Lucky Me ( A Jonas Brothers F...

By AndreaMauvais

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This is my life as being friends with the Jonas Brothers and being part of their family. See what its like tr... More

Chapter 1: Spring Break
Chapter 2: Karaoke
Chapter 3: The Waiting Game
Chapter 4: Really Scary
Chapter 5: Really Scary part 2
Chapter 6: Very Freaky
Chapter 7: Really Weird
Chapter 8: Very Heroic
Chapter 9: The Game
Chapter 10: Crappy days part 1
Chapter 11: Crappy days part 2
Chapter 12: "Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas"
Chapter 13: Countdown to graduation and summer
Chapter 14: Summer!! Finally!!
Chapter 15: Texas here we come!!
Chapter 16: A Change and crushes reveled
Chapter 17: Confused emotions
Chapter 18: What to do
Chapter 19: Back to school
Chapter 20: Finally, True love exists
Chapter 21: Movie premiere
Chapter 22: Surprise
Chapter 23: Shocking and scary moment
Chapter 24: Difficult times
Chapter 25: Hard trying times part 1
Chapter 26: Hard trying times part 2
Chapter 27: Hard trying times part 3
Chapter 28: Going through the motions
Chapter 29: Scary Baby Moments
Chapter 30: Long tiring days
Chapter 31: Lazy sick days
Chapter 32: Sick days
Chapter 33: Lullaby CD project
Chapter 34: Waiting for a miracle to happen
Chapter 35: Girls Night In
Chapter 36: Mall Day
Chapter 37: Two injured people
Chapter 38: Super scary moment
Chapter 39: Sick and injured days
Chapter 40: Getting ready for the Dance Showcase
Chapter 41: Show time!!!! part 1
Chapter 42: Show time!!!! part 2
Chapter 43: Surgery
Chapter 44: Post surgery misery
Chapter 45: Getting sick on tour blows
Chapter 46: Getting Bad news and flying out to South Carolina
Chapter 47: Surprising the boys
Chapter 48: Taking care of Nick
Chapter 49: Going Back on Tour
Chapter 51: Making plans
13 Facts About Me
Chapter 52: Group Day Out part 1
Chapter 53: Group Day Out pt2
Chapter 54: Andi and Bella's first concert
Chapter 55: Day off at Maya's
Chapter 56: A sick baby and Ellen interview
Chapter 57: Summer's almost over
Chapter 58: Wedding planning
Poor Demi 😞😞😞💔💔💔
Chapter 59: Back to School
Chapter 60: Getting ready for a new movie
Chapter 61: Arriving in New York
Chapter 62: Getting ready for the wedding
Chapter 63: Wedding time!!
Chapter 64: Getting the same news over and over is irritating

Chapter 50: Getting injured again

532 7 3
By AndreaMauvais

*~*~*~*~* Dani's POV ~*~*~*~*

I feel so bad for Andi and Nick. As soon as Kevin and I got back to the bus Andi was asleep with her leg propped up and tear stained cheeks. Nick was sitting in the front lounge with his guitar in his hands, trying to keep his mind off Andi hurting her knee again.

I went to my room and decided to text Maya and see if she wanted to come hang out with me and Andi and maybe her cousin Jaimie if she's interested which she probably was after her brother probably told her what happened when he got back to their hotel. Both girls agreed and I told them to come by tomorrow so Andi has sometime to relax and calm down.

Kevin came in and sat next to me, then I felt the bus moving. "Why are we moving?" "Dad was able to get rooms at the same hotel Jason and Jaimie are staying at, so we're going to stay there instead of the buses. But the buses will stay here and we can use them when we're here. Plus mom suggested it be better on Nick and Andi if they were in a hotel room and not on the bus in case she needs to get up and move around or if people come over they have enough space."

"Oh OK, that makes sense. I was just talking to Jaimie and Maya before you came in. I was trying to get them to come over and hang out with me and Andi to try to get her to feel better about what happened earlier." He smiled, "I'm glad you care so much about her. She's lucky to have such a great friend in you and I'm lucky to have you as such a great fiancée." "Aaaawww baby!! That was so sweet!!!" We kissed and hugged. "I love you" he said as we were still hugging. "I love you too." After we hugged we laid in bed and watched TV until we reached the hotel.

Once we reached the hotel, Kevin and I decided to see if Nick needed any help with taking his and Andi's stuff inside. "Hey do you want some help taking stuff inside?" "Yeah, sure, that would be nice. She's still asleep so I can take her inside and get her settled." "No problem. Dani and I can take you clothes, bedding and anything else you want us to take in" Kevin explain to him. He smiled and went back to his room and brought Andi out, who was still sleeping. I smiled and got a blanket and covered her up.

"Thanks. I was thinking the same thing, just in case paps or fans are outside." "Go ahead and go inside and get her settled, we'll bring your things in when we get everything packed. Have Jason or Jaimie watch her if you feel the need to come back and help take things inside." "Are you sure you can handle everything?" I could tell he was a bit hesitant to let us pack everything up for him.

"I'm sure. Don't worry about it. Just take her inside and make sure she's OK. Once you're done just tell us your room number and we'll bring your stuff up." He relaxed a bit and went inside the hotel. Kevin stood by the door and made sure he went inside while I was in the room sorting everything and putting them in the right bags.

I even made sure to grab some of Bella's things in case Denise needed something. Once I had everything packed in the right bags, Kevin came in and helped me take the bags inside. Once all the bags were loaded on the luggage cart, Paul came and told us what room and floor we were on. "I was able to get a large suite again with 4 rooms, Kevin, you and Dani have your own room again, Joe and Frankie will be sharing a room, Nick, Andi and the baby have their own room and the last room is for your mom and I."

"Sounds good, Dad. I have all of Nick and Andi's things, along with some things for Bella as well on this cart. I still need to go back for mine and Dani's things" Kevin told his dad. "That's fine. Dani can take their stuff up while you go back and get your stuff." "You OK with that babe?" "Yeah its fine with me. It gives me a chance to talk to Jason and Jaimie." "Oh I almost forgot. I switched them to our suite so they can be with Andi. Jason will be with Joe and Frankie and Jaimie has her own room."

"Sounds good to me. I'm sure Andi will appreciate it when she feels better" I said, knowing that Andi loved having family around her especially her cousins since she doesn't get to see them a lot. Paul led me up to the room while Kevin went back to the bus to get our bags. Once we got to the suite, Paul showed me Andi and Nick's room. "Knock before going in. Andi was still asleep when they came in, and Nick looked just as tired and a bit worried about her"

Denise said coming up to me with a sleeping Bella in her arms. "Sure." I gently knocked on the door and Nick came and opened it looking the way his mom described. "Got your things, how is she?" "Out still which is kinda a good thing at the moment. I'll help with the bags." I smiled and pulled him into a hug.

I felt him relax a bit and he pulled away and gave me a small smile. "Thanks for that, I needed it." "You're welcome." Denise went in and put Bella in her bed while Nick and I started to take the bags off the luggage cart. Once we had all the bags unloaded, Kevin had come up with our bags, and Jaimie and Jason had started to put their bags in their rooms. "Thanks for the help, Dani."

"No problem, Nick. Let me know if you need help with anything else. I'm going to help Kevin with our bags." "Sure thing, and thanks again." "Like I've always told you when things like this happen, I don't mind helping you out at all." He smiled and we hugged again. He started unpacking the girls things first and I went to find my room and help Kevin unpack our bags. Once I had all my clothes put away, I went to Jaimie's room and see if we could finish talking about my ideas about Andi. "Hey, can we talk?" I asked her when she answered the door.

"Yeah, sure. Is it what we were talking about earlier?" she asked when she let me in. "It is actually. I could tell when Andi fell she was scared because she just got clearance to start dancing again when we were in South Carolina. She was so excited when she got back, so when we got here and she looked at the stage I could tell she wanted to try dancing a bit to see how well her leg would hold up after 4 months of not dancing." "But she fell and got hurt. I thought my brother just said it was a bad sprain?"

"He did but I think Andi and Nick are taking it harder this time. I think if we get Maya to come over again and the three of us do something with her to get her mind off what happened. I just want to give her a few days to try to relax before doing anything." "That's fine, I'm just glad your in-laws were nice enough to let me and my brother stay with you while we're here." "I think it's just easier for him to have you stay with us and he did it for Andi too."

"Well either way, we really appreciate it. I had to ask my mom and step-dad for my half of hotel money and our dad pitched in for the air fare." "So what should we do when Andi feels a bit better? Movie day, makeovers, shopping trip?" "I think shopping and makeover day. I think Andi could use some time with us to get her mind off her knee for a bit. Plus I really want to get her hair cut really cutely. She could really use it." "Sounds fun to me. Hopefully she likes the idea." "She did when she first hurt it. She had fun while we were out. It took her mind off everything that was going on at home." "Then we'll do it again but instead of Demi as the other person going it will be me."

"Exactly, she'll have more fun with you around." So we decided a day and time and we found a place close to the hotel and the concert venue, told Maya the plans and made sure she was good with what we planned, then discussed the plans with Paul and Nick so they knew what we were doing and were OK with everything.

Once we had everything approved, I went back to Nick and Andi's room to see if they needed any help with anything and to see how Andi was doing after the fall. I gently knocked on their door and waited for someone to let me. I didn't get a response or someone come to the door so I quietly went in and saw they were both asleep but Bella was awake so I grabbed her and took her with me out to the living room. Jaimie and Jason were in the living room talking to Kevin and Joe. I walked over and sat down next to them. Kevin smiled and pulled me to sit next to him.

"So what were you guys talking about before I came out?" "We were trying to make plans for all of the guys, meaning, Frankie, Nick, Joe, Jason and I, to go out while you girls have your day out also. Get everyone out of the hotel for a while and have a bit of fun." Kevin explained to me.

"Sounds like a good idea to me. I'm sure Nick will reject the idea of leaving Andi alone after what happened but it'll be a good thing to get them out and not sit around here all day moping." "So how are we going to explain this to him and make sure he agrees with the plans?" Jaimie asked. She had a good point, how were we going to explain this to him and make sure he's not going to be stubborn about it.

"I'll talk to him about it and make sure he agrees and if not we'll still drag him out with us" Joe said. "We're not going to force him to go with us if he doesn't agree Joe. He's going through a lot right now and we have to help him. I get you want to help your brother but you have to see things from his point of view." Jason explained to him.

"He's worried about his girlfriend who just re-injured her already repaired knee. He's just wants her to feel better and not be in the amount of pain she's in. We just have to convince them calmly to go out and have some fun while we're here." Jaimie told him. He sighed and slowly nodded. "Okay, I get it now. I have to tone it down a bit until we know they're willing to go out." I smiled and handed Bella to Kevin, then got up and went over and hugged Joe.

He got up and hugged me back, and smiled a bit after we both let go of the hug. "Thanks for that, I needed it." "You're welcome. Now let's just wait til they're up before we talk to them about our plans. Let's let them sleep for a bit longer, they've had a long day. We'll bring up the plans to them tomorrow if they feel better. I don't want to rush things" I told everyone, but I was mainly talking to Joe.

Jaimie and I took Bella with us while they boys continued to figure out what they were going to do when we all have the day out. We went in the kitchen to see if Denise needed any help with anything and to see if Bella was hungry. When we got to the kitchen Denise was working on dinner.

"Hey, girls, need anything? Dinner should be done soon." "We came to see if you needed any help with anything, plus we were going to try to feed Bella something so Nick and Andi could get some more sleep. Poor things are still out." "Aww my poor babies. They've had a eventful day, I'll get them up in a bit. They need to eat and check their levels. Don't need a hospital trip on top of everything else that's happened today. You girls just worry about the baby and I'll take care of the parents when they get up."

So Jaimie helped Denise finish dinner while I fed Bella, we both finished around the same time so I put Bella in one of her bouncers next to the table, then went to tell the others that dinner was ready while Jaimie helped Denise set the table. Once the table was set, Denise went to check on Nick and Andi, hopefully they were feeling better and were hungry.

Sure enough she came back with both of them looking very tired still even though they've been sleeping for a while. But I just ignored it and went to help them sit down and get their kits out so they could test and eat. Once they tested and took the right amount of insulin, I helped them clear the table and put their kits away for later.

Jaimie started helping Denise place the food on the table, while I went to tell everyone that dinner was ready. Once everyone was in the dining room and sitting down, we were allowed to eat after Paul said Grace. Andi only ate about half before she was done. I was surprised she ate as much as she did after being in so much pain and the stress from the fall.

Nick finished shortly after and helped clear their plates from the table, before coming back and helping Andi up and taking her back to their room. I could tell they were still tired even though they slept for a good 3 1/2 hours. I cleared my spot as well as Kevin's, then we both went to their room to talk to them.

I knew Denise had the baby for a bit, while we talked to them. Kevin knocked on the door and waited for them to let us in. Once we heard someone call us in, we opened the door and saw Nick was trying to get Andi back into bed without hurting her knee. Kevin rushed over and helped him. I could tell she was trying not to cry from the pain.

I went over and sat next to her once she was sitting down and her leg was propped up. I pulled her into a hug and let her cry until she felt better. I could tell Nick hated to see her so upset, and knowing him probably blaming himself a bit too. I looked over at Kevin and motioned him to hug Nick and get him to come sit with us on the bed so all of us could talk.

He nodded and hugged his younger brother, who also started crying. Once they both were calm and stopped crying for the moment. Kevin led Nick over to the bed and sat him down on the end of the bed next to our feet being careful not to bump Andi's right leg and cause her to being in pain.

"I know this has been a really hard day for both of you, but don't go blaming yourselves over what happened. None of could have known that was going to happen. For all we know the stage could have been cleaned right before we got there and no one told us that it was a bit slippery. So please don't blame yourself over what happened."

"Don't think that what happened as your fault or you pushed yourself too hard too soon because that's not going to help yourself get though this. We're all going to get through this together as a family just like we did the first time. We're going to take this one day at a time and go at your pace so we don't rush things and go as long as we need to until you feel better or until you get cleared by someone again, which ever comes first, okay?"

I looked over at Nick and then looked down at Andi and they both nodded. Soon there was a knock at the door. Kevin got up and answered it. He opened the door and saw the other 5 standing there, Jason holding Bella in his arms. "Is it OK if we come in?" Frankie asked. Kevin turned and looked over at Nick, and he nodded his head yes.

So Kevin let them all in and Jason placed Bella in her bed. Kevin closed the door as everyone came in and found a spot to sit on the bed. Once everyone found a spot to sit, being considerate of Andi's knee, we started talking again. "How you feeling munchkin?" Jason asked when he sat down on the other side Andi. She just shrugged her shoulders, "Okay I guess, still pretty sore." "Well we were talking earlier while you guys were sleeping and we decided to have a big group day out." Jaimie mentioned.

"What would we be doing?" Andi asked. "Well us girls are going to get our hair and nails done while the boys go either go-kart racing or indoor skydiving. Then once everyone was done with those, we were planning on either going out to eat or going to the movies, depending on how you two are holding up by that point. " I mentioned.

"And if you two are tired and want to come back here, then we were planning on just hanging out and watching movies here. We don't want you two to feel like you have to go out with us, its just we wanted to do something fun while we were all together for a while, before we have to move onto the next tour stop, since we didn't have the chance to do anything while we were back in South Carolina." Joe said.

"So what do you say? Sound like a fun day?" Frankie asked all excited, but still calm enough that he wouldn't hurt anyone or wake Bella up. I looked down at Andi and saw a small smile on her face. I then looked over at Nick and also saw a bit of a smile on his face. "I guess, it's better than sitting here all day, cooped up and constantly having Mom come and see if I need anything for my levels or if my knee's hurting and need my medicine."

"So does that mean you're in?" Jaimie asked. "Yeah I'm in. What about you babe? Sound like a good idea? You know I wanted to do something back in South Carolina but we couldn't because you were having bad migraines." Andi asked Nick, hoping he would agree and want to go along with all of the plans everyone made. "Sure, I'm in. It makes up for not going out while we were in Charleston." I could tell she was happy he was into going out.

He probably felt bad about not going out back in Charleston, so he said yes to make her happy and also to help get her mind off of the fall earlier. "Okay, now that everyone is in, what day are we going to put this plan in action?" Frankie asked. I could tell he was really excited to be able to hang out with his older brothers. "Well what's today?" I asked. "It's Monday. How about Wednesday? Gives Andi here a few days to rest and get some strength back in her leg before going out all day." Jason suggested and everyone agreed.

"OK Wednesday it is then. So what time should we all leave or does it matter?" Jaimie asked. "I think if we leave around 9 or 10 we should be fine. Its not too early and not too late. Then we can meet up around 1 or 2 for lunch and then see how everyone feels after they eat then decide what to do next." I said looking around at everyone seeing if they agreed with what I suggested. "Sounds like a good plan to me." Kevin said and everyone agreed with him. I could tell Andi was happy about going out with everyone.

*~*~* a/n: picture at the top is Jason and Jaimie together for anyone who was curious about they looked like at the time the story takes place around 2009-2010*~*~*~*

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