Once Upon A Time Texts

By _uponatime

170K 6.9K 17.6K

Text messages between the residents of Storybrooke All characters belong to ABC's Once Upon A Time More

The Users
New Phone
Ship Wars
Living in the Real World
Frozen Crew
Best Friends or Enemies
Ice Cream and Harry Potter
Trying To Keep Up
Good or Bad News?
Remember when....
Storybrooke Problems
On Vacation
Back from Vacation
Are We Married or Nawwwww
Music songs and lyrics oh my!
Henry and The Support Group
Strange things did happen here
Ship Wars (continued)
When wicked takes over the convo...
20 Questions
Dark One(s)
The Underworld Squad
Ho Ho Ho No No No
Merry Christmas
Bagels and Fire
13 Question Tag
The Love Game
Underworld Squad Part 2
Kill(ian)ing Job
The Ultimate Test
Better than you
Random #2
Dead and Alive
Battles and Bad Jokes
OUAT: Once upon a time characters. Using. At &. T.
Blank or blank?
New User, Old Problem
Snapping Photos and Chatting
Pokemon, Disney songs, and randomness
Snapping Photos and Chatting Part 2
Hey hey hey
Storybrooke Olympics
Fairytale Character Logic
The Boys Are Back In Town
The Savior, Dreams, and People Dying/coming back
When Evil Takes Over The Convo
A Very Very Strange Case
True Love
Wish Realms and Uncertainty
Fa la la la no
Work Work Work
Spot a fly
Man Crush Monday?
Put that thing back where it came from or so help me
Some Songs
We must get rid of one
we back

Henry's Girl

1.6K 72 106
By _uponatime

Okay, I hope it's okay with y'all, but I have decided to add Violet to the conversations!!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!!

Anyway hope you enjoy his chapter and ONCE COMES ON TOMORROW!! WHOOP WHOOP!!

I think it's gonna be a really good episode, I mean that sneak peek with the captain swan 'I love yous' was enough for me! But I have a test on Monday like ughhhhhhhhhh😖

Anyway enjoy the chapter thanks for reading, voting, and commenting😘💕


*PrinceCharming SnowWhite Swan CaptainGuyliner InDaHood TheOnlyQueen BookLover14 MrDarkOne and TheKid have been added to the conversation*

TheKid: Okay, everyone pay attention to me and only me! I have very important news that will change these text messages forever

Swan: What is this news?

CaptainGuyliner: What's up lad

MrDarkOne: No! I don't want it to change these test messages! I love these messages!!

TheOnlyQueen: Why is it fun for you? All we do is make fun of you

MrDarkOne: It's actually a lot more fun than you might think

BookLover14: What's up Henry

SnowWhite: Who do we need to beat up now?

PrinceCharming: Yeah, what villain is in town now? Besides Hook

CaptainGuyliner: Hey!

Swan: Watch it daddy, or you'll no longer be able to text

PrinceCharming: Was that a threat?

Swan: Yes, in fact it was

PrinceCharming: Yayyyy!!

InDaHood: Why are you cheering she just threatened you?!

PrinceCharming: Yes, but at least she is talking to me and I might be able to actually see her

TheKid: Back to me......

Swan: I see you everyday

SnowWhite: But we never see you


Swan: from the other sideeeee

CaptainGuyliner: I've must have called a thousand times

Swan: To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done

CaptainGuyliner: But when I call you never seem to be home

Swan: Hello from the outsideeee

CaptainGuyliner: At I can say that I tried

Swan: to tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

CaptainGuyliner: Bur it don't matter it clearly  don't tear you apart anymoreee

SnowWhite: Is it bad that that song kinda fits their relationship at the moment

InDaHood: Why do you think they are singing it together

PrinceCharming: They must have practiced this


BookLover14: It's me

TheKid: STOPP let me talk now

TheOnlyQueen: Just tell us what it is

TheKid: Okay, well do you guys remember that girl who is my friend that I really really like

CaptainGuyliner: Just say girlfriend, it makes you feel better about yourself

TheOnlyQueen: He will not say girlfriend, never in a million years! Not until I meet this girl

TheKid: Yes, yes good because you will be meeting her!

TheOnlyQueen: Ohhh will I.....

TheKid: Yes because she got a phone and I am going to add her to this conversation!!

TheOnlyQueen: Great! I can finally interrogate this girl!!


CaptainGuyliner: Well, lad of you need some advice I know my way around women

TheKid: The 200 year old pirate wants to give me advice on dating and girls

CaptainGuyliner: Hey, you don't have to listen but I mean I got your mother to fall for me


CaptainGuyliner: I meant the other mother

TheOnlyQueen: Oh, I knew that

Swan: Henry, you should really listen to him! He is great about making women to fall for him, in a good way though, like the kind of way that you love him and he loves you back, not just a like-like relationship, but an actual love relationship and you wish he would just come back to you and say that he loves you, but you can't because you turned him into a strong man would took out the darkness from himself for you and now won't fall back into it and now say things like 'I loved you'

SnowWhite: Wow.

CaptainGuyliner: Swan, I'm sorry for breaking your heart

Swan: But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore


CaptainGuyliner: It does tear me apart though, love

TheKid: Killian, are you going to give me girl advice or nawwww

TheOnlyQueen: He is not

CaptainGuyliner: Sure lad

MrDarkOne: This should be very interesting

BookLover14: I need some love advice

InDaHood: Then call Dr. Love

TheOnlyQueen: Awww is Dr. Love you babe?

InDaHood: I was gonna say Dr. Whale but you know I work too

TheKid: Killian please go

CaptainGuyliner: Rule #1 Do NOT seem desperate

CaptainGuyliner: Rule #2 get to know her first and ask her questions about herself and try not to talk too much about yourself unless she asks

TheOnlyQueen: You talk about yourself all the time

CaptainGuyliner: Aye, but that's just me personality and Emma knows that and that's also the way a pirate rolls

PrinceCharming: rolls down the toilet bowl

Swan: That's not funny dad

CaptainGuyliner: Rule #3 let the girl make all the decisions and let her be the dominant one in the relationship

TheOnlyQueen: Okay, now that rule is actually a helpful one

SnowWhite: Trueeeee

PrinceCharming: Maybe the pirate is not as stupid as I thought

CaptaunGuyliner: Rule #4 make sure you do sweet little things for her like buy her flowers or chocolate and make her feel like the only girl in the world by complementing her

BookLover14: Rumple take some notes

MrDarkOne: Hey, I saved you from a bear

BookLover14: Point taken


TheOnlyQueen: Here we go *cracks knuckles and neck like before you are about to fight someone*

InDaHood: Regina, you got this

*Violet had been added to the conversation*

TheKid: Hi! Violet! Welcome to our group convo!!

Violet: Hello?!

Swan: From the other side

TheOnlyQueen: Oh now look what she's started

TheKid: Mom be nice!

Violet: Henry, is thst yiou?

TheKid: Yes it she

TheOnlyQueen: Why do her words not make sense?

Violet: Tryingg to gert usedd to textinh sorry

TheKid: Mom, this is her first phone

CaptainGuyliner: I texted better than her when I got my first phone and I have one hand!

Swan: Killian! Be nice?

Violet: Sorry, okay I think I got this texting down

TheOnlyQueen: Good, I can now ask you some questions

TheKid: No, no you can not

Violet: Okay! And hi everyone my name is Violet!

MrDarkOne: Hi Violet! My name is Rumple!

TheOnlyQueen: Violet, my name is Regina, but you can call me Ms. Mills I am Henry'a mother

InDaHood: Hi, I'm Robin

PrinceCharming: David

SnowWhite: Mary Margret

BookLover14: Belle

Swan: Emma

CaptainGuyliner: Killian

Violet: Lovely to meet you all!!

TheOnlyQueen: Now Violet tell me where did you come from?

Violet: Camelot

TheOnlyQueen: Who are your parents

Violet: My dad is a knight and me mother died when I was younger

CaptainGuyliner: She talks like a pirate I like it!!

Violet: Sorry, I meant to say my

TheOnlyQueen: How many people have to dated?

Violet: None

TheOnlyQueen: What's your favorite color

Violet: Blue

TheOnlyQueen: Favorite song?

Violet: Only You because that's the song Henry played for me

TheKid: Yes, I did :)

TheOnlyQueen: Favorite food?

Violet: I like the onion rings you have in this world

Swan: I like this girl

*WickedAlwaysWins has added herself to the conversation*

WickedAlwaysWins: YASSSSS ONION RINGS ARE LIFEEEEEEE!!!! Now back to my book, What to expect when you are expecting

*WickedAlwaysWins has left the conversation*

Violet: Who was that

PrinceCharming: How does that woman get in these conversations?

TheOnlyQueen: My step-sister

Violet: I see

TheOnlyQueen: How Old are you?

Violet: 14

TheOnlyQueen: What are your grades in school?

Violet: What is school?

TheOnlyQueen: Do you like my son?

Violet: Yes, very much so! He makes me happy and smile and I would do anything for him

CaptainGuyliner: Ahh young love

TheOnlyQueen: I don't like her, Henry you can no longer see her!

Violet: She doesn't like me :(

CaptainGuyliner: I understand your problem love, I was once in your shoes

Violet: What? a 14 year old girl who likes a boy a lot but his parents refuse to let you see him

CaptainGuyliner: I meant the part about the parents not liking you love

PrinceCharming: It's true, I still don't like him, but after awhile you start to accept them together

Violet: Wait I am confused who is Killian with?

Swan: Me

Violet: And is David your dad?

Swan: Yes

SnowWhite: I am her mother

Violet: So Killian and Emma are together

CaptainGuyliner: Aye

Swan: Exactly

Violet: Why does he say things like 'aye' and 'love'?

CaptainGuyliner: Pirate

MrDarkOne: You just used to it after awhile

TheKid: Okay thank you family! Now all of you leave!!

Violet: Killian and Emma, how do you two make it work if your parent doesn't like you?

TheKid: Here we go.....

MrDarkOne: Belle's dad didn't like me either

BookLover14: That's right, my dad kidnapped me to try and get me away from him

Violet: Wow! How do all of you make it work?

Swan: If you love someone

CaptainGuyliner: You never give up on them

SnowWhite: You always fight for them

PrinceCharming: And choose to see the best in them

BookLover14: You hold on to hope and

MrDarkOne: Fight for them no matter what

Swan: Because if you truly love them

CaptainGuylinet: You never give up on them

InDaHood: You always try and make it work

TheOnlyQueen: Even if the circumstance seems unlikely

SnowWhite: The love finds a way through

PrinceCharming: You never give up on the ones you love

BookLover14: No matter what the cost is

Swan: And if they live you just as much back

CaptainGuyliner: It's always worth it in the end

Violet: 👏🏼👏🏼

TheOnlyQueen: But you still can't see my son! Come on Robin let's go for a walk

*TheOnlyQueen and InDaHood have left the conversation*

MrDarkOne: Belle, would you care to go grab a bite at Granny's?

BookLover14: Sure!!

*BookLover14 and MrDarkOne have left the conversation*

CaptainGuyliner: You. Me. Jolly Roger. Onion Rings.

Swan: I'm there

*Swan and CaptainGuyliner have left the conversation*

SnowWhite: Young love

PrinceCharming: It's still gross for Emma and Hook

Violet: Who is hook?

TheKid: Killian

SnowWhite: I'm gonna go check on Neal!!

PrinceCharming: I am coming with you!

*SnowWhite an PrinceCharming have left the conversation*

TheKid: Sorry about my family

Violet: They are awesome! I love them

TheKid: Do you really like me?

Violet: Yes, of course

TheKid: I like you too!

Violet: We should go and do something like go for a walk in the forest

TheKid: Bad idea, my mom will be there and I am sure she won't to see is walking together

Violet: We could go to Starbucks, I have always wanted to try it

TheKid: As you wish

*Violet and TheKid have left the conversation*

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