Will I ever find love

By BeautyJalah

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Zariah think that she will never find a boy to love her she think they are not into her she have a crush on t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chaper 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (part 1)
Chapter 17 (part 2)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
This is not an update
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note ✍
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chpater 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note
Go Read!!

Chapter 23

367 22 3
By BeautyJalah

Zariah pov
I want to hang with my family and friends today. I want to let all them know that I'm pregnant. Well all of Tre homeboys already know. I hope they didn't tell the girls. Cuz I want to tell them. But I was at my house. I want to go swimming today. I should let Tre call the boys and I call the girls. I'm fixing to FaceTime Tre. I grab my phone and started face timing Tre. It then connected.

"Good morning baby." I said to him

"Morning Zariah." He said looking sleepy

"You must have been still sleep." I said

"Yes gorgeous, but I'm up now." He said

"What do u plan on doing today." I said stretch out on my bed

"Actually nothing, probably just chill. What u got in mind."  He said laying across his bed

"I wanted to go swimming, I wanted to bring the friends and family so I can tell them I'm pregnant." I said

"Yea, that's a good idea. Don't you think your father is going to be mad when u tell him your pregnant. I'm sure he don't want his princess to grow up so fast." Tre said

"I mean he just gone have to be mad or glad, because the damage has already been done. I'm pregnant and I can't change that." I said telling him like it is

"Yea ma you're right." He said

"Lol I know, but u tell the boys and your mom and sis about going swimming. I'm gone tell the girls and my mom. My dad is off today and I'll tell him to tag along to. We gone tell everybody we got a surprise for them." I said

"Ight then, see u later beautiful. Love u and my unborn." He said blowing a kiss in front of the camera

"We love u to deon." I said calling him by his middle name

He started laughing and hung up. I'm glad that my stomach is not big so I can put my bikini on. But let me tell my mom and dad.

"Mom may u come here for a min." I yelled

"Coming." She yell back

My mom came in my room.

"What the hell u want Zariah Samone Walker." She said sitting on my bed beside me

"We all going swimming today, Tre and I have a surprise for u guys. Ms. Hattie is coming to so u want be bored." I said with a smile on my face

"I'm glad cuz if Hattie wasn't going, I wasn't going." She said getting up off my bed

"Make sure u let dad know. Tell him to put some swimming trunks on and u put a bathing suit on." I said smirking

"Now u no damn well I'm to old to be wearing a bathing suit, but girl I just might." She said laughing and walking out of my room

I laugh at my mom. I sure am my mothers child. I texted Makayla, London, and Megan and asked them do they want to go swimming. They all texted back yea. Let me get my ass up and get ready.

Tre pov
I done already texted my home boys and told them. They said it was fine with them. Now I just have to call my mom so I can let her and my sis no. I started calling my mom.

"Well hello Tre." She said when she answer

"Hey mom, Some friends and Zariah and her parents and I are go swimming in a lil while. We wanted you and Lauren to tag along." I said

"Ok Tre, but I'm not getting in the water. You know black people cant get there hair wet." She said

"lol, that's ok mom. We got a surprise we want to tell y'all." I said

"Ok baby, but I ran into someone the other day." She said

"Who was it." I said curious to know

"You and Lauren father." She said

My whole face expression change. I can't stand that man. I promise myself if I was to see him again I would give him a ass whopping for beating on my mom.

"O." I said not wanting to talk about him

"Well baby, I'll see u later I'm fixing to let Lauren know." She said

"K." I said

Man she just must up my day. Bringing up his dead beat ass. I swear I will kill that man if I was to see him. I can still remember all the times when he use to beat my mom. Thats why I'm so over protective of Lauren. He never did try to put his hands on us tho. But still he put his hands on my mom. And I ain't like that shit. That's why I promise myself that I will never put my hands on a female, because of what my father did. But I'm not gone let him stop my day. I'm fixing to get ready and hang with Bae and the fam.

Megan pov
I don't even much know why they want to go swimming but I guess I'll go. 6 months pregnant ain't no joke. I look like a fat ass big. Like I be crying cuz I'm so fat. I be thinking Marcus don't like me any more and want him a new boo. But I was at Marcus house now.

"Megan why is u crying." He said walking towards me

Dam man I didn't even much no I was crying. These damn hormones got me fuck up. Like one mim I be mad, sad, horny, crying. Hell any thing u can think of.

"I didn't realize I was crying Marcus. I think that u don't like me anymore cuz I look like a big ass pig." I said wiping my tears

"Man chill out with all that baby. I will always like and love you." He said kissing me

"Ok." I said in between kisses

"Now let's go swimming." He said grabbing my hand

"Marcus, I'm not getting in no damn pool. I'll just watch." I said

"Nahh, that's what u think." He said

"Nigga, if u put me in that water we gone fight." I said with a serious ass face

He started laughing but I was for real.

"Well we just gone fight then." He said chucking

"Ight, I'm gone beat your ass." I said laughing

"We will just have to see about that." He said smacking my ass

"Ouhh, that shit hurted." I said rubbing my booty

"It didn't hurt that bad if u can take the d." He said laughing

"Anyways lets go." I said rolling my eyes at his nasty ass

Marcus and I walk outside. We then got in his car and he drove off.

John pov
We just made it to the swimming pool. I wonder why my daughter Zariah wanted to come here. Now she know I'm old and don't like this water shit. What ever she got to tell us better be good.

Zariah pov
Everybody is all here at the swimming pool. I can't wait to tell everybody. I'm just praying that my dad take it ok. I mean who doesn't want there daughter to grow up and find out that there princess is pregnant. My parents and Ms. Hattie were talking and having s good time. You already know everybody else was boo loving. But not me boo Lauren. I'm sure she got a boy friend but we just don't know about it. The crew and I were all sitting together and Lauren. While the parents were sitting together at a different table.

"Marcus remember what I told you." Megan said eyeing Marcus

"And what's that." Drew said curious to know

"She told me don't put her in the pool." Marcus said

"You better not, or I'm gone whoop you're ass." Megan said to Marcus

Everybody started laughing

"Steven no not to play with me." London said giving Steven a evil ass look

"You ain't gone do nun about it if I do." Steven said licking his tongue out at London

"Try me then nigga." She said standing up and getting in a fighting position

We all started laughing

"Y'all crazy." Lauren said chuckling

"It's just water u guys it's not gone hurt y'all." Makayla said

"Looks who's talking, let me go throw u in the water then." Drew said picking Makayla

"Boy, hell nawl put me down. You no I was just playing." She said giggling and trying to make Drew put her down

"I'm not gone throw my baby in the water, cuz she might not give me nun." Tre said picking me up and sitting me in his lap

"Boy hush, they don't be needing to no our business." I said laughing and laying my head on my baby chest

Tre had kissed me and I kissed him back

The boys all got in the water and Lauren. She must like going swimming. We was scared to get in the water. The only way black people go swimming is with floaties. Lol. The girls and I was just talking and having a good time and the boys came out of no where and grabbed us.

"Man Tre put me down don't put me in that damn water." I said scared and holding on to him very tight

"Chill ma, I'm not gone drop u. I know u carrying my seed." He whispered in my ear

"Ok don't drop me tho." I said

"Ight, just get on my back." He said

I got on Tre back. We was in the pool. I was not about to let this nigga go.

"Tre don't take me to the deep In." I said with my arms wrap around his neck

"Ight shorty." He said

All of us girls were on our mans back, while Lauren ass was all at the deep in. The girls and I don't play about no water. But we had got out the pool now we was all sitting in our mans laps. Lauren was on her phone. Probably texting her boo.

"Tre I think it's time for us to tell them." I whispered in his ear

"Ight, let's go."

"Attention everyone, Tre and I have a surprise for u guys." I said

All eyes were on Tre and I

"Well Zariah is pregnant." Tre said rubbing my stomach

"3 weeks." I said smiling

Everybody started clapping self for my dad

"I'm fixing to spoil my grand baby." Ms. Hattie said

"Girl you me I can't wait to find out the gender." My mom said excited

"I hope I have a niece, cuz we don't need no lil Tre around here." Lauren said

I gave her a high five. Cuz she sure is right

"Hey now, I do need a lil Tre around here and that's just what I might get." He said wrapping his arms around me." And kissing my check

"Zariah, we are going to talk about this on our on time." My dad said looking angry

"K." I said lowering my head

I should have known he was gone be upset. But I'm sure when my baby get here. He gone be spoiling my baby. But everybody was starting to leave.

"Mom may I stay the night with Tre tonight." I said

"Of course." She said kissing my forehead

I said bye to my mom and dad. My mom said bye but my father didn't. That kind of hurted.
Tre and I went walking to his car. We got in and he pulled off headed to his house.



Excuse any mistakes

☺️ Jalah

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