My Sister, Taylor Swift

By Niallismyirishmofo

63.6K 1.3K 301

Taylor Swift is one of the worst sisters you could possiby have! She took everything away from me, my family... More

Hi I'm Lottie
Going shopping
Meeting Taylor and Harry
Hi I'm Jessie
Getting ready to watch the Interview
The Interview
Hi I'm Lorna
Watching the Interview
The drive back
Shopping and Concert
Hi I'm Shannon
Meeting Fern
Hi I'm Fern
Authors note
Authors Note
The winning ticket
Meeting One Direction and Taylor
Author's note
Lottie and Louis's joke
getting to know each other and movies
Chap. 16
Hi I'm Sidney
Chap. 46
Chap.50 part 1
Chap.50 part 2
The Photo
The Magazine
The Fight
Lorna's apology
The unknown is named
The confrontations
Dani's surprise visit
Tiredness and Sickness
Talk with Harry
Lottie's worst nightmare
Lottie's second day missing!
The Evidence
The Final Piece of Evidence
Two days after

At their house

1.1K 21 3
By Niallismyirishmofo


Sorry for not updating on Saturday or Sunday. I dont have an excuse only that I am lazy. So sorry again. Please keep comenting and voting.

Love you all!

Lorna xxx

Lorna's POV

I followed Niall into Louis's house where Louis, Liam, Jessie, Lottie, Shannon and a really pretty brown haired girl who I think is Eleanor were snickering at something. Niall and I turned bright red even though I don't know what they are laughing about but I have a feeling its about me and Niall.

"Me first!" Louis screamed probably making every ones eardrums burst, " I dare Lorna to............."

"Wait I need food and I choose truth!" I screamed running off to the kitchen not before hearing Louis whisper to Lottie, "Shes a lot like Niall,"

I blushed thinking of Niall and went into the fridge and got out lots of ingredients to make a sandwich. I made one and saw there was another one in the fridge so i decided to put it on top of my sandwich to make it a double sandwich. The sandwich that I found in the fridge had a note on it.

This is my sandwich if you eat it you are dead. that is mine and only mine. I will take your food of your plate for a week!


I shrugged he wouldn't do that if he took my food I would do a lot worse things like try to eat his hand cut off his hair when hes asleep. No one steals food from Lorna. I went into the living room and as soon as I sat down Niall asked, "Is that my sandwich?"

"Is yours the one with the note on it," I asked innocently.

"Yes it is," Niall said trying to grab the sandwich.

"i wouldn't do that," Jessie warned, "I did that once and she cut my hair when i was asleep so I had to go to the hairdressers so it was all the same length!"

"I dare Lorna to feed Niall the sandwich!" Louis yelled. Niall sat there with his mouth open waiting for the sandwich he wasn't getting any if i have any say in this. I stuffed the whole thing in my mouth saying, "Too late!" Instead it came out like, "Moo wate!"

Niall started whining, "Im hungry bt someone ate my sandwich!" glaring at me.

"Oh well I dare Lorna to sit on Niall's lap!" Niall pulled me on his lap to be honest he was very comfy i wish i could go to sleep like this and wake up everyday for the rest of my life! Wait! Where! did that come from I only met the guy!

"My turn, My turn!" I squealed, "Lottie truth or dare?!?"

"Dare!" She shouted she is always the rdaredevil in our trio and the flirt and the joker, I was the greedy one obviously and Jessie was like the mother of our group.

"I dare you to.........," I started then thought really hard knowing Lottie will do anything if you dare her, "I dare you when Harry comes in run up to him and kiss him full on the lips then start kissing his face saying how much you missed him and are happy he's back!"

"Fine! I will wait intil he comes through that door. But it will piss off my sister and she is not nice when she is angry actually she is never nice!" Lottie told us. 

"Havent you always wanted to get back at your sister for everything shes done so why not kiss her boyfriend that she probably loves!" Eleanor told her.

"Yeah that will be fun and Niall truth or dare?" Lottie said.

"Dare!" Niall said trying to sound as if he wasnt frightened becasue im pretty sure he knows that lottie will choose something terrible for him. After a bit of whispering with Louis she finally said,

"I dare you to flash the next car that goes by!" Lottie exclaimed smirking at Niall.

We all followed Niall outside as we saw a car coming, Niall tore off his shirt when the car got closer! Niall couldn't see who was in the car but we all did and I was laughing rolloing around on the pavement laughing my head off as in the car happened to be an buisness man obviously just coming home from work.

"Right my turn!" Niall shouted as we walked into the house. "Liam truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Liam said. the boys are being adventurous tonight.

"I dare you to go into the bush across the street with Jessie and make sex noises when people walk past!" Niall dared. I never thought Niall would do that kind of dare as he is known as the cute innocent one.

"Ok come on Jessie," Liam said holding out his hand to Jessie.

We all watched as a boy around 17 walked past the bush Liam and Jessie were sitting in. "mmh Jessie OMG!" We heard Liam say.

The boy jumped and ran quickly across the street. We laughed some more as a few more people passed and thought we better get them back inside.

They came inside and Liam shouted, "Shannon truth or dare?"

"Truth," Shannon answered.

"Are you a virgin?" Liam asked.

"No," Shannon answered quietly.

Shannon's POV

"No," I whispered its because when my mum died, my father used to rape me but im not going to tell the boys that. They didnt look suprised when i told them.

Lorna's POV

"Well Jessie truth or dare?" Shannon asked.

"Truth," Said Jessie always on the safe side.

"What is the question you dont want to be asked?" Shannon asked. Now that was a smart question.

"Em....something about which boy i like," Jessie answered, "Louis truth or dare?"

"Dare," Louis said.

"I dare you to run across the street wearing just your boxers singing humpty dumpty as loud as you can!" Jessie said.

"Thats only because you want to see my fantastic body!" Louis sassily replied back striking a pose.

"Haha you wish!" Jessie answered.

Louis started taking his clothes off until he was just in his boxers. He ran out the door screaming, "HUMPTY DUMPTY SAT ON A WALL HUMPTY DUMPTY HAD A GREAT FALL ALL THE KINGS HORSES AND ALL THE KINGS MEN COULDN'T PUT HUMPTY TOGETHER AGAIN!" Then he came back into the house.

We talked some more until Harry came through the door with Taylor. As i expected Lottie ran up to harry and gave him a massive kiss on the lips and then started kissing round his face, "I *kiss* Missed *kiss* you *kiss* sooo *kiss* much!!!" Lottie told him Taylor who was still holding Harry's hand as Harry tried to get Lottie off of him.

We watched taylor get bright red with rage. We all waited for her to explode, 3..2..1 and here we go,

"How fucking dare you, you little slutfaced shit How dare you kiss my boyfriend dont ever do that again!!" Taylor lost it. She jumped at Lottie who was still hanging onto harry. Lottie dogded obviously knowing what Taylor would do and taylor fell flat on her face. Everyone laughed apart from Harry who i could see was trying to hold it in. Taylor stomped out the door and Harry followed.

"Don't say I didnt warn you!" Lottie told us sitting in between Jessie and Eleanor. She started laughing couldn't stop, "Did you see Taylor's face!" She yelled through her alughter and fell on the floor with a bump and couldnt stand back up she kept falling every time she started laughing.

Harry's POV

I could still feel where her lips touched me and I wish I could come home to that everyday but no i have to go over and kiss Taylor while she's watching TV or something. Wait what am I thinking I love Taylor she's so sweet and always kisses me like she means it. She loves me so i have to get these thoughts out my head and be a good boyfriend Taylor deserves. I need to get rid of Lottie and her friends so the boys can't see them. I knocked on Taylor's apartment door and just went in. I sat down next to Taylor and she jumped in fright obviously not hearing me come in.

"What do you want?" She growled, she's obviously still mad.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's not your fault just that little rats fault!" She shouted.

"Are you jealous?" I asked.

"No," She answered.

"yes you are,"

"No I'm not,"

"Yes you are,"

"No I'm not!"

"Can I get a kiss?"

"Why don't you get a kiss from my sister you obviously liked hers better!" Taylor snapped.

"I love you and your kisses only ok don't ever think I like anyone's better!"

"Sorry I overreacted," Taylor apologised.

"It's ok," I sighed giving her a cuddle.

Taylor's POV

I think I have feelings for Harry Styles.

"Let's go back to Louis and I's house and show your sister that we love each other very much!" Harry exclaimed.

"Let's do this!" I cried and went to put my shoes on.

We took my car and Harry being the gentlman he is refused to let me drive it. We walked in and they were all sitting talking and stopped when they saw us come in. 

"Hi," Harry said and did a little awkward wave.Charlie was asleep on Zayn's knee and Liam and Jessie weren't here.

"Where's Liam and Jessie?" Harry asked.

"They are having a Toy Story movie marathon.

 "I'm hungry where did my sandwich go?" Lorna i thinm asked. She's such a greedy pig just like Niall just because I like harry doesn't mean I have to like the rest.

"You ate it!" Niall said laughing.

Lorna's POV

"Lorna and I are going to get something to eat!" Niall told everyone as he grabbed my hand pulling me up and leading me not to the kitchen. What I am starving and he tells me that I can get food but no he leads me somewhere else.

He opened the door carefully not to make a sound and motioned for me to look inside and I saw Liam and Jessie milimetres away from kissing so we both smirked at each other.

"Evening!" We both ran in Liam's room shouting causing Liam and Jessie to jump apart and Jessie fall off the bed. Me and Niall ran out the room and collapsed in fits of laughter outside Liam's door with tears streaming down our faces from laughing. Liam and Jessie soon walked out their room their faces bright red and they stepped over us going into the living room. Louis and Eleanor came to see what had happened and when they saw us rolling round on the floor they both shook their heads and left. We finally got up and joined everyone in the living room but they were all asleep so we decided to crash in Niall's room but i fell asleep as we were walking and the last thing i remeber was Niall picking me up and carrying me somewhere.

Niall's POV

I saw Lorna slowly fall asleep as we were walking so i picked her up and she was fast asleep I decided to put her in my room and i could sleep on the couch in there.

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