
By WhenImrightIwrite

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Invisible, Leah just wants to stay that way, the girl in the greenhouse who never asks for attention. Life ha... More

Sneak Peak
Chapter 1 Yes You
Chapter 2 I the Island
Chapter 3 Failed Attempts
Chapter 4 Red White Black and Blue
Chapter 5 You Have Got To Be Kidding Me
Chapter 6 Tripping Up
Chapter 7 Piece Of My Heart
Chapter 8 Terror
Chapter 9 In The Way
Chapter 10 No Energy, No Fight
Chapter 11 Following Through On Loss
Chapter 12 Did You See It Coming? And What's Next?
Chapter 13 Painful Memories
Chapter 14 Life In Danger
Chapter 15 The Choice
Chapter 16 Unable To Hide
Chapter 17 One Emotion
Chapter 18 Memories, Old and New
Chapter 19 When Walls Crumble
Chaper 20 Know You Better
Chapter 21 Downward Spiral
Chapter 22 Dealing With It
Chapter 23 Explanation
Chapter 24 Familiar Faces, New Problems
Chapter 25 Taking A Little Side Tour
Chapter 26 The Choice
Chapter 27 Right Choice?
Chapter 28 Doubling Back
Chapter 29 Hard To Say Goodbye
Chapter 31 The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 32 Maxwell and Me
Chapter 33 Cherry Juice
Chapter 34 Swimming In Uncharted Waters
Chapter 35 Leaps and Bounds
Chapter 36 Nashville Symphony
Chapter 37 Realizations
Chapter 38 Dinner With The Folks
Chapter 39 The Final Straw
Chapter 40 So Close
Chapter 41 When The Time Is Right
Chapter 42 Still Going
Chapter 43 A Rough Patch
Chapter 44 Mind Problems
Chapter 45 Broken At Last?
Chapter 46 Quiet Times
Chapter 47 Shockwaves
Chapter 48 Family Time
Chapter 49 Three Little Words
Chapter 50 A Happy Ending?
Chapter 51 Crazy
Chapter 52 Toehold
Chapter 53 Letter To Me
Chapter 54 Fly Away
Chapter 55 Memories
Chapter 56 Final Promise
Chapter 57 Fight For Love
Chapter 58 Dresses and Dresses
Chapter 59 From Endings to Beginnings
Chapter 60 Support
Epilogue: New Beginnings (Authors Note)

Chapter 30 Baby Blue

1.1K 58 10
By WhenImrightIwrite

I stare into the salon, contemplating, imagining. My arms are weighed down with shopping bags. I never come to the mall. Too many loud noises, too many staring people.

So I don't chicken out I turn and walk through the entrance and ask for an appointment. The last time I went through a change like this it was to hide, this time it's to discover.

My blond hair is chopped off and layered, falling a few inches below the shoulders and my eyes now look out from underneath feathered bangs that swoop to the side, following my hair line. But it's the same green eyes that stare at me in the mirror.

The women who does my hair looks at my nails disparagingly, I know she sees the labor marked, broken nails which are too short to do anything with. But I don't mind, those are mine too.

Looking at my watch I jump in surprise, I've got an hour to get to Tiffany's! She'll kill me if I'm late! And I've still got to stop at my place to drop off my purchases and pick up the cake.

While I fly down the highway I leave the windows down and blast the radio, it's just that nice of a day.

Once home I strip off the green shirt and jeans and contemplate what to wear. I rifle through my closet and sigh, I really don't want to go tonight. The mall has left me drained and shaky. One step at a time, and it's time to take another step.

I pull the light, baby blue dress I just bought out of the bag and stare at it. It's tissue paper texture rustles and almost as if it will break I unzip it and step into it. The skirt hits midcalf and the bottom layer hugs my legs as the top flows free. The top material stops sooner than I would like and v-lines across my chest, held up by sheer light blue fabric that encircles my neck and acts as a sleeveless top. There is a flower pattern on the sheer and that is probably the only reason I would even consider wearing something this daring.

Since my hair is already in a new style I leave it down and even flip a little hair so it hangs over my right eye. I dig out the new makeup I impulsively bought and spend a few minutes testing it out, deciding on the bubblegum pink lipstick and silver eyeshadow. I must be going crazy, I look.... I look like Tori! Well, not like her but my style reminds me of her.

Silver dangles down from my ears and if I tilt my head my earrings will  touch my dress. I put on the baby blue, opened finger, laced gloves and strap on the silver heels which lift me up 4 inches. I look at myself in the mirror and laugh. "Hello my name is Leah, I don't believe we've met."

The heels come off and I step into a good old fashioned pair of flip flops. I know better than to tempt fate, walking in stilettos and carrying a 15 pound cake.

I only consider for a second weather or not to leave the shoes. I'm doing this much, might as well go for broke. I place them carefully in a shopping bag so they dangle on my arm while I walk carefully with the cake clutched tightly in my arms.

The drive over to Sam and Tiff's is 25 minutes and I resist rolling down the windows even though it's such a nice day. This makes me giggle, I'm not one to care about anything messing with my appearance.

"Hi! Thank you f- Leah?" The shock on Tiffany's face is priceless. I can't help grinning. "What did you do?"

"You don't like it?" I juggle the box in my hands to free up a hand and tuck my hair behind my left ear, I look down at the ridiculous shoes, feeling very self conscience all of a sudden.

"No... I- I love it. You just didn't say anything and..."

"Thanks." I jump in as she trails off and lets me inside.

Sam rushes over and grabs the cake from my hands, and like a typical guy he says hi and walks off without noticing the change.

"Tiff, this place looks amazing! Happy anniversary by the way." I give her a tight squeeze which she returns. Even in my ridiculous heels I still have to look up at her. Although, she's also wearing heels at least as high as mine.

"I can't believe it's been a year!"

"Neither can I." When I step back she has tears in her eyes and I smile and hold up a finger. "No tears, you'll make me start."

"Thanks, make yourself at home I guess... You're spot on time but I have nothing for you to do."

"That's fine my feet are already starting to kill me. How do you walk around in heels like this all day?"

"Practice and remembering the price of beauty." She winks before rushing off after a caterer who is carting something into the kitchen.

I sit on the cushioned bench in the enormous entry way and stare out the window by the door. As people start showing up I take on door duty, sending the guests I guests into the main living room, which has tall, slopping ceilings and a true, polished rock waterfall that cascades from a 20 foot drop.

The luxury in this house both makes me feel like a little kid wanting to explore and dive into the swimming pool on the roof. It has a clear bottom and overlooks the back yard. Then I feel like an old lady as I shake my head at the extravagance of it all, what a waste for 2 people who work full time and are always taking vacation or going out.

Soft classical music starts to play soon after the first guests arrive and every so often a jazz song shows up and I just about melt. The saxophone just sounds so alive and full of emotion. I'm greeting person after person and I'm holding myself together. I'm so pleased.

Around 8 it seems like everyone is here, no one has come through the door for the last 10 minutes. I decide to go and find Maggie who rushed in and ran straight for the bathroom with her garment bag clutched in hand. She had come from dropping the kids off after Gordi's doctor appointment as Al had volunteered to stay with them. Tonight wasn't really conducive to 4 year olds with sticky fingers.

I tie my hair back in a ponytail in spite of myself, I'm not used to the layers that tickle my neck. Then a rather catchy tune strikes up and I recognize it immediately, Sing Sing Sing by Benny Goodman. I can't help myself, I grin at myself in the full length mirror across from the front door and look at my dress, deciding it could use a good twirl. I look to the left and right, making sure no one else can see me.

As I do several swift turns the top layer of the skirt fans out and when I look down I can see the floor through the fabric. Then the front door swings open and someone comes in, I try to stop but my heels prevent it, I start to stumble a little.

"Hello there!"

I fall backwards and am looking up at Hunter while clutched in his arms.

"Hi." I expect him to release me but instead when he sets me right side up he starts me in an expert spin.

"Glad I dropped in."

"Me too, that would have hurt."

He laughs and draws me back in, continuing to dance. He actually doesn't do half bad considering he doesn't strike me as a swinger. My parents put me in a swing class back in my freshman year and it really helped take of the weight. Plus I thoroughly enjoyed it.

By the end of the song we both breathe heavily and I see sweat beads dotting Hunter's forehead. I reach over and yank a tissue out of a box sitting on the table to the entry way and hand it to him. Walking to the mirror to organize my hair, it's in a mess. I shake it loose as he lets out a laugh. "Man, since when did you learn to move like that?"

"That is all of the dancing I can do unfortunately. I'm actually surprised you could do it."

"What can I say, I've been paying attention to lots of choreography lately."

"Well you'd better watch it Hayes, I might just have to teach you and then you're stuck dancing with me forever."

"I wouldn't mind that." Things get quiet and I finish staring at myself. I turn to find Hunter's eyes fixated on me. "Leah, you look fantastic!"

"Thanks, so um... Anyway, what are you doing here?" I look at his dark grey dress pants and matching vest, he's got a light blue dress shirt, actually similar to the color dress I am wearing and the collar is unbuttoned and the sleeves are rolled up. I hold my tongue when I see that he chose to wear light brown shoes... But it could be worse... I'm just not sure how.

He clears his throat and I snap back to reality. Was I really just giving Hunter a once over? I blush deeply and tuck my hair behind my ear while letting the other side swoop over to cover half of my face.

Hunter straightens up and extends an arm to me. I let out a little giggle and Hunter's face lights up, oh no, what did I start? I take his arm and we walk into the party, with Hunter steering us right for the food.

"So... Where's Jacob?"

"You didn't answer my question." I giggle again. I really need to stop doing that. I receive another smile from Hunter.

"I forgot what you asked."

"Why. Are. You. Here?"

"Oh right, right! Well, funny story... I actually wanted to-"

"Hunter! So glad you could make it!" Tiffany almost knocks him over as she hugs him. "Oh my gosh! Did you guys coordinate? You look adorable?" She points at both of us in excitement and I look at Hunter with a pained expression.

The returned expression is playful and amused, Hunter slides his hand down to meet mine, he looks at Tiffany as he laces his fingers with mine and starts to swing our connected arms back and forth. "Uh-huh, and later we're gonna braid each others hair and gossip over the prettiest dresses." His tone sounds babyish and I can't help the laughter that bursts from my mouth.

"Yeah, yeah, poke fun at the hostess. See how far that gets you." Tiffany flips her dark hair back and adjusts her designer floral print dress, mostly red and yellow with a few splashes of green. It's skintight and a good thing she's in shape, she pulls it off perfectly. "Say... I was wondering if I could bother to steal Leah away for just a minute."

Hunter releases my hand and turns to the food, no hesitation no hint that he doesn't want to let go. I relax a little as we move farther away.

"Okay, first I have to-"

I hold up my hand, "Tif you promised."

"Fine," she pouts, "Sam and I were wondering if you wouldn't mind watching the place for us next month... We have more than enough guest rooms. Sam thinks once you move in you'll stay and I would love that. We thought you could use a change after everything with Jacob..."

I glance over at Hunter, he perked up at the mention of Jacob's name. I'm not going there with him tonight. "That sounds wonderful but I'm just trying to keep it together."

"Well at least stay the 3 weeks. Maxwell just got house trained and I couldn't bear to put him in a cage at the vet." Tiffany sticks her lip out a little and I sigh.

"Fine." Like it's that big a deal, this place is crazy huge and I've always wanted to explore it. "Where is Maxwell anyway?" The terror terroir was an early anniversary present from Sam's parents and I honestly think Tiffany would have declined it if it we're anyone else giving it, she really is more of a cat person. She was devastated when she found out I let Jade go with Jacob, though she couldn't have been happier to see Jacob go.

"He's in the basement, which reminds me.. I need to let him out."

"I'll do it. You enjoy the party, just let him out on the back patio and watch him until he's done. Thanks so much!" She hurries away as someone makes a loud noise in the kitchen.

I turn to make my way to the stairs and end up face to face with Hunter. He must have snuck up while I wasn't paying attention. "I guess I didn't ask the right question before." He arches an eyebrow.

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