Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's...

By ThisSaramWeeblove

182K 6.1K 1.9K

Misaki is a 13 year old intelligent child who is the younger sister of Hidan. Being sent to Konohagakure at t... More

Hidan's Little Sister, Neji's Lover
A Day Out With The Genius
Let The Chunin Exams, Begin
Forest Of Death!
The Answers Revealed
Putting Your Life On The Line
Author's Note
An Unforgettable Flash Back
The Battle Begins!
The Battle Between Misaki And Yuki!
Attack On Konoha!
Misaki's Past Revealed!
Misaki Makes A Move
The Note
Retrieving Sasuke
A Mission With Hinata And Sakura
Three Little Devils Pt.1
Three Little Devils Pt.2
Town Of Death
Halloween Day! *Special*
Guarding. Much Trouble Ahead..
Big Trouble
Having Hope
If You Had The Chance
Secrets Aren't Meant To Be Kept
The Plan
Interrogating. Tusnade's Decision
Orochimaru's Hideout
The Controlling Genjutsu! Flute no Jutsu!
Strict Training
S-Rank Mission
Heading Out
Meeting Uchiha Itachi again
Author's Note
A Step Closer
The Scroll
To Love One
All Aboard!
Arrival In Okiyasa
Long Time, No See
Happy Birthday, Misaki
My Homeland, Yugakure
Surprises After Another
Lord Jashin
Complicated Situations
Our Past Struggles
Getting Into Yugakure
All In This Together
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.1
Caged Bird & Jashin Pt.2
Parting With You
The Real Truth
Don and Clarissa
Don and Clarissa Pt.2
Everything Truly Revealed
A Lead On Misaki
Wolves Amongst Sheep
Authors Note

Bittersweet Memories; The Real Deal (Special Chapter)

2.1K 70 13
By ThisSaramWeeblove

"Misaki.. What's your business with Uchiha Itachi?" Sakura said with some kind of attitude, yet curious tone. "Just like Itachi; Sasuke's brother, Misaki's brother is also an Akatsuki member" Kakashi starts off. I grunted. "Kaka sensei..-" I mumbled but was only cut off my Sakura and Naruto surprised grunts and gasps.

"Misaki.. You have a brother in Akatsuki too?! How come you didn't tell us?!" Sakura asked. I still kept quiet, looking down. "There is no use in hiding such things anymore, Misaki.. They're after you too now-ttebayo" Naruto said with a hint of sadness.

I looked over at him, before looking back down. "so that means... Misaki?.." Sakura trailed off. Kakashi nodded. "Exactly. Misaki is basically apart of Akatsuki's family.. She was sent of to Konoha but isn't an actually Akatsuki s-rank member" Kakashi informs.

"It's been some time, Kakashi... Naruto" Itachi says to them both.

I kept my gaze at the ground. I was happy and sad at the same time. You know, when I was little I thought it would be so cool to tell everyone when I got to Konoha about how I came from the most bad ass organization in the world.

I wanted to tell everyone everything. But Hidan said I needed to keep that to myself.. Like what Kabuto told me.. If I told anyone any information, it could harm my brother and the others.. Yet Naruto and Sakura.. Even Kaka sensei knows..

I then look at each of them, smiling slightly. 'But they're like my family... So even so...' My eyes then trailed off to Itachi, who was looking straight at me. I saw a barely noticeable smile place itself on Itachi's lips.

That smile somewhat of that same one he gave me when I first came to Akatsuki.

"Misaki" Itachi's voice spoke. Snapping me out of my thoughts I look at him. "You must come back to Akatsuki.. It's TIME for you to come back home to us.. Your real family" His voice was monotone while he spoke.

"But.. Why now?.. I mean of course I wouldn't mind but-" He cut me off. "Then come.. Hidan is waiting" He says. My heart jumped at the mention of him saying that. Hidan was waiting for me.. But didn't he say when he thought the time was right, he'd come for me?..

Maybe he sent Itachi to get me?.. "You're old enough and more mature now, I thought now that i'm out and ran into you, i'll be taking you along with me.. To reunite with your brother" Itachi informs.

I gulped slightly. I didn't know what to do.. Why am I acting so stupid?! Here's my damn chance to go right now to see my brother so what's stopping me?!

Itachi then pointed some where. I followed his finger off to some land and there it was.. Back to the day, a week before Hidan took me to Konoha.

Me and Hidan had walked to this unfamiliar place and there stood a couple of older people that looked almost around Hidan's age. I hid half way behind Hidan as I clenched tightly into his clothes as we reached not that more than two feet away from them.

"So you're the new member... Welcome" A man with long black hair, and very pale looking skin greeted. "Who may this little one be?' The man asked as he bent down towards me licking his long tongue across his lips smirking.

A found that incredibly creepy as my eyes widen. Hidan pushed me behind him gently. "This "Little one" would be my little sister" Hidan says.

"I don't think Leader sama would be very.. Fond for a child to be in this base.." A guy with Ravenette hair, and onyx eyes says, Coming behind from the creepy man. "What do you mean very fond?! She's my little fucking sister! I can't just dump her off to the curve!" Hidan cursed.

"Hmph, follow me" The guy with ravennette hair says, leading the way up some stairs. There was a few big weird red gates, as we walked under them, they were covered with trees and branches. We made it to a door after a while.

Once we made it inside, I was introduced, I guess to the living room. A man with Orange hair and weird purple ringed eyes entered. I felt uncomfortable under his plain gaze that felt intense.

"So this is the little one... " The man trailed off, walking closer to me. "Yeah.. What is this about she can't stay here?!" Hidan asked. The man looked at Hidan. "She will not be staying here of course.. A child in such an organization will only be in the way.. I'll tell you what, there's something in Konoha.. That i want dearly.." The man starts off, before looking at me.

"We'll send her off to Konoha, as under to live under there rules and learn the ways of a ninja. There is no doubt she'll meet the Kyuubi's Jinchiruki.. We'll watch her from the shadows from time to time. And then when the time that I think she is ready, i'll give the go to go and retrieve her. No earlier, no later. On my order" The man informs.

The time changed to the day Orochimaru had me in this weird place, just like two years ago wen he injected unknown liquid inside me. I was his test subject.. Hidan came upon the scene, kicking down the door looking furious as he held his scythe, glaring at Orchimaru with cold eyes, Itachi was behind him and I was crying nonstop.

Quickly Hidan came over to us, swinging his scythe at Orochimaru, yet Orochimaru dodged most of them with ease. Itachi quickly swooped my up into his arm, taking me out of the room as the noise of glass breaking, and things collapsing fell down. A few minutes later Hidan came out panting slightly with a grin.

Itachi had sat me on the ground kneeling next to me, saying everything would be fine. Hidan came over to us, also getting on one knee as he placed his hand onto my head. "It's alright kiddo the crying and cheer the hell up! Your big brother is here now!" Hidan said, giving me the brightest smile.

And then again, just like a tape being fast forwarded, the time changed again. The day I had to leave Akatsuki to go to Konoha.

We weren't that far from there, but from a long distance you could see the gates ahead. We stood by some near by trees. "Before you take her inside there. I would like to set up a protection barrier inside of her mind" Itachi states.

"For what?" Hidan asked.

"I'm sure her mind will be interrogated sooner or later. If Konoha finds about Akatsuki whereabouts.. It'd only cause trouble upon us" Itachi says as he placed two fingers onto my forehead.

I looked up at him and my eyes came in contact with his kekkei gekai eyes, i've never seen in person before. He smiled slightly. "You'll be meeting my dear brother Sasuke.. Tell no one nothing about your experience with us. Got it?" Itachi queries. I nod.

Hidan then walked me closer to Konoha while Itachi disappeared. Hidan sighed, yet a sad one. "Ok listen Misaki.. I'm sure I won't be seeing you for a long damn time. or for who knows how fucking long but.. Just know you'll see me again one day alright?" Hidan placed a hand onto my shoulder looking at me with worried, and sad eyes.

I bit my bottom lip trying to hold my tears back as best as I could. Yet my eyes burned and filled with tears until they over filled. I nodded, rubbing my eyes with my forearms, crying silently. Hidan sighed one more, pulling me into a hug.

"I swear i'll be back for you.. No matter what.. We'll be fucking Jashin duos, ya hear?" Hidan says, pulling away, looking at me with a smirk.

I found myself laughing with a nod. "See this?" Hidan held up his jashin's necklace. "One day, you'll get the same thing. And one day you'll get your own weapon to use on your prey-" i vut him off.

"But Hidan-onii san.. How will I be a skilled kunoichi if you or the family isn't teaching me your ways instead?" I asked, tilting my head. Hidan blinked a few times. "Don't worry about that! Where you're going now, you'll have new friends. the people here will teach you to tap within yourself and how to be a great kunoichi, so i've heard from Itachi here.." Hidan trailed off.

"Though when I come to get you, and teach you how to use Jashin's power. You'll be the most fucking badass kunoichi out there!" Hidan says, making his hands form a circle and opening them as if it expanded and burst into a ton of emotions.

"Really?!" I asked, excited. Hidan smirked nodding. "Ok lets go, Misaki. Just remember, i'll come back for you, ok?"


(Neji's POV)

"Time to start our counterattack!" Gai sensei says, as we faced the water user. "First i'll distract him. When you see your chance, hit him with everything you've got!"

"Got it!" We all replied, waiting on Gai sensei's go. "Do you really think i'd leave myself open that easily? Allow me to show you what's wrong with that plan" The man grinned. Quickly Gai sensei charged towards our opponent, while the enemy also ran towards guy sensei.

Gai sensei dodges the opponents swing, and while doing so I took the chance to make my move. "Jyuuken!" I shout, thrusting my palm towards him, only to be blocked by his sword, I felt my charkra being sucked away, quickly I back flip my way out as Lee took his chance.

With the weapons he had, charging towards him, they were only broken. Lee catched his fall, throwing his useless weapons away. Tenten then opens her scroll, kunai paper bombs flying towards the enemy.

Quickly they explode, creating a huge cloud of smoke. As it cleared away, there stood our opponent, laughing. "Did you even do something?" He said in such an amusingly insulting way.

"I knew it! That sword!" Gai sensei says, still on with this "trying to remember" game. "Got it now?" the enemy asked grinning. "It's your sword! Isn't it?!" Gai sensei asked, pointing towards his sword.

"You can tell that just by looking at him" I tell gai sensei, straightening my posture. "But, there's a huge difference between thinking it's his weapon and knowing it's his weapon

Gai sensei informs.

"That's amazing, Gai sensei! What incredible insight!" Lee praises. "You're just now figuring that out?!" Tenten asked. I mentally face palm. Misaki had to leave me stuck with them in a situation like this..

"Just forget it, Tenten.." I tell her, shaking my head. "I take back what I said earlier You must have an brain of an insect, not an animal.." the enemy says in such a shamed tone.

"Let's go!" Gai sensei says, charging towards our enemy.

"Dynamic Action!"

Gai sensei began to fight the water style user one on one, as we sat, waiting for the right moment. "Do it now!" Gai sensei says.

Quickly we jumped towards the enemy in air, once I saw the enemy formed a hand sign with his hands, I knew the plan was a downfall. "Mizu bunshin no jutsu!" The water style user shouted.

Three clones surrounded beside and behind him. "Nani?"

It was to late, I couldn't stop myself from going any closer. We were grabbed on to by the clones. The enemy began to weave more hand signs. ''Suirou no jutsu!''

Me, Tenten, and Lee, were consumed into a giant water ball. Gai sensei tried to saved us in time, but something happened and the only thing I saw was that sword of the enemy's flying out his hand. The opponent caught onto his sword grinning.

I see that Gai sensei took out his nunchaku.. This must be one strong opponent.. Water waves splashed wildly as Gai sense and the enemy went at it. I heard the sound of bubble like noises coming from Tenten. I look her way. She was reaching her limit..

There was a big realistic water shark that was summoned by the opponent, launching out towards Gai sensei. The splash of it was enormous. How did this guy have so much chakra?

Gai sensei has been under the water for a long time now.. What's happening? Steam then rises from where the water style user was who had jumped way from it. I knew right away that was Gai sensei.

'Now!' I said to myself as I made my chakra flow run smoothly. I searched for a weak spot. My eyes traveled to the kage bunshin hand where the jutsu of the water prison was summoned. Just a few feet and inches from the kage bushin's hand.

I play my hand towards it, getting into stance. "Hakke Rokujyuu yonshou!" I utter, as the water prison around me bursts. I run towards the clones striking two of them with my two fingers. Soon enough Lee's water prison bursts.

"Konoha dai senpu!" Lee shouts as he kicks the last one. As the clone fell to the ground Tenten's water prison breaks. She fall forward slightly and I catch her into my arms looking at her. "Are you ok, tenten?" I asked her. She looks at me blushing with a nod.

"Thank you, Neji" She states as water drips off of her.

(Sakura's POV)~

I looked at Misaki who fell out of no where onto the floor crying. Naruto was just frozen in place frowning deeply. "Sakura, they're both in genjutsu, dispel it!" Kaka-sensei says. I walk over to Misaki, kneeing down next to her as I place my hand onto her shoulder.

Before I could even insert my chakra in her to disrupt the genjutsu, her skin began to get super hot, burning my hand. I squeal, quickly snatching my hand away. She cried worse, grabbing a hand full of her hair.

"I wanna go home! Take me home! H-H-Hidan!!!" Misaki screamed out and she cried. "Kaka-sensei it wont work! What's wrong with her?!" I asked worried and frightened. Who was this person she was calling out for? Could it be..?

"If that won't work you'll need two people to dispel the genjtusu!-"

"It's useless" Itachi says in a monotone voice. "Misaki, come" Itachi said, as if Misaki was actually awake. As if hypnotized Misaki had got up, walking towards Itachi. "No! Sakura, Chiyo sama, quickly force your chakra into Misaki. She will not be allowed to fall in the hands of Akatsuki.. Not on my watch" Kakashi sensei says as he fights Itachi without looking at his eyes.


I then place my hand back onto Misaki's shoulder. It didn't burn like how it did earlier.. Chiyo then came over, also placing her hand onto Misaki's shoulder giving me a nod. "Release!" We both say at the saame time. Misaki's eyes snapped wide open as she looked around.

"W-We're still here.." She murmured as she still looked around. I nod. "You were put into genjutsu.. We just have to snap Naruto out of his.." I tell her. She nods as we all walk over to Naruto. Misaki placed two fingers onto Naruto's forehead as me and Chiyo-baasama placed our hands onto Naruto shoulder.

"Release!" We all say at the same time. And Just like Misaki did, Naruto snapped back into reality. "Yoshi, now it's time to get serious" Kaka-sensei says, getting into stance. "Get it together, Naruto, Misaki" Kakashi tells them both.

Misaki wiped her face, sniffing as she nodded. Naruto was still wide eyes. I place my hand onto his cheek, grabbing his attention. "Hey, snap out of it!" I spoke. He looked at me, still with an terrified expression.

What ever kind of genjutsu Naruto and Misaki were put in to, it really hit them hard..

"Naruto! Misaki! On my lead!" Kaka-sensei orders.

I get back, letting them do their part.


WOAH! It's 6:25 in the morning now! :O Yeah! I literally stayed up all day! Well not all day but.. Well.. I haven't been sleep all day.. Anyway! I've been getting this updated and other things ._. so yeah! Hope you enjoyed! This is long huh?

Haha well!

>|< I've decided where as, for now and up to other chapters. Whenever there are special chapters there's a kick to it .-. So don't be confused!

>|< Certain special chapters have "*" or "()" Used in them. *Special Chapters* shown like those are chapters that are yes apart of the story but are relevant to the story. Basically like an extra chapter. (Special Chapters) that are shown like those are chapter that are longer than usual chapters! I just wanted to let you know.. So there would be no confusion.. Also, so you would knows what those were for..

>|< Hopefully that wasn't confusing to you ._. ...

>|< As usual and sadly this chapter isn't Edited.

>|< Half Scanned.

>|< Mistakes, wrong use of grammar, and other errors will be edited soon. No doubt the book will be in editing process for overlooked misspellings. A.N Story will not be changed, and will stay exactly as the story plot and everything is written if you know what I mean ;)

>|< Puurfect?..

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