Is It Okay To Dream? -Sequel

By In_These_Chains

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Rydley Johnson is back with a new feel on things or a lack of some. She meets the new hot-shot in town and go... More

It was a Sunday morning
How many girls do you see a night
You make the nightmares go away
Thanks for leaving me.
Because it is one
Give me strength
California dude
It's gone
Score one for Rydley
Because, I don't care
It's okay to dream
Do I look like my mom?
Anything can happen behind closed doors
Mother like daughter
Cocaine under my bed
You don't need drugs to fit in
She's not the only one who looks nice
Cocaine eyes
She's only fourteen
No one deserves to experience a death
Don't leave me
They obviously haven't found you, yet
She always smiled whenever she got a stuffed animal
I would've thought heroin
All because of drugs
Tough life, man
Run away from all my problems
I feel like I've lied
Everyone loves a good story
It is going to be all over the News, after all
Epilogue - Many years
Authors note

Brings back memories

60 8 8
By In_These_Chains

"Your britches always slip down and I thought getting you a pretty belt would be nice." My grandmother nods and looks at my grandfather who's shaking his head.

I raise my eyebrows and look at Liberty. She's staring at the belt like someone just punched her in the gut. She clears her throat and puts on a fake smile to please our grandmother, "I love it."

"Don't lie," I spit out. Liberty looks at me, then looks at our grandmother who's glaring at me. I glare at her back and cock my head to the side, "you got her a belt?"

"Yeah, so?"

I scoff and look away, then let my eyes trail back to hers, "did you listen to the judge that day?" I clear my throat and lower my voice to sound like the judge, "Liberty Johnson was abused with a belt multiple times, yet you buy her a fucking belt? On her birthday to top it off."

Everyone stays quiet.

"If I count all the assholes in the room, I definitely wouldn't be alone."

My grandmother stands up, "you little bitch!"

I follow suit and stand up as well, "I'm the bitch? At least I don't go around and buy things that terrify someone!" I yell.

Her face boils red and she grits her teeth, "you're grounded, young lady!"

"I'm fucking eighteen years old. By law, I'm an adult and you can't do shit to me, Nora."

"Rydley Lee Johnson, you eat my food, use my water and you live in my house and I suggest you should shut your mouth."

I grit my teeth and thank that the table is between us or I would do some unforgivable things. I shake my head and look down at the table, "fuck you."

"Get out of my house!" My grandmother marches around the table and stands in front of me.

"You're just like your fucking daughter, you old hag!" I spit at her.

Like something my mother would do, a cold hand slaps me across the face. I ball my fists up and grit my teeth, then my grandfather stands between us, "Rydley, don't."

"No wonder your daughter is the way she is! Look who raised her!" I hold my cheek and try to hold my tears back. "I thought I would be free from being abused, but look what just happened! Fuck that," I shake my head and run outside.


I sit on the sidewalk and look at the lonely house. I finish my cigarette and walk up the steps that creak with every step. I open the front door and so many memories come crashing to me. I slowly walk around the living room and look at the peeled wallpaper and faded family portraits.

I walk into my bedroom and it's exactly how I left it. Empty. A few posters are still hung up on the wall and the bed remains broken. I walk out to go to Liberty's room which has a different feel to it. Posters everywhere with stuffed animals and Barbies laying around.

I pick up one of them, then brush the dust off and walk into the bathroom. I wipe the dust off the mirror and look at myself. The mirror holds the same reflection as if I looked at it ten years ago. The same blue eyes that cried for help and a permanent frown.

I walk out and start heading to the front door. My weight gives the floor an untrustworthy sound and the floorboard breaks from under me. My foots falls with the broken board and I tug on it to get it out.

I untie my boot and slip my foot out, then grab my boot and march out. I put my boot back on and tie it up even thought I just sit back down on the sidewalk. I light another cigarette and look at the other houses.

I hear footsteps and I look in that direction with tears rolling down my cheeks. Liberty comes running down the sidewalk, then stops and look at me, "you okay?"

I shake my head and look down.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything! I still get abused. I honestly just wanna give up."

Liberty sits down next to me and looks at the houses with me, "you shouldn't."

"Give me a reason." I finish my cigarette and wipe my tears.

"You made it this far," she looks at me and I can tell she tried putting on her mascara, but it didn't work out too well. 

I let out a breath and smile a little, "yeah..I did."

"See?" She sways and nudges me with her shoulder.

"I love you, Lib." I smile at her.

"I love you, too." She smiles back.

"Oh! Before I forget, I saved this for you. I would wash it before you sleep with it though."

Her face lights up and she smiles, "I've missed him so much!"

"Consider him as your second birthday present then." I give a small smile.

"I love it. Thank you." She smiles and hugs me. It surprises me and I haven't gotten a hug from her in years. My lip quivers and I wrap my arms around her tightly and begin to cry.


"Mind me sleeping here?"

"Not at all. Brings back memories," Mona places her hands on her hips and smiles. "And, I haven't seen Liberty in almost forever."

"Five-ever." Liberty jokes.

Mona laughs, "yep. Five-ever."

"Where are you going to sleep?" I lean against the bed.

"I don't sleep during the night. I sleep when bar hours are closed, but your grandfather called and he said to wake you up around five. Someone has a job to get to." She smiles.

"Almost forgot," I smirk.

"Are you excited?"

I shrug, "I guess. Actually, no." I smirk and play with my hair.

"Well, it's late and I don't wanna keep y'all up. Liberty, the bathroom is down the hall and the kitchen is also down the hall." Mona smiles, then walks out.

"You didn't have to sleep here with me, ya know." I stretch my arms above my head and wait for my shoulder to pop.

Liberty nods, "I know. Wanted to be with you, though."

"You're gonna make me cry again." I hug her.

She hugs back, "sorry."

I nod, "it's okay. I'm going to sleep, though." I break away from our hug and slip under the covers. 

Liberty follows me, "wanna listen to this amazing song?"


"Awesome! Go on YouTube and type in I'm Leaving by Low Roar. I love it."

"Whatever you say, boss." I reach over for my phone and do what she says. I don't have headphones, so I just play it out loud, then set it on the nightstand.

Liberty's right. It's an amazing song and it makes me tear up. I wipe away the tears and look at Liberty, then she looks at me and smiles.

I smile back, "sleep well."

I got the feels :( Am I the only one who cries while writing? Haha, oh well. Comment your thoughts! And good job, animegirl1999 for guessing the correct present :D And shout out to understand_life because she's supa cool and makes me laugh whenever I'm sad which means a lot, so thanks :D

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