It's Complicated With Friends

By ExclusivelyLisa

2M 15.8K 1.4K

Rosa and Jake have been friend ever since Freshman year, they were two peas in a pod and couldn't be closer... More

Living With My Best Friend And My Crush!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26~ PROM
Chapter 27~Epilogue
New Story!!

Chapter 6

77.7K 823 56
By ExclusivelyLisa

Yoo Hoo:) Helloo:) I have added another chapter today!! Alright, so I am sorry I didn't get to adding chapter 6 yesterday:( But I am adding it today! Remember Vote, Comment, Fan! 


Chapter 6: 

Rosa POV

I sat on the couch with a bag of potato chips between my legs, and the t.v. remote in my left hand. I had been staring at the television for a good 4 hours, waiting for Jake to come downstairs, but achieving no such luck. After Jake dropped my stuff in the guest room he trudged over to his room and hasn't left it since. I felt a disappointed pounding in my chest when he didn't want to spend time with me, however considering his face was twisted and sour looking I didn't want to make him even more angry by bothering him. Heaving a sigh at the ground, I made up my mind to stop waiting for Jake and take a nap. I was about to shut the t.v. off when I heard his pounding footsteps descending down the stairs. I set the remote down back on the table, fluffed my brown hair and tried to look as natural as possible watching t.v. I turned around just in time to see Jake walking into the living room, stopping at door way with a nervous look etched across his face. I never saw Jake show such vulnerability before, and wanted to lighten up the mood. 

"Hey! Come on and join the party! Do you want to watch a movie? You can go pick!" 

"Huh? Oh yeah sure..." I saw him shake his head as if he was returning to reality and trudge towards the DVD case. I choose this time to admire him in peace, the way his toned legs bent over the box, how his head tilted to check the title making his blond hair falling in front of his eyes, and the way his eyes study the picture with focus. 

"Rosa? Rosa? I said how about this one?" 

"Huh? What yeah okay.." I replied still admiring his face and body, when he popped the DVD into the player. Perching himself right next to me, I could feel the heat his body was giving off, making me fall deeper into his trance, I forced myself to watch the t.v, despite the fact I was only paying attention to Jake.  

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Being shaken out of my trance I concentrated on the television just in time to see someone being chopped into pieces. My eyes widened to the size of volleyballs, I jump into Jake's lap and bury my face into his t-shirt ignoring the fact I was still on his lap, the image from the television still haunting me. 

"Oh crap, sorry Rosa I thought you were okay with seeing this movie! Do you want me to turn it off?" 

"Hmm? No, No, I know you love watching horror movies, I just might make a permanent residence in your shirt if you don't mind." I said in a quiet voice, I overheard Jake's chuckle as his arm came around my shoulders pulling me closer to him. Suddenly, the smell of masculine sweat and cologne, strayed into my nose intoxicating my brain. The sounds from the movie disappeared and all I could smell was Jake, all I could feel was Jake. His smell was so comforting and homey that I couldn't help but feel my eye lids drooping downwards, my body relaxing into Jake's and my brain shutting down. The last thing I remember was a soft and gentle kiss pressed on the top of my head, before I succumbed to darkness. 

Jake POV

I felt Rosa's body relaxing against mine before I heard the soft sounds of her snoring. I felt myself getting sleepier as well, I checked my watch that read 9:30pm and decided that it was time to go to sleep. I carried Rosa up the stairs, took her to my room and laid her down on my bed. I took a few minutes looking at her face, the way her hands are clasped together underneath her cheek, or the way her lips are pouted together, and the look of tranquility while she sleeps. I stood at the foot of bed, deciding whether I should join her or go to the guest room. I heard her murmur my name, and decided that this was the one night that I would get the opportunity to sleep next to her, and I was going to treasure it. I curled myself behind her body, I felt her turn around, bury her face in my t-shirt, with both arms wrapping around my waist. I froze, afraid that she might wake, although she didn't. I felt myself let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding, relaxed against her body and felt myself falling asleep to the sound of her breathing. I would always remember this moment, this is a moment is one I will treasure forever. 


Hey Guys! Chapter 6 finished:) So I might not be uploading this story as much because I am also working on my other story (go to my profile if you wanna check it out) and I am still going to be uploading this one, just maybe not everyday. But here is the 6th chapter, VOTE, COMMENT, FAN:) 

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