The Dream Diary (Markiplier I...

Por Kittenthekat14

47.2K 1.2K 441

Hello, everybody! My name is KittentheKat and welcome to Markiplier Imagines!!! *Giggles* Here, I'll take req... Mais

Welcome!! (Requests)
Love At First Sight
Til Death Do Us Part
Something More (Part 1)
Pick-up Lines
We'll Figure It Out Together
I Will Not Forget
Author's Note
Cheaters Always Win
Author's Note (I Know, Again...)
He Forgot Me. He Left Me.
Halloween Costumes
The Little Mermaid (part 1)
Wait, What???
Truth or Dare
Happy Thanksgiving
New Cover!!!
My Life's Problems
New Years
Quick Question...
Problems Waiting to Be Solved
It's Been Awhile....
Glued Back (2)
Fallen Apart (3)
Dating Mark Includes....

Something More (Part 2)

1.3K 51 26
Por Kittenthekat14

Hey guys!
Guess who's Birthday it is...!

Plus, since I forgot that I could've written a b-day fanfic, I finished the Something More series. Maybe I'll post another one today...

Last Time

"Muyskerm?" You were about to say, but (b/f/n) beat you to it.

"Yup! Here let me help you." He grabbed your hand and pulled you up. When you got to your feet, you let go of his hand and looked to Wade's right. A man stood there looking at you and (b/f/n) through black glasses. His hair was ruffled and a small beard was on his face. You knew this person right away.



Mark smiled a bright smile, probably happy that he wasn't left out. His brown eyes lightened and met yours. They stayed there for a little before (B/f/n) spoke.

"Can I get a picture? Please?" (He/She) asked, holding up (his/her) phone.

"Of course you can, anything for a fan!" Bob said as he stood beside your friend.

(B/f/n) held up (his/her) phone and clicked the screen. It made a small noise, then saved the picture. (He/She) look like (he/she) was about to burst from excitement.

"Would you like a picture, too?" Mark asked you as your friend went to Wade.

"Sure...?" You answered hesitantly. Photos aren't really your thing, but this could be a once in a life time experience.

Mark stepped next to you and slid an arm around your waist. He made a funny face while you just smiled. After you took the picture, he moved away from you and back to his place beside Wade.

"Well, we would love to stay and chat, but (B/f/n) and I have to finish shopping before (his/her) dog dies of hunger." You said as you realize that (b/f/n) most likely forgot to feed (his/her) beagle.

(B/f/n) gasped. "Shoot, shoot, shoot. I'm so sorry Mr. Doodles." (He/She) ran back towards the enterance, but not without saying goodbye to each of the YouTubers. You sighed, knowing that you would have to shop by yourself. This was the problem with (b/f/n). (He/She) was so forgetful. You wouldn't be surprised if (he/she) forgot the keys in the car.

Feeling a stare burn holes into the back of your head, you turned around. Bob and Wade kept their eyes on (b/f/n)'s retreating figure while Mark locked his eyes with you. The both of you held eye contact until Wade spoke.

"If you'll like, you can shop with us. You don't seem like you'll fangirl as much as the others." He said with a smile.

"Yeah," Bob agreed, "it's alright with me. What about you, Mark?"

Still with his eyes trained on you, he spoke in his deep, manly voice.

"Yeah, it's okay with me."

The way he looked at you made you feel nervous. So much that you started to fidget with your hands. It seems that his friends noticed too, because they began to snicker quietly.

"Woah, Mark." Bob chuckled, "You better stop doing that before you creep out everyone here."

That snapped Mark out of his thoughts. A small blush appeared on his face. It was hardly visible, but it was there. This made you blush. Why is he blushing? You thought as you cleared your throat and held out your hand.

"Well, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm (Y/n)."

They all shook you hand, Mark holding it a little longer than the others. When he let go, it was almost hesitant. What is wrong with him? You thought as you noticed them starting to move. You walked with them and remembered what you were at the mall for. Not wanting to interrupt their shopping, you kept your mouth shut and walked into the stores that caught their interests.

The third store that you all went to was GameStop. You were looking at the games for your (PlayStation/Xbox/Computer) when you noticed the shoe store next door.

I think I can slip out without them noticing. You thought as you shifted closer and closer to the exit. I can buy my shoes really quick.

"Hey, (y/n)! Where're you going?"

You already had one foot out the door when Mark called you. He was closer than you thought, the horror games being in the isle closest to the door. You turned around with a nervous smile on you face, quickly glancing at the shoe store sign. He followed your quick gaze and saw the store. Mark smiled then looked at you.

"Hey, Bob, Wade. Me and (Y/n) are going next door." Mark yelled while keeping eye contact with you. Your eyes widened when you heard them yell an 'okay'.

Mark began walking towards the store, only stopping when he realized you weren't following. He furrowed his eyebrows then asked if you were coming.

"Y-You don't have to come, you know." You said as the both of you walked side-by-side.

You walked onto the store and felt a cool breeze. Women were scattered around, some buying clothes while others were buying shoes. Almost instantly, a pair of boots caught your attention.

They had a small heel, only there to even it out. It's height was smaller than your calves, but bigger than your ankle. It was black, which in your opinion, was the best boot color.

"I know, but I wanted to." Mark said as he looked around. Once again he followed your gaze and saw the pair you were looking at. He sighed, then grabbed you forearm and dragged you over to it.

"What's your size?" Mark asked as he glanced at your feet.

"Ummm..... (your shoe size)." You said as you blushed and averted your eyes from him.

"Okay." He grabbed a box that labeled the number you said. "Do you want to try it on?"

"No, no. It's fine. I don't want to keep the others waiting."

"Trust me, they'll still be looking at games by the time we get back." Mark muttered as the both of you walked towards the cashier.

She glanced at Mark, eyes slowly widening. It seems like she was a fan as well. The girl started shaking, probably from excitement. You almost rolled your eyes at the image. I bet she's almost as much as a fan as (B/f/n). You thought as you began to take out your wallet. You jumped in surprise when you saw a hand stop you from pulling out your credit card.

"I've got it. It would be completely un-gentleman-ly of me to let a lady pay for it." Mark said with a fake British accent. He tipped his imaginary hat and gave the girl the money, who was squealing and giggling at the same time. It was torture to your ears. But you let Mark pay for your things anyway, quickly grabbing the bag before he could. You could see him about to protest, so you threw him a look that said, 'I don't care how un-gentleman-ly it is of you'.

So the both of you left after that. Walking back to GameStop only took a few seconds and just as Mark had said, Bob and Wade were still looking at games. They didn't even notice you and Mark walk behind them. You tapped Wade's shoulder, which resulted to him screaming in surprise. This made you, Bob, and Mark laugh so hard that the cashier almost made the four of you leave.

"I love your scream, Wade. It's so manly." Mark said as you guys started leaving. "I'm sure every girl got a million times more attracted to you. I think Molly might get a little jealous now."

This caused all of you to burst out laughing again, this time Wade joining you. You knew that you guys should've let it go by now, but you just had to say one more thing.

"Of what? The girls or his scream?" You asked while still giggling. Everyone laughed again, this time catching the attention of anyone walking around the mall. This went on for a few minutes before Bob said he had to leave. He didn't pre-record any videos. The four of you walked back to the mall entrance, you making sure you had everything with you to prepare for your walk home. It was going to be long, but the day was worth it. After double checking that you had everything, you turned to the three YouTubers.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys later on the screen of my laptop." You said as you bit your lip while looking down. You didn't want to leave and never see them personally again. But all good things must come to an end.

"Hey, you'll never know! Maybe we'll meet again someday." Bob and Wade said as they hugged you and went to their separate cars. Mark stayed as the both of you watched the two leave. He looked at you raised an eyebrow.

"Do you not have a car?" Mark asked as he noticed you without any keys. You shook your head and smiled, not wanting him to worry.

"No, (B/f/n) brought me here. But I'm okay with walking. It's not the first time (he/she) left me." You said as you noticed him wearing a worried look.

"I'll drive you home. It wouldn't be safe for you to walk." That part didn't make any sense to you. If it was midnight, then yeah, sure it wouldn't be safe. But noon on a Saturday? It was about the safest time their would ever be. Mark must've noticed your confused look because he blushed and looked down.

"Well -what I'm trying to say is- d-do you maybe want me to drive you home?" He glanced at your face, then back at the floor. "It would be a lot faster."

You smiled. Mark's shyness was really cute to you and made you like him more than you originally did. This wasn't a side he would normally show his fans. He was either funny, sarcastic, serious, or frustrated. And your pretty sure he never blushed on one of his videos. Ever.

"Sure. I don't see any harm in doing that. And on the ride, we can talk about how you want me to pay you back." You said as he began to lead you towards his car. Mark opened the passenger side door and helped you in. Of course he did, he's always a gentleman. After he got into the drivers side, he stared the car and drove off.

"I live in the apartments near Willow Road. You know, the ones with the white walls and fences. It's cross roads are-" you began, but soon were interrupted.

"Yeah, I know where it is. I have a buddy who lives near there."

"Oh.... Alright."

You and Mark continued the ride in silence. It was slightly awkward, but that was only because the two of you might as well be complete strangers. You wanted to talk about something, anything, but the awkwardness of the silence kept you quiet. But if you were to say something, what would you say? 'So..... The weather's pretty nice outside.' or 'Did you see the news this morning.... Yeah I didn't either.' This silence was, no is, driving you nuts. By the time you finished the thoughts of what you were going to say, Mark had already turned onto your street. Okay, well at least I can leave soon. You thought as you shifted in your seat. Then, you remembered that you still have to ask Mark about paying him back.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" You said as you took out your wallet and began to take out money. "I still need to repay you."

You offered the money to him, each bill placed neatly on top of each other. Mark shook his head, a frown on his face. His hand pushed the money away.

"No, no, no. I can't take this. Plus, I wanted to pay. After all, you were the guest today." He said with a small smile on his face.

You frowned. You knew that if you didn't give him the money, then you would regret that decision for the rest of your life. Your mouth opened to say something, but you were soon interrupted.

"If your that much set on repaying me, then how about we make a deal. You'll be completely off the imaginary dept that you made if you have one cup if coffee with me." Mark pleaded with big, puppy eyes.

There was no way that you were going to say no. Having a coffee with a famous YouTuber was every fangirl's dream. You squealed in excitement in your mind, but smiled on the outside.

"Sure. I can do a cup of coffee. When's a good time for you?"

   "How does Saturday sound? I can exchange numbers, if you like." He suggested while taking his phone out of his pocket.

   You took his phone and gave him yours. Your fingers swiftly typed on the digital keyboard, each number making a clicking noise as it was pressed. You pressed 'save contact', then gave it back. Mark finished just as you did.

"Here," You said as you gently took you phone back,"remember to text me back, or I'll fill your comments section with rage."

The both of you laughed before Mark ended your short conversation. He, just like Bob, hadn't recorded any videos today and desperately needed to post something. You allowed him to leave and went inside your house with a smile on your face.

An hour later.

   You opened your laptop as you sat down on the couch. After your incident with Mark, you needed to relax and take a quick reality check. This 'reality check' consists of getting in your pajamas and watching YouTube on the couch. In your news feed, it read Markiplier posted a video. You clicked it in curiosity and because of the fact that you had just met the man behind the screen. Mark's head popped up in the top left corner of the screen as he spoke in his deep voice.

   "Hello everybody, counting you (Y/n), my name is Markiplier and welcome to..."

   You didn't listen to the rest. Did he just say your name? In the video?

Now was the real time for fangirling.

I now realize that there might be a part three to this. Or I could just leave it at that. Oh and thanks for the requests guys! I'll get right to them!

And I'll see you Kittens later!!


~~Request Here~~

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