Jordan Taylor › Rick Grimes F...

By awildchloe

187K 5.4K 1.1K

› Jordan Taylor...... a Rick Grimes fan-fiction ‹ Jordan Aubrey Taylor, 31 years old, works as a police offic... More

› Jordan Taylor ‹
› Prologue ‹
› One / Police Officer ‹
› Two / King County ‹
› Three / A Nod ‹
› Four / Left For Dead ‹
› Five / Glare ‹
› Six / Discovery ‹
› Seven / Marriage ‹
› Eight / A Missed Dinner ‹
› Nine / Giggles ‹
› Ten / I Can't ‹
› Eleven / On Edge ‹
› Twelve / Good Guy ‹
› Thirteen / How Much Longer? ‹
› Fourteen / Okay ‹
› Fifteen / Hudson ‹
› Sixteen / Glazed Eyes ‹
› Seventeen / Old Man ‹
› Eighteen / Awake ‹
› Nineteen / Alive ‹
› Twenty / Live By It ‹
› Twenty-One / Stitches ‹
› Twenty-Two / Too Far Gone ‹
› Twenty-Three / For You ‹
› Twenty-Four / A Dictionary ‹
› Twenty-Five / Stop ‹
› Twenty-Six / Always ‹
› Twenty-Seven / Regretful Looks ‹
› Twenty-Eight / New Hope ‹
› Twenty-Nine / Happy Pills ‹
› Thirty / A Novel ‹
› Thirty-One / Snapped ‹
› Thirty-Three / A Promise ‹
› Thirty-Four / Dead ‹
› Thirty-Five / Uniform ‹
› Thirty-Six / After ‹
› Thirty-Seven / Unexpected ‹
› Thirty-Eight / Were ‹
› Thirty-Nine / Thank You ‹
› Forty / Ruined ‹
› Forty-One / Anything ‹
› Forty-Two / Go ‹
› Forty-Three / Hypocrite ‹
› Forty-Four / Stupid Traditions ‹
› Forty-Five / Good Enough ‹
› Forty-Six / Move ‹
› Forty-Seven / Stubborn ‹
› Forty-Eight / A.P.D ‹
› Forty-Nine / A Jacket ‹
› Fifty / The Man ‹
› Fifty-One / Remembering ‹
› Fifty-Two / Reunion ‹
› Fifty-Three / Close Call ‹
› Fifty-Four / Rory Street ‹
› Fifty-Five / New Life ‹
› Fifty-Six / White & Green ‹
› Fifty-Seven / D-A-R-Y-L-L ‹
› Fifty-Eight / National Record ‹
› Fifty-Nine / Wolves ‹
› Sixty / Survive ‹
› Sixty-One / Still Have Hope ‹
› Sixty-Two / The New World ‹
› Sixty-Three / Adrenaline ‹
› Sixty-Four / Wait ‹
› Sixty-Five / We Did This ‹
› Sixty-Six / Plans ‹

› Thirty-Two / Team ‹

1.8K 59 22
By awildchloe

Chapter Thirty-Two // {jordan's pov -- 8 months before the apocalypse}

Thanksgiving was today.

Basically, the day that I have been dreading for months.


Today, I was heading over to my Mom's house for thanksgiving. Hudson and his girlfriend were also joining us. This would mark the first day in years that we would all come together as a family. Well, they would always be together, minus me and Dad.

Usually, I would always volunteer to work on thanksgiving, whereas my co-workers would do anything to get off on that day. I'm not saying that I didn't volunteer because I did. I was basically begging. My boss told me that I had 'earned' the day off.

So, for this once in a blue moon thanksgiving, my police uniform was hanging up in my closet, ready to be worn tomorrow.

I was currently sitting in my car, outside my Mom's home. I would do anything to be on the front line, right now. A silver ute was parked beside my car, letting me know Hudson and Rosita were already here.

I sighed heavily before opening the car door to let myself out.

I was wearing a maroon cotton long-sleeved shirt, with a black skater skirt. I had put on some black ankle boots to complete the outfit. I was dressed to impress my Mother. My brother knew me too well. I would never wear this.

I walked up to the door, taking in a deep breath.

'I can do this,' I thought to myself.

I rang the doorbell.

I could hear talking inside the house and footsteps walking towards the door. Fuck, I could make a dash to my car now.

The door opened.

Lost my chance.

"Hi, Mom!" I faked a smile. My mother was what she liked to call, 'fancy.' She had bleached her hair blonde and it was styled to be a shoulder length bob. She had originally wanted me to become a doctor. Out of all things. A doctor? She had the stereotypical life set out me, since I was her daughter. I was supposed to go to prom every year in the prettiest dress you could find. The only prom I went to was in year 12 and I just wore an emerald coloured knee-length dress that my mother didn't approve of. When she heard I joined up to become a police officer, she had officially lost contact with me -- until this year, a few months ago.

"Hey, sweetie. Come in," she ushered me inside, closing the door behind me, "your father and Hudson are in the kitchen. Rosita is just in the bathroom."

"Wait? Father?" I questioned, becoming excited about my father actually being here in Atlanta.

"Oh, honey, I forgot to tell you," she laughed, smiling.

Holy shit, this might not be so bad after all. A huge, real grin appeared on my face.

"I remarried."


I sat at the dining table, watching my mother and Rob flirt. He will never be my Dad. He's absolutely disgusting.

Hudson sent weary glances at me. He knew I would snap at any moment. I had always been like that. I'd just snap and lash out at something -- or someone. I stabbed my fork into a piece of turkey, playing with my food, not actually eating it.

"Babe, eat up," Rob spoke from across the room to me. I frowned at him.

"Excuse me?" I questioned with a threatening tone.

"Jordan, not now," Hudson pleaded from beside me. I ignored him. Rob looked at me startled and confused by my comment.

"I was tellin' you to eat up. I am your father now, you have to treat me with respect, babe," the idiot said. My mother seemed completely unphased by her husband called her daughter, babe. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

I rolled my eyes. I ignored what he had said and finished eating my dinner.


After dinner, I was in the kitchen washing up for everyone meanwhile, everyone else was in the lounge playing on playstation.

I picked up a small bowl and instantly started cleaning it. To say that I was pissed, would be a major understatement.

A body pushed up against my back, their arms blocking me from moving. I stopped mid-wash immediately.

"Hello, babe," the person spoke. Rob's breath smelt like alcohol. I hope he drives so I can arrest him.

"Uh, get off me," I said with confidence. As a police officer, I had been taught to always use a strong and confident voice. If I sounded scared or weak, people ain't going to listen to whatever bullshit you're saying.

"Your mother just told me that you've never had sex before," he whispered. I rolled my eyes, of course she did. She talked as if I was innocent to most people and to others, such as my Dad, I'm a whore.

"I can teach you how, if you want," he offered, pushing his pelvis harder against my body.

I could imagine what Hudson would say if I snapped right now.

Oh and to be honest, didn't give a damn at the moment. 

I spun around with my fist in the air, hitting him square in the jaw. His body fell to the ground with a loud thump.

My eyes widened in shock. How did he get knocked out so fast? I was expecting him just stumble back. I guess those gym sessions were going well for me.

I ran out of the kitchen and as I passed the living room, I screamed out, "Mom, I'd go check on your stupid ass husband if I were you!"

I ran out the door, slamming it shut behind me. I felt the tears flowing down my face. It wasn't so much that he had the decency to try do that that hurt, it more of the fact that my own Mom married that disgusting animal.

I unlocked my car and hopped in. I started the car up but I didn't make a move to drive home. I need to catch my breath.

I looked down to my right hand. It was shaking profusely. The knuckles were already turning shades of purple and blue from the force of the hit.

Shit. After all these years of avoiding situations where this happens, I finally let it.. I snapped.

›››‹‹‹ {jordan's pov -- present}

I yawned, opening my eyes to the harsh sunlight, beaming through the windows. I glanced around at the empty room. I frowned at the fact I was alone. I put my hands on the ground to help push me up from a sitting position to a standing. As soon as I put weight on my right hand, a shock of pain ran through it. I gasped at the sudden feeling.

I sat back down and looked at my hand in confusion.

The knuckles were all bruised and there was dried blood over them.

A sudden wash of memories came to me. I had punched Abraham in the jaw. I stood up, using my left hand only, this time. I unlocked the door and peered out into the church.

Everyone was standing in a group discussing something. Beth was the first to notice me wearily watching them all, she walked straight to me without saying a word. No one noticed her leave the discussion.

She closed the door behind us.

"Oh my, are you okay?" she whispered so know one would hear us. I shrugged, pulling my bruised hand behind me, so she would not see it.

"Jordan... Show me your hand," she demanded. I knew she only wanted to see if I was okay and if my hand was seriously injured. I sighed.

"Alright, but you do not mention my hand to Rick. He'll overreact," I stated clearly. She nodded, eager to see my hand. I slowly pulled it out so it's in front of me. She gasped.

"Holy shit, Jordan. How is he not going to notice that?" Beth questioned, staring at the disgusting bruising.

"I fucked up big time. How's Abraham, anyway?" I asked, changing the subject. I subconsciously moved my hand back behind my back. Her eyes flickered back up to mine.

"Fine. He wasn't angry or anything. No concussion, nothing. I think he thought that he deserved it," Beth explained, making me feel a lot better. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Come on, lets get you out there, it'll be fine," Beth insisted with her goofy grin. I tried matching my mood with hers -- super happy... I failed at that miserably.

She opened the door loudly, making everyone look over. When Rick looked over, he looked surprised to see Beth with me but none the less, he came running over to me. He instantly wrapped his arms around my small body.

"I tried talking to you through the door last night, you didn't reply," he mumbled to me.

"I fell asleep pretty quickly," I whispered back. He squeezed me one last time before letting go of me. As soon as he did, he grabbed onto my right hand. I winced but no one noticed but Beth. She narrowed her eyes at me, as if she was telling me to tell him about it. I shook my head slightly before turning to find Abraham.

I noticed him instantly. A large bruise had formed on his jaw. Not as ugly as my hand though.

"Loo-" I started but he cut me off straight away.

"Nah, you look, Jordan. It's fine. I deserved it and it was getting out of hand. Don't apologise," he spoke clearly and confidently. My eyes widened in surprise.

"But, I caused that bruise with my own fist. How can I not?" I questioned, confused by his response.

"Just trust me," he insisted. I gave him a firm nod and a smile. Rick squeezed my hand making me yelp.


He looked at me alarmed whereas Beth gave me a 'I told you so' look.

"Jords, shit, I'm sorry!" he apologised, trying to grab my hand. I quickly shoved them both into my pockets.

"It's fine... It's fine," I fake smiled. Rick frowned at me and then nodded over to the room I had spent the night in. He strode into it with me following closely behind. I closed the door behind me, shoving my hands behind my back as I turned to face him.

"Just show me," he said bluntly. I could tell he was tired, I didn't know why for once. He didn't seem like this yesterday.

I slowly pulled my hand out.

His furrowed his eyebrows as he carefully pulled my hand into his own.

"Does it hur-... That was a stupid question. I squeezed it and then you yelped, of course it hurts. Fuck, I hurt you. Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he rambled on. He pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head.

"This is why I didn't want to show you, you have so much on your plate. I don't want to add onto it," I explained sighing.

He pulled me into him, so I was centimeters from his face -- more importantly, from his lips.

"Jordan, you are more important than anything else and if you're hurt, I want to know. I want to help you no matter what. Especially when you're in pain, I need to know... Can you tell me me next time?" he asked softly as his hand rubbed small circles on my sore hand.

I nodded slightly before slowly pressing my lips to his. It was a short kiss but, it spoke volumes.

He pulled away slowly, leaving centimeters between us again.

"I love you and I want you to remember that we stick together, okay? We're in this as a team," he spoke confidently.

"I love you too, sheriff. We need a team name though, if we're in a team together," I replied cheekily. He smirked at me.

"Mmh and what do you have in mind?" he questioned acting all serious.

"The definitely not handsome sheriff and the definitely sexy cop," I suggested playfully before trying to run out of the room. As I got to the door, his arms encircled me, trapping me.

"You thought you would get away with saying that?" he questioned. His lips attached on to my neck leaving love bites. He was marking his territory for the first time in awhile. I was his.

I giggled which turned into a moan when he found my sweet spot, near my collarbone. He removed his lips from my collarbone and smirked at me.

He then slowly took off my white cotton shirt, throwing it onto the floor beside us. One of his arms reached behind me to unclip my bra with ease. It fell to the floor. I kicked it away and gasped as Rick sucked on my left nipple. His tongue massaged it, making me moan in delight.

His left hand pulled down my leggings, I stepped out of them, kicking them away too. He then pushed my panties aside and his finger slowly started rubbing my clit leaving me in agony.

I moaned loudly with pleasure as his tongue and hand pleasured me. He swapped breast, giving it an equal amount of attention.

"Rick," I moaned. He stopped what he was doing straight away, standing to his full height.

"Yes?" he questioned, a smirk evident.

"We are going to fuck," I said, taking control. He looked slightly surprised for a second but returned to smirking.

"As you wish," he approved. He suddenly pushed me against the wall roughly, making me gasp. His usually ocean blue eyes were much darker, full of lust and desire. I'm sure mine weren't the usual shade of green either.

I ripped off his shirt, letting it fall to the ground. I then decided it's time to return the favour.

I then crouched down, noticing his large bulge, I smirked at the sight. I undid his jeans quickly, making them fall to the ground too. His erection stood up in front of me.

"Wh-... What are you doing?" he questioned, knowing I wouldn't usually do this. I smiled sweetly up at him before taking his member into my mouth, running my tongue over the tip.

He moaned loudly, letting me know that he was enjoying it.

I took him fully, almost making me gag. Completely worth it though.

I sped up my pace. The sound of his moans became music to my ears.

"Fuck... Jordan..." he moaned while pulling my hair. I looked up at him, speeding up even more.

He groaned loudly before cumming into my mouth. I swallowed, licking my lips. I smiled innocently at him. Rick picked me up, making me wrap my legs around him.

He walked over to a bunch of sheets lying on the floor, perfect for what we were about to do. He carefully laid me down onto them. He hovered above me, looking over me as if I was his prey.

"I'm going to fuck you, like you had asked and I'm going to fuck you hard," he explained like it was nothing. My eyes widened in excitement.

He pulled down my pants and threw them off to the side with the rest of our clothing. Rick pushed my legs apart gently, trying to not hurt me. He held my legs in place and instantly positioned himself at my entrance.

As he slowly entered me, a long moan passed my lips. Rick slowly started to speed up his thrusts, pushing himself deeper inside of me.

"Rick," I moaned, "faster..."

He hummed a reply and did as I asked. He went faster than we had ever went, taking me to cloud nine. I could feel the pressure building in my lower regions.

My back arched as I moaned in pure ecstasy.

We both let out a series of moans before orgasming. I could feel the warm liquid enter me. He laid down next to me, holding my not bruised hand. We both took the time to catch our breaths.

"You're fucking amazing, y'know?" he complimented with his eyes closed. I blushed deeply at the comment.

"Says you," I replied. His eyes opened, revealing the shade of blue that I fell in love with. He smiled warmly at me, making my stomach fill with butterflies.

"I hate to say this but, put on your clothes... We were all discussing something important and I'll need your opinion on it," he informed.

"My opinion? Why?" I questioned as I stood up to find my clothes that were thrown around the room.

"Who wouldn't want another police officer's opinion on a plan?" he questioned making me even more confused. I stopped to look at him seriously.

"A plan to do what exactly?" I asked frowning.

"Put some clothes on first. Boy, I can't think straight whilst seeing you like that," he said while rubbing his forehead, making me smirk. I could see the bulge in his pants again.

A/N: lol okay rick

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