Be My Reason (A Keaton Stromb...

By you_are_loved71

17.9K 286 40

When Rachel accidentally meets the famous Keaton Stromberg they are immediately infatuated with each other, b... More

Be My Reason (A Keaton Stromberg Fan Fiction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

688 9 1
By you_are_loved71

Chapter 3

"What was all that?" Alyssa half asked and half yelled at me. I honestly had no idea what all that was, I did not expect for the night to end up like that. Especially Keaton Stromberg asking for number, it was like a dream.

"I think Keaton was really into you." Kylie says to me, Alyssa quickly agrees.

"I hope so, but I mean maybe we're just making a big deal out of nothing?" I say trying to real everyone back to reality.

Our conversation was interrupted by my mom's familiar white car pulling up to us, we all piled in the car.

"How was it girls?" My mom asked us as we were driving out of the parking lot

"Keaton Stromberg asked Rachel for her number!!" Kylie's quiet voice shouted through the car

"What?!" My mom gasped

"Yeah he asked her for her number!" Alyssa shouted, I sort of wish I could tell the story but I just let them say what they want. My mom looked at me with her mouth hanging open, I couldn't help but giggle at her response.

"Well yeah, there was a crowd and I had an anxiety attack and we just sort of-" I stop mid sentence as I hear my phone go off. Was it Keaton? I look around the car and my friends are all looking at  my phone. I take a deep breath before opening up the text message.

Hey Rachel, It's Keaton :]

"It's him!" I practically scream

"What did he say?" My mom exclaims, I laugh at her reaction and read the text out loud. My friends squeal and my mom smiles. I take my time texting back trying to word it perfectly

Hey Keaton! Thanks for everything today, it was really sweet :)

I have to read the text out loud a few times before sending it with shaky fingers.. He texts back fast

No problem! It was great meeting you, I hope we can see eachother again soon? :)

I practically choked on air when I read the words, I read it aloud and everyone let out an excited squeal.

Yeah I'd like that :)

I press send and automatically regret it. What if he thinks I'm a freak? Oh no. My worries are proved wrong when he texts back


The rest of the car ride consists of texts back and forth to Keaton, and the excited squeals of my friends. Before I know it it's 4 am and I'm wide awake texting Keaton Stromberg. My friends have already fallen asleep and I'm pretty tired but there's no way I can fall asleep. Me and Keaton have been trading information back and forth, I have to act surprised when he tells me things about him I already knew. He was surprised when I told him I'm 15, he thought I was older. When I told him I wanted to work for a magazine when I got older he thought that was interesting.

Now it's 4 am and we're still keeping a conversation, but it's dulling down.

Are you tired?

I didn't know how to respond, of course I was but I didn't want this to end.

Yeah a bit, you?

For some reason I hope he isn't, I hope I don't have to say goodnight. I feel like I'll wake up tomorrow and it will all be a dream

Yeah but I really don't want to stop talking to you :].

I blush at his text, I'm glad he feels the same way

I don't want to stop talking either :)

Keaton responds quickly

I'll text you right when I wake up tomorrow, I promise :)

Something about the way he promises makes my heart flutter a bit

Deal :)

What a stupid thing to say. I shouldn't have put that I sound like a loser...

Haha okay sweet dreams Rachel :') <3

"Holy shit he put a heart." I say aloud.  HE PUT A HEART. Should I text back? Yeah probably..

Same to you :).

Wow that was lame, maybe I should've put a heart? Oh well, he put a heart that's what matters. I lett myself drift into dreams of a green eyed Stromberg.

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