By ShBlackEagle

21.5K 897 526

When he lost her , he lost his life. His kindness , his courage , his personality. She was right , he lost ev... More



697 32 15
By ShBlackEagle

The sun is shining and sky is light blue. Dragons are flying and Terrible Terrors are singing. The nature of the village is so scenic.

In Haddock's house everyone are asleep. Maybe dreaming about their wishes or having nightmares about monsters. The sun is shining on a sleeping lovely woman on bed. She opened her eyes slowly and turned on her other side.

She looked at him while he was sleeping. She sighed and stroked his hair gently.

"How much I like to hold you tight and drown you with kisses, but I can't. It's not the right time yet." She whispered very quietly that even couldn't her herself. She got up and went to out the room.

After some minutes Hiccup woke up. He looked around and didn't see Camicazi...again.

"I think I have to get to used it." He said.

After wearing his armor and other stuff, he went downstairs. Then he saw Camicazi in the kitchen cooking. She greeted him in a friendly manner.

"Hi! Come here, I made breakfast." He obeyed a bit unsure. After that night she became really kind toward him and he doesn't know why. He just figured out she is Astrid's cousin and it answered why she is very similar to Astrid.

But, he doesn't know that she isn't Astrid's cousin. She is Astrid which he doesn't know.

They sat on the table and Astrid put a plate of eggs and a glass of juice in front of him. Then they began eating. It was really awkward, since both were uncomfortable to talk to each other. Then they heard someone's yawning. They saw Sapphire with messy hair and goofy face of sleeping. She was coming downstairs as she rubbing her right eyes.

"Good morning Sapphire!" Astrid greeted. Sapphire noticed her and ran toward Astrid whom she thought is Camicazi.

She jumped in to her arms and hugged her. "Good morning to you too, Camicazi!" and whispered quietly "mom!" which made Astrid smiled. Hiccup looked at them upset. Yeah, Camicazi's place in Sapphire's heart is bigger than his.

While he looking at them, Astrid gestured him to act kindly. He shrugged and pointed that he doesn't know how. Astrid sighed and pulled away.

"Sapphire, don't you want to greet your dad and hug him?" Astrid asked.

Sapphire frowned and answered:"NO! He almost slapped me yesterday. Why would I do that?" Hiccup felt sad and Astrid said calmly:"Because he is your father and for sure he didn't mean it."

"I didn't hear his apology, did I?" Sapphire point out.

"I'm sure he is sorry about that. Right Hiccup?" she asked.

Hiccup answered while his head was down:"Yeah, I'm sorry Sapphire."

Sapphire rolled her eyes in shock. He is apologizing to her. After ten freaking years! It must be a dream.

"See? Now go, greet him and make up." Astrid said to her. Hiccup looked at her with willing eyes. Sapphire was about to go, but refused.

"What's wrong?" Astrid asked.

"He isn't my father and this stupid apology doesn't change anything." Sapphire said with angry tone.

Hiccup and Astrid sighed but he didn't say anything.

"Okay, now go and wash your face and eat breakfast." Sapphire obeyed Camicazi and left.

"See? She doesn't even try. It's useless." Hiccup said disappointment.

"You have to be patient. You should just let her to start over with you. Ten tears is not a short time. Wait. And I'm sure she will call you dad again." She said and put a hand on his shoulder. He smiled at her.

"Thanks Camicazi. You are so kind."

"Your welcome."

"Why do you want me to be kind toward him?" Sapphire asked.

"Sapphire, He is your father and also one of your family members."

They are now in Gobber's office. Sapphire wants to get sharpened and Astrid came with her. They are arguing as they looking for some new weapons.

"If he is really my family, why didn't he show it to me for a decade?" Sapphire said and gave Gobber her Axe.

"He has his reasons. Just give him another chance." Astrid said and swung one of the axes.


Astrid sighed and went to the other side of the office. She was looking for a suitable weapon when she found Hiccup's old office. She wasn't supposed to go there but curiosity surrounded her badly. She looked around to make sure no one can see her. Then she opened the door and went inside.

There was like the last time when she got there. Planning to make new tricks with Toothless, some drawing of Toothless tail, chief business and bla, bla, bla were on walls.

One thing caught her eyes. It was a small box with a note on it.

'Don't open it'

Well, she couldn't help herself and knelt down. She was about to open it when a voice stop her.

"What are you doing here?" she looked around and saw Hiccup with some papers in his hands looking down at her. She stood up and became nervous.

"What are you doing here?"Hiccup asked again as he walked toward her.

"Me?....well...I was.....you know.."Astrid couldn't find an answer. Hiccup looked behind her and noticed that box.

"You opened it?" he asked and pointed at the box.

"No-yes-no-I don't know...?"She stuttered. Hiccup put papers on desk.

"Any way, you are not supposed to be here. And it has a note on it as you see, so why did you want to open it?" he asked and lifted the box.

"You shouldn't expect people not to open a box with that note on it." She said.

Hiccup didn't add anything and was about to leave when he turned around.

"Please don't come here again. This place doesn't have anything that you'd like."

Astrid was still curios.

"What is in that box?"

"It's none of your business" he said and left the room. She followed.

"No, tell me. What's in there?" she asked.

"Please Camicazi! I don't want to talk about her now."

"Her? You mean who?" she asked. Hiccup sighed. He doesn't have a confidant mouth. He becomes silent. Astrid became a bit worry about who this girl is.

"So? Who is she?" Astrid asked. Hiccup gave up and said.

"Follow me." And she did. But he knew what he will do is not right.


Astrid followed Hiccup and they arrived home.

"What are we going to do here?" she asked.

"Just follow" he said.

He took her to that mystery room. Before he opened the door he said:

"If you want to know what it is there, you should promise me to never tell anybody about it. Even Sapphire."

"Okay, I promise." She said simply.

Hiccup sighed and opened the door. Both walked inside and Astrid couldn't believe her eyes.

Her portraits! All covered the walls! The room was full of her stuff, her clothes, her dresses. There were even some slips of her handwriting. It was a collection of her stuff and it was incredible!

"They are all of her things that I collected after she left." Hiccup spoke." I've never let anybody to come here. I don't like people notice I still didn't deal with her....her DEATH." That made Astrid shivered. Thinking that she is dead in Hiccup's mind was really frightening.

"Then, why did you let me in?" she asked and sat on the bed. Hiccup sat next to her and answered:"I don't know. Like I should do that, like I can trust you in Astrid things. Weird, I know." He said with a little chuckle.

Astrid thought for a moment and then asked." What do you think about her death?"

Hiccup becomes upset and looks down.

"It will be a very awkward time. Can you deal with my stupid reacts?"

"We are.....Friends right? relax."

He looked at her with sad expression.

"I think it's hard, very hard! Not knowing about what happened to your only and first love is not easy. I wish at least I knew what happened to her. She got killed? Died? Captured? Or left? I don't know." Hiccup scared of continuing, thought she may make fun of him. Then he felt an arm around his shoulder. It was Camicazi.

"Go on. It's good for you." She smiled weakly at him. He stood up and gave her that box which was at his office.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Open it" she opened the box and found clump of papers in it.

"What are they?" he looked at her and said:

"They are all of my love letters what I have never given to her." Astrid's eyes widen.

"What?" she asked shocked. He gave her a weak smile and said.

"For my entire life I loved her. She didn't notice it until fifteen years old. I wrote these letters when I was four or five. I don't know I just know I always had them."

He picked up a paper with a drawing on it. It was a little girl and a little boy on it. They were Hiccup and her. The boy gives the girl a flower.

"I still remember this. I didn't know how to write so I drew, but never gave her." Astrid was speechless. He loved her that much and she didn't know. Hiccup spoke again as he took a saddle.

"It is her saddle she used to fly with. I always glanced at her when she was flying with Stormfly, but she never noticed." Astrid felt tears in her eyes but didn't let them fall. He took her axe.

"I still have her axe. Everyone thought she looked very aggressive with it, but I believe she was hot when she used it." Astrid blushed and Hiccup sniffed. Then he brought a white lovely dress. It was her wedding dress. He sat beside her again.

"I don't know how I can describe her when she wore it. She wasn't an angel but more beautiful. "He hugged the dress and cried." When she kissed me I felt nothing would be better that. She was always with me without any complaint." He almost broke down and drowned in tears. Astrid pulled him in to a hug and cried along with him slightly.

"She was my life and everything. When she left, I lost her and myself." he sobbed.

Astrid said:"But you have Toothless. He is still with you." he cried a bit louder.

"It's not the same Camicazi! I can't live without her warmth and smile. I can't." he cried and hugged her back tightly. His face was into her neck.

Astrid cried and continued hugging him. She felt very guilty. It was her fault. It was her fault that he became that heartbroken, but she didn't have any choice. She had to do that, for him.

They continued hugging and crying till Hiccup fell asleep in her arms.


After leaving Hiccup sleep on bed, Astrid went outside. It was evening. She looked up to sky and sighed.

"He will know someday. He will know. But I'm scared, scared of how he would act when he figure out." She said to herself.

Stormfly with black color came near her and nuzzled Astrid. She hugged her head.

"I know girl, you are worry about Toothless too, but wait for the right moment."

"Rrrrrriiiii" Stormfly said.

"What is it?" Astrid asked. Stormfly pointed to the sky.

"Oh no! Not again!" She turned around and saw Sapphire and Valka running toward her.

"Cami, some dragons are out of control." Sapphire said worried.

"They don't even listen to me. This is very weird." Valka said panting.

Astrid mounted on Stormfly.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Sapphire asked.

"Just stay here. I'll come back." She flew away.

"No, WAIT!" Sapphire shouted but Astrid was already gone.

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