Not a Cullen

By wings4life

1.3M 31.4K 7K

Did you know Renesmee had a sister. No? I'm not surpised. I'm Elisa the eldest twin. I got kicked out after I... More

Kicked out cause of a tantrum
I'm hot, I know
Meeting Stephanies girlfriend
School? You wish!
I'm in hell aren't I?
Back stories and the VST
This is not my brother
Flashback then I meet a creepy british dude
A chapter w/ Klaus
It's a mustache!!! ----> :{
Santa is coming shopping with me!
Shopping for realz
Monday the sundae
Tara is mad!!!
Rebekah is hooooome
Klaus is a b*stard.
Torture what fun!
Bonding with the scary original!
I'm running out of chapter titles...
How are you alive?
Stefan the puppy and Elena the troll!
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 1)
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 2)
YouTube. This is just fantastic(part 3)
Cullens versus well everybody
Party of death. Mwa ha ha ha
AWESOME ENDING!!! *fangirl squeal*
My first Founder's Celebration. There's a reason I didn't go before
Author's note... maybe
It's on like Donkey Kong <(' )
Stop trying to kill me!!!
Meeting the Arusadawn family and why Klaus?
Klaus, you cheesy bastard!
Double K
What happens here never leaves this room...
Really? I mean... Really?
Little Red Riding Hood
Amnesia part 1
Part 2 of being amnesiac
Still don't have any memories part 3
Where oh where are my stupid memories (part 4)
I have more than forgetfulness (Last part! #5 i think)
Remembering isn't always a good thing
bad pick up lines
A Pet Hybrid
The moment we have all been waiting for
who wants to get drunk
The feels!!!
Naivety not idiocy!
Brotherly Love
Come at me, bro
Don't Regretti the Spaghetti
Bon Appétit
Have a holly, jolly...oh no

Hybrids, Death & Awesome Hair

28.5K 658 234
By wings4life

Elijah looked at all of us curiously and rested his eyes on Klaus. 

"What is going on?" My eyebrows furrowed. He didn't have the noticable British accent that his siblings has. Pity. Klaus cleared his throat. 

"Rebekah is throwing a party." 

"Then why are there Cold Ones here? The vegetarian ones in fact."  

"Because Rebekah and the others decided to torture them." Just then Edward screamed again. I scowled at the door and threw a shoe at it, making a loud thud. Wimp. Elijah looked at me curiously. 

"Who are you?" I grinned. 

"I'm Tara!" I said happily. He nodded slowly. 

"Brother, who is downstairs?" Is this all he does; just asks questions all day? Kol grinned.  

"Why that is her father. Klaus is having a little experiment, shall we say." 

"And you're okay with that?" I smiled slyly than took another bite of cake so I didn't have to speak. 

"Well she was the one who initated the idea." He nodded than looked at the Cullen's again. 

"Hello Carlisle." He greeted and walked over to his family. Carlisle's mouth was agape. 

"But...You...Human...Huh?" He stammered.  

"Well clearly he isn't human. Use your brain!" Caroline snapped sweetly. How, I have no idea. I should probably learn how to do that. Seems pretty useful... and I'm off topic again. 

"I never actually introduced myself, did I?" He mused. "Well I am Elijah Mikaelson. Pleasure to see you again." 

"No it's not. No one likes to see Carlisle." I muttered. He looked at me once again. 

"I'm sorry but who exactly are you?" 

"Well technically I'm her twin, her daughter, grandaughter, niece, enemy excetra excetra. I'm the other product of the one downstairs and her when she was human. I'm more like you though. But they kicked me out so I lived with the Salvatore's till a couple months ago so I moved in with your family. I met Klaus at the Grill and stupidly told him I'm a hybrid." I rushed out than panted. I need to learn how to breathe during talking or else I'm going to embarass myself by passing out. 

"Interesting." I groaned. 

"Can't any of you be original?" I moaned then snickered. I made a pun.  

"How clever." Kol said sarcastically. I smirked at him. 

"Anyways, met with these two over my prisonlike stay- I mean lovely vacation- and managed to make them like me. Don't ask how though. I'm taking that secret to the grave. And today's my birthday so Rebekah threw this for me. These freaks showed up and after a little, umm 'talk' we let them come over. So here we are! Do you like red velvet cake?"  

"Umm no. Thank you." He shook his head. I stared at him in confusion. How can he not like red velvet?! 

"How do you know my grandpa?" Nessie whimpered softly. He glanced at her like she was an experiment. I hate that look. On me anyway. 

"We were brief friends when he was human." He said shortly. I glanced at the door again confused a couple minutes later. Carlisle frowned and opened his mouth when I held up my hand and tilted my head to the torture room. 

"Can anyone else hear anything down there?" I piped up. Everyone went quiet and listened. Klaus frowned and made his way to the door while we followed curiously. We went downstairs and saw Edward panting on the floor. He was gripping his hair so hard some of it was torn out. Ouch. 

"Look at his skin." Rebekah murmered. It was cracked and instead of the usually white marble it was as red as blood with black spots. He looked up and growled savagely. I frowned. His eyes were slowly turning a neon yellow. He saw me and had me by the throat on the opposite wall. I pushed him away and he fell clumsily to the ground. I barely put any force into it! Hmm. I bit my lip. 

"Good torture, bad hybrid idea." I decided as the cracks widened by themselves. 

"Tara get over here." Rebekah urged. I side stepped him and blurred to the stairs. And not a moment to soon for my dear father then self combusted. Literally. He just blew up and little parts of him came raining down like little marbles in Edward sized pieces.  

"EWW!" I cringed and threw the finger that was in my hair to the wall. Gross, gross, gross! Klaus looked at the room thoughtfully. 

"Guess we don't need your blood after all." He said to me. I stuck out my tongue at him. 

"This is excellant news if the Volturi shows disobediance. Sorry you didn't get more of your hybrids Niklaus." Elijah said, straightening out his jacket. He seemed to be the only one spared for the others had gotten hit with body chunks of Cold One, some animal blood that smelled like Bambi and/or venom somehow. Lucky old dude. 

"Yes well we learn something new everyday. Today, a new torture tactic." Klaus shrugged and started back upstairs.  

"Amazing." Stefan muttered. 

"What is?" I asked and threw my jacket in the trashcan 10 feet away and made it in. Bullseye! 

"Last time he failed at making hybrids he threw a huge hissy fit. Even did the whole angry speech part. But this time he's just... doesn't care."  

"I do not throw 'huge hissy fits' Rippah." Klaus snapped. I chuckled. He totally did. 

"Of course you don't Nikky." I soothed and ducked under his attempt to hit me. I laughed and hurried to the  living room. 

"Your poor Eddie is now dead. Sorry but not really. I guess he couldn't handle the awesomeness of being a hybrid."I said happily to the sobbing but not really Cullens. You know since the whole no tears thing. I grabbed my disguise kit and pulled out a big bag of mustache's. I grinned and put on one that the evil villains always had from the old shows.  

"Whatcha think?" I asked Bella. She snarled at me weakly. What's her- oooh yeah. We basically killed her mate. Oops?  

"I don't think that is wise." Elijah put in. I faced him with a disbelieving look. 

"What can she do against me of all people? And all I was doing was asking about my mustache. I wonder if I have a goatee." I trailed off and started rifling again. Rebekah snatched it away. 

"No." She said firmly. 

"But Rebekah." I whined and reached for it again. She shook her head and vamp speeded away. I glared at the empty space hatefully. 

"I will find it eventually! Mark my words!" I yelled. Klaus cleared his throat. 

"Now that our test has failed, what do we do with them?" I pushed out my lower lip thoughtfully before I started to jump up and down. 

"I know!" I squealed but just then the Save Elena's phones all chimed. I frowned at the interruption. Caroline shot me an apologetic look before walking out with Tyler and Bonnie. 

"It's Elena isn't it?" I sighed. Stefan and Damon nodded slowly and vanished. 

"Of course. Elena comes before me. I knew it wouldn't last." I muttered before remembering that there was other people plus Rebekah with me. I cleared my throat and plastered a smile on my face. 

"So it's safe to say the basement/torture area is Cold One strength resistant right?" Klaus nodded looking a bit offended. I nodded thoughtfully. 

"I know this will be a waste of blood but I was thinking splash the walls, ceiling, floor basically everywhere with the yummy liquid, lock them in there, see who cracks first and then toss Jakie in there. Just to see what happens. But keep my sister out so later we can see how flammable she really is, if we get some archers to shoot flaming arrows at her. But we keep Rose out. She can be our informant if she's willing." (Thanks pop_and_skittles for the torture ideas. I'm a little scared of you now but really happy at the same time...) Everyone stared at me weirdly. I stuffed my hands in my pocket self counciously. 

"What?" Kol looked at me cautiously. 

"I'm not sure whether to be proud or down right terrified of you right now." He stated. The others nodded their heads quickly. I scoffed. 

"That is only a glimpse of what goes on in my head. You'll be tramutized if you see what else I come up with, I'm sure. Maybe we should make Jakie dream of everyone he knows dieing a horrible, scarring death before we toss him in there. Maybe we should throw It in the dreams. He scares me." 

"Umm who is 'It'?" I fake shuddered. 

"It's a clown that eats children to say the least. He comes up with weird and horrible ways to terrify the children before murdering them, usually involving blood. Stephen King wrote the book which turned into a movie. I cannot stand to even look at yellow balloons anymore because that is one of his signs. Ugh." They nodded slowly as I looked at them innocently. 

"I think I saw that one." Klaus said thoughtfully. 

"It wasn't bad but it defiantly wasn't as scary as you're making it sound." I frowned at him, fingering one of my presents. 

"Hey Klaus." 

"Yes?" He said slowly, suddenly wary. Kol and Rebekah pulled Elijah back as they casually moved out of the way. 

"I really don't like people arguing especially on my birthday." I said seriously then next thing anyone knew, he was covered with silly string. I doubled over in laughter as Kol sneakily took a few photos of his shocked brother. 

"Run." Rebekah advised and I bolted. 

"Tara!" Klaus screamed in rage and it sounded like he was now chasing me. I should've thought this through a little more. But totally worth it. I hid in Kols room quickly but then got bored and decided to start looking around. Typical teenage boy room. Lots of gaming devices, big t.v., magazines that I shall not even think about for the sake of my last bit of sanity, uncouncious girl on the bed. Well maybe not the last part. Well... I heard footsteps getting closer and I froze and inched towards another one of Kol's precious baseball bats. A hybrid burst in and gave me a look that said 'don't even think about it.' I gave up the bat but grabbed something else as he called his oh so great master in. Klaus walked in all smug and silly string free. I faced him quickly and held up a cross Kol randomly had with other Christian stuff. Am I the only one who finds that strange? I smirked. 

"The power of Christ repels you! Back demon, you have no power over me!" I cried. Klaus frowned and tossed me over his shoulder. 

"Unless you do that." He carried me all the way down to the others. I frowned sullenly. 

"He's kidnapping me." I whined to Rebekah before hitting his back with the cross. 

"I need personal space! You are destroying my bubble! This can be classified as sexual harrassment! I will get Caroline's mom on you." I threatened. 

"Will you be quiet for once?!" Klaus groaned and tossed me on the couch. But me being me, bounced off and hit the floor. 

"This is Tara abuse." I moaned, rubbing my nose. Why did the floor want a hug?! Why? Everyone openly laughed at my pain except for Elijah who helped me up like a proper gentleman.  

"Glad to see someone has manners in this family." I said snidely, scowling out his siblings. 

"I'm a perfect gentleman!" Kol said indignantly. I arched an eyebrow. 

"Wanna try that again? I've been in your room." He smirked and shrugged in defeat. 

"Besides the girl upstairs probably disagrees full heartedly." 

"You're probably right. Speaking of which I think I need to get her home. Or I could just drain her. That sounds fun." He said before going away. Y'know we could be awesome magicians by the way we appear and disappear like that. 

"Preparing the room?" I turned to Klaus who was lounging in his chair. I could hear splashes and Jasper seemed a bit on starving side. 

"Yes. But I would recommend you giving us some of your blood if you want you break their diet."  

Say what?  

o_O o_ O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_ O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O 

Sorry for the wait. Slight case of writers block and pure laziness. But I have to say that you guys are pure awesomeness. 37 Freaking Votes last chapter!!! That called for an embarrasing happy dance:) Oh and I loved hearing where you guys lived. I'm not a stalker or anything but I just felt special when you told me. Yay! This is probably going to be a long A/N but there is a special talk when I finish about non important things. First off I get my internet back in a couple of weeks but don't expect lots of quicker updates because that means I have to start my first year of high school. Eeep! 

Second, does anyone remember when I started this story? Try as I may I just can't remember. And I was hoping for a date so I can see if I can set my first annerversery(mispelled i know)/ birthday for NAC. Please help. 

Third, Another reason It's late is because my gma broke her ankle a few weeks ago so I started helping her out by basically babysitting my 5 year old cuz and her. Fun. 

Four, just comment if you have any questions about the book at all. I am happy to answer. And if you want to leave little suggestions that won't hurt either. *cough* Now to the finish!

Me- no one is here. Awkward. Oh well didn't you just love this chappie!?! 

Edward-I didn't. My head is killing me. 

Me- *Growls* I killed you! Why do you keep coming back from the dead? 

Edward-What are you talking about? *dies for real* 

Me-Yay! Now as I was saying- 

Cedric(Pre Edward)- Where am I? Is this part of the maze? 

me- Cedric! Oh umm hi. You're dead buddy. 

Cedric- Impossible. So did I win or did Potter manage to do it? 

Me- Dude, you were killed by- 

Voldemort- By me! Avada kedavra!!!

Cedric-*keels over* 

Me- No!! Do you know what you just did?! 

Voldemort-*shrugs* Not my problem *Apparates away* 

Edward- *jogs up* What did I miss? 

me-*face palm* I just can't win! Click the sexy buttons on the screen or I'll get You Kno- Wait he's no good. *groans* I need a new threat. Just R&R pretty please 

(Anyone notice that Robert Pattinson -I think thats his name- likes to die? He was technically killed in Twilight, he died in Remember Me, Of course the Goblet of Fire in the Harry Potter series, pretty sure he was almost beaten to death in Water for Elephants but I could be wrong)

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