The Durmstrang Potter Twin

By battlegirl333

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When the Durmstrang school for boys accepted Ms. Tara Potter no one quite knew what to expect. The Durmstrang... More

The Durmstrang Ship and Dragon
Meeting my Bro's Friends
Her Wild Return
Durmstrang Drills
The Terrifying Acts of Tara Potter
Author's Note
Aurors and Gods
Dad... It's Complicated
Quidditch and the Sunset
As the Weeks Pass By
Bellatrix Lestrange Meets Her Maker
Home Sweet Home
How to Scare An Over Protective Brother
And Finally... The Dance
Christmas Day
Explosions Are Dangerous
The Scar
Back to Hoggywarts
Twin's Birthday
The Argument
Back to Durmstrang
Hogwarts at Durmstrang
Gargoyles and Hecate
Chocolate Kisses
Different Than Usual
How Dances Go Wrong
Together Until the End
On the River Styx
Author's Note
Conversations and Missions
The Deal
Harry's Hearing
The Blood Quills
The Exiled Gods
The Horrors of Tartarus
To Walk

Day of the Dance

5.3K 185 29
By battlegirl333

Tara's POV
The very next day I was sitting, tied to a chair, surrounded by torture devices. No joke. I hadn't even got breakfast.
Lily was determined to make me look perfect for the dance and for some reason "perfect" meant sitting in a chair watching nervously as Lily paced around you like a tiger deciding how to go about eating her meal.
Sirius suddenly burst into the room and at seeing me in my predicament, burst out laughing. I growled slightly and he shut up quickly.
"Don't worry love, I brought you food."
I sighed," But my dear Padfoot. My arms are tied to the chair. I can't put the food in my mouth like a normal person."
Sirius started to move towards me but Lily stepped in front of him glaring.
"Sirius I need to look at my new piece of artwork. Stay out of the way."
I sent him my most pleading look and he sighed," Lils can't this wait till later? It's still nine in the morning, you have, like, eleven hours till the dance even starts. Set her free for right now and I promise I'll help you chain her up in eight hours."
Lily huffed," Fine. But exactly eight hours and that's it."
I cheered and instead of eating normally, dumped the food mostly into my mouth before running up to Sirius and grabbing his hand.
"Come on Sirius. Let's go out in the snow."
We had a huge snowball fight before we ran into the forest and transformed into our animagus forms. I led the way to an abandoned house that I had found years ago and fixed up. As soon as I walked in the fireplace lit up with a burst of flames. A Christmas tree stood in the corner, undecorated. Sirius and I looked at each other and each grabbed  the box of ornaments that had flown out of the closet and began decorating.
"No Sirius. You have to put the lights on first then the bulbs," I whined.
He pouted but I stuck my lip out and said," Pleeeaaaasssseeee."
He sighed," Fine."
I grinned before swinging the lights over my head like a lasso and wrapping them around the tree with a concentrated look  on my face as with a deft flick of my wrist I started the Christmas tree spinning causing the lights to wrap themselves around the tree almost perfectly. Sirius looked at me with raised eyebrows and I just shrugged. So, instead of asking questions he grabbed a bulb and hung it on the tree. Thirty minutes later he lifted me up by the waist to put the star on the tree. When he set me down, he spun me around and looked at me before leaning down and kissing me. I smiled into the kiss as he sat down on the couch, me on his lap. He licked my lower lip gently and I opened my mouth slightly. As he explored my mouth I tangled my tongue with his. I hummed happily before breaking apart from him and breathing heavily. I pressed my forehead against his but he moved and pressed his lips against my neck.
"Payback," he muttered and I let out a small gasp as he found my sweet spot.
He grinned against my neck and began to nibble on that spot making me groan a little. I grabbed his face and moved his lips back to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his long hair. He had one hand on my waist and one hand on my chin his thumb gently rubbing my cheek. His hand began to slip up my shirt and he felt the scar on my back that I couldn't conceal with my magic. He froze and parted from me.
"You have a scar on your back?"
"I have many scars on my back Sirius, just this one I can't conceal because it was given to me by a god."
"Can... can I see it?"
I smiled," Sure. Give me a second."
I quickly took my sweater off and turned around so my back was facing him. I shivered a little as he traced the scar down my back. He ran his thumb across the dragon tattoo's head. I gently pulled away and slipped my sweater back on. Then I turned around and gave him a soft kiss before grabbing his hand and leaded him out the door. We walked in comfortable silence back to the house. I looked at my imaginary watch and guessed that I had approximately four hours left before Lily attacked me so I'd better do something quick. Then I remembered that yesterday I had said we were going to put up Christmas lights on the house. I dragged Sirius into the house and grabbed the other boys and Lily, who since I wasn't available to torture had nothing to do. They got ready quickly and we ran out and started putting decorations on the house. Too good for ladders or to be levitated I climbed up the side of the house somehow and started hanging lights. Two hours later huge ornaments were hung in trees everywhere, lights encircled all the trees, reindeer were staked down in the snow, mistletoe was hung on the front door along with a giant Christmas wreath, seeds were placed around the trees to attract the winter birds, and the tree on top of the arch that you walked or drove under was decorated as the grand Christmas tree with a huge wreath decorating the arch with tinsel.
Afterwards we went in and decorated the Christmas tree inside and finally say down. I glanced at Lily, knowing that any second she could realize that it was time for her to steal me again. I buried myself into Sirius's side hoping not to be noticed but then she looked at her watch. I cringed as a delighted look came onto her face. She ran over to me grabbed my arm and began to drag me up the stairs to my room. Let me tell you, that girl has a strong grip. I screamed the whole way.
No effect. Sirius looked at me sympathetically, Remus chuckled, and James was on the floor dying. She pushed me into my room and shoved me into the bathroom telling me to shave, wash my face, wash my hair, wash my body, lotion my body and whole crapload of stuff that I ignored. Hopefully she wouldn't be too mad that I didn't spray a gallon of perfume on myself or lotioned my whole body. I took a quick, five minute shower after shaving my legs and armpits with my wand and then walked out of the bathroom. She rolled her eyes when she didn't smell the perfume or the lotion. She quickly dried and brushed my hair with her wand and began to curl it into large ringlets after parting it exactly how she wanted it. Then she took me to the vanity mirror she had somehow fit in her bag and started dong my makeup. I obediently closed and opened my eyes when she asked and grimaced when she told me to smile. Finally, after putting a chain thing on my head she said I was done after what seemed like hours of working on my eyes. And yet she would not let me look in the mirror, or put on my dress, or go to sleep, or dance around like an idiot, or run downstairs and give Sirius a kiss. She only said aww to that last one. Sad. So I ended up sitting on my bed and sharpening my knives, daggers, and swords and glaring at Lily for trapping me in my room who seemed to have her mind set on taking an hour long shower. So I was basically glaring at a wall. And then I broke one of my sharpeners because I was squeezing it too hard. Then Lily finally walked out of the bathroom with her hair done and raised an eyebrow at the angry look on my face.
"Come here Tara. I can't do my own makeup to save my life, and as much as I don't want to trust you with my makeup, I don't have much of a choice."
I sighed and walked over there and began my work. When I stepped back thirty minutes later I had perfected the green eyeshadow and bright red lipstick and showed her a mirror before walking back to my bed, bored as Lily admired herself. She turned and looked at me and I looked up from sharpening my double bladed ax.
"Where did you learn to do makeup?" she asked.
I shrugged," I ran an illegal tattoo shop at Durmstrang. You learn a lot about makeup when some people just want airbrush stuff."
She looked at me funny for a second before shaking her head and turning back to looking at herself in the mirror. I continued sharpening my ax. I turned and looked at the time and decided that since it was seven fifty and the dance started at eight that we should probably start putting our dresses on.
"Lils, get your dress and shoes we'r gonna be late if we don't put them on."
She ignored me mesmerized by her reflection.
"Stop staring at the damn mirror Narcissus!" she snapped out of it," Now let's go!"
She looked at the clock and gasped," Merlin! We need to go now! The boys will be waiting for us!"
I rolled my eyes and slipped my dress on carefully before sitting down and slipping on my Greek sandal heels. She had carefully put her dress on and was now putting on her heels. I then remembered to put a dagger and my wand on my person somewhere. I took my right heel off and slipped the leg holster up my leg to my thigh. Lily watched me with a raised eyebrow. I looked up at her.
"I take this dagger everywhere. It has saved me too many times to count," I explained.
She rolled her eyes," Right."
I pulled it out and tossed it to her. This dagger I never washed because sometimes the blood alone was enough to scare enemies off. She barely caught and then she held it far away from her as her eyes widened.
"Seven deaths and twenty severe injuries have come from that dagger. Don't doubt it's usefulness."
I took it from her then put it in the sheath. I grabbed my wand and slid it in next to the dagger. I began to walk out the door before I put my finger in the air as I remembered something and turned on my heel and, opening my bedside drawer, grabbing a hand gun and slipping it into the holster. I nodded to her.
"Ready?" I asked with a grin on my face.
"Ready," she replied, grinning back.
"Let's do this."


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