It's Complicated With Friends

By ExclusivelyLisa

2M 15.7K 1.4K

Rosa and Jake have been friend ever since Freshman year, they were two peas in a pod and couldn't be closer... More

Living With My Best Friend And My Crush!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26~ PROM
Chapter 27~Epilogue
New Story!!

Chapter 13

64K 444 36
By ExclusivelyLisa

HI guys! CHAPTER 13 WHOOO HOO! This is very exciting isn't it? Okay here we gooo! I appreciate all of your guys support and votes! It means a lot to me! :) ThANKS YOU GUYS:) also remember VOTE, COMMENT, READ:) HEHE---> Picture of Kelsey!! 


Chapter 13: 

Rosa POV

Ahead of us stood a small little wooden cottage with a chimney that had puffs of smoke coming out. The small wooden cottage was slowly being dredged with snow flakes that were floating down, and I could see some of Jake's friends already crowded around the patio with mugs of hot chocolate and coffee. Making our way up the snowy hill, I noticed that we were the only ones at the cottage and I wondered where the rest of the guests were.  As if noticing my sense of confusion Jake whispered in my ear. 

"Derek's family owns the cottage usually they come up here every year together only this year, they decided that we could go by ourselves."

"Oh, I see! Well its just going to be even more fun!" 

I walked up the steps towards the cottage and where everyone else was sitting, my palms started to sweat as I realized that I have never spent this much time with Jake's friends. What if they didn't like me? What if I make a fool of myself? What would they think of me? 

"Hey, don't worry! They will love you, just as much as I do!" Looking up at his face he gave me a look of reassurance. I smiled at him, taking a deep breath, and greeted them. 

"Hey guys! Thanks for letting me come!" 

"No problem! It's always fun having Jake's girlfriend around!" Derek replied in a cheerful voice.

"Yeah, I am really excited to spend some time with you!" Kelsey agreed, one of the cheerleaders I've talked to before that didn't give me a rude remark about my wardrobe or hair and I actually liked. 

"Hmm, yes well of course we could have done without you too, don't see so happy." Christy said through the throng of people as she stepped forward in her bedazzled snow boots and puffy fur lined jacket. I felt myself look away burrowing myself into Jake's chest for comfort, not wanting myself to give Christy the happiness of seeing my sadness of her remark. 

"Yo! Christy stop hating on her! Just because you have no life doesn't mean we all have to play along with you!" Derek yelled, obviously a little drunk but still his support was reassuring. I looked up slightly to see Christy's mouth form into a tight line as she stomped back into the house muttering rude remarks and up the stairs to her room. 

"Hey Christy let me introduce you to some of the people here! This is Kelsey you already know her!" The red headed girl waved at me with a cheerful and giddy smile. 

"This is Sam on the football team." A black haired blue eyes man smirked at me before turning back to his conversation. 

"This is Jimmy and Sammy, brothers and on the basketball team." One blonde hair green eyed boys waved at me simultaneously while giving a head nod to Jake. 

"Finally, this is Rochelle on the cheerleading team as well." A brown haired girl shook my hand and gave me a small smile before sinking back into the crowd to talk to Kelsey. 

"Hey dude can we have our keys please? We have to put our stuff away!" I heard Jake mention before Derek handed him a gold coloured key with the number 17 on it. I couldn't believe this small cottage had rooms with numbers on it like in the hotels! Grabbing our stuff I raced up the stairs past multiple doors, until I finally came across door 17 eager to see our new room. Opening it I was greeted with a bright baby blue painted walls with a single beige coloured bed that was complete with a giant laced curtain that surrounded the bed. I walked around the room, it was huge! Not only did it have a bed but it also had 2 large walk-in closets, a giant bathroom complete with marble tiles, a giant whirlpool bathtub and steam shower. I couldn't believe my eyes! I walked out of the bathroom, jumped onto the giant king size bed and breathed a sigh of relief. I felt the bed dip as Jake lowered himself next to me, he gathered me into his arms his chin resting on my shoulder. I heard his breathing slowing down as I noticed he fell asleep, listening to the sound of his breathing I too fell asleep buried close in his arms. 


"Wakey, wakey! Hello? Guys? WAKE UP!" I jolted from the bed as a loud ringing broke through my ears. I looked down next to me to find Jake on the floor rubbing his head in confusion at the sudden noise disturbing our sleep. 

"WHAT?!" I yelled with irritation and annoyance. I looked up to see Derek with a devious smile spinning on his lips indicting his sense of pride in waking us up in a rude manner. 

"I just came to tell you guys that dinner is ready... Sheesh!" Turning around Derek stomped outside of our room. I looked down at Jake the same time he looked up at me, we burst out laughing from the hilarity of the situation. Quickly getting up I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change. 

"Are you ready to go?"

"Hmm? Yes of course lets go!" Stepping out the bathroom we walked down the stairs to the tantalizing smells of tomato soup and grilled cheese. Everyone had already seated themselves and started feeding themselves the dishes around them. Taking our seats we started eating with the rest of the gang Jake instantly joining in on the conversations, me just eating silently and listening. 

"So Rosa... How are you likin' the place so far?" Kelsey asked me with a interested look. 

"Oh its great! I really enjoy it! Its super beautiful thanks again for letting me come join you guys!" 

"No problem! What's mine is yours!" Derek replied in a confidant voice. I smiled and started joining in the multiple conversations with Jake, feeling happy that I was getting along with Jake's friends. Suddenly I heard the clicking of heels as I looked up towards the stairs to see Christy walking down with all the pride in the world. She was wearing a blue glitter tight fit dress that hugged her body like a leather pants on a rockstar would, she was wearing bright blue heels that were at least 10cm tall, and of course she curled her hair to perfection adding pieces of glitter and long gold streaks. Looking down I felt self conscious in my ripped jeans and red t-shirt. 

"Hey don't worry you look beautiful she may be wearing some of the most expensive clothes, but you have something she doesn't natural beauty and I love you for that exactly." Jake whispered in my hear while squeezing my knee. Relaxing my body I turned back to my food ignoring the sauntering Christy that sat on the other side of Jake. 

"So Jake, are you excited to spend the winter break with me at the lodge?" I tensed with the way she seductively said those words to him. 

"Well, I am excited to spend the winter break at the lodge with my GIRLFRIEND ROSA!" I smiled down as my plate while grabbing Jake's hand over the table. I watched from the corner of my eye as I saw Christy pout, cross her tanned arms together and glare at the table. I smiled to myself feeling a sense of triumph when Jake refused to fall into Christy's trap, I beamed a smile at Jake as I laid my head on his shoulder listening to the various conversations going around the room. 

"Hey guys lets gather around the fireplace and share stories!" I heard Kelsey yell out to the table, I looked around the table seeing everyone nodding their heads and making their way to the fireplace with their mugs of hot chocolate and tea. I got and walked with Jake their both of us sitting on the love seat cuddle up against each other like a baby Koala with their mother. 

"Okay guys I want to start did I tell you about the time I slipped on a banana peel and landed face flat in a plate of pasta?" I heard everyone burst out laughing as Kelsey shared her story, and a bright smile on Kelsey's face enthusiastic that everyone was laughing and enjoying her story. I couldn't help but giggle as she used actions and faces to describe the incident. 

"OKAY OKAY MY TURN!" Derek screamed with excitement.

"Alright, well did I tell you about the time Jake wore a skirt to school because of his mom?" 


"Psh, its a great story! Okay well I was sleeping over at his house one day and the night before we had fun sneaking into his mom's closet and trying on clothes while making fun of her. When we had to wake up early for football practice and I left his house first because I had to go grab my clothes. When I got to school I heard students laughing and pointing at a boy wearing a pink skirt and when he turned around I saw it was Jake! I asked him what happened with his clothes and he told me 'I forgot that I put this skirt on last night and when I tried to take it off this morning the zipper was stuck and my mom refused to help me so I had to wear it to school now shut up!' and trudged to the locker!" I felt myself burst out laughing at the though of Jake wearing a skirt and noticing Jake's cheeks turned bright red. Clutching my stomach I continued laughing until I felt my lungs run out of air resulting in me to breathe leading me into gasping for air and grabbing onto Jake's shoulder for support. I looked up at his face and pinched his cheeks then spoke in a motherly voice, 

"Don't worry Jakey everyone needs some femininity in their lives!" Before I started laughing again, and oddly enough Jake joined me in laughing. I knew that this was going to be an awesome trip with all of these new friends I've made, Jake my loving hilarious boyfriend and Christy is already forgotten! This is going to be a trip to remember!


Hey guys! Chapter 13 Uploaded WHOO! I am super glad all of you guys have stuck to the story and supported me through the whole thing! I am really glad that all of you guys liked and enjoyed it! PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT AND READ! I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS :) 

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