Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"So we'll drop you guys off at our house, then we'll go help mom and come back for you guys?" Wes asks us, my jaw drops

"Yeah that's the plan." Keaton says smiling as he snakes his arm around my shoulders.

I wasn't planning on being alone with Keaton, especially in him and the boys' house. Keaton notices that I look uncomfortable, he looks at me with worry in his green eyes

"You okay?" He whispers to me

I fake a smile and nod, Keaton looks at me weirdly and I know he doesn't buy it. We pull up to a nice looking house, it doesn't have any other houses surrounding it and it looks fairly small.

"You got a key?" Wes asks Keaton

"Yeah, see you guys later." Keaton says and I say bye as me and Keaton walk out of the car and they drive away. I look at the house and I can picture myself living in a house like that one day, it's smaller and has a bungalow style, the outside is well kept, the grass looks muddy and I make a mental note not to stop on it with my white shoes.

"It's really nice." I tell Keaton and smile at him.

"What made you upset in the car?" Keaton asks me seriously, I hadn't expected him to ask me this.

"Nothing." I say and look away from him, I am surprised when I feel his hands on my side, he starts to tickle my hips and I start giggling and try to squirm away from him.

"Tell me!" He says and I laugh and squirm out of his arms, I run away from him and he runs after me onto the grass. I turn to look at him over my shoulder and slip on the muddy grass. I fall right on my face into a huge pile of mud in the grass.

"Rachel are you okay?" Keaton asks me, I look up to see him standing over me with worry in his eyes. He reaches his hand out and I take it and pull him down into the mud. He lands beside me and I erupt with laughter, he laughs with me and I start to get up. Keaton surprises me by rolling onto of me to keep me on the muddy ground. 

Me and him laugh and then I realize we are laying on the ground in his front yard and I start to panic a little bit. Keaton's body is laying between my legs and he is holding himself up with his arms, he seems to realize our position the same time as me. He looks down at me and smiles, I smile back. 

He surprises me by putting his lips to mine, his kiss sends electric shocks through my body. The kiss is slow but has even more passion behind it than it does when we kiss fast. His tongue slides gently over mine and it sends chills through my body. I pull away from the kiss and he looks confused

"Maybe we should not make out on the ground in your front yard." I say and he laughs at me

"You're right, that's what the bed's for." He says and winks at me before getting off of me, I laugh at his words and he laughs back. Part of me hopes he's serious, he reaches his hand out and helps me up. 

We are both covered in mud, his hair matted with mud and his clothes are muddy. I must look the same because his eyes widen and he laughs.

"You can take a shower and change your clothes before we leave." He says and I practically die right there on the spot, he takes my hand and we walk to the front door.

He talks about it like it would be completely normal for me to shower at his house, especially when we're there alone. He opens the front door and smiles at me as I walk in. The house is nice, open floor plan with a warm feel to it. I go into a room and Keaton follows behind, he watches me look around his house. 

I walk into the kitchen and then down the hall. There a few door down the hall and Keaton points them out.

"The one to the right is Drew's and the one to the left is Wes' and the one all the down the hall is mine." Keaton says rubbing the back of his head I smile at him and walk down the hall stopping before the door to his room. He goes ahead of me and opens the door and walks in, I follow behind him

Be My Reason (A Keaton Stromberg Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt