All I wanted was you..

By BadWolfe

69.5K 1K 84

I disliked my life what it took from me. what it let happen to me. I didn't want anyone anymore. not after wh... More

I thought I had everything...but I was wrong.
He saw one ever saw me.
I am still broken
Maybe that's the point
You drew me in
So soul full...they had a story to tell.
what is he doing to me?
but a part of me...deep inside loved the way he did those things
You? please, it was a waste of my time..
Like you are mine..
So I sing a song of love..
There was a sadness in those soulful eyes..
I shall take the heart
It can leave a lasting impression on someone
Let me see you through 'Cause I've seen the dark side too
I have always seen that. I know you are because...I am too
They are nothing compared to you.
you wanna bet?
I am still here. I can do this. I am going to do this.
I have never seen that much love between two people..
Surprise me.
"You're aching, you're breaking and I can see the pain in your eyes."
the things you are reawakening in me...
They always shined no matter what..
Love is not how it is in the fairy tales...
Come on Ms. Morgan have an adventure with me
How you ever heard of folding your clothes?
Promise me something...
504 and 505
I am still not the same
My sweet...
strange but nice...
She spoke with a voice that disrupted the sky..
Not compared to you...
You have to mean it..
She was his Nathan...
In a way he was perfect for me because...he was just as damaged as me.
Just practice
because you know deep down inside if you are going to lose Rob
Finding out everything wouldn't change that..
Here I am sharing everything with the man I have fallen in love with..
A messy disgusting lie... (Rob)
it makes my break seem like a small fracture..
if you freak out, I will definitely freak out
he is just rob to me...
are you ready to be in a realtionship with someone like me?
I would have saved myself a lot of hurt..
inside I screamed no
I forgot to ask...
"I love thee to the level of eveyday's most quiet need..."
"If you don't get nervous that means you don't care."
his voice...his eyes...
Courage and Control....
I never realized how strong you are..
To remind you that nobody loves you as much as I do.
I felt it and he said it...
I was never THAT type of girl..
You made a promise to yourself and your parents...
telling the world what this place was and who it was for...
Something I wasn't afraid of..
He fascinated me...
they say when you know..
"I always intended to wait..."
"You and me are the lucky ones this time.."
"So be very kind..."
"A lifetime of good"
Holding it together

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary.."

2.2K 37 4
By BadWolfe

Normal day.

Got up and went for my morning jog, I always enjoyed the fresh air in the morning.

It woke me up and put me in good spirits.

I got back to my loft and showered and changed.

look at the clock and realized and I was gonna run late if I didn't get a move on soon.


I grabbed a granola bar and dashed for the elevator.

"Hey hold the elevator!! Hey Danny you prick hold!!"

i ran in to find my best friend laughing.

"Shut up Daniel."

"Sorry...I just....hahahaha. I cant help it!"

"Ha ha ha now shut it!"

"Al-alright yesh no need to get nasty its just funny to see the look on your face each time you run late."

"You are such an asshole."

"Yeah I know but you know you love me."

he was right. I hate it when he is.

"Yeah yeah. Where are you off to?"

"Oh just to some dude's place said he has a killer deal in some drums. I need a new set so I am gonna check it out."

"Cool ask if he knows where I can find a Les Paul that is in good condition."

"You got it girl. Have a good day at work."

"I get to read all day of course I am gonna have a good day. see ya!"

you think I would get sick of my job but honestly I don't.

I get to read, I get a discount on books, and first dibs on anything good.

It was like living in a utopia or old and new books.

I walked in to find my boss standing by the door with that look on his face.

you know the you are such a fucking pain in my ass but you are my best worker so what the hell can I do but give you a look.

"Yeah I know Mr. Stevenson. I know."

"Belinda please try to make it on time. I know you are my best employee but come on."

"Look you hired me because I am the best, tardiness and all now scoot I have books to re shelve."

he walked off to his back office.

and I grabbed the stacks of books and went off to the fiction section.

I started to hum a tune I couldn't quite get right when I put Mr. Jack London back to his place, then Ms. Harper Lee, then Ms. Maude, and after some time I was done and grabbed the book that I had in my bag and went to my corner of the store to read.

I made sure I was careful on the account it was a fragile book, old if you may.

opening the where I left off..

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

''Tis some visitor,' I muttered, 'tapping at my chamber door -

Only this, and nothing more.'"

but before I could get further there came a guy, with a hoodie on and shades on.

Looking around as if someone where to catch him.

I didn't think much of it and went back to my book.

"Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow; -"

someone cleared their throat.

I looked up and the guy who just came in staring at me.

"Umm..can I help you?"

"Oh sorry didn't mean to interrupt. I was just looking for a specific book."

" no it-its alright. Its my job."

he looked a bit alarmed, as if he was expecting some kind of reaction from me.

me and strangers weren't always good. I get nervous on the account I always come off as weird or awkward.


"What are you looking for?"

"oh gosh I forget the name of it but its by L. Frank Baum...the one with the girl that goes to emerald city."

"Ah The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Come on let me show you where it is."

He followed me and I hummed the tune I couldn't get out of my head.

"Here we go."

I handed him the hardcover of the old book. and he still kept looking at me as if I was going to freak out at any moment, I brushed it off and turned to leave.

"Hey wait where are you going?"


"i helped you. you don't need me anymore. its a good book."

"I know...I lost my copy I needed a new one."

"That's good you found another one."

I returned back to my corner and reopened my book.

I noticed a shadow on my book and there he was again.

"I am sorry do you need something else?"

"no I just...sorry if I am acting weird this just never happens to me alot."

"what never happens?"

"you acting normal."

"Yeah...that's what people normally do."

strange one....I went back to my book.

"So you don't know who I am?"

"Uh should i?"

"Most people do...well most girls anyway."

"I am not like every girl."

"I can see that. What are you reading?"

"Poe's Raven."


he had an accent, I am surprised I didn't notice before.

"Where is that accent from?"

I didn't look up and just kept my eyes on the words of my book.

"London. Oh I am sorry to be rude. My name is Rob."

he stuck out his hand in front of my book.

so I was forced to look up.

"Belinda. Belinda Morgan."

I put my hand in his and gave him a weak shake.

"Nice to meet you Belinda Morgan. I have to be off. Hope to see you around."

"Nice meeting you Rob. Enjoy the book."

"Will do."

he went to the register and then went out the door.

"What a strange guy."

I went back to my book.

"Doubt I will ever see him again."

boy i how wrong I was.

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