Kylo Ren/Ben Solo imagines

By eatmyposey

333K 6.4K 931

read all about ur fav emotional psycho ā€¢ These are mostly dark, serious, and sad... -kinda like me- but they'... More

Old times. Imagine #1
Finally mine. Imagine #2
For a long time now. Imagine #3
Everlasting pain. Imagine #4
Personal Imagine
Have faith in what i can do. Imagine #5
Trapped in the dark. Imagine #6
Innocent children. Imagine #7
Difference. Imagine #8
Choose me. Imagine #9
Personal Imagine Elizabeth
Personal Imagine Reagan
Imagine #10
imagine #11
Personal imagine Kara
Personal Imagine Anna
Personal Imagine Annie
Personal Imagine Luna
Imagine #12
Personal Imagine. Nicole
Imagine #13
Imagine #14
Imagine #15
Innocent Children P2 Imagine #16
Imagine #17
Imagine #18
Imagine #19
Imagine #20
Imagine #21
Personal Imagines
Personal Imagine Imryll
Imagine #22
Person Imagine Nienna
Personal imagine Hayley
Imagine #23
Imagine #24
Personal Imagine Natalie
Imagine #25
imagine #26
imagine #27
Personal Imagine Kelsey
Personal Imagine Vanessa
Personal Imagine Kelsey
Personal Imagine Chelsea
Imagine #28
Imagine #29
Imagine #30
Imagine #31
Imagine #32
Personal Imagine Ariana
Imagine #33
Imagine #34
Imagine #35
Imagine #36
Imagine #37 - Part 2 of Choose me
Personal Imagine
Imagine #38
Personal Imagine

Personal Imagine Cat

3.6K 83 5
By eatmyposey

my dark uniform made me blend in with the others working, but the difference was that i wasnt working, i was training since i had just started this job. my mother worked here for years and so has my father, so when i turned an acceptable age, she got my foot in the door.

for years i had lived with my aunt because Starkiller base isnt exactly a great place to raise your baby. my mother took a year off every other year and my father just stayed, so it was great to be around my family more now. i had dreamed about working here and what everything would be like since i was old enough to realize what this job was, so you could say i was very excited.

"Cat, how are you doing?" i turned to see my mother. she walked very formal, hands behind her hack with a very straight posture. i mimicked her pose and she smiled and nodded at me.

"im good, this isnt as hard as i thought it to be- its not easy but its... nice" she smiled, but something caught her eye. i turned to see someone panicking. we rushed over. "are you okay?" i asked kneeling down

the man looked me in the eyes and his were bloodshot red. "no, i seemed to have caught some illness, and i cant do my job- you!" my eyes widened as he pointed his finger at me. "you can do it! please, he will take my life if i go to him like this, you have to!"

"im in training sir, i-i cant do what you want me to" i looked to my mother who's scanner was going off.

"i have to go, Cat. try to do what you can" i nodded slightly as watched as she scurried off.

"you need to bring in this, i dont know what it is, but you need to take it to him" he said pulling something out of his pocket. it was a small box "dont open it" i nodded. "he is in the last room to the left" i nodded and double checked to make sure he wasnt actually capable to do this himself and just didnt want to do it. 

i followed the simple directions until i was infront of a grey door. i took a deep breath in and looked around the quiet corridor. i looked down at my trembling hands and tried to breath normal, but the mans words replayed in my head. "he will take my life if i go to him like this" oh my, i was so scared. what if i went in like this- would he take my life? 

the door suddenly opened and a mop of black wavy hair was all i saw before the man turned around, then my focus was on something greater than his extremely nice hair. "your name" he commanded, his eyes not meeting mine.

"it-s Cat" i choked

"and what is your business here Cat-" he stopped when his eyes met mine. his face was so uniqe, but by far the prettiest face i have ever seen. i was mesmerized by his brown eyes. my heart was pounding almost out of my chest. who was this man?

i snapped out of my trance and spoke up. "i come to deliver this" i held out the small box.

"leave it on that table" he said stepping closer. i did as told and stood still. "i have never seen you here before" his eyes never left mine

"im new- in training still" he nodded "who are you?" i felt regret after the words left my lips, then i imagined his lips on mine.

"Kylo Ren" my heart was still going crazy and not just the pounding. i felt weak looking at this amazing man who i knew only his name. yet i wanted him, and in this moment it felt like i needed him. "i feel it too, Cat" my eyes widened as he crashed his lips on mine, granting my small wish. "youre not going anywhere" he said before gripping my waist and pulling me across the room, and leaving me giggling like crazy


sorry i have been less active, i just started school but yeah :) im writing alot and im sorry for those who have asked for a personal imagine a while ago and are still waiting. 

requests are closed because i have so many and i want to finish them all and not get too overwhelmed.

send requests of (y/n) imagines!!!!! please! :)

tay xoxoxoxo

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