Stubbon Love *Discontinued*

By unknown7824

5.8K 25 1

I don't get it she is so stubborn.. She's the popular cheer leading captain.. He's a social media star.. He's... More

Last day of school
Early Bird
Whats going on?
Trip to North Carolina
who are they ?
i dont date
The soccer game
Why did he do that?
Can i be friends with him?
Alone time with Matt
Authors note
Do i ignore him?
Trip back home
Why are they here?
Stay away from me!
Finally Home
he found us
Leave Me Alone
why is he following me
Go away
One free day
They're leaving
Another fight
I forgive you
he cheated on me
They cant know
They dont trust me
My trip
Going to florida
Oh My God
They know
Recording studio
They dont know im going back
Going home
Party Time!!!!
So funny
Back to school
Learning to fight back
They havent left yet
They were watching us
The fight
I ran away
Im in florida
They didnt find me
Pretending to be toby
Im back home
They've been warned
I dont want to see them now
Dont come back
Watch your back
Still angry
Jealous much
Leave me alone
Ran away again
Going Home
You mess with me you mess with my family
Meet my boyfriend
Causing trouble
I hate him
Im done with you
Hone home to pack
moved in
The meeting
Their here
Such a mess
Leave her alone
Character Profile
He thinks i dont care
time off
Leave me alone
Haha gotcha
Truth comes out
I don mean to
Give us a break
Mess with my sister Mess with me
back home
Im a maid of honor yayy
You invited them into the mansion
He is a monster
Wedding day
After party
back home
Having fun
The girls are back
Present shopping
Christmas morning
They forgot
Prank Justin
Truth or Dare
The beating and crying
Gone to see her
Why me
He asked me out on a date
The Date
Riding the horses
Horse info
Theyre home
The fight and break ip
They are annoying
Nice time at the beach
Why did he do that
The past and leave
My step mum died
Meeting the dolan Twins
They come to our house
Too Late
Note an Update

The match

101 2 0
By unknown7824

Teleahas POV*

I woke up to a noise down stairs so i went to the railing and looked down stairs and there was no one down there so when i was about to walk into ny room but then I heard noise coming for carters room so I walked over to his door and knock and walked in and I see all the boys in his room and I said "carter did they even leave yesterday?" and carter said "no they didnt " he was looking down at his feet "ok and boys try keeping it down, you woke me up so be quiet my mum still asleep she leaves today ok" and all the boys nodded "bye boys" I said and all the boys said "bye" and I walked back to my room and went on my laptop.

Hayes POV*

"Shes not in a good mood is she" I said "she is it just because her mum is driving back to California today carter said.

I did know Teleaha lived in California well we live here in north Carolina I like here but I have always want to move to California I wonder if it has changed last time I was there?

Teleaha POV*

After i got out of bed it was 10:00am so i had a shower, wrapped the towel around myself and went to my closet and pulled out my short black shorts and my black shirt that said im a tomboy and brushed and drier my hair and put on my swag beanie and went to carters room and knocked on the door and all the boys looked at me and i said "im going for a walk to you boys want anything and carter said " yeah do you guys want sour patch kids" and they all said "yes!" " do any of you want to tag along or do i go bye myself" i said and hayes and mattew said "yes" so i said "ok hurry up".

Back home*

i walked up to carters room and get them the sour patch kids and walked out and i said to mattew "mattew i need to talk to you" and all the boys went "oooooo" but hayes didnt. "Mattew dont forget i am versing you in soccer tommorow ok" i said and he went back to carters room.

Next Day

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