him striding towards you. You felt a hand being placed over your chest, before you felt a pressure building deep in your chest. It didn't hurt, it just felt uncomfortable, and was over before you knew it.

"Well?" Sam asked. "Did you find out who?"

You listened intently, wondering who this stranger could be. Was he a hunter, or a business man? Had you met him before, or was he lifetimes away? 

"Yes Sam I did." Cas said, but didn't continue.

"Come on Cas, don't leave us hanging?" Dean argued, but just then you felt a tremor run through your body, before it felt like a hand grasped your heart. Your entire body lifted off the couch as it convulsed.

"Y/N!" Sam exclaimed, rushing over, placing a hand on your shoulder, trying to keep you from toppling off the couch. "Cas, come on man, we don't have much time. She's going into shock!"

"Sam, kiss her." Cas said calmly, too calm for the situation.

"What?" Both Sam and Dean asked at the same time.

"Sam it's you. You're her soul mate. Only you can save her. Now kiss her." Cas commanded.

Sam didn't need to be told again, and soon you felt his warm and plump lips connecting with your cold and chapped ones. As his lips pressed gingerly against yours, you felt yourself start to come alive again. Your fingers twitched, and you wiggled your eye lids.

"Sam!" Dean exclaimed, and Sam sat up, removing his lips from yours, just in time to see you struggle to open your eyes.

It took some work, but finally you were able to pry your eyelids open, and the first thing you saw was Sam's hazel eyes staring down at you.

"Hi Sam." You croaked, your throat still dry and hoarse.

He helped you sit up, your body still weak. Dean ran off, going to get a glass of water, and Cas pressed his fingers to your head, erasing the lingering effects of the curse before vanishing, leaving you and Sam alone.

"So." Sam stuttered, "How are you feeling?"

"So much better. It was horrible. I never want to live out a fairy tale again." You answered.

"So, were you asleep, or could you hear? What was it like?" He asked you.

Taking his hand in yours, you told him about it all, how you had been able to hear everything.

"You heard everything?" Sam asked nervously.

"Yeah, and I just want to let you know that I feel the same. I've had feelings for you for a long time." You told him, grateful to finally get it off your chest.

"Well I hope so. Since we are supposed to be soul mates." He teased, before capturing your lips with his again. You felt a touch of sympathy for the witch who Cas had removed when he had vanished. Without her, you and Sam might have never gotten up the courage, and you would have never found out that you two were meant to be together.

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