Regardless (Raura Vampire)

By CamryR5fan

59.1K 2.4K 955

Laura Marie Marano is a normal girl. Loves her dad, has amazing grades, loves to write music, loves the color... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Shout out. 8/10/15
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Shout out. 8/24/15
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Shout out 8/31/16
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 An annoying mall trip.
Chapter 27 Christmas eve.
Chapter 28 Christmas
Shout out 9/21/15
Chapter 29 Gem
Chapter 30 Having Hope Helps Sometimes
Chapter 31 Lazy Day
Chapter 32 Your Beautiful Without Your Mask
Chapter 33 Todays The Day
Shout-out 10/13/15
Chapter 34 After Party and Honeymoon (Arriving at destination)
Chapter 35 Honeymoon (full) day 1
Chapter 36 Beach date and Love
Chapter 37 honeymoon day 2
Chapter 37 Happiness Comes But Sadness Wins
New book prologue and chapter one
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 Ross and Laura know
Chapter 40 Home at last
Chapter 41 Telling the news
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
New book part
48 extra
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
All at once
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Twin 1 Boy
Twin 2 girl
Kenzie 5 years old

Chapter 45

589 25 10
By CamryR5fan

They. They?! THEY?!?!
"What do you mean they?" I ask as calmly as possible.
"Well yours having twins." She says excited and my eyes well up with tears.
"Oh my god." I say and a happy tear fell.
"Do you wanna hear the heartbeats?" She asks and I nod. She presses and flips a few things and we head the heartbeats. They were like a fast, soft, steady drumbeat, the pitter patter echoed through the room and reached my ears.
"I'll give you two a few minutes while I print the pictures and get the recording." She says
"Can you make two sets of the pictures." I asked and she nods.
"Of course." She says and leaves us.
"I love you." Ross says after she leaves and I smile up at him wiping the gel of my stomach.
"I love you too Ross." I say and he smiled and kissed me.
"Are you excited?" He asks and I nod giggling.
"I can't wait to hold them." I say and get off the bed.
"Me too. I just can't wait to see how cute they are. Should we wait till their born or right away to know the sex of them?" He asks and I tilt my head in thought.
"It will stress me out of I don't know right away so we won't wait till their born cause the stress could hurt them." I say and he nods grabbing my little sweater and walking to the door facing away from me. I yawn and try to stifle it but he hears it anyways and faces me. I forgot he still has some bat hearing. Darn. I smiled at him and waved he smiled and waved back walking over to me. He lifted me onto his hip and I crossed my arms pouting but he just kissed me and gently pushed my head to rest on his shoulder. He then kissed the side of my head and I closed my eyes not falling asleep. He walked out and passed the doctor. They talked and she handed him the pictures and disc. They talked about the do's and don'ts before saying goodbye. Ross walked out of the building gently tipping his head to rest it on mine lovingly and it nearly brought more tears. stupid hormones. Soon I felt the comfy seat under me and a seat belt before he tilted the seat back a bit and closed my door. Soon his door opened and he slid in the drivers seat. The car gently rumbled to life and he carefully pulled out, making sure not to jerk the car. He's so sweat. He turned on the radio and Chris August 7x70 came on. I smiled since face was away from him and he turned it down so it was just a whisper in the back ground. My smile fades as I slowly fell asleep.

Ross's pov

I knew she was up since I could hear her heartbeat and it was far too fast for her to be sleeping. When Chris August came on though she fell asleep to its whisper. I drove carefully around each bend making sure not to jerk the car. I don't want to wake her.

Soon enough I make it back to the house. The sun is up still so it's probably only around lunch. I park I. My parents driveway and jog to Laura's side. I take her out carefully and close the door locking it. I carried the feather girl in my arms back to our humble home and opened the door. I carried her to our room and set her on the bed. I pull one of my shirts out of the closet and dress her in that. I out her jeans and shirt in the hamper and go down to make lunch. Somewhere in between I call mom and tell her to send James and Kenzie over. Some time later James walked in with Kenzie in his arms. She isn't asleep but her eyes are closed and her head is on his chest. I smiled at me and I smiled back and set her on the couch. He came and joined me with making lunch.
"So how was your time at grandmas?" I asked and he growled.
"This guy named Vincent Reyes attacking Kenzie." He sneers and I glare at the wall. Again? I seriously need to talk to Xavier about him. He's getting it of hand.
"Ok. I'll talk to him about it." I tell him and he nods grabbing two plates and taking it into the living room after thanking me. I just smile at the two and go up to mine and Laura's room. She is say on the bed with cute little glasses on and a book in her hands.
"Laura. Food is ready." I say and she looks up from the book. She smiles at me and nods getting up.
"Ok." She says walking over to me and I grab her waist.

"I love you." I say and she smiles leaning up and kissing me. I kiss back gently and pick her up pulling away. I carry her down stairs and find James laying on the couch with Kenzie asleep on him. He looks at us and smiles before turning back to stare at her while running his fingers through her hair. Me and Laura look at each other through the corner of our eyes and look back at them before shrugging and continuing towards the kitchen. I set her on the island chair and set her plate in front of her. I slide into the chair next to her and pull my plate in front of me. We eat in silence and when she finishes she reaches over and drops the plate into the garbage. I pull her into my lap and wrap my arms around her waist. I kiss her cheek and rest my chin on her shoulder with my eyes closed swaying us side to side.
"Do you wanna go outside?" She asks and I shrug.
"Sure lets take Kenzie and James with us." I say and she nods.
"Hey James do you wanna let your wolf out for a bit?" I ask and he comes running in with Kenzie following close behind.
"Yes." He says and I chuckle and get up.
"Alright go get ready." I say setting Laura down. They run off and me and Laura go to the front door and put our shoes on. We walk out and wait for them. James comes out with shorts on and he is carrying Kenzie who has a towel around her. He walks behind a tree and I hear the crunching of bones before Kenzie comes bounding out in her little kitty. It's different now. It had a brown face, toes, and a patch of brown on her back. I pick her up and hear crunching before James bounds out in his black wolf. He stops dead in his tracks and stares with watchful eyes as I hold Kenzie. I roll my eyes at his possessiveness and set her down. She run up to him and he licks her back. He pawed at her and she fell over. He pushed her into her back and he gave her a complete tongue bath. I rolled my eyes and started the walk with Laura. They caught up soon after with Kenzie squirming in James jaw. I hit his forehead gently and he looked at me.
"Put her down." I said and he growled but did anyways. I pet his head and we continued our walk. James constantly chasing after the straying Kenzie. Always finder her way off the trail. Soon she just stayed on the path and we made it to an open field.
"Alright go play." I say and Kenzie goes racing off with James following after her pretending to be slower. But he's an alpha's son he's more than fast enough. Me and Laura sat in the tall grass and talked about the babies. We heard commotion and found James growling at a rogue. He was black and brown. I looked over the ground for Kenzie but didn't find her. I looked at the wolf and looked closer. There in his mouth sat a crying Kenzie. Her cries high pitched meows. I stood quickly and ran to them keeping Laura in my arms distance.
"What are you doing here rogue." I asked voice deadly calm and he took his eyes off James and put them on me. I could seek red eyes in his and he looked shocked. Wouldn't you too human with changing eyes and vampire fangs. I couldn't feel James so I knew he was linking Ethan. He dropped Kenzie and she fell with a yelp landing on her paw on the wrong way and she cried out win a painful meow. She looked to James and James went to step forward but the rogue out his paw on her stomach threatening to step on her. James instantly stopped and back away. The rogue took his paw off and you could hear his bones shifting he shifted butt naked in front of us and pulled on a pair of ripped shorts.
"Her." He said and James bowled an attack and lunged. The rogue dropped Kenzie again and back away. I did too. James stood hunched over Kenzie. Not only that, but he is now three times he normal size.
"Who are you?" The rogue asked astounded.
"He is James. Son of alpha of the pack." I answered for James and the rogue backed away when James snarled at him. He stalked towards the rogue and the rogue smirked shifting and howling. Soon 20 rogues poured out of the forest and attacked us. I pushed Laura to Kenzie and she picked her up. I helped James. But he did most of the work. They came in waves of two and threes but rarely reached me. When they did I just punched them and sunk my teeth I to their neck. Their blood tastes like rotten milk with a metallic tinge. It tastes horrible. I need to wash my teeth a billion times when I get home then burn the tooth brush. They back up James called for arrived when there was only five wolves left. They all charged at James and he grew angrier making him grow uncontrollably. He is bigger than Ethan. The wolves all pounced on him at the same time and some wolves tried to step in but I stopped them that will anger him. Kenzie tried to get to him. Get clawed at Laura till she let her go with her arms bleeding a little. She raced forward on three legs and I grabbed her holding her feet together so she couldn't hurt me. I held her and faced away from James and the wolves. Once I heard the commotion stop I faced him and his eyes are purple with anger. You could see fires in his eyes. They weren't your normal eyes. The irises are purple with fire outlining it. Then his pupils are black with red orange and yellow fire outlining it. The normal whites parts are now black and blood painted his muzzle and he has a cut above his right eye brow. I slowly set Kenzie down and he watched my every move. She instantly jumped out of my arms and automatically shifted into her wolf cub. The rules of a shifter. If you mate is angry your inside animal instantly shifts into their animal. Whether it's a hawk, bull, or squirrel. They shift to that animal. In this case it's a wolf. She hesitantly walked towards him and he slowly shrunk. Within seconds Vincent stood there holding her by her neck. Xavier and his group wasn't far behind trying to stop him. I charged and tackled Vincent making him throw Kenzie into the air while he was tackled into the floor. We went flying to the ground digging into it. I don't know where that power came from but I was able to tackle him with the strength of a vampire. Yet I'm not one. Me and Vincent fought and I noticed his eyes are blood red. He is not in control of his body. His soul is long gone. This isn't Vincent. This is a demon. That has corrupted his body and killed his soul. Vincent. No longer exists. We fought but I was quickly weakening and I could feel Laura's fear Rollin. Off her wave after wave. This was suppose to be a happy day. He ruined it. The rogues ruined it. I lunged at him and he sped behind me and grabbed my waist. His arms tightened and I looked at Laura. My eyes said what I wanted to but he crushed me before I could. I screamed out in pain and he dropped me stalking to Laura. The last thing I saw before my vision blacked and my heart stopped was James lunge at him and tear his head off before he could reach Laura. Then I was gone.

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