Demolition Lovers [[GERARD WA...

By Fabbyulous1

66.1K 3.8K 3.3K

This. This is the story of- The bulimic bitch. This. This is the story of- The alcoholic asshole. This. This... More

It's Probably Not Important
Getting Out
I Didn't Realize Things Would Only Get Worse From Here
Secrets, Secrets
To Forget
Two Of The Same
Tattoos, Desperate Eyes, and Bullshit Lies
The Weirdest Thing
Storytime With Eric
Two Months Later: As Told By Nathan Sanders
Two Months Later: As Told by Bethany Sanders and Gerard Way
Two Months Later: As Told By Frank Iero
Special Kinda Hell
Kill All Your Friends
What the Hell is Going On
Words That Were Never Meant To Be Said
Hide N Seek
Maze Runner
Kiss Me You Animal
Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun
Meanwhile, Amidst the Drama, Frank and Brendon are Playing Go Fish
And On This Weeks Episode of CSI...
I Saw You Cry but You Pretended it Didnt Happen Just Because it was Easier
Mistakes Were Made
This Wasnt Acting
Vodka Enduced Moodswings
Patrick: Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire
Daddy's Home
Some People Deserve to Die
She's a Butcher with a Smile
Are You there God? Its Me, Gerard Way.
What is your Gold?
Bad Omen
The Happening
One Missed Call
Left Out in the Cold
Thirty Minutes
Its Real This Time

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

1.4K 82 173
By Fabbyulous1

-Gerard's POV-

"I saw the way she looked at you.
Be careful you don't shatter it."

It'd been a week or two since that night in the bar with Nathan, but his words haven't left my mind; they made me smile.

Of course I'd won, Nathan. I always get what I want, and Beth just happened to be on that list. And after what Nathan said, I knew she'd be mine soon enough. I loved seeing the look in her eyes when she got angry, and I mean truly angry. All the shit that she'd been keeping down just because people told her to was finally coming up, and it was perfect.

I shook my head as I sat, not paying attention at all, in class. I'm pretty sure the professor was lecturing, but I just couldn't bring myself to pay attention.

"Yo, Gerard!" I suddenly heard my name being whispered. I looked behind me and chuckled.

"The hell happened to you Wentz?" I said as I looked over at his messy black hair and his clearly 'I-had-sex-last-night-and-didn't-go-home" shirt. "No, please, let me guess. Melanie?" I raised my eyebrows, amused.

He smirked. "Tracey." He replied, returning my amusement.

"Ha, what happened to Melanie? Because as I can remember it, she had 'an out of this world ass'." I laughed and Pete shook his head.

"Yeah well, let's just say a girl with daddy issues will always win out." He winked.

"You're telling me. Yeah well, anyway, I know you didn't interrupt my obvious intellectual interest in the lecture just to tell me about your 'extracurricular activities'," I mocked, "So, what's up?"

"Just wanted to make it known we're having a party over at Jason's parents' place. Call it a senior year thing or some shit, but all I know is that everybody is going to be there and that Jason's parents are fucking loaded. And I've heard that that Malibu mansion of theirs comes with a fully stocked fridge and a pool." He smiled.

"Well doesn't that sound fun?"

He rolled his eyes. "Come on man, I haven't seen you all summer. And you've been so damn like tense lately. I don't know what the hell has gotten into you, but it's nothing a little booze and bitches can't fix, right?"

I bit my lip. "You know, you're right." I looked back at him. "Things have been a little complicated lately, I guess. I could use some distractions."

Pete grinned. "There's the Gerard I know. Well then I guess I'll see you there. It's this Saturday, at Jason's like I said." He began to lean back, but then something hit my mind.

I smirked to myself before looking back up. "Hey Pete, one more thing?" I asked as he looked down.


"Can I bring a plus-one?"

-Beth's POV-

I'd managed to avoid Eric all day, a day I'd also didn't trying to forget my conversation with Patrick, but I was irritated to see Eric as I came out of my last for the day. I walked right past him as I exited the double doors of the building out into the courtyard, but he just walked up beside me.

"Beth-" he started.

"Don't." I said blatantly. I didn't want to hear what he had to say. Ha, who's to say it wasn't going to be more lies? God knows that's the only thing people enjoy telling most of the time.

That's when I felt him grab my wrist and force me to look at him; I hissed in discomfort.

"Beth I just, please, there are some things you just shouldn't know."

"Oh really? Are they things I shouldn't know or thing you don't want to me know?!"

He glared at me. "Why is all this so important to you, huh? Everything was fine between you and me before Nathan came back into your life and brought that fuck up Gerard with him!"

I laughed cynically. "Oh that's right! I forgot that I'm crazy, suicidal and that you're the only thing keeping me alive! ISN'T THAT RIGHT ERIC! ARE MY SAVING GRACE ERIC? ARE YOU MY ANGEL?!" I spat. He pursed his lips, but I wasn't done. "Yeah well, believe it or not Eric, you're not God! And you're sure as heck not an angel, so stop glorifying yourself! I used to think I knew you, and I thought once that you were the only one that understood me, but now I know just how stupid I was to ever believe you! I don't know what you see me as, but it's not a friend. Friends don't keep secrets from friends. Whatever you've done or whatever you think you've done, it must be really terrible for you to start going to these great lengths to keep it from me!" I was ranting now, but I couldn't stop myself. I didn't take my eyes away from Eric's the entire time; I wanted him to know just how serious I was.

"You know," he started after a moment, "I'm not the only one keeping secrets. I'm not the only damn one that isn't telling you things Beth!"

I rolled my eyes and was about to start again, but Eric kept going.

-Eric's POV-

She just wasn't going to give up, was she?

It was going to come out eventually.

What we'd done was going to come out.

What I'd done.

I didn't have any regrets, but I knew Beth wouldn't understand. She'd leave me forever if she ever knew the truth.

Then that's it then.

She can know.

She just can't know the truth.

-Beth's POV-

He took a deep breath. "No, you listen to me Beth! Everything I kept from you was to protect you, but if you want to know, and I mean really know, then fine. Fine. Just know that I did it all for you. Something things are better left buried, but since you're so hell bent on knowing, then fine."

I stared at him. Was he...was he going to tell me? "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm saying that I kept these things from you Beth because I didn't think you could handle them."

"What things?"

"Can we talk at the house? It's kind of a long story."


So I let him drive me back to the house. Was I finally going to get the truth on what was going on around here?

We walked through the door, and I immediately sat on the couch in the den. "So Eric," I looked up at him, "How about that story?"

He sighed and leaned against the wall. "Just so you know, I never wanted it to come to this Beth. Because not only does the truth hurt, but it also kills."

What was he talking about? "I just want to know what's going on! I want to know why Nathan hated you and vice versa. I want to know why everyone claims that Gerard is 'dangerous'! I just... I just want to understand!"

He chuckled. "Ha. Gerard is a whole another case of fucked up. That's something your brother and I can agree on."

"Why? So maybe he's depressed or whatever, even I can see that, but what makes him so 'dangerous'?"

"I'm assuming no one ever told you that Gerard used to have a brother, am I right?" Erica eyes met mine.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No..." I responded slowly. Gerard had a brother?

"See the key words there is 'used to', you understand that right?"

"Are you saying..." I started.

"Yes Mikey is dead."

Mikey? Hadn't Nathan said something about a 'Mikey'? "He's...He's dead?" I repeated, not knowing what to think. "That's terrible." I whispered. That's when my mind suddenly flashed to Nathan. What would it be like if I ever lost him?

"Yeah it was." He sighed. "I mean nothing can be worse than having a bullet put through your chest by your own brother, can it?"


"Wh-what?..." I whispered, not fully comprehending what he'd just said. I stood up. "Are you-are you saying Gerard shot his own brother?"

"Sad, isn't it? Although I believe Shakespeare would be proud."

I scoffed, snapping my head towards him. "You're lying. You're either lying or Gerard must have had a good reason..."

He laughed. "Lying? Good reason?" He repeated. "Why are you defending him Beth? What, you think you know him so well?"

"So he's an angry guy! There's nothing wrong with that! There's nothing wrong with being angry at the world for screwing you over for so long!"

"Wow, that's scary..." He tilted his head

"What?" I spat, trying to wrap my head around the situation.

"You sound just like him..." He glared at me. "Beth have you been hanging out with him?" He sounded angry now.

"What's it to you! Maybe I have! That's not the point here! Are you still trying to tell me Gerard shot his brother in cold blood?!"

"There you damn well go again, defending that bastard. Wait," he scoffed, "Beth, you don't- you don't actually think you mean something to him do you?"

I stopped.

Did I?

"Ha, I can't believe this! Does he mean something to you?"

Yet again, I was silent.

Did he?

"Jesus Christ!" He laughed. "You don't get it, do you? Gerard doesn't care about you! You're nothing to him but a sweet piece of ass Beth! That's what he does! You're disposable to him just like the rest of the girls he fucks!"

"Stop it." I seethed quietly.

"Let me guess, he's got you believing that he understands you right? That you're special to him?" He spat.

"Shut up!" I tried again, bringing my hands and intertwining them with my hair.

"This is fucking unbelievable! You're even more naive and pathetic than I thought you were!"

"You know what, I'm done with this conversation!" I yelled at him, trying to storm past but he grabbed my arm.

"No you're not. You wanted the truth sweetheart, well I'm giving it to you!" He grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me. Now." I clenched my fists. Now I was getting angry.

"Come on, you've seen the way he drinks! You honestly think that someone who drowns themselves in alcohol like that doesn't have something to hide?"

"Oh yeah?! Then what's you're dirty little secret Eric, because you're not exactly a sober saint yourself!"

"I just told you the godamned truth!" He pushed me away and I rubbed my arm. "But what about you? You haven't exactly been acting 'yourself' lately, have you?" He spat.

"Oh please, do I have to keep telling you? That pathetic, quiet girl doesn't exist. She never really did! You want to keno the real me Eric? The real me is angry. The real me is sick of the world that has done nothing but bring her pain! The real me is sick of all the liars in her life!"

Eric shook his head. "You're fucked up."

"Yeah, you think I don't know that?!"

He narrowed his eyes. "No, I really don't Beth! I think you're beginning to live in a goddamn fantasy world! Is Gerard your knight in shining armor now?"

"Leave Gerard out of this!"

"I'm trying to tell you Gerard shot and killed his own brother and you're just wanting to fucking ignore that?! Why do you think he and Nathan are always battling it out? He's dangerous Beth! And now I'm beginning to wonder if you are too!" He glared at me before continuing. "You know what, I'm fucking done with this conversation!"

I pursed my lips. "And what's that supposed to mean Eric?!"

"It means I'm fucking done with you! You bitch about wanting to know the truth, and when I finally start trying to explain it to you, you call me the liar. So you know what, fuck this, fuck you, I'm leaving!" Eric grabbed his keys and jacket before walking out the door and slamming it.

I stood in an infuriating silence, glaring at the door. I clenched my fists before turning around quickly and slamming my hands against the wall. I could feel my palms sting with the impact, but I didn't care.

What was happening?

I was so busy mulling this question over and over in my mind, I almost didn't hear my phone ring. I finally heard it and walked over to the couch where I'd left it with my backpack, sitting down and accepting the call without even seeing who it was.

"What?" I said blatantly.

"Well isn't damn good to talk to you too!" Came the snarky response.

I almost dropped my phone.

I don't know who I was expecting to call, but I definitely wasn't expecting Gerard's voice at the other end of the line.

Him of all people.

Calling me.


Of all times.

I didn't respond at first, trying to figure out what to say. Was what Eric said true?

"Hello princess? What's with the silent treatment?"

"What is it?" I said after a few moments.

"I'm waiting out front." Was his response.


"What do you meant?"

"I mean I'm out front and waiting for you."

I bit my lip. "Waiting for me for what?"

"Jesus fucking Christ Beth, how about you come out front, get in the damn car, and then we'll talk!" He sighed.

I wanted to say no. In fact, I really should have said no.

I should have.

But I had too many questions, or atleast I liked to tell myself that was the reason, not to go.

I walked out the front door and, sure enough, there Gerard was, leaning up against s car in the driveway looking at his phone. He looked up and smirked when he saw me.

"See, I knew you couldn't resist." He smiled getting into the car.

Saying nothing, I walked over and got into the passenger seat. And as Gerard began to pull out of the driveway, I finally decided to speak.

"Where are we going?" I decided to start off simple.

"We're going to go have some damn fun. God knows I need a fucking break, and I'm guessing you do too."

"Fun?" I questioned.

"Party, Beth. We're going to a fucking party."

I pursed my lips. "I'm not really..." I tried to reply, not too pleased with this revelation, but I was quickly cut off.

"What? You're not really a party person? Yeah well that's why they invented beer princess. So you're going to suck it up and come with me. Besides, I have some people I want you to meet!" He said this sounding as if he knew I wouldn't argue with him.

Well he was right.

I wasn't going to argue with him because that wasn't the most important thing in my mind right then.

I waited a few moments.

"Gerard?" I finally gathered up the guts to speak.

"What?" He replied, glancing over quickly before returning his eyes to the road.




"Did you kill your brother?"

I immediately regretted the words as I suddenly heard the sound of screeching breaks, the sudden stopping of the car lunging me forward and causing me to slam into dashboard.


Yep it took me forever to update again.

I apologize for that.

Well anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

I actually made it pretty long.

I know it's probably boring.

But I have some major shit planned.

Well I appreciate everyone who has continued to read, comment, and vote!

I love all of you guys!



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