The Durmstrang Potter Twin

By battlegirl333

309K 8.2K 1K

When the Durmstrang school for boys accepted Ms. Tara Potter no one quite knew what to expect. The Durmstrang... More

The Durmstrang Ship and Dragon
Meeting my Bro's Friends
Her Wild Return
Durmstrang Drills
The Terrifying Acts of Tara Potter
Author's Note
Aurors and Gods
Dad... It's Complicated
Quidditch and the Sunset
As the Weeks Pass By
Bellatrix Lestrange Meets Her Maker
Home Sweet Home
How to Scare An Over Protective Brother
Day of the Dance
And Finally... The Dance
Christmas Day
The Scar
Back to Hoggywarts
Twin's Birthday
The Argument
Back to Durmstrang
Hogwarts at Durmstrang
Gargoyles and Hecate
Chocolate Kisses
Different Than Usual
How Dances Go Wrong
Together Until the End
On the River Styx
Author's Note
Conversations and Missions
The Deal
Harry's Hearing
The Blood Quills
The Exiled Gods
The Horrors of Tartarus
To Walk

Explosions Are Dangerous

4.5K 161 22
By battlegirl333

Sirius's POV
Decode the letter? What the hell did that mean? I walked back into the kitchen, unable to go after her because of the inability to apparate. That I would learn later this year. I ran a hand through my shaggy hair.
James ran up to me," Where'd she go Siriius.
I looked at him and shrugged," I don't know she said something about decoding the letter though?"
Lily jumped up so fast that she knocked the table over. She grabbed a piece of blank paper and the letter. Within a few minutes she had decoded the letter.
Your parents have been captured. You need to go. They are in the usual place.
I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of distress while James stumbled backwards into the counter in shock.
"M- my parents? Captured. Tara's going after them?"
Lily nodded before standing up and getting into the cupboards, looking for something.
I stopped her from opening the next one," Lily I don't think any of us can eat right now."
She shook her head," Sirius, they're bound to be injured when they return. We have to be ready."
I nodded before taking her arm," The healing things are this way."
I led her silently to the cupboard in the next room and sat down, putting my head in my hands.
Lily idn't look at me when she said," You know she'll be alright Sirius? She's been training for this kind of thing her whole life. She knows what to do."
I just looked up at her and said," I hope so Lily. I really do."

Tara's POV
I snuck quietly through the bushes and then silently went over my plan. It wasn't foolproof but it would have to do. I walked silently up to the huge doors leading into the Malfoy Mansion. Taking a deep breath, I flung open the doors and stalked in, allowing the guards inside to tie me up and lead me to the dungeons. I watched in grim silence as they called Voldemort. He appeared a few seconds later with his snake by his side.
"This had better be impor-- Tara Potter? Who would've expected you to be here? Finally caught through some stupid mistake?"
I gave him a small smile," Let's just say, Tom, that I'm just paying you a small visit. And that I'll leave when I want."
He raised the skin over his eye where the eyebrow should be and grinned evilly," I shouldn't think so Tara. You will be locked in a dungeon that no one has ever been able to escape from. I hope you enjoy your time here at the Malfoy Manor."
I was led away quickly and thrown into the dungeons where I sprawled on the ground, pretending to be unconscious. They left quickly and I stood up and allowed a bit of fire to melt the ropes binding my hands together away. I heard somethng shuffle in the corner and whipped around to see in the crner my parents... And a skeleton. Well that's nice. They looked up at me frantically, as if truly believing that I was a Death Eater but visibly relaxed when they noticed it was me and not some freaky psycho dude. They tried to stand up to greet me but were chained to the floor. They groaned as the manacles dug into their skin. I walked over to them and kneeled down.
"Don't worry. I'm here to help you. Now show me your hands."
They hesitantly brought their chanined wrists forward and without giving them a chance to react I gripped their wrists and melted the chains right off. I checked their hands and nodded. Yep good for me. Only minor burns.
I looked at them and allowed a little emotion to show in my eyes," Sorry about that. It was necessary."
They just crushed me in a hug. I could tell that they wouldn't be able to walk very far judging by the way that they were shaking. I frowned when they didn't say anything then held up a finger when I realized what had happened. Silently, I muttered the countercurse for the Silencing charm. I rolled my eyes as they were suddenly blubbering over me. I patted them both on the back awkwardly. Then I held them by the shoulders and pushed them back so I could examine their wounds. There were a few minor slashes and of course the burns. The most worrying thing was that they were still shaking.
I looked at them seriously," Can you walk? Can you run?"
They looked at me finally seeming to come to their senses and mum said quietly," They used the Cruciatus curse on us Tara. Give us a few minutes to recover okay?"
I shook my head," You don't understand. We need to go right now. They are still surprised that I was able to be captured, so now is the best time. Catch them off guard."
Dad nodded and began to haul himself and Mum up," She's right dear. We need to go while we are still able to."
I nodded at him in thanks then turned and walked to the door. I ran my hands over it before nodding.
I turned back to them and said," If you know what's good for you, stay back."
They nodded and pressed themselves against the wall. I closed my eyes and summoned fire to burn the door down but it didn't burn. Not even a mark was left. I inhaled deeply and nodded. It was necessary.I turned again.
"Protego maxima."
Then I turned and slid my wand into the small pocket on my left leg. Placing my hands on the door I silently called my most destructive power forth. The combination of lightning, water, and shadows. The energy flowed from my palms and into the wood. I pressed my forehead against the wood and then- BOOM! I flew backwards and landed hard on the concrete floor. I rolled over and curled in on myself as I felt the shrapnel in my body.Mum and Dad started to run to me but I held up my hand and slowly stood. I groaned but bent down and grabbed my wand.
Gritting my teeth I muttered," Accio shrapnel."
The shards tore out of my skin and I gasped in pain but still preformed the healing spell easily. I rolled my shoulders and flexed a little before replacing my wand with my two daggers. I turned to my parents with no emotions one my face and walked into the still settling cloud of dust with my daggers up and ready. I couldn't see or smell but before I could hear or feel anything, it struck. Hitting me directly in the stomach. Blood immediately began to pour from the wound. I shrieked in pain but did not hesitate to turned and throw one of my daggers at the thing, chopping its long tail off. The snake. It hissed out a scream and slithered to the corner. I fell onto one knee feeling my blood drip onto the floor. A puddle was forming beneath me and I groaned, knowing that I couldn't heal this one. But I still braced myself against the wall and heaved myself up. I spat a little bit of blood and hissed at the pain of breathing. I grabbed the dagger I had thrown and went to kill the animal that had attacked me but hesitated as it hissed at me. Instead I kneeled painfully in front of it.
I silently healed its tail over and looked at it. I couldn't kill something that reminded me of myself. Sneaky, quick, and brutal.
I stroked its head," We will meet again, snake. But be warned. I will not hesitate to kill you next time."
I stood up growling at the pain and walked to my parents as the Death Eaters began to flow into the dungeon.
I grinned, my mouth tasting like my own blood and looked at my parents, palming my blades," Stay out of my way."
I charged as the bloodlust took over. Slashing and killing, punching and tearing. I dove over a Death Eater, beheading him on the way, the pain in my stomach hidden by my eagerness for blood. I roared in joy as my vision turned red and I sliced open the neck of another Death Eater while caving in the face of another with a well aimed punch. Lunging, I stabbed one blade through two Death Eaters and sliced another open from the nape of his neck to his belly button. The bloodlust faded as the last few fell but the ringing in my ears didn't. So I didn't hear the Death Eater behind me until he slumped down beside me.
The snake had ripped his throat out. She looked at me and blinked before nodding. I nodded back. We were even. Next time, one of us would die at the others' fangs. She slithered off. I beckoned my parents forward.
I looked at them," No questions now. Later. Now let's go."
They stumbled after me as I led them through the maze of the mansion. In this condition, I couldn't apparate in the place. That's when I remembered about my wound. I slumped to the side but pushed myself back up and ignored the pain. I was basically dragging Mum and Dad towards the door when we finally made it to the entrance hall. I made to step towards the door when Voldemort walked in front of it and faced me.
I groaned," Tom, I haven't got any time to play. Also I think you'll find that you will not enjoy the results."
I felt a pang from my stomach but pushed it away. Tom sent a curse at me but I blocked with a wandless shield and then looked up at him.
"Tom. I'm warning you now-"
Dad screamed as it hit him. I screeched in anger and sent a huge bolt of lightning at Tom. He barely dodged. He gaped at me but quickly sent another spell at me. I blocked with a swipe of my hand and sent a large lasso of air towards him. I captured him and dragged him to me where I lit my hand on fire and, burning through his shirt, burnt a large handprint on his chest. The smell of charred skin filled my senses and I shoved him away where he hit his head, knocking him unconscious. I noticed the increased rate that my stomach was bleeding. My whole lower body was drenched in blood. I had to get my parents out of here before I collapsed. I grabbed both of them and spun. I screamed as I felt my stomach squeezed. We appeared in Potter mansion and I felt James and Lily gasp and run forward to grab Mum and Dad who were shaking harder. Neither of them noticed the state I was in. Until Sirius glanced over. I took a shuddering breath and fell forward onto my knees. I felt his warm arms catch me before I fell the rest of the way.

Sirius's POV
I looked at the potions and healing books we had prepared for when Tara returned with Mr. and Mrs. Potter. My head snapped up as a crack echoed through the room. Lily and James gasped and ran to Mr. and Mrs. Potter. They brought them over to the couches and sat them. I focussed my attention on them, figuring Tara was fine when Mrs. Potter pointed towards her weakly.
"Tara's hurt. Look," she said.
I looked over in time to see Tara fall onto knees... Into a pool of her own blood. I launched myself to her as she began to fall to the side and held her in my arms.
Tears came to my eyes as I watched her gasp for air.
"Tara," I whispered," Tara you'll be fine. Tara. Look at me. You'll be okay. Tara, stay with me."
She coughed and a trail of blood traced it's way down her chin.
Her eyes focussed on me," Mum... Dad?"
"They're fine Tara," I said softly.
She sighed and went limp in my arms," Failed... Not... Safe. I'm...sorry."
"No Tara. You're going to be fine. You're strong. Fight through it. Please. For me."
A tear tacked its way down my cheek and she reached up and wiped it away weakly then let her arm fall away and hit the floor.
"Okay," she whispered.
Her eyes fluttered closed and her breathing became faint. Her head fell back limply and her skin paled. I let out a strangled sob and wrapped my arms around her, bringing her closer to me and cradling her against my chest.
"Please come back," I whispered.
I took a deep breath and lifted her up gently and carried her over to the couch and laid her down. Then I turned and grabbed as many potions as I could and forced a blood replenishing potion down her throat. This just made more blood flow out of her wound. I brought out my necklace and turned the trinket into the real dagger. Slowly, carefully, I cut away the fabric to reveal the wound. The edges of mauled flesh were turning green with whatever poison there had been in whatever hurt her. Her breath came fainter and I desperately searched for a potion to destroy the poison in her system. I found it and forced her to drink some of it then poured the rest around the wound where it was immediately absorbed. The wound lost it's green tinge and her breathing strengthened but no matter what healing potion i put on her wound, it wouldn't stop bleeding.
Suddenly I remembered something she told me on the rooftop. She had created a potion that could heal almost any wound. A mixture of rubbing alcohol, basilisk venom, and a regular healing potion. I watched as the green tint began to come back and then tore up the stairs to her room knocking a worried James and Lily over on the way. I ripped open the healing cabinet Tara had shown me in her room and grabbed the potion that said "experimental". As I ran back down the stairs I looked at the large bottle and read what she had written on the back, somehow not tripping on the stairs.
Put only three drops directly on wound.
Ignore any convulsing or screaming patient makes in pain.
Take Tara made spell Izlekuva Ranata and use thirty seconds after applying potion.
Wound will heal over the course of an hour but patient will remain unconscious for up to a week.
I grabbed Remus's book that Tara had written and found the spell and how to wave my wand to do it. I took the dropper and dropped three drops onto her stomach, flinching back when her back arched and sweat appeared on her face. Thirty seconds passed and I preformed the spell and she immediately became calm. The color returned her skin and slowly, painstakingly she healed. I sat back on my heels and heaved a relieved sigh. She would be okay. I closed my eyes and breathed in slowly. As if on autopilot I got up and washed my hands off. I grabbed a washcloth and took it back oblivious to the stares sent at me as I began monotonously cleaning off her stomach. I wiped off the trail of blood on her face gently then set the wash cloth and sat on the ground next to her and took her hand before leaning forward with my forehead against the couch. The others left to do something but I stayed. For three days. Then she finally woke up.

A/N Here you guys go. A nice long chapter for you guys.

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