Lolly's Adventures #1 [COMPLE...

By theoryoffgunn

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Lolly is a special girl. Her family is different from the others in her hometown and it's pretty obvious. T... More

Lolly's Adventures: TABLE OF CONTENTS
Adventure #1: Part 1: Lolly Smoothie
Adventure #1: Part 2: Lolly The Vampire Slayer
Adventure #2: Part 1: Grape Virus
Adventure #2: Part 2: Anti-Grape Group
Adventure #2: Part 3: Morning Surprises
Adventure #3: Part 1: Emilie's Adventure
Adventure #3: Part 2: Lolly's Adventure
Adventure #3: Part 3: Xander's Adventure
Adventure #4: Part 1: Three Idiots. Two Weirdos. One Car.
Adventure #4: Part 2: Cotton Candy
Adventure #4: Part 3: All The Ladies Love Bobby!
Adventure #5: Part 1: Cynthia, Roberto a.k.a Lila, and Charlie's Fangirls
Adventure #5: Part 2: It's Not Prettier Than A Cherry!
Adventure #5: Part 3: Early Morning Phone Conversations
Adventure #6: Part 1: Chicken Quesadillas, Charlie The Fangirl, and Pool Fun
Adventure #6: Part 2: Getting Ready To Go Party
Adventure #6: Part 3: Kiss And Run
Adventure #7: Part 1: The Feels In The Stars
Adventure #7: Part 2: I Don't Date Famous People and Special Guests
Adventure #7: Part 3: Girl Talk and Fandom Feels Overlad!
Adventure #8: Part 1: How To Get Locked Out Of Your House For Dummies
Adventure #8: Part 2: How To Break Into Your House For Dummies
Adventure #8: Part 3: How To Get A Celebrity Too...
Adventure #9: Part 1: Bobby The Milk Covered Sleepwalker
Adventure #9: Part 2: Broken Arms, Video Games, and Movie Night
Adventure #9: Part 3: Spooning With Charlie, New Friend, and Bratty Neighbor
Adventure #10: Part 1: Marshmallow Wars, Old Friend, and Sleeping Arangements
Adventure #10: Part 2: Party Preparations, Party Crashers, and Jelousy Wars
Adventure 10: Part 3: Truth or Dare, Midnight Kiss, and Farewells
Adventure #11: Part 1: Birthday Bash Preparations, Unwanted Attention, and-
Adventure #11: Part 2: Secret Date, Threatened, and Walk In The Beach
Adventure #11: Part 3: National Dexter Day, Birthday Bash, and Night Of Surprise
Adventure #12: Part 1: Bromances, After Party, and Summer Sunsets
Adventure #12: Part 2: Double Date, Puppy Love, and Headlines
Adventures #12: Part 3: Interview, Hollywood's New It Couple, and Phone Call
Adventure #13: Part 1: Beach Party, Em's Mystery Guy, and Charlie's 'Ex'
Adventure #13: Part 2: Tattoos, YouTube, and Jewelry Box
Adventure #13: Part 3: Acceptance Letters and A Roller Coaster of Feels
Adventure #14: Part 1: Life Unexpected
Adventure #14: Part 2: Uncle Xander
Adventure #14: Part 3: Farewells and Going Home
Adventure #15: Part 1: A Walk Down Memory Lane
Adventure #15: Part 2: I Met A Guy
Adventure #15: Part 2.5: I Met A Girl
Adventure #15: Part 3: Together For Hope
Adventure #16: Part 1: Surprise Arrival and Baby Daddy
Adventure #16: Part 2: College News, Dexter's Parents, Celebratory Dinner
Adventure #16: Part 3: Family Visit and Esposing The Truth
Adventure #17: Part 1: The First Farewells and Packing
Adventure #17: Part 2: Road Trip To College and Moving In
Adventure #17: Part 3: THE END.

Adventure #1: Part 3: Lolly And Bobby

1.1K 33 4
By theoryoffgunn

This is the last part of this adventure.

It's short but i guess it's fine.

Vote and comment!

Next Adventure: Lolly tries turning Charlie into a Cherry Lover like her with the help of some friends. Lindsay makes a unexpected visit.


Part 3: Lolly and Bobby

"Where have you been?" Bobby asked as I walked through the front door. I quickly closed the door and leaned against it trying to catch my breathe.

Emilie sure is a fast runner. Maybe she's a vampire! I'll need to look into that next time I see her. I looked at bobby, who was heading to the family room with popcorn. "Emilie tried killing me." I said walking towards the kitchen and getting a glass of water. Bobby watched me as I drank the whole glass of water in less than ten seconds and refilled it.

"What did you do to here this time?" He asked leaning against the counter and eating the popcorn.

"Nothing!" I said defensively and added. "Why does everyone always assume I did something?!"

Bobby chuckled and started heading to the family room once again, I followed him. "Lolly everyone knows Emilie wouldn't chase you around town trying to kill you unless you either pulled one of you oh so amazing stunts on her or embarrassed her for like the millionth time. Sometimes I wonder why she's stayed you friend all these years when she could find a NORMAL best friend." I smacked his arm and he only

Laughed again as we entered the family room.

"Mom, Bobby is saying I'm not normal again!" I said when I spotted our mom sitting in the couch with dad and Lolly running against their feet.

"Now Bobby we've talked about this. Lolly is as normal as you and everyone in our family." Mom said with a smile.

"Our family isn't normal." Dad said looking down at Lolly by his feet.

"How did it go with Emilie?" Dex asked sitting in the the other couch with the grape lover next to him.

"I lost her at the mall." I shrugged. "She has enough time to calm down. I think she had anger issues you know. I've even told her a few times and she just hits me which kind of proves I'm right." I sat next to Bobby in the other couch and took the bowl of popcorn from him. "So why is grape lover dude still doing here? I don't want to catch the grape virus."

"Me neither!" Bobby said stuffing his mouth with popcorn. Gross....

"You two are immature." Dex said rolling his eyes.

"You're infected." I said.

"Lolly just because he likes grapes doesn't mean I can't be his friend! No I don't like grapes still okay. I still love Cherry lollipops just like you and everyone in this family even our cat sister Ronny." Dex said pointing at her. "Charlie's a great guy and he'll be staying here awhile. You better be nice Lolly and Bobby."

"I'm nice!" Bobby exclaimed throwing his hands in the air making the bowl fly up in the air and popcorn rain on both of us. He caught some in his mouth.

"Nice going idiot." I said and he stuck his tongue out.

"So when are we going to L.A.?" I asked Dex as I swatted Bobby's hands from getting the popcorn in my hair.

"Two weeks." Dex said with a smirk.

"I'm going to have to live with Grape Lover Dude for TWO weeks?!" I asked bewildered.

"He's actually coming with us." Dex smirked and I threw the bowl of popcorn at him.

"Lolly!" Mom yelled and dad just laughed.

"Why would you do something that evil to me?!" I asked Dex, who had unfortunately caught the bowl before it hit his face.

"Charlie isn't that bad Lolly, at least get to know him then tell me he's evil." Dex said and I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Fine, I'll get to know him but I know he's evil." I said and smirked. "He's related to Linsay."

"What?!" Bobby yelled. "Get him out of this house! Oh gods we might all have the Lindsay virus already. Okay everyone back away slowly from the guy-"

"You know my cousin?" Charlie asked us, speaking up for the first time.

"Yeah!" Bobby and I said together and then shuddered of the memories.

"Lolly and Bobby please don't start. I'm sure Lindsay isn't as bad as you two have told me-" Bobby cut of mom.

"She poured glue in my hair!"

"She gave me a WORM sandwhich!" I said.

"She pushed me down the bleacher making me break my leg and not be able to play football!" Bobby said next.

"She hid my clothes during Gym and made me go out naked."

"She told everyone I had STD's!"

"She made Emilie and I get chased by killer dogs!"

"She took credit for my amazing Science project and made me fail the class!"

"She told Ethan Walkes that I wanted to have a one night stand with him!"

Yeah the list is long.

"She made me kiss a guy when I was drunk."

I looked at Bobby. "You were the guy who kissed Baron Jones!" I clutched my stomach as I laughed uncontrollably.

"It was not funny! He thought we were dating after that and somehow got my number." Bobby said glaring at me. "He kept texting and calling me!"

"I...can't...stop....laughing." I rolled on the floor laughing like crazy.

"At least I didn't run out of the locker rooms in only a towel." Bobby said and I stopped laughing.

"Lindsay had my stupid clothes! What was I suppose to do?! I had more in my locker and went and got them." I said as I stood up.

"Wow, did Lindsay really do all that?" Charlie asked wide eyed.

"Yes and a lot more thing that might take weeks to finish mentioning." Bobby said and glared at him. "If you're just like her I won't hesitate to drive a stake through your heart."

"I'm not like Lindsay." Charlie said and I actually believed him.

"Whatever," I said and decided I didn't want to stay in the same room as a grape lover and Lindsay's relative.

"Bobby come on." I said.

"Why would I do what you tell me too?" He scoffed and I smirked as I took a bag of candy out of my pocket.

"I've got goodies." I said and walked out of the room.

"Wait! Lolly!" Bobby ran after me.

"Ew! No! Nope! Blue is good." Bobby was going through the candy bag picking the ones he liked. I was peeking out my bedroom door checking if anyone was coming. "Why do you have a purple one?!"

"The bags came like that Bobby." I said still looking out the door.

"Oh." He continued looking at the candy and I rolled my eyes. As long as you offer Bobby candy you can make him do anything. Candy is his weakness. "What are you doing?" Bobby asked looking up from his stack of candy, his hands were bright red of all the candies he had ate in the last hour.

"Checking if anyone's coming." I said and I heard footsteps downstairs. "They're coming!" I ran to my bed and hid the candy under my pillow and Bobby stuffed a lot of them into his mouth and the rest down his shirt.

I heard two pair of footsteps coming up the stairs. Both Bobby and I threw ourselves on my bed and pretended to be sleeping and a second after Mom peeked inside. "Johnny they fell asleep eating candy together just like when they were small." I heard mom said and she was most likely smiling. "My babies are so big now."

"Bobby has sugar all around his mouth and his hands are bright red from all the candy he ate, I don't think he has grown up yet." Dad laughed.

I tried not laughing an felt Bobby pinch me. That little-!

"Come on Molly, Ronny is heavy." Dad said meaning he was probably carrying my cat sister Ronny.

I heard them walk towards Ronny' room then to their's. I sat up and punched Bobby. "Dude that pinch hurt like falling into Tartarus!" I said rubbing my arm.

"Didn't Percy and Annabeth-" I covered Bobby's mouth.

"Shut up! They're going to be okay." I insisted. "They HAVE to be okay...."

We were silence for a few minutes both thinking about the book 'The Mark of Athena' by Rick Riordan. That book broke our hearts into a million pieces then scattered them all over the worled then threw our bodies into the underworld. Rick did it again, he's such a troll!

"-not that bad. She just really hated grape flavored things and Lindsay and her aren't the best of friends-" I ran out of my room and into the hallway when I heard Dex.

"Lindsay and I are sworn enemies and she's an evil witch! We will never be friends and everyone says she doesn't have a soul which I kind of believe cause she's so selfish!" I said without taking a breathe.

"Lolly I found another cheery candy!" Bobby yelled from inside of my room.

"It's mine!" I yelled.

"But I haven't gotten a cherry one yet!" Bobby protested and I knew he was pouting.

"Really, then why are your hands and tongue red?!" I argued.

Silence. I heard a wrapper being opened.

"Oh Hades no!" I said running into my room and I heard Dex laugh and say. "Yeah don't mess with her cherry flavored candy, she'll slaughter you."

Bobby was laying in my bed when I ran inside and I lunged at him. "Bobby that's my candy!" I yelled as we fought for it.

"I found it!" He yelled.

"I bought it!" I argued and the candy fell out of his hand into the floor.

He pushed me off and I fell on my ass on the floor. He picked up something off the floor and put it in his mouth. "I put in my mouth." He said then got a weird expression. "This doesn't taste like cherry...."

"Bobby that was the dog's poop." I said and his eyes widened and ran to my restroom.

I picked up the candy, which was still in its wrapped, from the floor and walked out of my room and into Dex's. Dex and Grape Lover were playing video games. "What happened with the candy?" Dex asked pausing the game.

"I got the candy and Bobby ate Cat's poop." I said with a smile and Dex started laughing uncomfortably. "It was a win-win."

"I can't believe-OH GODS!" Dex was crying now of how much he was laughing. He stood up and said something about going to get some water but I couldn't understand because he was laughing as he talked.

Grape Lover guy looked at me and smiled, I could hear Bobby still in my restroom washing his mouth over and over most likely. "Look I'm sorry about what my cousin did to you and your brother but I'm not like her." Charlie said. "Was I mean earlier today when you didn't know I was related to Lindsay and that I liked grape lollipops?"

"No but I still don't trust you." I said walking over to Dex's bed and sitting down. "One of the rules in the Anti-Grape group is 'Never trust a grape lover'. It's also the most important rule."

"I promise I won't give you any kind of 'virus'." Charlie said.

"Whatever." I said and I heard a meow from outside the hallway. "Crap, Ronny's awake." I hurried out of the room and saw Ronny crawling down the hallway.

"Do you ever sleep?" I asked her as I pushed my bedroom door open.

She hissed at me. "Thought so." I said and walked into my room.

Bobby stayed in the restroom for ten more minutes before coming out and sitting on my bed as I watched SpongeBob Squarepants. An hour later I heard Dex showing Charlie to the guest room. I turned to Bobby and we both listened closely.

"-sleep here. You can put your stuff in the drawers." Dex was saying and Bobby and I smiled at each other.

I heard them walking most likely to the drawer and a second later one being open. "Lolly! Bobby!" Dex yelled.

"Did you fill the closet with cherry lollipop wrappers too?" I asked Bobby.


"Yep." Bobby smiled the we heard Dex hurring towards my room and we ran to lock the door.

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