lights. + myg

By jiminieral

474K 26.2K 16.8K

❝What the fuck are you doing to my house?❞ When a Christmas-loving, innocent and outgoing girl decorates the... More



15.4K 845 1.8K
By jiminieral

this has always been a popular chapter before i unpublished it so i hope you guys still like it<3 be glad that this is 4000+ words long ;))

Christmas Day

Today is the day. My favourite day of the year. I immediately sat up straight and sighed contently before squealing and rolling around in the bed.

"You awake?" Yoongi sauntered into the room.

"Merry Christmas!" I say, running up to him and throwing myself on him.

He landed on the ground with a thud and groaned. "Yeah, Merry Christmas, Yeonnie." He smiled at me and hugged me back.

"I'm surprised you were up before me," I giggle quietly and jump off of him. Yoongi looked down at my shorts and gulped. I glared at him - boys."It's just shorts, you pervert. What, can't handle it?" I roll my eyes.

"I-I made breakfast." He said and quickly exited the room.

I went downstairs and finished the pancakes Yoongi made for me, he attempted making a reindeer but it obviously failed - credit to him for the strawberry red nose though.

"Seokjin's gonna be cooking the dinner so we don't need to do anything," Yoongi said, walking past with hundreds of presents in his hand. He placed them underneath the Christmas tree.

"Got any plans after lunch? I think Oppa and Min are going to the movies aferwards. It's obvious they're dating. They are dating, right?"

"Pretty sure they are. And nope, my dad's going to the company dinner again. Aren't you going?" He raised a brow.

"Oh... Sorry. And no. I was hoping we could spend some time together or something like that? I don't know..." I sheepishly grinned with a light blush spreading my cheeks.

"Okay." He says. I smile to myself and get my gifts to put under the tree.

I was pretty sure everyone would like the presents I got for them - it took a lot of time to find them.

After taking them downstairs and putting them under the tree, I got my phone out of my pocket and sent a text to the group chat.

You sent a message @ WHERE ARE MY JAMS

yo come over at like 12 pls

okie dokie <333 i lub chu


stfu and lub me

gtg yoongi's calling me

these hoe's aint loyal

i am loyal

Jeon Cena:
hoe i saw u retweet yoongi's selfie on twitter

Jeon Cena:
tae whats good?



hold up


omfg no way

Jeon Cena:
you didn't know? omg here

Jeon Cena:

fuck thats hot


i thought yoongi was calling u

i wasnt



Satan♡: you think im hot? smirks

but seriously jiyeon i swear if that was you who put the glittery snowflakes on the windows


i ship it

Jeon Cena:
i thought vkook was ur otp

they are but yoonyeon is also otp

are we going to ignore the fact that my once innocent best friend just called yoongi hot. she even swore wtf is happening


yup guess we're ignoring it



yoonyeon? what about yeongi? i like yeongi better


ur just embarassed bc u love me


you have silenced satan



shut the fuck up and get ur ass downstairs jiyeon help me tidy the living room

but i have to get ready

Jeon Cena:
hyung this is the part where u tell her shes beautiful anyway

wtf no

do it



Jeon Cena:



Chim changed the subject to 'Park Has Jams'


woah everyone agreed with me for once


yh ??

u got no jamz

mom did u see that

namjoon's bullying me

1) namjoon stop saying that lame and overused joke you've been saying that since u were -162627 years old and 2) jimin stfu and come to my house to clean that mess u made last weekend





u look beautiful anyway jiyeon -_-

i can see you blushing you know

im downstairs *smirks*

what the shit

*casually jumps off cliff* ze ship has sailed !!!!!!!





Jeon Cena:


Jeon Cena:


Satan♡ has left the chat 'Park Has Jams'

so who wants to add satan back in

you do it he does anything u say

thats not true

it is

im scared of him

You added Satan♡ to 'Park Has Jams'

yoongi's mixtape is fire

its out?

it didn't come out yet, its fire because im burning his house down

fight me hoe

Jeon Cena:
throwing all that shade

Jeon Cena:
shade here shade there theres shade everywhere

meanwhile hoseok's walking around like a boss


stop yourself

Hobi changed the subject to 'JHOPE > AGUST D amirite or amirite'

shit u right

gtg merry christmas

I threw my phone somewhere on the couch and saw Yoongi glaring at his phone. "I can't believe she thinks that hoe is better than me," He muttered to himself.

"I was joking, idiot." I said and jumped onto his back. "You're a hundred times better," He chuckles quietly at this and shrugs me off.

"Let's tidy up." He says.

"Way to ruin the mood, Yoongi."

12:06 PM

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Min shouts as she bursts through the door empty handed whilst Jimin and Hopie carry dozens of presents into the living room. Jimin is holding a huge present thats bigger than the Christmas tree itself - he places it next to the tree whilst our mouths fall wide open.

Seokjin then follows and he's holding his presents as well as Tae's and Jungkook's because they 'can't carry' theirs.

Namjoon is last to arrive with a huge dent at the hood of his car. He carries all of his presents up the drive and ends up dropping them all as he groans in frustration. I giggle quietly and go to help him. "Thank you," He says.

"You really are the God of Destruction."

"I guess," he scratches the back of his neck and I lead him inside.

"Guys, don't you think it feels like Jiyeon and Yoongi are one of those married couples that invite everyone over at every occasion? Honestly, I think it's so cute!" Hoseok squeals and flops onto the couch.

Yoongi glares at him as I just laugh along with the others. Luckily, I got ready before they came.

I ended up wearing a plain, light grey, swing dress that reached a couple inches above my knee. I applied just a tiny bit of eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara before applying a maroon lipstick.

I curled the ends of my hair and managed to do a waterfall braid that stopped halfway around my head.

"Jiyeon looks really pretty!" Jungkook exclaims.

"Thanks." I blush.

Seokjin sits down on one of the couches and everyone follows his lead.

"Now that all the presents are here, let's get started." Namjoon says.

Jin sits up, "So how about we just go around this circle starting from Jiyeon and she gives her presents out to everyone and then it goes round?"

"Great idea, hyung!" Kookie says.

Jimin next to him mutters, "Kiss ass," Playfully.

I go to pick up the gifts I brought and place them on the table for everyone to see. Namjoon picks up his present first that's in a flat, square shape.

"Oh my God, no way!" He stands up. Namjoon waves around the last album that Kanye West, a Western rapper, released. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

He lets out a random squeal of excitement before sitting back down.

Min is next and she rips open her gift to find the fragrance from Victoria's Secret, and the PINK hoodie and shirt she was looking at when we went shopping together. "Thank you, bestie!" She shouts and comes around the room to give me a hug.

Seokjin Oppa lifts up his small present - it's thin and very long.

"I love you so much!" He says as he hugs his personalised chopsticks close to him. I knew he would like it, he likes small things with lots of meaning - the meaning behind this gift was me acknowledging his love for eating.

"I know you do," I laugh.

"Me next!" Jimin says and opens his neatly wrapped present to find a box with two mugs. They both say our name on it and it says 'best friends' underneath.

"THIS IS PERFECT!" He says, handing me my mug and hugging his.

"You're welcome."

Taehyung opened his at the same time as Jungkook to find that he got a white snapback and the maknae got a leather jacket. Hoseok also opened his to find a customised jumper which read 'I'm your hope'. They all jumped up to thank me and hug me.

"Me last." Yoongi said. I sat up straight and watched in anticipation for his reaction. I gave him three presents, two of them moderately sized and one small one.

He opened the small box first, only to find black designer sunglasses. His grin widened and he looked at me. "I love it, thank you." He says quietly.

He then opens his second present which is a journal for him to write new song lyrics. His smile extends even more. He thanks me again before proceeding to his next item.

It's a travel neck-pillow. Just when I thought his smile couldn't get any wider, his lips tug into the cutest gummy smile in the world. He pulls me in for a hug and whispers, "I love it," again. I smile against his chest and he puts his neck-pillow on.

"Alright you too love birds stop, it's Jimin's turn." Namjoon smirks at us and we pull away, our cheeks flushed in bright red.

"Alrighty!" Jimin says as he places his eight gifts on the table.

It turns out that I got new, black, ripped, skinny jeans which I'm going to wear until the day I die now, Seokjin was given a cookbook and Namjoon received a letter for jams. I don't think thats happening any time soon though - I might be wrong.

"What about us, Hyung?" Jungkook and Taehyung said. He handed them two small plastic bags. Jungkook frowned but Taehyung opened his like an excited puppy, only to find bread.


"I know, it's great - you're welcome." Jimin proudly said.

"And Hoseok, here." Jimin threw him a box which he easily opened. It contained a silver watch which looked too mature for hoseok seeing as he acted like a cute twelve year old.

"Thanks so much, smol child!" Hoseok stood up.

Min then picked up her weirdly wrapped present and opened it.

"Oh my fucking G-Dragon." Her mouth fell wide open - Min's jaw was literally on the floor. Not even exaggerating on that one. "Oh my GD, Jimin. OH MY GD!"

It turns out that Jimin had gotten her a Kaneki Ken mask - the main character from Tokyo Ghoul. Min stood up, ran to a window and opened it, screaming as loud as she could outside.

"I think she likes it." Jimin said.

"No shit, Sherlock." Yoongi snorted and got up, pulling Min back down in case the neighbours complained for making too much noise.

Whilst Min was still hyperventilating, Yoongi didn't know what had hit him when Jimin gave him the huge present that everyone was anticipating.

"It's for me? Oh wow," He tried hiding his happiness. the rest of us sat with wide eyes because he looked genuinely happy in front of all of us for once.

He started to tear it down from the bottom. Once he got to the top, his mouth fell open just as Min's had not too long ago.


It was a huge Kumamon plush.

Yoongi immediately pulled Jamless Boy in for a hug and proceeded to hugging his Kumamon plush. "This is the best thing ever!" His voice came out in muffles since he had been hugging the plush.

"Okay," I laughed, "You can stop now, Yoongi." He released the stuffed mascot and sat it on the floor next to the couch.

"Next is Min," Seokjin informs everyone.

Min dishes out her gifts and we all start to open it at the same time.

Seokjin gets a pink apron that I know he's going to wear all the time now. Min gives me a photo collage of all of our best moments since we first met at a young age. I almost want to cry looking at our memories.

Yoongi gets a free pizza coupon which he happily accepts and Jimin receives a bra. Typical, yet he doesn't seem upset with his gift, in fact he's grinning.

"Do you think Jimin cross-dresses?" I whisper to Yoongi.

"I don't know, probably - I mean, look how happy he is with that bra." He comments. I giggle and he lets out a deep chuckle.

Namjoon gets similar sunglasses to Yoongi and he wears them for the rest of the day. He loves them, we can all tell.

"Hoseok, I know how much you love your shoes," Min said as she handed him a pair of Timberlands. Jungkook and Hoseok both jump up in joy, but for two different reasons. Hobi hugs his shoes whilst Jungkook shouts, "YES! Now he'll finally stop stealing mine," He sighs contently and praises Min.

"Taehyung, I found your twin," My best friend says, placing a stuffed toy alien in front of him. He squeals like a little kid and hugs his toy. "And Jungkook, I didn't forget that one time you told us you wanted jet black hair, so here." She smiled.

In front of Jungkook was black hair dye, the one that Jungkook kept rambling on about. "Oh man, holy Shit - thank you!" He said.

Seokjin immediately shot him a glare for cursing. "Sorry, Mom."

"I did not teach him that." Namjoon raises his hands defensively as we all give him blank stares, knowing he did it.

"Alright, next is Seokjin Oppa." Min says, intentionally batting her eyes as she looked over at him. He gave a flirtatious wink back and I almost wanted to vomit at the sight.

"WHAT THE FU - I MEAN HELL, MY EYES ARE BURNING!" I cried out and Yoongi played along, covering them protectively.

"I'll save you!" He said, throwing anything near him like Namjoon's used tissues, Grey's doggy balls and all that jazz in the direction of my brother and best friend.

"Real mature, YoonGrinch." Seokjin said. I think that was the most playful I've ever seen Yoongi.

The laughter dies down and we carry on.

Seokjin first places a white card board box in front of me. It's fairly small, but I open it to find a mini chocolate cake that Seokjin made by himself, just for me. "Wah! Thank you, brother!"

"No problem," He proceeds to Min's gift and she opens it to find an art set - yes, she majors in art. The set has everything from light to dark pencils, all the colours that the human eye can see, small and large paintbrushes as well as a sketch book.

"Thank you so much, Oppa." She says and places the art set in front of her, still admiring it whilst Jin hands out the rest of the gifts.

Jimin receives a Levi Ackerman action figure - lucky bitch. Namjoon got an English dictionary because Seokjin said thats the only book he reads.

Jungkook got a baby blanket which he surprisingly didn't mind and snuggled himself up in.

I went to go and get a spoon to eat my chocolate cake and excused myself. When I came back, Seokjin and Hoseok were arguing about how Hobi doesn't drink enough water. That explains the water bottle in his hand with a red ribbon around it. How festive. Hoseok ended up losing and sulked, drinking the water as Seokjin watched him drink it all.

Then my brother gave Taehyung a huge, stuffed bag. Taehyung opened it to find a huge coat that swallowed him whole. "I got you this because you never wear a coat outside when I tell you to and you end up catching a cold." Taehyung complained and they started to argue.

I picked up my chocolate cake and started to eat it.

"Hey, give me some." Yoongi whines and I roll my eyes. I take a bit of my cake and feed it to him. He closes his eyes and grins happily. "It tastes great - I want more..." He mumbles cutely.

"Yoongi, what are you doing?" I chuckle.

"Can I share it with you?" He says.

"Only if you do aegyo for me," I smirk, satisfied.

Yoongi sighs and lifts two fists up to his cheeks, twisting them and saying, "Please can I share your cake with you?" With a huge gummy smile.

I think my face literally became the heart-eyes emoji. "OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO CUTE!" I said, whilst the others didn't seem to notice.

Yoongi's cheeks flushed a deep pink colour and he looked away, "Yeah, yeah, now give me the cake." He said.

I giggled and fed him another spoon. Then I fed myself and then him again. I did this until it was nearly finished.

"Lastly, Yoongi I got you this speaker that I'm going to connect to your couch and bed. It's connected to my phone so I can wake you up easily. I'm warning you now, it's really loud." Yoongi has a horrified look and his mouth hangs wide open. I take the chance to feed him more cake and he starts to eat it, still looking at Seokjin like he was the true devil.

"That's evil!" He protests but Seokjin is adamant about the speakers. No one wins against Seokjin Eomma.

Next it was Namjoon's turn - he gave me a silver bracelet. "Thank you, Joonie~!"

"You're welcome." He smiles and hands Min her gift. "Jimin and I worked together for your gift - I got you specialised black and red contacts that they use in Tokyo Ghoul so you can cosplay!"

And Min starts to hyperventilate again. Maybe we shouldn't say Tokyo Ghoul around her. As much as I was obsessed with it, it would never be as much as her.

Yoongi received a pen which had his name engraved with real silver in. "Oh my god, Namjoon, this is awesome," Yoongi said, still eating the cake.

He gave Seokjin a hug (great gift, I know), Hoseok blue jeans, Jungkook a diaper and Taehyung a jar of candy. Lastly, he presented a neatly wrapped gift in front of Jimin. He tore off the wrapping...

"OH MY GOD, I GOT YES JAMS!" Jimin squealed, hugging Namjoon and the jar of jam.

"It's only temporary - once you finish the jar, you may never get another one until proven worthy so savour it. I'm only being nice this one Christmas." Namjoon explained as Jimin nodded, listening to his every word.

Next was Taehyung - he literally got everyone a white shirt with his face on it. We all groaned at his childishness but still wore the shirts to make him happy. He only got Jungkook something different which was the ring we watched him buy.

Jungkook squealed, "OH MY GOD, TAEHYUNG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" He slipped the ring onto his finger and hugged his boyfriend tightly.

"I know," Tae smirked.

Hoseok gave us all pretty cool stuff; he got me a cute, green jacket whilst Min got a canvas and an easel. Jungkook got the complete MADE album by BigBang and Taehyung got two BigBang concert tickets that he could take Jungkook to next year. Yeah, they were both hyperventilating.

The rest of the boys got a bag of candy each. Typical Hobi.

It was now Jungkook's turn. "This is for when ya'll called me a foetus," he stood up and dished out a literal picture of him as a foetus in the ultrasound when his mother was only six months pregnant. "You guys are so obsessed with me, I thought you might've wanted it." He shrugged.

We all groaned and threw the photo's at him to which he only smirked at. Smart kid.

"Kookie, where's my gift?" Taehyung asked.

"Here." He said yet he made no move.


"I am your gift."

"Best gift ever." Tae snuggled into the younger's chest.

"Nasty." Jimin commented whilst Hoseok was all heart-eyed.

Whilst they began to converse in another argument about Vkook this time, Yoongi whispered in my ear, "You've got a bit on your nose."

"Really? Where? Can you take it off?" I pleaded. Yoongi smirked and leaned in close, before licking the chocolate icing off the tip of my nose.

I sat there, frozen, whilst Yoongi proceeded in taking the cake from my spoon that I was about to eat before he whispered in my ear.

"Y-Yah!" I blushed furiously. He laughed at me and pulled me in for a hug. I don't know what we are, but I knew I liked him more than a friend. I felt an urge to always be near him. Do I love him? Definitely not, right?

"Yoongi's turn!" Jimin got Yoongi's presents for him because he couldn't be bothered to move himself, and placed them on the table.

First he handed Taehyung a $10 bill as Taehyung frowned. "Go buy sweets with it or something." He said like an old grandpa.

"Okay, Gramps!" He said cheerfully until Yoongi smacked the back of his head.

Seokjin received a professional knife set. "Yoongi, you idiot! Now he'll stab us in our sleep!" Jungkook complained.

"Don't call your Hyung an idiot." He glared at the maknae as we stifled a laugh.

Min got a beanie which said the words 'Baddest Female' on it and Jimin got a muscle tee. Hoseok got more shoes (this time they were Converse) and Namjoon received a baby pink snap back. Jungkook wasn't too happy about getting a pacifier - he sulked and snuggled into Taehyung's chest.

Lastly, Yoongi turned to me and pulled out a heart-shaped box.

"Open it," He urged. I could see Hobi and Jimin fanboying in the corner of my eye.

I took it with shaky hands and took off the lid to reveal two necklaces. One had a 'Y' on it and the other had a 'J'. They were both made out of real silver, and in the very corner of the letter was a small studded diamond.

"Yoongi, it's... Oh my G-Dragon." I say.

"Do you like it? the 'Y' is for Yoongi and it's for you to wear. the 'J' is for Jiyeon - it's for me to wear. Now you'll never feel alone," He gave me his gummy smile as I pulled him in for hug. We stayed like this for a while until he pulled us apart and put the pendant around my neck.

"Thank you so much." I whispered and clutched the 'Y' gratefully.

He smiled again.

"So while you two lovebirds kiss and make babies, Jin's gonna go make the dinner." Namjoon said, dusting himself off of the imaginary dirt.

The both of us blushed as Min nudged me, smirking.

"Tsk, and they say they don't like each other." Jimin frowned rolled his eyes as everyone got up.

"NO MAKING BABIES WHILE I'M HERE!" Seokjin ran in with the largest butcher knife and threw it at Namjoon, but of course with his aim, it landed on the wall beside him. Not like he was going to actually stab Namjoon anyway...

I mean, I hope not.

Yoongi threw a pillow at Namjoon before grabbing my hand and leading us both into the kitchen.

This was probably the best Christmas ever.

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