Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's...

By ThisSaramWeeblove

182K 6.1K 1.9K

Misaki is a 13 year old intelligent child who is the younger sister of Hidan. Being sent to Konohagakure at t... More

Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's Lover
A Day Out With The Genius
Let The Chunin Exams, Begin
Forest Of Death!
The Answers Revealed
Putting Your Life On The Line
Author's Note
An Unforgettable Flash Back
The Battle Begins!
The Battle Between Misaki And Yuki!
Attack On Konoha!
Misaki's Past Revealed!
Misaki Makes A Move
The Note
Retrieving Sasuke
A Mission With Hinata And Sakura
Three Little Devils Pt.1
Three Little Devils Pt.2
Town Of Death
Halloween Day! *Special*
Guarding. Much Trouble Ahead..
Big Trouble
Having Hope
If You Had The Chance
Secrets Aren't Meant To Be Kept
The Plan
Interrogating. Tusnade's Decision
Orochimaru's Hideout
The Controlling Genjutsu! Flute no Jutsu!
Strict Training
S-Rank Mission
Heading Out
Meeting Uchiha Itachi again
Bittersweet Memories; The Real Deal (Special Chapter)
Author's Note
A Step Closer
The Scroll
To Love One
All Aboard!
Arrival In Okiyasa
Happy Birthday, Misaki
My Homeland, Yugakure
Surprises After Another
Lord Jashin
Complicated Situations
Our Past Struggles
Getting Into Yugakure
All In This Together
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.1
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.2
Parting With You
The Real Truth
Don and Clarissa
Don and Clarissa Pt.2
Everything Truly Revealed
A Lead On Misaki
Wolves Amongst Sheep
Authors Note

Long Time, No See

2.1K 57 55
By ThisSaramWeeblove

My heart leaped as I saw how many there were. We were definitely outnumbered.

"Misaki you have to go, I'll be fine" Lee says. I look at him like he was crazy. "The hell are you talking about? I'm staying here with you! We can hold most of them off until Gai sensei and the others get here!" I said.

I slip out a kunai from my pouch, without the enemy knowing. "I got this.. I'll cover you ok..?" I whispered to Lee.

I swiftly threw the kunai towards the enemies neck. He fell to the ground gagging up blood as he shook.

"Kill her!!" The gang members shouted. "Stay back, I'll lure them away" I whispered to Lee as I ran off to the right.

"Misaki no!" Lee shouted.

The crowd of gang members followed me, throwing their weapons towards me.

I dodge all of them, flipping towards me right. "Fire style, fire ball jutsu!" I shouted as I weave the signs.

I breathed in deeply, performing the jutsu as I only managed to get a hand full of them down.

But it wasn't enough. And I didn't exactly have enough time to perform the lightning jutsu I wanted that could take down most of them..

Instead, I insert chakra into my hands, letting the chakra radiate off them in the form of a knife. The chakra would change it's shape whenever I change my hand gesture.

I run through the crowd, fighting my way through as I was able to stab through most of them with my chakra covered hand.

I kick the person who was in front of me, only to have someone grab me from behind.

Another one was coming towards me with their katana with a grin. I took quick panic breaths as I tried to get free.

"Kill her already!" The man who was holding me said as he struggled to hold me down.

I grab the man by his head, flipping him over my shoulder. Holding him as a human shield.

I slip out a kunai holding it towards his throat. "Back up! Or I'll kill him!" I threatened, backing away from the gang as much as I could. Taking a few glances back to make sure no one was behind me.

The person I was holding as a shield, melted to the ground. 'What the?..' I spoke mentally to myself as I look at the now liquid puddle under my feet. 'He could use chakra!?' My eyes widen at the many weapons that was launched towards me.

"Misaki! It's a trap! Get out of there!!" Lee shouted, I look towards him before back at the gang members.

"Fire!!" A deep voice shouted. It wasn't till I heard something like a canon being shot. A giant ball flew towards me with some kind of metal spikes sticking out of it.

My heart dropped at the size of it as I noticed how fast it was coming. I ran and jumped towards the ground, taking cover as the giant ball thing hit the ground, creating a giant explosion.

I saw, kunais, shurikens, and sai's flying everywhere towards me. They were crazy!! Most of the weapons took out there own men!

I got to my feet once again running as I tried to dodge the weapons coming towards me. I yelp as a shuriken impaled into my arm, and a kunai that was impaled on the far left on my left stomach.

"Misaki!!" I heard Lee shout. I look at my now blood filled hand, glaring at the enemies as they ran towards me.

They weren't quite fast as the way shinobi would run. I hold my palm out towards them, letting the lightning chakra trigger into my hand, I hold my palm towards the sky, hearing the clouds struck loudly. Ohoho was I pissed.

"Lightning style, lightning blood pool no jutsu" I utter, as I aim my palm towards the enemies who didn't seem bothered by this.

"Die you weak pests.." I spoke lowly as if speaking to myself. Watching as the lightning bolts struck down on them, few by few.

But there was quite a bunch of them left. Tenten and Gai sensei weren't kidding when they said it was a lot..

~Neji's POV~

Our side of the split ship had landed safely onto the ground. "Is everyone ok!?" Renji asked.

"Yeah!" Saraki answered.

"Barely.." Tenten mumbled, standing up as she brushed herself off. Gai sensei also did the same.

"We need to find Lee and Misaki now" I spoke, jumping off the ship. "W-wait! What about us!?" Saraki asked.

"Oh that's right.." Gai sensei trailed off. "You guys stay here until we finish handling the bad guys. We'll come for you when it's safe. So stay hidden" Gai sensei informed. Renji and Saraki both nodded.

As we ran into the direction where Misaki and Lee would most likely be, we were stop by a hand full of people..

"They must be the Wild Wolves.." Tenten muttered. I nodded. "How wonderful.. More people to slaughter" one of them spoke.

"Let's just get this over with and head to the castle" another one said as he chuckled.

Gai sensei got into stance. He looked towards me with a nod. I got the message looking towards Tenten, giving her a certain look we often use when we were about to attack.

Tenten swiftly took out her giant scroll, slamming it onto the ground. There was silence as the bandits sat that watching her.

~Tenten's POV~

I let my finger tips, slowly travel towards the slightly peeled corner of my giant scroll.

Quickly unrolling it as I pick up my scroll, revealing the first seal. Many ninja tools shoots out towards them. Some of them were able to dodge them and the rest fell to the ground injured badly or dead.

Neji had jumped into the air, leaping through trees as he made his way behind the gang members.

"Leaf hurricane!" Gai sensei shouted as he charged into the crowd of bandits, taking them all out.

Neji had activated his Byakugan as he search the area. You could hear yelling from afar before a larger crowd of the gang members came our way.

Neji Tch'ed in an annoyed way. "We don't have time for this!" Neji hissed impatiently.

The bandits came closer towards me and Gai sensei. We took most of them down. Neji jumped in the middle of the gang members as he performed his kaiton.

Some of them got caught in it, flying in a directions when Neji stopped his move.

We all take them down, finishing off the ones who were alive. I pant, letting out a deep sigh.

"Man, that took quite a lot of chakra" I uttered. It was silence for a moment.

"Oiiii is it safe!? I don't think it's good to stay here if they're gonna keep coming.. Maybe we could go somewhere else, yeah!?" Saraki shouted.

I anime sweatdrop. He was being quite a whimp don't you think?..

"Ah! We'll relocate you" Gai sensei says with a grin. "Gai sensei" Neji started as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"I'm sure Misaki and Lee are fine. But it's best if we relocate them somewhere more safe. We won't go far" Gai sensei informed seriously.

"Fine" Neji gave in.

~Hidan's POV~

"Come on, Kakuzu! See That explosion!? It's definitely where my fucking sister is!" I told him in an happy/excited tone.

Kakuzu rolled his eyes. "It's quite creepy to see you like this.." Kakuzu muttered.

I smirked. "Well this is my damn sister we are talking about" I put emphasis on is.

We began to get closer and closer to the point you could see a crowd of people.

My eyes widen at how many it was. I then notice that it seemed Misaki was handling them herself!? "Holy Jashin.. Kakuzu do you see that shit!? That's a lot!!" I said quite amazed.

Not exactly at how much it was. But how Misaki was handling her own.

~Misaki's POV~

I pant heavily as I was almost empty on chakra. Lee had popped his ankle in place, but it was hurting so bad he couldn't even walk at the moment with falling. So I was holding the bandits off until he could get on his feet.

I quickly bandaged up my stomach and arm wound. I seemed to be losing quite a lot of blood. I also noticed my stamina has went down because of it. And of course much chakra use.

I was sticking to taijutsu to save my chakra, but hell was I getting tired.

As I was fighting hand to hand combat, I didn't know a kunai explosion landed right next to me, until the last minute.

Before I could react it exploded, sending me flying. I yelp as I came in contact with the ground, rolling quite a few times.

I slowly got up onto my knees, coughing as if sand had got caught into my throat.

I noticed a figure standing right beside me. It was indeed a bandit with a slick smirk plastered onto his lips.

"Your life will end here..." The man says as he begins to swings his sword towards my neck.

"Lighting Style!-" I begin but stopped when I heard the man's screeching yelp in agony.

I gasp looking at the man fell towards the ground. Burned to death?..

"Misaki!" I heard a familiar voice shout. My heart leaped as my head snapped up looking around.

My breath begin to quicken as my eyes came in contact with a figure running towards me along with someone else beside them.

Familiar red cloak.. Slick back hair.. A rosary object that looks so familiar... And also...

That red scythe. I couldn't help it. That was all it took to get me to break down. Tears came into my eyes as I got up, running towards Hidan, as the tears trickled non stop down my cheeks.

Already seeing that I was coming he opens his arms, embracing me warmly as I sobbed into his cloak.

I felt his chin rest on top of my head, as his hand rested on the back of my head, still holding his scythe in the other.

"I'm so glad to see you" you could heard the small crack in his voice. As if he was gonna cry himself.

He pulled away from the hug, looking at me. "Holy Jashin! Look at you! You've grown a lot!" Hidan says as a smile plasters on his face.

I wipe the tears away, letting out a small laugh. He continues to smile at me which I did the same.

I was so happy to see him.. To be able to feel his hugs. Here his voice.. To be HERE next to him.. It all made me happy.

"Hidan. It's good you two are reunited but there's also still a problem" That familiar man next to Hidan said.

"Ka.. Kuzu San.." I murmured as I stared at him. He didn't look any different from before..

"Hello Misaki" he greeted as he stared at me with his Green eyes. "Oh right! These low life scums! I'll sacrifice each of their pitiful lives.. Lord Jashin sama.. Watch over me"
Hidan chuckled as he smirked.

"M-Misaki chan! Get away from them you'll get hurt!" I heard Lee says as he half limped towards us. Yet trying to run.

"Who is this freak?" Hidan asked with an raised eyebrow as he swung his scythe over his shoulder.

"He's my teammate, Rock Lee" I tell Hidan as Lee got closer. "Misaki! What are you doing!?" Lee asked as he stopped a few feet away from us, glaring at Hidan and Kakuzu.

I smile at Lee, which made his glare drop into a confuse one. "It's ok Lee.. He's my brother" I tell him.

He grunted as his eyes widen in surprise. "We have no time here to sit and chat. We have trouble ahead remember!?" Kakuzu says sternly as a crowd of ninja were already near, getting ready to attack.

"Oi Misaki, stay close you hear? I don't think you can get around good with a wound like that" Hidan spoke, referring to my wounded arm, and stomach which I had already bandaged up.

[Start Song~]

"I think I can handle it, Nii San. I haven't been training my ass off all these years for nothing" I smirked.

I take the weights off my legs, dropping them onto the ground. "Let's do this" Hidan says, smirking widely.

We both ran ahead into battle, quickly coming in contact with the enemies. I grab one of the enemies
Wrist who was armed, pulling him behind me, swiftly taking out a kunai as I stabbed him.

There were more in front, but that wasn't gonna stop me from showing my ass off in front of my brother.

I jump into the air, doing a 360 spin kick as I came down towards them. "Kaiton Supiningu kasai no hana!" I shout, slowly spinning around into circles until I managed to spin fast enough, I launch Into the air, as gravity pulled me down towards the enemies, I charged into them, taking a few down.

Once I landed at the onto the ground, I got this weird lust, yet excited feeling. "Misaki! Behind you!" Hidan shouted.

I snap my head behind me seeing someone swinging their weapon towards me. I quickly duck down, kicking them into the air.

Kakuzu had shot his fire and lightning element towards the person. I felt a burning sensation in my eyes, and also what felt like my chakra was slowly replenishing. But I ignored it for the time being. The enemies begun to crowd around me and Hidan.

Kakuzu was with Lee, handling their side. I stood back to back at Hidan, eyeing between the gang members quickly as I counted them.

"Alright, I see that you're developing your fukkatsu abilities. I'll aid you if anything happens" Hidan mentions, referring to my eyes that were now it's Fukkatsu of Jashin color.

I nodded, taking out a kunai. Taking down anyone who got close, Kakuzu had used an water element. I took advantage of it, to use for a certain lightning jutsu.

~Neji's POV~

"Let's go find Misaki and Lee now" Gai sensei says, giving us an confident smile.

It wasn't then until we heard and saw a giant explosion that wasn't exactly far but it wasn't exactly close.

"That must be Misaki and Lee.." I mumbled.. That explosion was too big..

"Neji! Wait!" I heard Tenten say. Yet I ignored her as I ran off to find Misaki and Lee.

Lee and Misaki are probably with the most difficult opponents.

Considering from the giant explosion we saw not that long ago, it definitely wasn't Misaki or Lee's doing for sure.

The explosion wasn't that far so I'm sure they're close. There was more sounds of explosions, and clouds of smoke rising into the air.

I gritted my teeth as I increased my pace. As we finally got there, running closer towards Misaki and Lee who seemed to have the situation under control.

I stop in my tracks as I grunted, staring at the two figures who were obviously fighting beside Misaki and Lee.

One back to back with Misaki, and the other who was not that far from Lee.

'Don't tell me...'

Tenten gasped. "T-that's.." She trailed off, at loss for words. "Misaki's brother I assume" Guy sensei finished.

I clenched my fist, gritting my teeth. 'What is he doing here!?'

"Let's put the confusion and thoughts aside for now. Whether they are enemies we need to finish off the other guys. We can get answers afterwards" Gai sensei says.

Me and Tenten both nod understanding as we ran into battle..

~Gai Sensei's POV~

I never thought the day would come when I would fight alongside with Akatsuki.

Yet what exactly are they doing here?.. Are they here to get Misaki?.. If so.. That cannot be allowed.. It seems there will also be a difficult situation, after this fight..

~End Of POV~

I saw Tenten, Neji, and Gai sensei also join in, helping us eliminate the enemies.

"Leaf Hurricane!"


"Spike bombs!"

"Air palm!"

Everyone did their jutsus in sync. My eyes widen as all of our jutsu connected somehow creating a big explosion.

We still had quite a few enemies left. Until a stupid mistake I did.

I happened to stumble and trip over a dead body, as boulders of rocks were quickly heading towards me.

"Misaki!" I heard two voices shout in unison. It wasn't till then, a pair of strong arms swooped me up, jumping away from the attack.

My eyes came in contact with Neji's, who had saved me. He placed me down looking at my wounds. "Are you ok?.." He asked as he grabbed my arm looking at my bleeding wound.

I nod, blushing slightly in response.

~Hidan's POV~

Kakuzu and those others Konoha nin were still fighting the enemies. While this Hyūga guy was talking to my sister and she was getting all flushy about it!

Who the hell does this guy think he is?.. Matter in fact who is he?

I walk towards the two, leaving Kakuzu behind as I glare at this guy, grabbing my sister carefully by her arm, pulling her towards me.

"And just who in the hell are you?" I asked rudely, Watching as the Hyūga frowned.

"H-Hidan.. He's-" before Misaki could say something, he answered for her.

"I'm Neji, her boyfriend" he smirked mischievously.

I stifled a laugh as best as I could, but I just couldn't. I laugh out loud, elbowing Kakuzu who finally decided to Join us.

"Oi Kakuzi! Ya hear this!? Misaki has a boyfriend! Haha! Misaki this guy Is joking right?"

I looked at Misaki who only blushed, Looking away. I grunted as I look at her with a straight face before glaring at "Neji"

My ears began to get hot, as my blood boiled.

'Boyfriend?.. Since when did Misaki have a boyfriend?! She doesn't have time for a so called "boyfriend"!'

"Stop getting distracted! We still have a problem here, Hidan!" Kakuzu says sternly. "Oh right.." I groaned. Won't they just die already!?

~Misaki's POV~

I sighed. Everyone looked as if they were at their limit.. And the fight has raged on for hours.. Yet they keep coming.. Everyone tired and almost out of chakra... I wouldn't blame them if they passed out right now..

'Even I'm almost out of chakra.. I only have enough chakra for one last jutsu...' I said to myself as I watch the others give their all of their last strength.

I grabbed my left wrist, squeezing it tightly.

'I have to show Hidan how much I've improved.. That I'm ready to be with him! Now.. I'll just clear the last of them out with this last jutsu..'

I run past everyone, as I charge the lightening element into my left wrist.

"Misaki what are you doing!?" I heard Tenten yell.

"Don't worry, Tenten.. We'll win this" I said to my self out loud as I smirked.

Hidan got the hint of what I wanted to do, seeing I would be there into time, he decided to aid me.

"Just like old times Misaki" he says with a smirk which I returned.

He grabbed my right wrist as he swung me around in circles before releasing me into the air, launching right towards the enemy.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I yell as a thrust my left wrist towards them, yet coming in contact with the ground, as I wanted.

"Kaminari Earth shock no jutsu!" I shout as a crack was formed into the ground, making the the land split were the enemies were.

They yell in agony, before fall to the ground, group my group.

I stood up, shakily. Letting out an airy breath, only to find myself coming back towards the ground.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, before putting my arm over their shoulder.

I looked up so see Hidan grinning at me. I felt my heart melt warmly. Not being able to see his grin or smile in so long, seeing it now.. Made me happy..

"Good job Misaki, you're quite an badass" Hidan smirked as he ruffled my hair.

I chuckle smiling. 'Im glad you think so..' I thought.

"We did it.. We did it!" Lee grinned widely, fist pumping the air. Everyone panted heavily, well besides Kakuzu who didn't look phased by none of this.

[End The Song e.e Haha Jk. If it already hasn't ended. xD]

~Hidan's POV~

"Excuse me sorry to interrupt but there is some things that we must clear" a voice said from behind.

I turn around and a muscular man with a bowl cup hair style and bushy brows stood before me.

Looking no different from that young bushy brows. "You're an Akatsuki member, who's also a threat to everyone. We're also aware that you're trying to take Misaki with you. I will take this upon you the easy way" the man started off.

"Surrender off the easy way, or die at the hands of Konoha's Beautiful Beast. Might Guy!" He says as he got into stance.

I stare at him with an amusing looking. "Misaki is coming along with me, despite what you think" I deadpan.

The man frowned. "That will not happen"

At that moment my ring begin to glow along with Kakuzu's. Meaning that we were needed.

I mentally cursed at the bad timing looking at Misaki. "Hidan we need to go now!" I heard Kakuzu say lowly, yet in a harsh tone.

I grab tightly onto Misaki's hand. 'I'm bringing her with me no matter what..'

Misaki looked towards me with a smile. "I'll be waiting for you next time" she mouthed the words.

"Hidan! We have to go now. It's useless sitting around here. We'll come get her later when our Leader is ready for her!" Kakuzu says as he throws down a smoke bomb, Grabbing onto the collar of my cloak, and taking off with me.

"MISAKI!" I shout as we were quite a ways from them. Kakuzu slapped me upside my head glaring at me.

"OI! WHAT THE HELL!?" I asked as I held my head, looking at Kakuzu with anime white eyes.

"Let's hide here, we are quite out of range from them. they won't find us" Kakuzu says as we walk to a small cave covered by vines, and trees.

I followed him in there as we sat next to each other, forming an hand sign to communicate with the Leader in a Hologram form.

"How did it go?" Leader asked. Kakuzu answered first.

"It was quite well.. She's very talented.. And her chakra of Jashin so as Hidan mentioned is very.. Unique.. But she still has more to develop..." Kakuzu trailed off.

I rolled my eyes, letting out an impatient groan. "When can we go and retrieve her? Isn't she old enough already!?-"

"Calm yourself Hidan" leader spoke deeply in a warning tone. Yet i didn't care. He doesn't scare me. I'm immortal!

"Yeah yeah, just tell me when!" I say impatiently. Leader stayed quiet for a while.

"Tomorrow.. Is the time I give you the go to get her. Is that understood?"

I felt a smirk spread across my face. "Definitely.." I answered. After 9 years. Finally I'll get to be back with her.

"You are dismissed" leader said before he disappeared. Me and Kakuzu release the hologram and I couldn't help but grin.

"Nii San will be seeing you again soon, Misaki..."

~Misaki's POV~

Everyone cough, as the smoke fogged up their vision, and from breathing it in, I stand there smiling widely.

A long time in forever, I finally got to see him again. It made me really happy.

The smoke cleared away, leaving us standing there with dead bodies everywhere around us.

It was like a village war out here.. "Our work here is done. Let's head back to Renji and Saraki" Gai sensei says.

"Right" Lee agreed. The walk was somewhat silent besides Tenten and Lee complimenting and complaining about the mission, and how they did.

We passed part of the ship that was split in half. Which was no doubt the part Gai sensei and the other were on.

After walking for a bit more, two figures came into sight, sitting on the ground.

They look towards us with relieved looks. "Thank goodness you guys are ok! We thought something happened!" Renji says with an relieved look.

"No! We took every last one of them down!" Lee says as he gave a thumbs up, grinning.

Gai sensei closed his eyes as he chuckled. "Indeed! It was a youthful experience of teamwork! You will complete many hardships when the bond between one, and the will of fire is strong!" Gai sensei says, placing a hand onto Lee's head.

"You guys are amazing after all" Saraki complimented as him and his father stood.

"Hey.. Now that I think about it. How are we getting home?" I asked. "Oh don't worry about that! We are great comrades with Okiyasa! I'm sure we could use a boat to take is back home" Renji answers with an warm smile.

"Great! I'm tired and starving!" Tenten smiles as she threw her arms into the air, stretching.

"Me too" Lee agreed. "When are you to not..?" Neji asked in an obvious way.

"Heeeey" Lee whines. We all burst out in laughing. "That's so blunt Neji!"


We boarded onto the ship, after retrieving our belongings from the other one.

"Thank you Konoha nin for protecting the outside of the castle, and wiping out the Wild Wolves. It's very appreciated" the princess of Okiyasa thanked.

"Haha it's no problem!" Lee says, giving her a thumbs up as he flashed her a sparkling grin.

"Renji, Saraki San. You may also have this ship. I insist"

Renji's clasped his hands together as he grew heart shaped eyes. "Thank you my princess. It is also an honor to be in your presence" Renji bowed respectfully.

The princess smiled as she waved goodbye to us as we took off into the sea.

"Bai bai!!" Tenten shouted as she waved. I bet you she was happy to because she was going to eat... Saraki was already preparing it.

"Today's been quite the day" Neji spoke out of no where beside me. I look at him before off into the sea smiling with a nod.

Now that I met Hidan, the only thing that was on my mind was being with him by his side. My mind has already been made on what I wanted to do now.


Updated ^^ I hope this was what guys were waiting for xD Hehe... A action ost during a non action moment.. That's new huh .-. .. xD!! Anyway~

>|< We made! We mad- Fail...

>|< We made it!* :D Here.. xD Finally after a long wait of chapters Misaki and Hidan finally meets! ^-^

>|< Now.. Just will happen next..?

>|< Not telling. Muahahaha! >:3

>|< Edited!

>|< Scanned!

>|< Puurfect?..

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