Foster Love (Interracial)

By ImagineMe21

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Sarah is a black girl that's been unloved all her life she doesn't even know her parents or any family and li... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.1
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 32

207 15 10
By ImagineMe21

Sarah's P.O.V.

It's been 2 days and I haven't budged. If he feels I'm too clingy than so be it, I've been hanging out with the lads and when Harry comes around, I leave.

His mouth says this is what he wants but my actions are telling him different.

The moment I wake up, I don't really feel anything I guess you could say I've come to terms that it's okay. Should he have said it, in a different way? Yes. But I get it being around each other does get a little tiresome but if you had the man that I have, wouldn't you want to be as close as possible?

I get up and make the bed as I find sweats and a long sleeve shirt and take my shower, as I get out and put my clothes on I see Harry sitting on the bed, I frown it's been 2 days and he's just now wanting to be around and talk, so not happening, "Morning Love" Harry says, hesitantly. I know he's on edge and that he feels sorry but that doesn't excuse what he said, is he giving me a hint that we should break up? Or  am I too clingy for him? "Morning" I say, as I pick up my other clothes and put them in the dirty basket, "C-can we talk?" "Go ahead" I say sitting in the chair in front of the bed, Harry frowned but nodded his head knowing why I'm so distant.

"Ok, I know what I said last night and I'm so sorry I knew it was a mistake when the words came out of my mouth and know that I never meant to hurt you in anyway, it was stupid and I realized last night when you weren't laying beside me and I couldn't hold you that I couldn't handle you not being there and that I do want you close to me, as close to me , as my next blink" he said, tears running down his cheek, "These past two days have broke me Sarah, seeing you hang out with Niall and all the other lads and not me left me jealous then even knowing that they could give you hugs and I couldn't left me heartbroken and to top off the heartache I couldn't kiss you it was torture and I don't wanna ever go through that again" he finished.

I looked at him, for a while I didn't know what to think at the moment to here he was going through it did leave me a little happy because it hurt me and he felt what I did but at the same time I'm just thinking it was only two days and I'm sure he is just overreacting I mean everyone else left me why would he be so different?

"Say something" Harry pleaded, "I don't know what to say, I mean I understand the hurting part of it because you hurt me, but then I also understand that maybe we are too much for each other and that we should take breaks I forgive you but I'm not gonna forget because now every time, it's gonna be in the back of my mind 'am I being too clingy? does he want space? Do we need another break?' When you don't feel like you want us girls, sometimes it takes us a minute to bounce back from that" I said, as I walked to him, "and especially after what happened last night, I wasn't expecting you to be so defensive, it just made me think did I do the wrong thing? It made me think that it didn't mean anything to you, and I was just another girl" I said, I feel so stupid for saying that now, thinking this but it's true, I feel tears run down my cheeks as Harry engulfed me in a hug. I cry harder knowing that it's probably true, he raises my head up and kisses my tears away, it was as if every thought would disappear with every kiss.

Then I felt his lips touch mine as he held me tightly, two days and it feels as though his lips have gotten sweeter, after our kiss separated he placed his forehead against mine, "Hear me when I say this, I could never, ever think that last night didn't mean anything, sure we didn't go all the way, but it meant the world to me that you let me in that part of you. Sarah, don't you know I love you no matter what? Don't you know I'm never gonna have these doubts about us? I love you too much and I'm always gonna want you around me as close as you can get" he said with a wink.

I laughed and it felt good that everything was on the right track again. After we talked Harry got my phone and programmed and set it up the way I wanted it, and it's very neat! I never thought that I could have a phone and never really thought that I would need one but I'm glad and thrilled. Yeah, it's a great Christmas.

Christian's P.O.V.

I've been up and ready for a few hours now, what can I say, I'm an early bird, but I watched De'Lovely sleep and it's beautiful, before heading downstairs, I give her a kiss on the lips and whispered "I love you" to her. I want her even in her dream state to know I love her.

I walk downstairs in a t-shirt and joggers, "Man this place is nice" I said, out loud as I look at the kitchen and the home effect it gives off, "Nah, it's alright" I hear Harry say as he comes in through the door, "Man, scared the mess outta me!" I say, breathing hard, "Sorry, I figured someone was down here, I heard footsteps" he said, laughing.

"Yeah, what you doing up so early?" I asked, "Sarah and I had an argument and it's lasted for 2 days and we got it all cleared this morning" Harry said, as he sat at the island, I pour some us some orange juice because Hennessy just doesn't seem like a good idea, and sat across from him, "Well that's good, that you got it resolved ya know?" I said, sipping my orange juice, "Yeah, I love her, I just hate that we do have disagreements", Harry said running his hands through his hair.

"I get it, but that's only natural, you know? I mean I don't like them either but there's 24 hours in a day, I'd much rather spend five minutes with a disagreement and resolve it and have 23 hours and 55 minutes to make it up to her, in every way I can." I see Harry nodding his head, I wonder if he's getting it.

"That's good logic" Harry said, yup he got it, "yeah, now take it and apply it to your life and relationship" I said, "I will, speaking of which where is De'Lovely?" "Oh she's still asleep, she's been working like crazy, and I want her rested" I say, smiling thinking about the woman I get the honor od calling mine, "Oh yeah? I understand" "Where's Sarah?" "She's in our room with the girls, my guess would be getting them ready" I say, "Can I ask you a question?" I asked, "Sure " "How did you handle Sarah's situation, when she brought it to you?" Harry stopped and looked down at his hands, "I guess as much as the next person would, I was overwhelmed, it wasn't that long before we were friends and then she lowered this bomb on me and I felt trapped and confused and helpless towards her then also to find out that there's more children than her and that she does everything and that she needs my help and she felt at the time that I was her only hope, and at this point I had just stopped being her bully and wanted to make things right and show her that I can be a good person, and I was also trying to figure out my feelings the moment I saw those eyes I knew I was in love, I think I was in love when I was still bullying her and I didn't want to admit but when she did tell me my first thought was 'I can't do this, I'm not gonna be able to handle this' but once I knew that my love for her was conquering all doubts then I decided to love her through anything and do what I could for her, " he said. Wow for this kid to be 17, he sure is full of heart and love for her, to be so young and to be a maturing couple they've seem to be through the challenges that adults would have and that right there is something that I can respect.

"Wow" I smiled, "That's that real love you read in books, and fan fiction" I said, "Yeah I guess so but it's just our life, nothing about a book here, but thanks for talking with me, never really had someone to" he said, he must be referring to his older sister Gemma who was Sarah's foster provider, and even though I know it it stills floors me how this boy can still be happy when things go wrong, "I mean my dad is always traveling and mum can't teach me the things that a boy to a man goes through or should know, it's nice" he said smiling I smiled back, this was worth it.

"I enjoyed as well, I guess you could say we bonded and we have our girls to thank for that" I said, getting up making my way towards the stairs.

De'Lovely's P.O.V.

"Hey where were you?" I asked, still a bit grumpy from not getting enough sleep lately, "I went downstairs and end up having a heart to heart with Harry" he said, as he shrugged his shoulders, "How are you?" You feeling ok?" he continued, I nodded,"Yeah it's just I've been working those hours, I guess it's finally catching up to me," I said, "Aww, my baby's tired, well it's only about 7:00AM, so go back to sleep and I'll be here when you wake up" he said, as he climbed back into bed.

I breathed out a sigh as I lay across that cross tattoo and I felt better already as my eyelids started to shut but not before I heard Christian say, "I love you" and sealed it with a kiss. Yeah, life is good.

Sarah's P.O.V.

"Hey Harry, where did you go?" I asked, cautiously last time I asked where he went, and we had an argument, so I'm treading lightly this time. I continue to grease Lux's hair and put it into 3 connecting ponytails that had a bow in the middle. "I heard some footsteps in the kitchen, so I figured I better check it out, turns out it was just Christian" he said, smiling "Oh, was that all?" I asked, laughing "there you go Lux, so pretty, now it's time for you Lyrica" I say, "Um, do you think maybe I could do her hair? That way if mum can't do it, or you can't then I could?" he said it as if it was a question, but I understood, and nodded my head.

I shifted to the other side as Harry took her hair out of the ponytail, and grabbed some of the hair grease onto his hands. He doesn't seem freaked out or wonder why we put grease on their hair or my hair but it's no surprise Harry doesn't have a racial bone in his body, I look as I see him rub it all through Lyrica's hair as he puts it on top as well as her scalp.

I was amazed this boy knew his stuff, I smiled as I think about him doing our kid's hair, I wonder if it'll be brown with curls like Harry's or will it be brown and straight like mine, either way they're getting grease put in it, I did my babies like that because I did my hair like that, I smile listen to me already sounding like a mother.

As I came back to reality I see Harry put her hair in a bun like he does his hair, "Aww, Haz it looks adorable" I squealed, "Thanks" he laughed nervously as he puts the rest of the grease that was on his hands on his hair and rubs it in, "But you know she looks like our baby" Harry said, smiling "Yeah she does babe" I say, as Harry laid down in my lap as the girls ran out giving kisses and heading downstairs to the kitchen, I started to play in his curls, feeling them, running my hands from top to the bottom of his curls, his hair is getting so long now, it's pretty, "That feels good you never done this before" Harry said, with a smile on his face and those emerald eyes closed.

"I wanted to know what it felt like" I mumbled he laughed "It's ok babe I don't mind at all I always wondered what you hair would look like in a bun or ponytail, besides I'm all yours feel free to touch what you like" I smile he still wonders about me, "I don't know about that I don't think I would look very good" I say Harry tenses up, "Sarah, you look good in any and everything" harry said, as he opened his eyes "I don't want you doubting yourself" he said grabbing my hand and kissing it as he played with my fingers.

"Okay" I said smiling through the tears, ugh sometimes this boy is so sweet, he's gonna give me a sugar rush. "Good now that settled, how bout we have a little time for ourselves before we go back downstairs?" Harry asked, locking the door.

"Oh? What did you have in mind Mr. Styles?" I asked, "Letting my fingers do the walking , as my lips do the talking" he said, capturing my lips in a needy kiss ,"Hmmm, I might let my fingers do some walking of their own as well" I said, before his jaw dropped, and me getting in the bed.

"I fell in love with you again," he said, "so did I" I said, "Are you sure baby?" "As sure as I'll ever be" I said, before cutting the lights out, I guess you could say our fingers and hands did some traveling ;)

Please comment I really feel like most of you guys just vote and don't read it :( I really want to be able to connect with you guys so please tell me what you like what you didn't like and what you thought I could have done better believe I wont get mad lol but please interact :)

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