The young mates

By Mia_aleese

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The Youngest Mates
Read thiiis :)


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By Mia_aleese

"Brad." I say while looking over at his face.

We are walking to school hand in hand.

He looks over with a soft smile on his face.

"Yes?" He asks.

I look around nervous to ask him for some reason.

"Oh um. I was just wondering what you wanted to ask me a few days ago?" I mumble shyly.

"Oh yea." He says with realization.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend Joanna?"

I stop abruptly and turn to him.

"Of course I would Brad!" I say while jumping on him and giving him a huge hug.

He finally asked me.
I remember when we were younger he would always tell me that I would be his girlfriend some day.

He laughs and sets me down on my feet. I look up at him with a smile, but my smile fades when I see the intensity in his eyes.

He looks down at my lips and I lick my lips subconsciously.

Next thing I know Brad was attacking my mouth with his mouth.

I don't  know how long we stood there just kissing, could've been an hour. But hey, I'm not complaining.

He pulls away and kisses my forehead.

My face is bright red and I'm trying to catch my breath.

"Let's get to school. Don't want to be late do we?" He smirks down at me.
I nod my head yes,not able to speak.


"Miss Joanna? Care to explain to me why you're late?" Mr. Row asks while opening his classroom door.

He's one of those teachers that locks his door when the bell rings.

"I had a bathroom emergency." I say with my cheeks a flaming red.

I started my period and I didn't have anything with me, so I had to wait until a girl came in so I could ask for a pad or tampon.

His eyes widen in realization.
"Oh." He clears his throat.
"Just sit down. I won't take any excuses next time."

I mumble a 'yes sir' and quickly take my seat.

The werewolves in the class chuckle at my excuse , since they could hear our hushed voices, but are quickly silenced when Wolf tells them to shut up.

I take my seat next to her.

"Thank you."
She smiles.

The next 55 minutes are spent with me zoning in and out of the boring lesson.

"Why aren't you eating, Jo?" Brad asks while grabbing my hand.

My face turns red.

My cramps are really bad and I lost my appetite because of it.

"No reason" I squeak out.

He growls in irritation.
"Jo tell me why you aren't eating now." He growls out.

"N-no" I try to say sternly but he's getting mad and as much as I like him he scares me when he's mad.

"Why not?!" His eyes harden.
"Because...." I say softly.
I really don't want to tell him about my period.

"Do you think you're fat? Because of that's the case, your are defiantly not fat. You're perfect." He says.

"I'm not starving myself Brad."

"Then what is it then?!" He pretty much yells.

I motion him to come closer.

"I'm on my period and my cramps are hurting me." I say. My cheeks once again heat up. Shocker

He pulls always to look me in the eye. While I'm trying to look everywhere  but his face.
He grabs my face with both hands.

"Baby, you don't need to be embarrassed to tell me those types of things."

"Ok" I whisper.

He's so odd. I'm sure other boyfriends wouldn't want to hear about their girlfriend's period pains.

Then again this is Brad, a werewolf. There's nothing normal about that.

The bell rings signaling the end of lunch. I'm actually happy about that, because the rest of my classes are with Brad.

He grabs my hand in his much larger one. And leads me out of the crowded cafeteria.


"Momma! I'm home" I yell when I step through the door. Brad close behind.

"She's not home right now." I hear Daemon's voice from the living room.

I walk over to him.

He seems to be putting a painting above the fireplace.

"She went on a walk with Brad's mom." He says.

"Oh ok. Why are you putting that up?" I question curiously.

"It was from my house." He says turning around to face me.


"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I moved in today Jo."

Sorry for the long wait. I will be updating sometime in the next two weeks! I know that for sure. Sorry if this chapter sucked the next one will hopefully be better.
Please vote and comment!!:)

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