Kylo Ren/Ben Solo imagines

By eatmyposey

333K 6.4K 931

read all about ur fav emotional psycho • These are mostly dark, serious, and sad... -kinda like me- but they'... More

Old times. Imagine #1
Finally mine. Imagine #2
For a long time now. Imagine #3
Everlasting pain. Imagine #4
Personal Imagine
Have faith in what i can do. Imagine #5
Trapped in the dark. Imagine #6
Innocent children. Imagine #7
Difference. Imagine #8
Choose me. Imagine #9
Personal Imagine Elizabeth
Personal Imagine Reagan
Imagine #10
imagine #11
Personal imagine Kara
Personal Imagine Anna
Personal Imagine Annie
Personal Imagine Luna
Imagine #12
Personal Imagine. Nicole
Personal Imagine Cat
Imagine #13
Imagine #15
Innocent Children P2 Imagine #16
Imagine #17
Imagine #18
Imagine #19
Imagine #20
Imagine #21
Personal Imagines
Personal Imagine Imryll
Imagine #22
Person Imagine Nienna
Personal imagine Hayley
Imagine #23
Imagine #24
Personal Imagine Natalie
Imagine #25
imagine #26
imagine #27
Personal Imagine Kelsey
Personal Imagine Vanessa
Personal Imagine Kelsey
Personal Imagine Chelsea
Imagine #28
Imagine #29
Imagine #30
Imagine #31
Imagine #32
Personal Imagine Ariana
Imagine #33
Imagine #34
Imagine #35
Imagine #36
Imagine #37 - Part 2 of Choose me
Personal Imagine
Imagine #38
Personal Imagine

Imagine #14

6.2K 122 26
By eatmyposey

Ren and I were on a secluded planet that barely anyone knows about. We were on a mission looking for my little sister who disappeared when I left for training with Ren and we got a anonymous note saying my sister was on this planet. I jumped, ready to go on my own to find my sister, but he wouldn't let me go alone, which was understandable, since I was pregnant with his child. We had two squadrons with us just in case of any trouble, but I was willing to go alone with a blaster and make sure my sister was okay.

"lets go! I need to find her!" I yelled at Ren, who was just watching into the trees from the ship window. He had sent one squadron out and the other was still in the ship waiting on our orders.

"im not letting you go out there (y/n), you will not risk yourself nor our child" he spoke sternly. I huffed and sat down in the seat. I looked down at my baby bump and smiled.

What I saw when I thought about my baby was growing up with a loving father and mother and the auntie who loves her. We would go to the beautiful beaches on my home planet and play in the sand, which Ren would most likely not be a part of considering he does not like sand.

I broke out of my imagination and stood up. I wore custom clothes that let me move normally with this big bump rather than in the normal pregnancy gowns. I wanted to be able to get my sister out of here on my own. "im not waiting anymore, im going" I said and turned for the ship exit, but ren stopped me

I turned to him and he spoke "im sorry" and raised his hand to my forehead, then everything went black.

I woke up in the small room of the ship that had a bed, he got it installed just in case I felt sick or something. I groaned and got up, trying to open the door, but he had it locked. I rolled my eyes feeling so much anger in my body. I remembered the small gun I kept in my bag that I had left in this room. I thanked myself for being smart and shot open the door.

The ship was empty so everyone was still out there. I grabbed the bigger blaster that was kept on the ship and left my tiny one that would barely do any damage, then ran out the ship. I heard blaster shots in the distance and quietly ran to where the commotion was.

I could sense something inside my body, my sister was her, she was actually here! I smiled and continued running. I was hidden in the trees just watching out for Ren or my sister, both I could not find.

Until I heard his familiar lightsaber sound, so I ran over to where he was. "Ren!" he turned to me, sweat beads on his forehead. He was stunned

A second passed and he was by my side "what are you doing here!" he roared, but it didn't scare me. "it's a trap! Go! Go back to the ship now!"

My eyes widened "im not leaving my sister here, you feel it too! She is here" I said not looking around.

"these people are Resistance supporters!" he said now in a shaky voice "get her out of here!" he ordered two storm troopers.

"no!" I screamed as they gripped my arms and pulled me away from all the blaster shots. About 20 feet away I managed to get out of their grip. I used all the power in my body to do what Ren had just recently started teaching me, and it worked. The man fell to the ground, knocked out. I then held my blaster up to the other one. I closed my eyes for a second and spoke "you will go back and fight, and you will leave me be"

He started repeating me but I started running before he could finish. I was again in the crossfire.

I made my way through the trees to a small base. I snuck in and hid behind some boxes stacked up. I heard a voice speak and I ran out. "Asa!" I screamed when I saw her small frame

She turned quickly and the sound of a blaster filled the small space, along with my scream of pain. I felt the burning sensation on my shoulder, and then I fell to the ground on my side, the pain of that causing me to scream again.

"Ren!" I screamed out to him, hoping he would hear.

"how could you!" she yelled "you could have been so much more! You completely ruined everything (y/n)!" tears fell as I felt physical and mental pain. The worst would normally be her words causing my mental pain, but I couldn't contain my screams and blood came from inside me.

"no!" Ren screamed looking down at me. I was wounded from the shot to my shoulder, but the blood was not coming from that, the worst had come to my head as I thought of my poor child. "NO!" he screamed again before charging at Asa, and I did nothing to stop him.

She was my sister, the one I had loved the most in this world until the warmth in my tummy grew into the love of my life... she took my baby away from me. he ran over to me and picked me up. "go back!" he ordered the others, who followed.

I was breathing in trying to focus on other things and not the events that just happened. "youre okay, we will be home soon" I nodded and bit down on my lip trying not to think of the pain, but it was too much for one person to bear.

Things would get better in time, but nothing would be the same...

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