Hey There Delilah (Sequel to...

By TeamElounor

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On February 23rd, 2012, the second show of the Take Me Home tour ended. Twitter temporarily shut down. The On... More

Hey There Delilah (Sequel to Not The Same)
One Direction Infection
They Don't Know About Us
The X Factor
Leaving New York
Beginning of Bootcamp
Date Night
Bipolar Disorder
Judge's Houses
New People
Megan and Delilah
They Know
Week One Begins
Love and Heartbreak
Love is a Battlefield
Her Signature
Roman Flips
The Secret's Out
Tonight, Everything Changes
You'll Always Have Me
Screw Up
Practice Makes Perfect
"Do you love her?"
Shipping War
Daddy Problems
Breaking Point
Old Delilah
The Truth Will Set You Free
Absence Makes the Heart Go Insane
Hey There Delilah
Stay With Me

Beginning of the End

2.3K 56 4
By TeamElounor

----------Author's Note--------

This chapter is dedicated to @StephMilona because she just started a new Liam fan fic, please go read it!! I love it already and I know you guys will too!


All the contestants had decided to go out for a late lunch before tonights live show. I tried to enjoy myself and laugh and take pictures and pretend like the plane I'd be on tonight didn't exist. The last older person left was a mom named Shirley. She chatted with me a lot and I could tell she was trying to keep my mind off of the competition and focus on other things. 

I also talked with my girlies, Megan and every member of Love in Time. Those four girls had become my closest companions. And Megan? No matter what happens tonight, I'm not loosing her. We'll keep in touch if it's the last thing I do. 

"How do you guys feel about tonight?" Paige, from Love in Time asked me and the boys of Your Prince. Matt looked straight at me with a look of malice in his eyes.

"Are your suitcases packed yet? Because we've got it in the bag." I laughed along with everyone else. Yeah, they are packed. "Rigth, Declan?" Matt asked. Everyone turned to Declan who was unusually quiet and sitting on his phone. He looked up and nodded. The rest of our entourage went back to chatting but there was something in the way Declan didn't look back down at his phone. He just held it but looked straight ahead into space. I found myself wondering what he was thinking about. He looked towards me and caught my eye. Neither one of us looked away, we just sat there staring at each other. To anyone else who may have looked at us, this probably looked so weird. But there was something in that eye contact that I can't fit into words. It's hard to admit, but throught out this competition, Declan's always kept me grounded and has been my rock. With all the shit he's put me through, he's reminded me that this is the actual world and there are going to be disappointments and let downs. For this I am grateful and for what he did last night? I still don't understand why he did it, but I will never forget it. 


 I sat on a chair in the dressing room. This was the beginning of the end. Never in my entire life will I forgive myself for last night, I blew it big time. When I think back to my life before this, it's like I wasn't ever that girl. I just can't believe that was really my life. Growing up, I had no idea how much more this world could offer and I never want to go back. I guess it really is true, the higher you are, the farther the fall.

"Ready for tonight?" Our stylist asked, taking out the plain green dress we already had planned for tonight. I couldn't open my mouth. I just couldn't. I stared ahead of me at the wall. "Delilah?" He crouched down in front of me, "Last night wasn't about whether you go or not. If you're in the bottom two tonight, you've got one last performance. Don't get upset and quit just yet because the game isn't over, sweetheart."  I offered him my friendliest smile. But it was still completely fake.

"Thank you, but I'm done." I felt a tear drizzle down my cheek but I kept that huge fake grin there. Mark frowned at me but stood and headed towards the racks upon racks of incredible clothes. 

"How about you wear this tonight instead?" I turned to him and my mouth dropped. 

"You have got to be kidding.." 

"If you're going to leave, you better do it with a bang." I stared at him as if he were absolutely insane but somewhere in my head, I knew he would talk me into this dress. I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a wedding dress. It had an old fashioned, vintage feel and reminded me of something Juliet Capulet would wear. It was strapless and it didn't poof out very far but it had a little bit of a long train in the back.   It was made of lace and had a bow with long strings in the back. This would defanietly be a show stopper... (A/N I will try to insert a picture on the side!!)


>Declan's POV<

One Direction's whole posse were hanging out in one of the wings of the stage discussing the game plan for tonight, I creeped up behind Roman and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey!" He was clearly surprised to see me.

"Have you seen Delilah? I wanted to make sure she was okay." I awkwardly put my hands in my pockets.

"No, I haven't seen her yet-" He stopped mid sentance and his mouth dangled slightly open. Behind him everyone else was doing the same. Kiani's hand actually reached up and covered her mouth. I turned to see what they were staring at and the room began to spin. I'm pretty sure my mouth dropped as well but I really couldn't even fathom what was happening anymore. 

Delilah and a few of the other contestants were starting to come back here and get ready for show time. But I could barely see the other contestants, all I could see was Delilah.

She looked stunning. Her dress fit her in all the right places and just looked amazing. Her hair was curled and pinned up and her makeup just made her look even more flawless. I found myself having a hard time breathing. Then I had to watch Roman go up to her and give her a hug and a kiss. My heart sunk and then it broke into 50 million pieces, because it was like the mistakes I wished I hadn't made were standing right before me. I can't undo what I did, but I can regret it until the day I die and I probably will. 

>Liam's POV<

"Time to get ready to go guys." Simon called out to everyone. That was our que to leave but I waited until Roman was done with his girlfriend and went up to my daughter. MY daughter. 

"Delilah?" She froze and stared at me. Her eyes quickly clouded with pain. 

"I'm sorry." She told me.

"What?" I asked her, confused. 

"I'm really really sorry for disappointing you." I just stared at her in shock. "I really screwed up last night and I'm so sorry. I may be your daughter, but I will never be able to be to you what your other Delilah is." Tears were in the corner of her eyes, dangerously close to falling and ruining her makeup. Shannon would kill me if her precious work was ruined.

"Are you kidding?" She shook her head, taken back a little. I kneeled down like I did for my kids when they were little and had nightmares and I grabbed both of her hands. "You are not a disappointment to me. Delilah, I am so proud of you! I've been a contestant on this show and I've been a judge and a mentor. I've played almost every role in this situation but I've never been the parent. Now I am the parent, and I can honestly say I have never been more proud of any of my kids than I am right now of you." She smiled through her tears. "Delilah isn't getting on that stage tonight. She would never in a million years have the guts to, but you are! You. I was proud of you as a contestant before I even knew you were my daughter." I'm pretty sure I heard someone take a picture of us, most likely Lucy, our PR. I stood and wipped away Delilah's tears with my thumb. "And by the way, you aren't leaving tonight."

"5 MINUTES! PLACES!" Someone yelled.

"Why?" Delilah asked. I pulled her into me for a hug.

"Because I'll be damned if I never see you again in a white dress like this. I plan on walking you down the aisle on your wedding day." I whispered in her ear and quickly left so that I could be in my seat in time for the show to start. 

>Delcan's POV<

"Ready?" I asked Delilah backstage. I literally only had a couple of minutes to talk to her before this death match started. 

"No." I could see her playing with the ring on her right hand. She was more fidgety than usual. Even though she's made it pretty clear that she's going home tonight, I think part of her is still praying that she won't. I turned to her and grabbed her hands in mine. With my thumb, I rubbed her hand gently, hopping to help calm her nerves. 

"You look beautiful and I know you're going to do wonderful." We were standing probably far too close to each other for two people who were in seperate relationships. The screen behind me held the countdown to show time and I heard it start beeping once it hit 30 seconds. I could feel the pulse in Delilah's wrist and I felt it go up. She was breathing really hard and there was pure panic on her face. I let go of her hands and grabbed her face, trying to force her to relax. "You're not going home tonight." I told her. "I'm not letting that happen."

"I'm never singing again after tonight, Declan. I had my shot and I'm done." I heard the loudest beep, signaling that cameras were rolling and I kissed Delilah on the forehead then released her. 

>Delilah's POV<

Throughout the entire show, slowly the people who made it through were announced inbetween commercial breaks and performances. The two performers were Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift. The contestants hung out with them backstage but I just stayed in the wing and looked out onto the stage that I was leaving behind. Declan stayed beside me backstage the entire night and stood beside me on the stage as well. Sometimes he held my hand and occasionally he tried to start a conversation, probably to take my mind off it but I never responded. Eventually he gave up and just stood there beside me. We took some pictures for magazine and T.V. show reporters who were allowed backstage for interviews but when they asked if they could interview us, Declan always told them no. I may not have responded to Delcan, but all of his efforts, defanietly weren't going unnoticed. They just confirmed the idea in my head that I was going to purposely mess up for him just like he had done for me. Finally it got down to the very last three of us and they called us back out onto the stage. 

Standing side by side, it was me, Your Prince, and Love in Time. Liam stood beside his group on stage and Louis' hand on my shoulder reminded me that he was there for me. The lights dimmed as they prepared to call out the act who would remain in the competition. The audience screamed names of their favorites but I couldn't understand any of them. 

"The name of the act still in the competition, thanks to the viewers votes is.." The host paused for a dramatic effect but I was certain everyone knew it would be Love in Time. "Your Prince." There was an explosion of cheering as my mouth fell open a little. I looked at the boys who looked just as lost as I was. Love in Time looked just as shocked and a little worried. Even the judges and the host looked slightly confused. I guess we should have seen it coming, they've got a huge fanbase. "This means that Delilah and Love in Time will be battling it out here in a few minutes, after this commercial break, for the chance to continue on in this competition." It cut to commercial and we were all ushered backstage and our mentors went back to their judges tables.

"Okay, so Love in Time is going first and then Delilah." The stage manager yelled out to us. The girl band that I had growen so close to over the past four weeks headed to corner to practice their harmonies. They hadn't been expecting this so I was way more prepared. 

"Win this!" Declan told me. "You've got it in the bag." I nodded my head at him. In my head I went over all the lyrics and all the beats. I loved those girls to death, but at the end of the day, this is a competition. I know they have big things in store for them, I'm going to have to crush them in this performance.

Before we knew it, the commercial break was over and Love in Time left to go stand behind the sliding back of the stage. The lights dimmed again as the host introduced them and the dramatic music rang out as their pictures flashed on the screen. The doors slid open and the girls walked out, hand in hand and to their microphone stands. 

(A/N in case you want to play the song while reading this, it's Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)

"When I see your smile, tears run down my face I can't replace and now that I'm stronger, I've figured out how this world turns cold and breaks through my soul and I know I'll find deep inside me that I can be the one." Lily started them off. Everyone's survival performances are usually very simple and theirs was no excpetion. It was lovely, the lighting effects were at a minimum and the song choice was brilliant. I actually started to tear up at the realization that even if I stay, they'd be leaving and I'd still have to say goodbye. This was especially hard when at the end, they changed the lyrics to help it fit the circumstance.

"Cause you're my, you're my, you're my true love, my whole heart, please don't throw that away cause I'm here for you! Please don't make us walk away. Please tell us we'll stay, stay!" I'm pretty sure the entire audience started to tear up and I prayed that I could make them do the same. All of the contestants were now on the side of the stage watching. Every single on of us and all of us getting emotional. It was to the point in the competitiont that with each week, the goodbyes were just getting harder and harder. I kind of realized standing on the side of the stage watching that in the next 8 weeks, slowly our number would just be getting smaller and smaller until only one of us remains. That means I will eventually have to say goodbye to everyone. I looked around me at the other contestants. 

I have unexpainable bonds with the guys in Your Prince. Even if most of them despise me, we've been through quite a lot and I think I'd be genuienly sad to say goodbye to any of them, even Aaron who had practically made me faint. Then there was little Destany who had more talent than most people do in their pinky and she was only 11. Along with her there is Micheal who is also 11. He's got a huge fan base but most of them are younger viewers, I think it's because he's adorable and one of those kids that you can look at and know he's going to be attractive when he's older. All of Liam's group is still in the competition. Most of them I'm not very close to. Along with Your Prince he has Logan, who's 18. Elijah who's 21, and Holden, who I've talked to a few times. he's 16. Although I don't know them all that well, they're familiar faces that I know I'l miss eventually. Standing to my left was Shirley who is 36 and has two kids. She feels left out sometimes I imagine since Lucy, the other adult, left already. 

I turned back to the stage as Love in Time finished their song and realized just how grateful I am for meeting the people I have and doing what I've been able to do. Mayeb it was Gods way of saying sorry for growing up without a dad. For the first time in the past two days, I'm not worried about being sent home, I'm 100% ready for it if that ends up being the outcome. If I have to go back to New York with absolutely nothing to show for it, that's okay because I'll never forget these people. I'm ready for what could be my final performance. 

"Judges, any last minute thoughts?" The host asked. 

"Uh, yeah, no matte what the outcome tonight, you girls did amazing tonight as you always do and I am so incredibly proud of each of you." Louis told them.

"That performance was beautiful." Liam told them. 

"I agree with Liam, I think Delilah should be worried." He smirked. Liam and Louis both sent him death glares.

"Okay, well after this commercial break, we will hear Delilah sing her song and then find out who is going home!" The host said as the girls came off stage. We all had a huge group hug and told them how well they did. 

"Ready, Delilah?" One of the stage managers asked me. I felt my stomach start to get queasy but I nodded. Everyone wished me luck and told me I looked gorgeous as I picked up the back of my dress and followed the lady behind the stage and behind the big wall that I knew would soon be parting. I dropped my dress and stared at it. I couldn't help but wonder if it was the last time I'd ever go through it. 

I stood there with all these thoughts until I heard the host speak and realized I had no more time to think. Soon the doors opened and the lights flashed as the same dramatic music that I was now used to blared. I saw the huge crowed and heard their yells. As I walked towards my single microphone stand sitting center stage, I found myself smiling at the people who were cheering for me. I gripped the microphone in one hand and let my other hand fall to the side for now. When the music played, I took a deep breath. 

(A/N again if you want to play the song- Moment of Truth by FM Static)

"Here we are, in the best years of our lives. With no way of knowing when the wheel stop spinning cause we don't know where we're going. And here we are on the best day of our lives. And it's a go let's make it last, so cheers you all to that, cause this moment's never coming back!" The audience cheered as I finished the first verse and continued on into the chorus. With every perfect note I sang I could feel my eyes get more and more watery. Usually when I'm onstage and I'm singing, it's just me, like the rest of the world doesn't exist. But this time it wasn't like that. It wasn't just me feeling lonely on a stage. It was me and the entire world. I could feel the presence of everyone around me. I could hear their shouts of support and it was the best feeling in the world. It helped me to pour my heart out into the lyrics.

"And here I am on the West Coast of America and I've been trying to think for weeks of all the ways to ask you, and now I've brought you to the place where I've poured my heart out a million times for a million reasons, to offer it to you." By now I was crying but I still wasn't missing a single note. They told me to go out with a bang and I think I was doing a pretty good job at it. This time when I looked at my dad he was smiling form ear to ear. I looked behind him to my mom in the audience who had a steady line fo tears streaming down her face, but she was smiling into them. I looked around me at the audience and tried to take a picture with my brain. This was one moment that I never wanted to forget. 

The last three words of the song were forever and ever but the notes were too boring and plain so me and Louis jazzed it up a bit a few weeks ago. We decided to make that whole last verse higher than the rest of the song and I was supposed to hold the last note out for 16 whole beats. When it got to those last 3 words, I kept the thought in the back of my head that forever and ever could very possibly mean just a few more minutes so I put everything I had into theose last couple seconds. I put every ounce of my soul into that last note, and I ended the song perfectly. 

I stood on the stage alone for a few seconds and just stared out at the crowed as I continued to cry a little while I smiled. The judges stood and clapped for me, so did a lot of the audience. The host came on and I wipped my tears. He put an arm around me and said, "Judges? What'd you think?"

"Sorry, but there aren't words to follow that performance." Liam said with a huge grin.

"Well then let's just get to it and bring Love in Time out here." The host laughed a litte. I watched the girls come on stage as the dramatic music sounded again. The host stood between us. 

"Is the audience ready?" Thousands of shouts echoed through the auditorium. "How about the judges?" They nodded their heads.  "And you girls?" We all took one last look at each other before nodding our heads as well and facing the judges who would decide our fate. "Well let's start with Liam, who is the act you will be sending home."

"You both have done amazing tonight, but I'm going to have to send home Love in Time." He said into the microphone. The audience shouted in protest and in agreement. It was pretty even. 

"Okay, Simon. You're turn. Please give me the name of the act you are sending home." I stared at him inently. He paused for a moment and looked between us before saying my name into the microphone. Screaming continued to echo.

"Wow, okay, so the vote is now split between both of these acts. Louis, you're vote is the decideing vote. Whoever you do decide to send home will be leaving the competition immediately. Louis?" Louis stared down at his lap before looking up at us. He took a moment to look around at the audience.

"This is really really hard for me," He began, you could see the sadness in his eyes. "I've gotten to know each and every one of you so well and all of you are beautiful people inside and out. Honestly, none of you deserve to be going home but I have to pick one." He looked back down at the table and bit his lip. You could see he was really confused on this. "Based on that performance, you two are on the exact same level. They were both amazing performances. When I go back through my memory to all the other peroformances, you guys are both still even. I can't decide." Everyone was staring at Louis, even Liam and Simon. It all rested entirely on him. He looked behind him one last time at the front row, which consisted of his family and my mom. "Here's the thing," His voice echoed through the now silent room. "A while ago, I did something bad, that I greatly regret to your mom," He spoke to me. "I promised her that one day, I'd make it up to her." The silence was deafening, it cut me in half like a knife. "Today is one day, so I have to send home Love in Time." I stared at him in shock. Then music started playing and it was time for the goodbyes. I got into a group hug with the girls and the judges got up to come greet us. The audience was a mixture of cheers and boes. The other contestants piled on stage as well. 

Across the stage I saw Louis and smiled to him. I mouthed a thank you as I was envoleped in hugs.

 ---------------Author's Note------------

I really loved this chapter and I hope you guys do too! I realized while writing this that I made a big mistake in the last chapter. If you noticed it, you're cool. If not, I'm not going to tell you what lolol just ignore it. I'm going back tomorrow to finish it. Anyways, please remember to vote and leave a comment! I've been better about replying lately! Also the two songs in this chapter are amazing songs and I suggest you check them out!

xx, Ashley

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