Not a Cullen

By wings4life

1.3M 31.4K 7K

Did you know Renesmee had a sister. No? I'm not surpised. I'm Elisa the eldest twin. I got kicked out after I... More

Kicked out cause of a tantrum
I'm hot, I know
Meeting Stephanies girlfriend
School? You wish!
I'm in hell aren't I?
Back stories and the VST
This is not my brother
Flashback then I meet a creepy british dude
A chapter w/ Klaus
It's a mustache!!! ----> :{
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Shopping for realz
Monday the sundae
Tara is mad!!!
Rebekah is hooooome
Klaus is a b*stard.
Torture what fun!
Bonding with the scary original!
I'm running out of chapter titles...
Stefan the puppy and Elena the troll!
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 1)
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 2)
YouTube. This is just fantastic(part 3)
Cullens versus well everybody
Party of death. Mwa ha ha ha
Hybrids, Death & Awesome Hair
AWESOME ENDING!!! *fangirl squeal*
My first Founder's Celebration. There's a reason I didn't go before
Author's note... maybe
It's on like Donkey Kong <(' )
Stop trying to kill me!!!
Meeting the Arusadawn family and why Klaus?
Klaus, you cheesy bastard!
Double K
What happens here never leaves this room...
Really? I mean... Really?
Little Red Riding Hood
Amnesia part 1
Part 2 of being amnesiac
Still don't have any memories part 3
Where oh where are my stupid memories (part 4)
I have more than forgetfulness (Last part! #5 i think)
Remembering isn't always a good thing
bad pick up lines
A Pet Hybrid
The moment we have all been waiting for
who wants to get drunk
The feels!!!
Naivety not idiocy!
Brotherly Love
Come at me, bro
Don't Regretti the Spaghetti
Bon Appétit
Have a holly, jolly...oh no

How are you alive?

30.4K 689 192
By wings4life

Klaus POV (ohmigawd!)

"Yes Rebekah." I answered my phone, annoyed. She and Tara have been gone for hours but I knew they can take care of themselves. Well Rebekah can.

"Niklaus." Rebekah stuttered. It's clear she has been crying. Immediately I went on big brother mode.

"What is it? Spit it out sweetheart." I said in that impatient way of mine.

"They staked her!" She cried. I picked up my keys and started to walk to the door.

"Staked who?"

"Tara." I cursed under my breath. Of course it was Tara. Bekah wouldn't get all emotional if it were anyone else.

"Who did it?" I demanded. Rebekah drew in a deep breath.

"The Salvatore brothers and the stupid doppelwrench. She saw it coming Nik. You could see it in her eyes. And she tried every way to get out of it. Honestly she did. But they just held us back and let that idiot push the wood straight in her heart. After that they snapped my neck and disappeared." She told me crying.

"Calm down little sister. I'm at the Grill." I said soothingly.

"We're in the alley." I blurred over there and stared at the scene. The idiotic trio were nowhere in sight. Lucky on their behalf. But Tara's body was. She laid in Rebekah's lap as my sister cried over her. There was a giant piece of wood sticking straight out of her chest and blood everywhere. But it didn't have the effect on me as it usually did. When she was alive her blood was hypnotizing. The smell was.... so tempting. But now it was dead. No smell at all. Very peculiar. I had to look away at the sight for a moment. Those brothers are going to pay big time, especially since they known her secret. What I don't understand is why this happened. Even though Tara was 'mad' at them she still spoke about them with a trace of fondness.Rebekah looked up at me, her face as white as a bed sheet.

"They just staked and left Nik. She told them they were as bad as the Cullen's. Who are they?" I sighed and crouched down beside them.

"They were her old family. They kicked her out when she was just a child after ignoring her for most of her life." I explained. She nodded and started stroking Tara's hair gently.

"What do you propose we do?" She asked quietly. I shrugged.

"Take her back to the house. We can decide then." I answered in a detached voice. She nodded and lifted her up. I stared at the body in distaste and yanked the stake out.

"That's better." I nodded and held onto the stake. We can use it on the brothers later. Rebekah bit back a sob but carried onto the car quietly. After she gently put her back she came up front with me. The ride was a quiet one except for when we were near the mansion.

"How can they do that? To see the fear in her eyes but continue on like it was nothing. They said that she was their sister but they let that b*tch stake her anyways." She said angrily. She hit her leg hard enough to make the bone crack a bit. I looked away quietly. 'I basically did the same thing' I thought to myself. Rebekah caught on and looked up fast. Damn her freaky instincts.

"Not like you Nik. You had a reason. You had to protect us from Mikael. And you didn't kill us permanently." She said hurriedly. I nodded and got out the car.

"Let me." I motioned to Tara's body. She looked at me in surprise but nodded and blurred to the door. I shifted Tara comfortably in my arms. She barely weighs a thing, I noted sadly. Wait, why am I sad?!? Grr. How is it possible that this little girl managed to weasel herself into our feelings. Especially since we have been emotionless for centuries. Its... unsettling. And she only knew Rebekah for like a day and my sister is hysterical. That is also highly unusual. Usually she'll just shed a few tears and accept it. But not with Tara. Hmm...

"In here." Rebekah said quietly, bringing me out of my thoughts. I nodded to her and sat Tara on her bed. It was still unmade from this morning.  Once I sat her down we both stood back and just watched. I noticed the tiny tear track on her face and that made me angry.

"I hate this!" Rebekah shouted suddenly. "I hate how she weaseled herself into my heart then got f*cking killed!" I watched her silently. I knew better then to get in the way of one of her infamous tantrums. 

"And I hate how it was the Salvatore's that did it! They called themselves a family! Wasn't them who said that they would do anything to protect their family? So much for that because she was their sister and what do you know, they frigging killed her. Just because she made a few choices, none of them even bad! I want them to suffer Nik! They killed my little sister!" She whirled around and faced me. "And you can't deny that you want to too. Like it or not she managed to get yourself to feel again. Not even the tramp Caroline managed to do that. It might simply just be a sense of friendship but it's still there and it's hurting so don't try and lie to me." She accused. We were so absorbed in the conversation that we ignored the flicker of movement in Tara's fingers.

"So what do you propose, little sister?' I asked leaning on the wall.

"Find the traitors and make them pay." She said anger blazing in her eyes. I'll never admit it to anyone but when she gets like this she slightly frightens me. But I will never tell her such because I fear nothing of any kind! I nodded to her and we headed out the door when we heard a gasp. Confused we turned towards the bed and froze.

"What the hell happened?" Tara demanded, sitting up alive!

"Tara." Rebekah breathed and flung herself at the girl in question. I cautiously made my way towards her.

"Rebekah. What happened? How did we get here? I don't remember leaving. And why the long faces? Who died?" She joked. Rebekah pulled back so she can examine her. I stepped closer and watched her.

"You did." I said simply. She stared at me in confusion.

"Excuse me?"

"You died." To my surprise she started to laugh.

"I'm serious guys. And why am I covered in blood? I'm a neater eater than this." Rebekah grasped Tara's chin and forced her to look at her.

"Tara, listen to me. You were dead for hours. You had a bloody stake through your chest!" She said seriously. I nodded and tossed the stake at her. Tara recoiled at it. Her turned into one of heartbreak.

"It wasn't a dream." She said to herself, hugging her knees. She took a deep breath and steeled herself up.

"B*stards, all of them." She said strongly and hopped up. I stood in front of her, blocking any means of escape.

"I just have one question. How are you even alive right now?" She blew her hair out of her face and a look of annoyance crossed her face.

"How should I know? All I know is that I am breathing and I wouldn't want it any other way. And honestly I am still kinda freaking out over the fact that I just died." She said but I could tell she was hiding something. I narrowed my eyes at her but nodded. I did not feel like being at the end of Rebekah's yelling.

"So when are we going?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Huh?" She rolled her eyes but smiled.

"To my house. I want to give the brothers a piece of my mind."

"We were heading over when you umm 'woke up'"Rebekah said started. A cruel grin appeared on Tara's face


Let's say this is third p.o.v okay?

Damon sighed and poured another glass of bourbon. He couldn't believe that he had just stood there watching as Elena kill his baby sister. He broke their sacred promise of always taking care of each other, no matter what. But it was for Elena's safety right? Did that make it okay? Damon immediately shook his head. No. Of course it didn't. He and Stefan had helped their foes before. Countless times. So what made Tara different? Damon sighed and knocked back his drink, basking in the burn. He was still a long way from the numbness he was hoping to achieve.

Meanwhile in Stefan's room: Stefan was sitting on his bed looking through different pictures of Tara, Damon and him while Elena cleaned herself up. (for some reason I almost put killed herself. I'm a bit eager don't you think?) He smiled softly when he came upon one of Tara and Damon cooking.

They both were hungry but Stefan was out hunting the poor, poor woodland animals in the nearby woods. So Tara decided to take it upon herself to make breakfast. She managed to get the flour, eggs, and butter by herself when Damon showed up.

"What do you think you're doing?" He  asked. She smiled at him. Her smile was missing a few teeth for when she had tried to bite a bunny. The end result, never ever doing the bunny diet again.

"Pancakes." She said excitedly. He laughed and offered his assistance. She slowly accepted because she was the physical age of a seven year and couldn't work the stove just yet. So while he flipped the 'cakes she struggled to put the flour up. On one attempt she knocked it over and it flew all over Damon. They both stared in shock at it before she exploded into giggles. Damon calmly turned off the stove and faced her, which made her laugh even harder.

"So you think this is funny, huh?" He had said. She nodded and covered her mouth, attempting to calm down. He reached behind his back in within a second there was egg yolk all in her hair. She shrieked and tossed whatever egg she managed to get a hold of and threw it at Damon. It quickly escalated to a huge food fight and the kitchen was an absolute mess. They stopped when Tara's tummy grumbled and they started to go back to making the pancakes. When Stefan walked back in she was trying to flip a pancake up in the air without it falling on the floor, with Damon's guidance. So naturally Stefan had to take the photo. They got him back though. After he took the  photo Damon took the camera and took a picture of the pancake on Stefan's face after Tara had thrown it.

The door had opened and closed as Elena walked in. She sighed and took the book away from him.

"You're only going to make yourself feel worse. It had to be done Stefan. You know it was only a matter of time before she came after me." She said trying to comfort him. Trying being the operative word.

"But Damon tried to kill you. He's still alive. And I did too and I'm still here. And we didn't even know for sure if it was true." Elena started to pout.

"She and Rebekah were all buddy-buddy Stefan. You saw them. For Pete sakes they called each other sisters!"

"It still gave us no right. What if it was Jeremy? Would you make us kill him?" She hesitated and opened her mouth when someone knocked on the door. They both frowned and made their way downstairs. Damon was also there, looking very drunk. They slowly made their way to the door and Elena opened the door slowly.

"Klaus." Elena gasped and tried to slam the door close but he stuck out his foot at the last second.

"Now, now. Don't be like that love." He said as he strode in. Damon and Stefan had backed Elena against the wall and stood there as her personal bodyguards.

"What are you doing here?" Damon spat, already turning sober. Klaus smirked.

"Well me and my sister wanted a word. Well mostly Rebekah."

"And this isn't for idle chit chat." She sneered walking in.

"What do you want?" Elena spoke up.

"Well we were particularly fond of your sister. Why again did you stake her?" Klaus asked, leaning on the back of the couch.

"She was a danger to Elena." Klaus nodded and rubbed his hands.

"Ah yes. So the lovely doppelgänger managed to convince you that she had to be put down because there was a slight chance she might cause her harm even though Tara clearly said she wouldn't mess with you if you would kindly do the same. Because that makes perfect sense!" Klaus nodded sarcastically.

"We couldn't take the chance." Damon said gruffly but you could hear the trace of doubt in it clearly.

"But you know Stefan played with us quite a bit. Hell he even led us a few times. And Damon you had plenty chances to kill Katerina but you allowed her to live and helped her with her plans sometimes. With free will." Rebekah reminded them. "But when Damon kicked out my lovely sister and she accepted Klaus's offer of a place to stay, she's the bad guy!" The brothers flinched and looked away.

"But we're here to return the favor." The trio stared dumbly at them before comprehension showed on their faces but it was too late.

"Nuh uh. Don't ruin the fun, pet." Rebekah leered stopping Damon from moving by placing her hand on his chest. In a blink of the eye there was a broken table leg in place of her hand. It was barely scraping his thudding heart. She pushed him back in disgust as he let out a strangled cry of pain. Klaus did the same with Stefan as Elena stood there horrified. She let out a scream when she felt someone hold her in place. Everyone looked at her immediately and the Originals smiled.

"Nice for you to drop in." Klaus said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Tara's voice echoed in the quiet room.

"Tara?" Stefan stammered.

It's Tara's pov! YAY!

I frowned and tightened my grip on Elena.

"'Ello boys." I greeted cooly.

"How are you-"

"Alive? A little faith, trust, and pixie dust. What else?" I snapped already annoyed.

"But we saw you die." Damon wheezed.

"Oh yeah. Thanks for the stake. It was very much appreciated." I said tossing the stake at them. "So let me show you how much." I smirked then struck Elena's neck. She screamed as I greedily drank. Man, dying can really make you thirsty. I dropped her after a few minutes. She was alive but barely. I frowned and looked down.

"You got your blood on my dress." I pouted at Elena. I worn a white dress that made me look very innocent, I got it from Bekah's closet. She has awesome clothes!

"Oh well. You tasted yummy. But I still don't know where your blood had been. Do you think that I'll get a disease?" I asked Klaus worriedly. He shrugged as Bek laughed. I wiped away the remaining blood as Elena moaned and crawled back to the wall. I straightened up and stretched, looking at my friends.

"You can have your fun but don't kill them. They're still my family in a sense." I told them and walked out  hearing the pleads from Elena. I rolled my eyes and sat in the passenger seat of Klausy's car and started singing along to Avril. When they were finished I was singing Alice.

"I found myself in Wonderland

Get back on my feet again

Is this real? Or is it pretend?

I'll take a stand until the end!

I, I'll get by

I', I'll survive" Klaus cleared his throat and I jumped, hitting my head on the roof.

"God man! Don't do that!" I scolded rubbing my head from when I hit it. Rebekah laughed and hopped in the back seat.

"So what now?"

"Figure out how you are alive."

"First it might be because I'm a hybrid. Second, if it isn't who cares? I'm alive and we should all be thankful." I reprimanded half heartedly. Who tells the great Niklaus Mikaelson what to do? They laughed and we headed home. Home. I like the sound of that.


Hi everyone. Get this, you see my mom blocked wattpad on my computer but somehow I'm on it right now! Weird or what? Oh well you are all thankful I know it. I mean you get to read more about Tara! Who wouldn't be happy?

Tara: I know right?

Klaus: I wouldn't

Rebekah: Never mind him. He's just grouchy because you made him look like he's scared of me

Klaus: I am the hybrid! I am scared of no one!

Me: Sure *rolls eyes* So did anyone see the last episode? It showed Kol AND Klaus!!! To bad they didn't get to see each other :( And poor Stefan I guess. Is there going to be a season 5? It'll be sad to think Stefan is locked in a safe for centuries drowning. Oh well. Gonna get off before my mom catches me. Wish me luck on my EOG's next week :D


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