Silly Short Stories and Poems

By SmileMyLove

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Short and simple. Sweet and nice. A collections of shorts and poems. More

The Moon For Which I Howl
Every Move Is Magic
It's Cold Tonight
Miley's Death
Those Eyes
Taste For Man
Bieber Fever
Complex Existence
Come With Me
Diamond Eyes
My Hero
Our Mellow Mood
Our Carnival of Rust
Gone Away, A While
Gone Away, A While-Act 1
Random Short.
Random Short-2
Open My Eyes.
Oh, Mr. Cannibal.
Night Time.
NT - Act 1.
Failed Collaboration
We are.
I Dare Ya'
I Dare Ya'.
I Dare Ya'
I Dare Ya'
I Dare Ya'
I Dare Ya' -Christmas.
I Dare Ya'
I Dare Ya'
Colorless Love
Delusional •Scene II

N.T. Act-2

227 9 2
By SmileMyLove

and now, i hide for another nine days.


Leaving Adele alone wasn’t Jun’s ideal plan, but he couldn’t very well drag the newborn around the coven and mother certainly wouldn’t be pleased to see something she didn’t create before her. No, he’d just…Fabricate some stuff. He’d say that he turned him, rather than he found the boy randomly in the forest. It was amazing just how…Not ferocious he was. Though…He could be tearing the room up right now as Jun walked towards his creator. Just please, don’t make noise.

Jun paused, here it was. Behind this wooden door stood the woman who controlled everything in this coven, though Jun was one of her favored children, he still got nervous around her, for if she decided just on a whim he would cease to exist. She was much more powerful than he and much older as well.

He rapped his knuckles to the door, taking in unneeded air as he stood there momentarily. Just please let her allow this once. Jun knew others who tried to introduce others to the coven he’d seen plenty of the young slaughtered, he’d taken part in some of the executions himself. He felt no pity for those creatures, yet Adele he didn’t want anything to happen to.

“Come in.” Such a soft yet powerful voice, it caused Jun to wince even though it was barely over a whisper.

Slowly he opened the door and stepped in, those ancient eyes pierced him instantly, mother’s nostrils flared for a moment, fury burning in her dulled red eyes, “What is this I smell?” She hissed her auburn hair falling over her like a bright flame, the color matched her dark eyes, “You’ve been out?”

After swallowing a lump down his throat Jun nodded his head at the woman, “Yes I did…” He whispered he frowned at how pitiful he sounded, “Mother! I…Found something…This morning.”

Her eyes become intrigued, she slowly stepped towards Jun, her hand reaching out towards his face, “What did you find my dear child.”

Jun eyed her hand cautiously, he knew what may happen as soon as he uttered his next words, “A newborn…I brought him here.” Those fingers burned his face as the woman slapped him, snapping his head to the side. “He-“

“You brought a new born you found?!”

Clearly he should have gone with the other plan…”He isn’t like what you’d think.” Jun eyes narrowed slightly as he watched that hand once again, but mother had pulled it back to herself. “I…I want him to stay here.”

Mother drew in a breath through her teeth, “You know how they are-“

“I’ve been with him for a while now, he hasn’t shown any threat.” Jun’s wasn’t one to defy mother, but he didn’t want to be the one to stake Adele, he didn’t want anyone to stake Adele for that matter. A boy he’d only known for a couple hours and he already felt this strongly towards it, he might as well have been the one to change him.

Those red eyes grew suspicious as they watched Jun closely, “He isn’t even one of our own.”

Jun bit back a snarl that was rising in his throat, “He could be, if we let him.”

Mother tilted her head, shock etched into her pale face, “Who created him Jun?” She delicately placed her hand upon the cheek she had slapped, she rubbed it slightly causing the pain to come back, “There are many beasts who he could take after.”

This was true; those who changed the human definitely shaped them. As the months go on from their changing they will shape more and more into what they’re true masters are like. But Jun could influence Adele…Or rather he could try. They all could, everyone in the coven. Adele may become like his creator, but he’ll also have a bit of himself mixed in with it.

Jun smiled now as he thought of that innocent expression wrapped on that young face, he couldn’t imagine anything bad coming from such a creature.

Pain brought Jun back before his mother; she had dug her long white nails into his face, clawing at the skin as he dragged her hand down, “What monster gave birth to him?”

He didn’t wince, he only gazed into those old eyes, “No monster gave birth to him…” He whispered he was unsure though as to whether it was really a monster or an angel to create such a being. His hands reached up to clutch onto his mother’s. “Please release me.”

Those eyes narrowed once more, “Alright.” Her hands fell, but her gaze never left Jun, “I will allow him to stay, since you feel so strongly for this Adele.”

Jun bowed his head, “Thank-You mot-“

“But.” She suddenly snapped, Jun silence instantly, “If he causes anything, just once, you will execute him yourself. Understood?” Those eyes bore into him, Jun again breathed in, nodding his head in answer. He would do as mother told him, there was no getting around that,

“Of course.”

He left without another word.

Adele fingers were digging into his neck, well his flesh in general. Anything, just anything to draw blood, just, he needed to see red. He wasn’t sure what it was, he just wanted it, craved it even, but no matter how much skin he pulled back the stuff never poured out of his body. He frowned and scoffed, he would get up and claw at the wall, hoping that by tearing his nails off that he’d see some leak out, yet nothing would come.

He hissed in dissatisfaction. What was this? This urge?


He wanted to see them.

The door clicked behind him, from his position in the corner he glanced over, his bright eyes taking in the shadowed figure before him. His eyes took a moment to identify the character, the man who had brought him earlier. Jun. No…He wasn’t a man at all.

Jun’s sickly sweet scent filled Adele’s nostrils, a soft snarl erupted from his throat and his lips curled back, “Welcome back.” He smiled suddenly, now that this man was before him he wanted to block out his urges, he could get a fix later.

Jun noticed how Adele was acting, he was watching him closely as the snowy haired male stood and took a step to him, the smile was frustrated and forced, and Jun didn’t like this appearance on the boy.

“Come here.”

Adele’s eyebrows arched, but he came up to Jun, the smiling growing larger as he walked closer and that cool scent flooded his mind, “Yeah?” He whispered.

Oh this wasn’t good, Adele faltered and stumbled back a bit, Jun’s hand reached out and grabbed Adele’s arm, he yanked him up and pulled him close. He pressed his other arm around the boy, “I understand.” Was all he murmured, Adele stood there momentarily frozen. He was pressed to Jun, so close, his smell was intoxicating, yet…He didn’t quite get what it was Jun wanted him to do,

“Uhm…Jun…Why are you hugging me?”

Damn, why must he be so slow?

“I’m not hugging you…I’m saying that it’s alright since…”

Adele blinked confusingly at Jun’s neck, and then his eyes fell to where his shoulders and neck connected, “I…Still don’t.” Jun suddenly shoved Adele’s face in his neck,

“Just hurry up!” He snapped, Jun felt his face heat up, he didn’t mind taking from others, but he’d never actually had a partner take from him. He didn’t want to wonder what it felt like. “Go on. Bite me.”

Adele mumbled something against Jun’s skin, it was a mistake to open his mouth, and he could just faintly taste the cool skin of this vampire. He hissed gritting his teeth as his mouth salivated. “I don’t…I don’t wanna.”

“Oh then-“ He felt Adele’s fang sink into his skin, “Ow you could have given me a warn-!” Adele’s nails dug into Jun’s back as he lifted his head to bite into him a little easier, “Adele, seriously it hurts, stop it!” Jun didn’t like this; he grew to dislike it more as Adele slammed him into the stone wall behind them, his fangs tearing deeper into his stone cold skin.

He sucked in air as Adele drove his nails down Jun’s back, tearing the clothes and skin along with it, “Stop it!” He shoved Adele back suddenly, the crimson eyed male appeared shock as he was separated from Jun. His eyebrows furrowed,

“I…I’m sorry…”

Jun was cautious as he approached the young male; Adele drew in quick breaths as he averted his gaze to the floor, “It’s…Alright?” Jun hadn’t expected him to apologize, to be honest he was just waiting for the male to jump at him again and rip right through his neck.  Adele coughed, stepping away as Jun came too close, “Really. It’s okay.” His fingers stroked Adele’s head as soon as he was close enough, he ran his fingers through his soft hair, smiling slightly to try and deceive the boy, “I was just…Surprised is all.”

Adele hissed those crimson eyes glared up at Jun, “You’re lying!”

Jun growled slightly, “Adele, please.”

“Shut up Jun!”

Adele’s snapping at him caused Jun to step back; he frowned, “Fine then…

Adele’s eyes followed Jun as he fell back onto the bed with a content sigh; he brought his slender fingers to his cool lips, brushing against them. He had…He had done something so…Odd. Yet it was natural correct? All vampires did these kinds of things. Those eyes narrowed now, he had bit into another male, if the taking from another wasn’t awkward, and the fact that they were both guys certainly was.

“Jun?” He whispered, suddenly curious about something, it was humans they were supposed to take from correct, yet he had taken from another vampire, it was just, puzzling, Adele wanted to know how-

“By the way, you’ll be sticking by my side at all times when we leave this room. Don’t try anything with anyone else or else…Mother will not be pleased.”

He suddenly had a new interest, “Mother?”

Adele watched as Jun turned over so his back was facing Adele, “She leads the coven, just…watch yourself, what she says goes after all.”

Adele sighed softly; maybe it would be best if he didn’t disturb Jun this moment. He held himself closely,


“Mother, are you sure it’s alright to allow Jun to have that newborn?”

The leader of the coven had retired to her room later in their evening, her eyes looked to the male speaking with her, one of her first and finest creations, and she smirked slightly at his question, “Why not? It may provide some entertainment for us.”

The male didn’t smile nor appear pleased as mother did, her smile faltered as she now glared at the male, “He may grow attached, and it won’t be amusing to see him in anguish.”

Her laugh echoed throughout the room, “My dear Marcus, you are still so young.” Her eyes glinted as Marcus frown grew deeper, “No matter if you do not understand though, you will see the pleasure in it when you are older.”

Marcus watched his mother as she strolled about her room, humming pleasantries to herself,

“I’m sure I will, mother.”

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