Frozen Flames ~ 1/3

Av half-bad

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Algebra and bagging groceries was Adara's life. A normal girl living a painfully normal life, until one day s... Mer

Frozen Flames
Frozen Flames II - I SEE FIRE


104 2 2
Av half-bad

Adara POV


Everything is wrong with a little anger sex.

I managed to break every single rule I have ever made.

1- No anger sex
2- no sleeping over
3- no sleeping with the enemy

I stared at the ceiling then shut my eyes and slowly turned my head hoping he wouldn't be there when I opened my eyes- and I looked and of course,there he was in all his glory.

Why did he have to be so gorgeous?

I slowly crawled out of the bed balanced myself on my feet and then grabbed underwear and some clothes, some off the floor and some from the drawers.

I slid into the bathroom making sure to lock the door and started up the shower, no doubt in my mind that woke him up, the sputtering water and high pitched screaming from the pipes like a tea kettle even shook off the sleepiness I still had in my head.

It would take me a decent amount of time to shower so that should give him about 30 minutes to think about how much we just fucked up.

And fucked.

A shudder went through my body at the thought.

Maybe I'm the only one thinking that this was seriously messed up.

There were so many things wrong about what had happened.

The thought of Michael knowing about it sent a bad feeling down my spine.

I put my hand on my face and shut my eyes, trying to remember his touch. His cold hands caressing my face was better than any anger sex.

Then I pressed the back of my hand on my loose lips and sighed, remembering Calum's goodbye kiss on the back of my hand and wishing I could feel it on my lips.

I opened my eyes and pushed water off my face and grabbed the bar of soap and started to scrub.

No matter how much I tried to scrub away the night before, it was still there, and my skin crawled with the feeling of his rough fingers on my face and neutral lips on mine.

I scrubbed harder.

I let the water run over my face and I pushed my hair back and licked water off my lips- I ran my hand on my neck and my stomach fluttered when I remembered his descending kisses.

Last night, we hated each other, taking our hatred and expressing it with sex- really good sex

This morning, a wave of feelings came crashing down on me and made my knees ache from the weight that they left.

I opened my dry eyes welcoming the burn the water gave them hoping that would be enough to make these absurd thoughts leave my mind.

I needed to be reminded of who I actually desired.


I needed to figure out my emotions- I needed to see Michael.

I shut off the shower and dried my body off and slowly pulled on some clothes. Looking in the mirror after each article of clothing trying to recognize myself in the mirror. Who am I?

I took extra long to brush my teeth to avoid walking out the door and I even stared at it for a while, pretending for a moment I was only getting ready to leave for school.

I took a deep breath before placing my hand on the doorknob expecting him to be standing right by the door I was cautious making sure I wouldn't run into him I slowly stepped out the bathroom and looked around the room.

He was gone?

I let out a slow breath, happy that I wouldn't have to deal with it.

I looked at the messy bed wincing at the sight of it, but still collapsed onto it one leg hanging off the bed and hands sprawled out. I shoved my face in the pillow and inhaled the lingering smell of him.

It was so quiet.

The silence was broken, shattering around me with the sound of sirens, wailing throughout the entire building, I squealed and put my hands over my ears, my face contorting at the sound.

I stood up face, my bare feet quickly walking over to the door jiggling the doorknob to find it locked. I pressed my palms deeper into my ears and whined- kicking my foot against the door.

He locked the door?

"OLIVER", I yelled over the alarms, goosebumps rose on my skin and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck, I took my hands off my ears and looked over my shoulder at the small window and took a deep breath.

They're here.

"Adara they're here, we have to go", Oliver yelled when he opened the door nearly slamming it into me, he stepped into the room and held his hand out to me and I didn't hesitate to grab it running behind him, ignoring the pain against my bare feet.

"Why did you lock the door?", I asked when he stopped to glance around the corner quickly then he dragged me behind him while he ran to another corner.

"Is that seriously what you're worried about right now?", He said dragging me down, putting his back against the wall trying to be all stealth like.

"Oh yeah, I'll worry about what exactly we are running fro-oh", I said being cut off by him dragging me further down the hall.

"My sister", He said looking at me over his shoulder.

"How wonderful, family bonding", I looked behind my back.

"She found us, which means she found you, and now we're running", He said with a sarcastic smile.

"And no that's not what we should be worrying about, we need to talk about last night", He said and I rolled my eyes.

"We are under attack Oliver!", I yelled and he ran behind another corner this time I had to keep up with him because he released his death grip from my arm.

"The thing is, I was meant to protect you, which obviously didn't work because I let my feelings get in the way and now they found us"

"Feelings?", I repeated without even processing.


"Now ignite", He said.


Then he kissed me, my body nearly blew up in flames as soon as his lips were on mine, everything inside of me was screaming to pull away, despite what I should've done, I wrapped my arms around his neck- then he was gone.

He didn't even look back as he turned the corner and started punching guys, wacking the first guy with his elbow and then kicking him down.

We were outnumbered- I was always outnumbered and these people around me, protecting me, always excepted me to understand. I couldn't understand what he meant by ignite, I didn't know how to! I couldn't even understand how these people always found me, I was just a girl I don't know what I'm doing or how to survive this. I know how to do algebra- and that's about it.

I turned the corner and my throat jumped up when a guy's fist swung at me.

I was ready to get my ass handed to me.

I swung at him grabbing his arm and attempting to twist it back, but he was too fast grabbing my arm and pushing it behind my back, I kicked back as hard as I could but he jammed his elbow into my back and kicked my legs out from under me and I landed on the ground with a low thud, knocking all the air out my lungs and causing pain to shoot down my spine.

"Adara!", Oliver called out to me so I barely moved my head to see him being held back by two guys, which was kind of a confidence blow- it took one guy and 10 seconds to get me down.

"Come on Adara! COME ON!" Oliver grunted, trying to encourage me to ignite to heat up, but him relying on me was too much on its own. With all that was going on, I was too emotionally confused and physically tired to ignite.

I groaned in pain, forcing every muscle in my body to move, to heat up- to ignite.

Something heavy came down on my head and stopped me, it took me a while to realize it was this bastards foot and I knew it would leave a mark-





"Come on Adara!", A distant voice yelled at me and I attempted to jerk my head up

My forehead was throbbing and my back was in a knot.

"You need to wake up before they come back!", A voice I couldn't quite put my finger on yelled again.

My hands were bound, not by a chain, but by rope. I could melt metal with some effort, but rope? Seemed like a stupid thing to tie me up with.

I squinted and opened my eyes and blinked multiple times until my vision cleared and my fingers gripped the tight rope around my finger while I wiped my eye on my shoulder.

"Michael!", I squealed as soon as my eyes landed on him so relieved to see him.

"Calum, Ashton, Luke, THANK god", I said, but realization soon flooded into me and my face fell as I took in my surrounding.

"OH god!"

I looked at Michael in a panic. I wished we could know each in another lifetime, Michael the cute boy next door pulling me aside after gym class and asking me on a date while he nervously scratched behind his next. He would plan a date in the park, but after it poured rain on us we would go back to my house and eat ice cream.

We were in a metal-walled room that reeked of gasoline. This did not help my headache. I think being knocked this often was starting to take a toll on me, I'm sure I had a concussion after this one.

"How long have you been here", I said pulling on the rope behind my back and huffing in frustration.

We were all tied to our own little wooden poles, but I was facing all of them and they were all lined up facing me. I looked around and-

Wait, Where's Oliver?

"I don't know, why is she so focused on coming after us?", Luke whined and I rolled my eyes looking at him, noticing another empty wooden pole that was lined up next to his.

"She wants Adara, why come after all of us?", Ashton thought out loud.

"Miss you too guys!"

I shut my mouth when the door opened and Oliver was dragged into the room by some big guys, and we all sat in silence while he was being tied to the pole, the men left without a word.

"Oh, the irony", Michael said with hatred in his voice, I squinted my eyes at how awkward this was, for me. Only for me.

Oliver looked at me, almost happy to see me okay and I glared at him my eyes shifting to Michael then back to him, silently warning him not to say anything.

Then my eyes swept over Calum's face, he stared at me with a small smile and I melted- his lips were dry and his neck swiped with dirt, but he was sexy as hell- I wanted his warmth near me. I wished we could know each in another lifetime, Calum the leather jacket-clad bad boy I would meet in Algebra and after helping him with an equation he'd ask for my number for 'tutoring' and before I knew it I would be sneaking him out my window and down the tree after a one night stand.

I caught Oliver's eyes again and it was like a record scratched, he raised his eyebrows then looked over at Michael with a side-eyed, jaw clenched expression and then Calum- he chuckled and nodded his head.

I looked over at Michael who was staring back at me with eyebrows were knitted together softly in confusion and concern and I tried to reassure him with a smile, as much of a smile anyone could manage in a situation like this.

It was like two of my twisted worlds were colliding with one big bang.

"What is happening", I said through my teeth, indirectly talking to Oliver, but not looking at him directly.

When I glanced at him his eyes were cast down in sadness which confused me.

"I don't know", He said to me and I examined him, looking for anywhere he could be hurt- for a little too long, when I looked back at Michael his eyes were drawn down in a deeper confusion and his eyebrows were tightly drawn together while he glanced between us. A smile wouldn't reassure him anymore- he knew. Oh god, he knew! I took a deep breath at my ridiculous thoughts, no way he knew.

He was all dirty, but he was still so beautiful.

"I'm so happy to see you", I breathed out and Michael smiled, the moment was broken just as fast as it started when everyone's attention was averted when the door opened and Mirage walked in, her heels loudly tapping against the patchy prison floor a few of her guards followed behind her.

"Hello", She said in a perky voice her hair bouncing while she talked. I looked up and down her body already craving to ignite.

"I wouldn't ignite if that's what your planning to do, the ropes on your hands are soaked in gasoline, along with the entire room, so you ignite, so do all your friends", She said and I looked at Calum again, not to admire his face, but to silently ask him if he had tried anything and he shrugged at me not understanding- stuck just like I was.

Thanks bud.

"Now say goodbye to your friends cause you won't be seeing them anymore", she said and I looked at her horrified.

No! What?

"What do you want?", I questioned my voice coming out more like a desperate cry instead of a strong solid statement like I had planned.

"You, my darling, are very strong and I could use you to make more like you around here, humans are becoming boring", she said perching her chin in the air and her hands on her hips.

"Just take me and let them leave ", I begged.

One guard started to approach me and I squirmed relieved when he only cut my hands free and pulled me up, my legs were not ready for the sudden movement and my knees buckled when blood rushed up to my head and caused my vision to spot black and bile to rise in my throat.

"See, I'm greedy, and I want you to be stronger, so my humans can be stronger when I give them your power, so you're going to merge your powers with the boys here so you can be stronger and instead of killing you like I had originally planned, I'll keep you alive so I can keep taking your blood. Turns out each time you give someone power it gets diluted. So I need to keep the source- which is annoying. Anyway-", She said while waving her hands while she blabbered on and I wrinkled my forehead in confusion.

Merge? I've never heard of ever being able to merge powers with someone.

I heard Ashton curse under his breath, and I snapped my head towards him- now I was worried.

Ashton's has got to start telling me about this stuff.

"That'll kill her and you know it", Oliver snarled and Mirage rolled her eyes.

"Bound by blood", Mirage smiled pulling out a dagger, the handle had a crystal on the base of it making it glow, it radiated heat, but it appeared to be made of ice.

"Or by love, but that's a bunch of bull shit", She grumbled rolling her eyes and grabbing my hand I tried to resist, but she cut a gash in my hand as I pulled away making me clench my teeth, my hand pounded with pain and I stared at the cut in shock when an odd feeling slowly coursed up my arm.

My heart sped up and I started to heat up instinctually, my power was getting ready to defend itself and looked around on panic. I gasped when my fire soared down my arms, I had never felt it like this before like my body was fighting again itself.

The boys seemed to look just as panicked so I looked at Oliver, his expression was hard and when his eyes met mine he turned his head away guiltily.

"Shall I demonstrate", She said, cutting one of her guard's hands he didn't even react to the cut, which made me feel even weaker while I struggled to hold my own weight up.

"Why can't you just do this with your own men", Oliver snarled and Michael glared at him.

"It won't work with them", She shouted, frustrated maybe even offended.

"What makes you think it'll work with her?", Michael shouted.

"I don't", She shouted exasperated- huffing out of frustration and I couldn't even react at her words, her words that told me that she wasn't sure if this would kill me or not, her tone telling me that she was desperate and desperate people were the most dangerous. She forced our hands together and he curled his fingers around my hand not allowing me to let go- shows how dedicated he is- because my skin burned and blistered his hand on contact.

I looked into his eyes wanting to beg him to let go, but his eyes were empty, there was a faint white glaze over what appeared to be his once green eyes.

It felt like our hands were glued together our powers were fighting with each other my power obviously stronger- sucking his life away from him, taking it away from him and evading my body, my fire consumed me, consumed him. He screamed in pain and his eyes blazed red, I tried to pull my hand away from his, but I was absorbing his power and it connected us together. The heat inside me was bigger, stronger and soon I couldn't resist it anymore. I stopped resisting and that's all it took for all of his power to completely mesh with mine in a crash that made me stumble back and his body fell to the ground and landed limply in front of me.

I was frozen in my spot, my hand still out in front of me and fingers stiff- still curled as if his hand was still there. I looked down at my hand and pressed the back of my other hand on my lips and swallowed hard at the sight of my hand covered in blood and puss from his blistered hand that was peeled off mine when he fell, I watched the cut heal shut- the veins up my arm glowed red and I looked up at the ceiling in an attempt to escape this, escape the smell, escape the sight of my shaking, dirty hand.

I felt heat soar through my body riddling my mind with a new feeling of power. I no longer felt sad or scared- just a buzz.

"It worked?", Mirage gasped.

"IT WORKED", She cheered putting a hand on her chest and looking around for someone to share the excitement with her.

I let out a breath of smoke and shut my eyes letting the power shift inside of me, my power was molding into his and- I think I loved it.

I opened my eyes and gazed down at his dead body.

My vision was sharper and the air seemed clearer.

"Who's next", Mirage taunted twirling the knife on her pointer finger.

I wanted to do it again, I craved it.

Just once and I was already addicted.

"Every time you merge her with someone she'll lose more of her humanity", Ashton warned and I glared at him.

"Ashton's the most powerful out of all the boys", I said and my eyes widened as soon as the words left my mouth, my hand went to my mouth and Ashton looked at me in horror- I gasped and shook my head.

"Perfect he'll go next!", She said.

Why would I say that?

"No, I can't, I feel too weak right now", I lied through my teeth.

Mirage sighed.

"Can't risk it can we"

"Untie them and feed them we need them strong"

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