Chronicles of the Unknowns: G...

By AmazonZeta

4.1K 195 45

Daisy Lynn was as average as she could manage to be, despite her crazy abusive father. One day during one of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 22
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Excerpt from the Sequel
The Sequel is Up!

Chapter 34

67 6 0
By AmazonZeta

We were all walking into his small hut just a few minutes later.

"Call me Ken. Most people struggle to pronounce my full name," he said as he opened the door.

"I'm glad you're so welcoming to us, Ken. I'm Daisy Lynn, this Hunter and this is Ayana and Dziko," I said.

He nodded.

"I've seen you on the television. You have caused quite the commotion," he said with a grin.

"It's a long story," I said.

"I'm sure it is," he said as he motioned for us all to sit as he poured hot tea into small cups.

"It appears that we are missing one," Ken said.

"He did not want to join Daisy Lynn to find us. He felt that he had more important obligations," Ayana said and Dziko said something to her and Hunter.

"What do we do now?" Ayana asked, clearly echoing her sister's words.

I knew that Hunter and I had discussed waiting here until he found Sakima, but part of me still wasn't sure. Even though he could protect himself, deep down I really didn't want him to go on his own. I watched as Ken looked back and forth between all of us.

"We should wait until they are focused on all of the Unknowns and not just you. When this war is in full swing is when we should make our move whatever that will be. Right now they will kill you on sight. Later on, they'll be too distracted by everything else to remember to do so," Ken said.

"Daisy Lynn can control fire to an extent. If we don't find the last one I think we will be okay," Ayana said.

I shook my head and so did Ken.

"The Supreme made it clear that I needed to find everyone. My additional abilities are nothing compared to what Sakima can do."

"There is a certain balance that needs to established and maintained as well. Daisy Lynn needs to be able to focus on her abilities alone. If her attention is split that makes her vulnerable and us vulnerable as well. This Sakima - we will need to find him," Ken said. At least he understood.

"I'll find him. When the time is right, I'll go out and bring him to you," Hunter said.

Dziko whispered to Ayana again.

"So we will wait here until the entire world is in turmoil and allow Hunter to find this man? It will be too dangerous for him. And by that time Sakima could be dead. " Ayana said.

"You all don't know Sakima. If any one of us is going to survive, it would be him. He's a fighter," I said.

Hunter turned to Dziko and began speaking to her in French. I put my hand on Ayana's.

"If I wasn't plastered over every television screen on the planet then the obvious move would be to find Sakima, but we just can't do that right now. For the time being we should work on strengthening our powers and fighting skills. We need to be able to work as one unit, when it comes time to find Sakima. We have to be as powerful as we can possibly get because it's going to get ugly. They aren't going to play fair. And the only thing that separates us from every other Unknown out there is that we have each other. We have to hold on to that because our lives will depend on it," I said.

"I understand. It is more Dziko's resistance than mine. She likes to be in the middle of a fight. I agree with the rest of you. There's just no telling how long it will take for them to stop focusing on you so much. What if it takes years?"

"Then we'll be that much stronger when the time comes."

Ayana's green eyes searched mine as she squeezed my hand.

"I hope you are right."


We spent our time training and foraging for food. I was in awe at how we all interacted. For the most part we all got along, except sometimes Ken and Dziko were a little rough toward one another. Ken's lighthearted nature seemed to agitate her, but he got along fine with Ayana.

I especially liked when Ken and I trained together because when our powers combined it was beautiful to watch. It wasn't always possible to see the air whirling around like a tornado, but when I added water to the scene, it whipped around in a flashy display of violence.

Sometimes it grew to the point where it was almost hurricane-like. We had to be careful not to lose control, because it could devastate the entire island. Ken and I made it a point to go out far enough out at sea so that at least the people would be able to see it coming if we ever did lose control.

On a few occasions Dziko would join us. She was working on causing earthquakes deep beneath the earth's surface. It was a little more difficult since we were in the water, but she was definitely getting better at it. I knew that at some point we could very well cause as tsunami by doing so, but I refused to worry. By the time Dziko was powerful enough to create a powerful enough earthquake to cause a tsunami I would be powerful enough to stop the water in its tracks.

It was a little harder to incorporate Ayana, but we were working on it. Her powers were great on land, but in the ocean it was definitely problematic. I guessed that should have been obvious to us all, but nobody really thought about it. She only knew about plants in Africa because that's where she'd lived her entire life. Most days she ended up reading books about the flora around us. Eventually she would join us, but I knew it wouldn't be any time soon.

Hunter didn't really train with us except for when it came to hand-to-hand combat. There was no telling what the humans were capable of. I knew that Dr. Decimato had been able to block me from accessing my powers and it took extreme emotional trauma to break down whatever barriers he had put up. It would probably take close research and observation to be able to replicate what he'd done, but stranger things have happened.

I wished that the Supreme would make some kind of contact again so that I could have an inkling of an idea of what was to come, but I hadn't heard from her in months. Then again, maybe I didn't really want to know. People were going to die and that's not something I wanted in my mind. I felt like we were going to simply be spectators for a while, but I wasn't necessarily upset about that.

"What's on your mind?" Hunter asked. We had just finished training and were heading back.

"The future," I sighed.

"Everything is gonna work out," he said.

"I sure hope so."

If things didn't work out I would be devastated. Hunter could get killed. We could all get separated. Sakima might die before we reached him. I had no idea what would happen to Jason and Myra. Even Jake. It wasn't exactly fair or reasonable to have Hunter track them down. There was no way for me to know until after the fact - assuming that humans didn't wipe us out beforehand.

As we walked to the small hut there was a small bird perched on a tree branch. It had a large patch of blue feather's on its chest and throat with a red rim underneath it. It chirped at us before taking off into the sky.

I watched in envy and admiration as the bird flew off into the distance. Its only problem was finding a meal without getting eaten and it had the ability to escape anything with just a flap of it's wings. I wished that was all it took for me to escape my problems, but as I looked at the people around I brushed those thoughts aside.

Surrounding by Ayana, Dziko, Ken and Hunter, I felt complete. I had found my niche and despite everything I found solace in that. Although some might say I did more damage than good for the Unknowns, it wasn't over yet. I knew in my gut I wasn't the only key player in this and that was fine with me. When it came time for us to act we would be ready. I would make sure of it.

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