Is It Okay To Dream? -Sequel

By In_These_Chains

2.5K 267 145

Rydley Johnson is back with a new feel on things or a lack of some. She meets the new hot-shot in town and go... More

It was a Sunday morning
How many girls do you see a night
You make the nightmares go away
Thanks for leaving me.
Because it is one
Give me strength
California dude
It's gone
Score one for Rydley
Brings back memories
Because, I don't care
It's okay to dream
Do I look like my mom?
Mother like daughter
Cocaine under my bed
You don't need drugs to fit in
She's not the only one who looks nice
Cocaine eyes
She's only fourteen
No one deserves to experience a death
Don't leave me
They obviously haven't found you, yet
She always smiled whenever she got a stuffed animal
I would've thought heroin
All because of drugs
Tough life, man
Run away from all my problems
I feel like I've lied
Everyone loves a good story
It is going to be all over the News, after all
Epilogue - Many years
Authors note

Anything can happen behind closed doors

65 7 5
By In_These_Chains

Alec takes my hand and gently pulls me up. My legs feel like wet noodles and I laugh at the thought of it, "what if we had noodles as legs?"

"Another reason why I would want to eat you," Alec wraps my arm around his shoulder and leads me up the stairs. 

I giggle to myself and push off of him, "you're so dirty." I stretch my arms above my head, then jump on the bed. I feel springs break and scream with every movement, but I stretch out and yawn, "I'm so tired."

"I'm not. Scoot," Alec pushes me over and takes off his shirt.

I bite my lip and look at his chest. I mentally nod and I pull on the waistline of his jeans to bring him closer. He accepts my command and climbs on top of me. He reeks of cologne, cigarette smoke and alcohol. I lick my lips and claw at his back.

I feel his spine curl under my nails and hear his lips part into a smile, "BDSM?"

I smile and push him off, "you aren't that lucky."

Alec grabs my hair and pulls me towards him, "what I say goes. Okay, sticky fingers?" His teeth graze my ear lobe.

I slap him the best that I can and I glare at him, "go fuck yourself."

"That's your job," he says it with a growl on his voice. He pulls me by my shirt and his lips touch mine; they're wet and soft to the touch and I want more.

We open the doors and our tongues slowly dance together. I bite his lip and he pulls me on top, but I break away and look at the wall, "I don't wanna do this."

"C'mon!" Alec places his hands on my hips, "we made it this far. Finish what you started," he pulls me down and starts kissing my neck.

I break away again and slap him while leaving a red blotch on his cheek, "fuck you." I get off and start walking downstairs.

Before I could make it to the last step, I get yanked up by my arm. I whip around and glare at Alec through red eyes that resemble my mothers'. I jerk my arm back and spit in his face. His face glows with anger, "bitch," he wipes off my spit with the back of his hand.

I grit my teeth and push him on the stairs, "you fucking piece of shit!" I scream over the music and laughter, "go to Hell!" I throw my fists at his face, but he pushes me off.

I get shoved by a group of drug heads who are running towards the doors and windows. I watch them flee and red and blue lights catch my eye, shit, I run towards the window and climb out. I sniffle up the rest of the coke that remains and light a cigarette.

"Freeze," a cop yells from behind. I look at he's holding a flashlight and a nightstick. I throw my cigarette down and run across the street. The cop chases me and I run into apartment complexes.

I duck behind the dumpster and watch the cop run by. I look around to make sure the coast is clear, then I brush myself off and walk around. I light another cigarette and catch my breath.

"Rydley, please tell me you weren't involved in that party."

I jump to the sound of the voice and look at the man. He steps into the light with a face that screams concern. I flick my ashes at him, then walk away.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you at the stable."

I grit my teeth and ignore him.

"Rydley, please, talk to me."

"I rather have the pigs lock me up for a night," I blow the smoke out and walk further away.

"Let me explain," my dad steps closer. "Come up to my apartment; you can sleep there tonight."

I shake my head and finish my cigarette, then throw it at him. I walk passed him and he grabs my arm. I stare at him and embrace the fact that he might hit me.

"Please," my dad looks at me like he just found a stray dog.

I shake my head, "don't touch me," I whisper out.

He nods and lets go, then motions to his door. I let myself in and look around. It's nice, but nothing grand. I hug myself and watch my dad close the door, "have a seat."

I shake my head and hug myself tighter, "no..I'm okay."

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

I shake my head and hide in the corner. Please don't touch me, please don't touch me. I take a deep breath and look at the floor.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Rydley," my dad sits on the sofa with a coffee mug in his hand.

"How'd you get out of jail?"

"My time was up. Five years with rehab. I went to rehab for alcohol abuse and my anger," he smiles and locks his hands together, "I'm proud of myself."

I look at him and stuff myself deeper into the corner, "I want to go home." 

"Want me to drive you?"

"No, call me a fucking cab or something! I don't wanna spend another second with you," I chew on my lip, "you make me sick," I mumble out.

"If you would just let me exp-"

"No!" I yell and look at him. His hair is slicked back and he has September shadow that's darker than his blonde hair. My breathing speeds up and I hug the wall.

"Alright, I'll call a cab," my dad frowns and reaches for his phone. I chew on my lip and walk outside where the humid summer night hits me. I double over and try to catch my breath. I dig my hands into my shirt and listen to faint TVs and cars driving by. The apartment door opens and my dad steps out, "it'll be here in twenty minutes."

I nod and lean against the wall, "thanks."

My dad lights a cigarette and blows the smoke out, "I never wanted to hurt you."

I hug myself and back up, "why did you?"

"Drunk," he frowns and flicks the ashes. "Your mother wasn't right and I stayed with her, so you could have a good parent, but it's hard to have one when they're not around. Rydley, believe me when I say this, if I could I would take it all back."

I stay quiet and look at the ground. His cigarette ashes scatter the sidewalk and he scatters more out.

"Where's your mother?"


"Why is she there?" He puts out his cigarette and looks at me like we just became best friends.

I frown, "we moved there for a while."

He nods, "why is she still in Colorado while you're here? Is Liberty with you? Is she okay?"

I nod and bite my nails. 

"Come inside?"

I shake my head, "don't wanna miss my cab," I lie. I don't care if I miss it or not. I just don't want to spend another minute with him and anything can happen behind closed doors.


I take off my shoes and tip-toe into my bedroom, then crawl into my bed. I doubt my grandmother would like seeing me asleep in her home after what happened, but what can she do? I get up and change into my pajamas, then bury myself under the blankets. My nose burns from the cocaine, but my brain is craving more. I sniffle and look at the night sky.

I pat around for my phone and I dial in Colton's number. I sniffle again and listen to it ring, then it stops and Colton screams through the phone, "I've been so worried about you, Rydley! Liberty called saying you blacked out earlier? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay."

"You sound different. What's wrong?"

I shake my head, "nothing. I've missed you."

"I miss you, too. Where are you?"

I sigh and look around, "grandparents."

"I'm just worried about you, Rydley."

I nod and pick at the ends of my hair, "I know."

"Guess what?"


"I have a week before school starts and I decided to fly out there for an extremely early birthday present," I hear him smile.

"Great," I fake enthusiasm and frown.

"You don't seem happy about it," Colton sighs.

"I'm just stressed with the whole thing with my dad. I ran into him tonight and I wanted to go home," I hug my teddy bear and frown, "I'm so scared."

"Don't be. If you don't feel comfortable around him call your grandparents or 911 and they'll take care of you, okay? And, if you want me to, I'll fly down there tomorrow or the day after."

I nod, "I would love that so much. Be like old times," I smile and hug my teddy bear.

I hear Colton smile, "yeah, but I have to borrow my mom's suitcase cause someone took mine," he chuckles.

"Okay, you told me to have it and I wanted to take my trash bag, but you said they didn't allow that on the plane."

Colton laughs, "I'll pull a Rydley and bring a trash bag on the plane."

I smirk, "not your style."


"Yeah. What rich guy brings a trash bag on the plane who will probably sit in first class and drink fancy wine?"

"I don't even drink and I wouldn't sit in first class, but thanks for your opinion on it."

I roll my eyes and feel the anger boil up inside me, "sure thing."

I hear Colton sigh, "I'm going to bed. Night, love you."

I grit my teeth, "whatever." I hang up and throw the phone on the bed. I take a deep breath and I crave cocaine even more, so I get up and change into my old clothes, then walk outside to find someone who has some.

Another 1 AM chapter update, but new update! How exciting? Tell me your thoughts in the comments cause I'm so excited to read them! :D

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