Kylo Ren/Ben Solo imagines

By eatmyposey

333K 6.4K 931

read all about ur fav emotional psycho • These are mostly dark, serious, and sad... -kinda like me- but they'... More

Old times. Imagine #1
Finally mine. Imagine #2
For a long time now. Imagine #3
Everlasting pain. Imagine #4
Personal Imagine
Have faith in what i can do. Imagine #5
Trapped in the dark. Imagine #6
Innocent children. Imagine #7
Difference. Imagine #8
Choose me. Imagine #9
Personal Imagine Elizabeth
Personal Imagine Reagan
Imagine #10
imagine #11
Personal imagine Kara
Personal Imagine Anna
Personal Imagine Annie
Personal Imagine Luna
Imagine #12
Personal Imagine. Nicole
Personal Imagine Cat
Imagine #13
Imagine #14
Imagine #15
Innocent Children P2 Imagine #16
Imagine #17
Imagine #18
Imagine #19
Imagine #20
Imagine #21
Personal Imagines
Personal Imagine Imryll
Imagine #22
Person Imagine Nienna
Imagine #23
Imagine #24
Personal Imagine Natalie
Imagine #25
imagine #26
imagine #27
Personal Imagine Kelsey
Personal Imagine Vanessa
Personal Imagine Kelsey
Personal Imagine Chelsea
Imagine #28
Imagine #29
Imagine #30
Imagine #31
Imagine #32
Personal Imagine Ariana
Imagine #33
Imagine #34
Imagine #35
Imagine #36
Imagine #37 - Part 2 of Choose me
Personal Imagine
Imagine #38
Personal Imagine

Personal imagine Hayley

2.3K 58 5
By eatmyposey

Me and ren were training in the main room but it didn't feel like training, and maybe that's because it was fun. The room echoed with our laughter as we blocked our sabers in fun, silly ways.

It was all fun and games until a simple distraction threw ren off and the worst happened...

I laid on the floor with Ren screaming for medical help but I knew I wasn't going to make it. it would have been stupid of me to believe I would make it out of this room alive. I didn't have the force but I have been trained for years with lightsabers so it was a painful shock to me to have let this accident happen.

"hey, hey, stay with me Hayley!" he shouted holding my body on his lap.

I couldn't even remember how it happened but I couldn't forget how his light saber felt going through my body. I struggled to breath and I could feel the life drain from my normally bright green eyes. "its not y-your fau-lt" I choked out

"don't say anything, you will be okay my love" he said kissing my forehead. it was such a small gesture but it was the world to me and made me feel so amazing inside

I gave him the best smile I could in this situation "you k-know it Re-n, what is to... happen of me" a tear escaped his eyes as he shut them closed embracing my words. "I love you"

"im so sorry" he cried.

"im okay" I croaked out before I felt my last breath.


omg ive almost reached 50,000 reads thats so crazy!

send in requests and ideas please!

vote and comment <3

tay xoxoxoxox

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