Kylo Ren/Ben Solo imagines

By eatmyposey

333K 6.4K 931

read all about ur fav emotional psycho • These are mostly dark, serious, and sad... -kinda like me- but they'... More

Old times. Imagine #1
Finally mine. Imagine #2
For a long time now. Imagine #3
Everlasting pain. Imagine #4
Personal Imagine
Have faith in what i can do. Imagine #5
Trapped in the dark. Imagine #6
Innocent children. Imagine #7
Difference. Imagine #8
Choose me. Imagine #9
Personal Imagine Elizabeth
Personal Imagine Reagan
Imagine #10
imagine #11
Personal imagine Kara
Personal Imagine Anna
Personal Imagine Annie
Personal Imagine Luna
Imagine #12
Personal Imagine. Nicole
Personal Imagine Cat
Imagine #13
Imagine #14
Imagine #15
Innocent Children P2 Imagine #16
Imagine #17
Imagine #18
Imagine #19
Imagine #21
Personal Imagines
Personal Imagine Imryll
Imagine #22
Person Imagine Nienna
Personal imagine Hayley
Imagine #23
Imagine #24
Personal Imagine Natalie
Imagine #25
imagine #26
imagine #27
Personal Imagine Kelsey
Personal Imagine Vanessa
Personal Imagine Kelsey
Personal Imagine Chelsea
Imagine #28
Imagine #29
Imagine #30
Imagine #31
Imagine #32
Personal Imagine Ariana
Imagine #33
Imagine #34
Imagine #35
Imagine #36
Imagine #37 - Part 2 of Choose me
Personal Imagine
Imagine #38
Personal Imagine

Imagine #20

4.8K 111 14
By eatmyposey

"I hate him" I groaned to my brother Hux, my eyes watching the jerk walk away. Hux laughed and started walking away with his little annoying sister behind him.

"(Y/n), you need to keep a low profile. You aren't even suppose to be here" I rolled my eyes and groaned again

"I get it, you got me in here and in a couple years I have to work" he looked down at me and smiled slightly

"And you will do great" he said stopping and kissing my forehead. "Just stay low"

I nodded and turned to go to my room. I walked down the long hallways in my turtleneck black long sleeve shirt and black pants matching basically everything here.

When I reached my room I looked out the window. It was snowing as usual. I rested my forehead on the cold window and sighed.

It was cool being here and everything, but being like the only teen who isn't working is boring. Other than Kylo Ren, I mean he works and stuff but he is still just a teen who has fun...ish

Well from the sideline I guess seeing him have fun but up close he is the most annoying person, just with a pretty face.

As if on cue, the devil walks in the distance. My eyes followed his movements before he disappeared into the dark trees.

Biting my lip I debated wether or not I should follow and see what he was doing. But being the person I am, I decided to go. I threw on a dark grey jacket and my black boots and ran down all the hallways to get outside.

The snow landed on cheeks and made me smile. Me and Hux lived in a hot place so being here always made me happy.

I followed the big foot prints into the trees while clutching my jacket from the cold. I stayed as quiet as I could but the sound of my boots on the snow was a little loud, especially in the quiet forest.

I could hear something other than my foot prints and I looked down to see the footsteps were gone. "What the" I whispered thinking he might have turned when I wasn't paying attention and went straight instead. I turned around and out of no where Kylo jumped down from the trees and landed in front of me

"What are you doing?" He asked. I could see curiosity in his eyes as he looked down at me.

I walked past him and rolled my eyes "going for a walk, you just happened to be here" his footsteps continued behind me and I quickened my pace.

"You followed me, don't act like you weren't. I knew this whole time (y/n)" I gulped but didn't look back "hey!"

I jumped and turned around. "What" I spat.

He walked closer and closer and with each took forward I took two back until I was against a tree. "Who do you think you are talking too" he spat right back.

I was getting annoyed now "don't act like you are so much better than me when you aren't" his eyebrow raised "you are like a year older than me, I haven't been here for long but I've been here long enough to hate you"

His hands gripped behind my legs and lifted me up against the tree. "Leave me be!" I screamed and tried to leave but he kept me in place.

"I've been here for a while, longer than you. But this small amount of time you have been here opened my eyes to a greater feeling than hate. I'm not use to these feelings so I haven't been the best at... Talking to you"

I quickly shut up and listened to every word he was saying. If my cheeks weren't red enough from the cold I could only imagine what they looked like now

"W-what?" I choked out "you are the rudest person to me the whole time I'm here, and now you are saying this?"

I looked into his brown eyes for the first time and it felt like he was taking my soul. Next thing I realized is his cold lips on mine. It took a moment before I started kissing back.

He pulled me from the tree and carried me back to the base and into his room where he threw me on his soft bed.

Funny though I was thinking a while ago that he slept on a hard harsh bed like his soul but his was was softer than my own.

He got on top of me and smashed his lips on mine again. Both our hands were traveling each other until we were both stripped of all our clothes

The room was filled with our moans and our tangled figures. I never thought in a million years I would be in bed sharing such a moment with Kylo Ren but I'm happy things turned out the way they did.

But I can only imagine the conversation with Hux tomorrow...


HEY I'm still freaking out at 43k reads omg thank you so much for reading this and voting and commenting like it means the word to me.

And I have been uploading from my phone cause my laptop won't charge so imagines have been short and I'm sorry

Btw this is my 20th imagine :)

But please vote and comment!!!!

And for personal imagines I am so sorry I have been putting them off and yeah but I was overwhelmed with them and just focused on normal imagines.

Message me with ideas for (Y/N) imagines please!!!

Tay xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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