Shape of you (Daniel Ricciard...

By Lieke4043

211K 7.3K 4.4K

Stephanie (Stevie) has to deal with the aftermath of a life threatening disease and two young kids by herself... More

Curly brown hair
Just a rough patch
Summer break (ups)
Take a good nap
Scarred for life
New paths
Paddock passes
Lightning strikes
Meeting Christian
Take that chance
Sweet dreams
An offer you can't refuse
Fingers crossed
Surprise surprise
Unexpected encounters
First date
It's getting hot in here
Brown eyed girl
Come on over
The first
He's one of the good ones
I found you
Three words
I'll keep you safe
Melissa and Seb
Drop em out
A family of your own
Absence makes the heart... miss you
It's time
The ultimate connection
Happy and loved
Ghost from the past
Starry nights
I'm on my knees
Between fear and hope
Your intentions?
Family times.
Don't let them get to you
The office
A special day
Let's tell them
Clearing the air
Think about it.
It looks bad
The fight is on
Not for sale
Win or lose?
They're ours
Return down under
You win some...
Just a scare
Dress for the occasion.
Bright skies, or....
Tomorrow 10 o'clock
Private clinic
Calling the parents.
It keeps getting better
Married at First sight
Letting him know
Upside down
Black and blue
Love and lust
Celebrating a win.
Officially yours
Birthday flutters
It's time for family
My endless love
I'm gonna love you
There's alwsys that one person
Last one for now
Not ready
One more push
Isn't she lovely?
Look after yourself
More than a couple of weeks
Family together
Three nights
One step forward, two steps back
Mom's here.
Another day, another battle
What now?
A new chapter
Las Vegas surprise.
Pole position
Who is the champion?
She's ready
It's good to be back
Bittersweet goodbye
Things are changing


1.2K 63 25
By Lieke4043

Stevie is beaming when she walks towards Daniel. Yes she feels her eyes burning with happy tears, but she doesn't want to cry, she wants to enjoy this vision of her, almost, husband. He looks so incredibly handsome in his light suit. His dark eyes, tanned skin and brown curls stand out even more because of the color of his suit.

She can see he is tearing up which makes it even harder not to cry as well, but she forces back the tears and keeps on walking.
It feels like forever until she finally stands in front of him, but as she looks into his eyes she can see how much love he feels for her.

"Hi. You look so handsome." She says softly.
"I look like a hobo compared to you. My god baby you are breath taking." He smiles.
"Yeah? You don't mind the black dress?" She asks.
He shakes his head and grabs her hand.
"Absolutely not. I knew you wouldn't go with a white dress and this dress looks amazing on you. You look amazing. I just can't even wrap my head around the fact that somebody as stunning as you wants to be with me."

She puts her hand on his cheek, her thumb rubbing his cheekbone.
"You are a beautiful man and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much."
Daniel leans in for a kiss but there's a wave of protests coming from the people around him.

"Not yet son. First you guys have to say your I do's." Peter grins.
"Right, I almost skipped a couple of steps." Daniel blushes.
"That's ok. I wanted to kiss Trudy as well when we got married. I will leave you to it. I have no problems leaving my daughter in your loving hands. I know you will take good care of her."

Peter steps back after giving Stevie a kiss on her cheek. He sits down next to Trudy, taking her hand in his massive hand.
"Our girl is getting married." He sighs.
"I know. But she is getting married to somebody who would give up everything for her. I don't think there's anybody who could love her more than Daniel."
Except maybe Trudy and Peter, but that's a different kind of love.

Daniel and Stevie turn to the officiant. It's somebody who apparently was in Married At First Sight Australia. He's also from Perth and is a truly funny guy. Grace thought Daniel and Stevie wouldn't want somebody too serious and maybe a bit boring even.
He talks a bit and because Stevie and Daniel both didn't want to have a very long ceremony it doesn't take long before it's time for their vows.

"Alright Daniel, you can start with your vows." Jesse, the officiant says.
Daniel clears his throat, he wrote everything down, but somehow it doesn't feel right to read something from a piece of paper.
He knows the words he wants to say, they are in his heart and when he looks at Stevie they just come out.

"My beautiful girl. I remember that moment I first saw you like it was yesterday. You were trying to get into that hotel room in Zandvoort and I was instantly drawn to you. I didn't know you, but I really wanted to. You have no idea how happy I was when you decided to accept the job at Red Bull. That meant I could see you a lot more and hopefully win you over. I didn't know how hurt you were and how much your trust was broken."

He pauses for a moment, looking at Stevie and hoping she doesn't mind that he brings this back up. But she just smiles at him, encouraging him to go on.

"I will never not be impressed by the strength you showed when you let your guard down and allowed me in. I wanted to heal your heart, I wanted to prove to you every day how beautiful I think you are. There's no guy luckier than me, because you love me. You chose to be with me and to trust me with your two angels. Or our angels now. Every day I want to show you how much you mean to me and how much I love you. I was searching for that family life, that one person who would complete me, but I was afraid I would never find it with the life I have. And then there was you and you together with Cole and Zara have completed me."

He looks at the two kids sitting with their grandparents before turning back to Stevie.

"I want to thank you for trusting me, for loving me and for allowing me to be the best version of myself, but also the worst sometimes. Thank you for letting me be a father to Cole and Zara and to our new baby. I will do everything in my power to never let them or you down. Thank you for being there for me whenever I need you. I love you more than I will ever be able to put into words. But for the rest of our lives I am going to show it to you, so you will never have to doubt my feelings for you."

He takes a deep breath, hoping he was able to get the words out as he wanted to.
Looking at Stevie he can see a single tear running down her cheek and he wipes it away with his thumb.

"That was beautiful. How am I supposed to top that?" She says, her voice thick with emotion.
"Somehow I'm sure you will." He squeezes her hand to give her some encouragement.

"Stevie, let's hear your vows." Jesse says and she nods.
She also wrote some things down, but she doesn't feel like reading that is the right thing to do. So just like Daniel she will just speak from her heart. Her heart that is so full of love, it shouldn't be too hard.

"My love. I was so broken when we met, of course I could see you were very handsome and sexier than anybody I've ever seen. But there was no way I would ever allow you to break through the walls I put up. No matter how much my parents and my friends told me to try.
And then there was this night in Monza, where Melissa found a very drunk, very naked Seb in front of his caravan."

Melissa and Seb start to chuckle, Sebs face turning a bit red. Michael bites his lip, trying not to burst into laughter. That was a fun night though.

"I remember being a bit angry at you for throwing him out of his caravan in his state, but once we got him all sorted I realized it was just how you guys were. Fun, a bit crazy, but still you would help a friend when they needed you. That night you said that you wanted to kiss me, but you knew I was hurt and wouldn't open up so easy. I thought you were drunk so you wouldn't remember what you said. But you did. And you gave me time, time I needed to let my guard down. Time for me to understand that you are one of the good ones. And I was falling for you even though I was terrified."

Daniel can feel her hands shaking in his and he holds them a bit tighter. He was there for her then and he is here for her now.

"The way you interacted with Cole and Zara was mind blowing to me. I didn't know that somebody who only just came into our lives could form such a strong connection with them so quickly. You didn't have to do all those things, but you did because you are just a good person with a huge heart. Bit by bit you healed me, you showed me how to trust somebody again and more importantly, you showed me how a man should treat a woman. For that I could never thank you enough. You are the type of man I hope Cole will grow up to be. You are the type of man I hope Zara will end up with someday. And you are the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. There won't be a day that goes by without you knowing how much I love you. Thank you for choosing me, for being patient with me and for just being you."

Stevie turns to Grace and Joe.
"I want to thank the both of you for raising him to be a good man. You gave him the example and thought him right from wrong. So thank you for that and for accepting me and the kids into your family. I really love you guys."

Grace puts her hand on her chest, trying hard not to get emotional.
"We love you too sweetheart." Joe says blowing a kiss to his daughter in law.
Then Stevie turns to her own parents.

"Dad, thank you for giving me that push to go to Zandvoort with you. Thanks to you we are standing here today. And mom, I didn't understand how hard it must have been to see me before I met Daniel. I didn't want to see how bad my previous relationship was. I should have listened to you, because you and dad gave me the perfect example on how a relationship should be. So I'm sorry for not seeing that sooner."

Trudy shakes her head.
"Everything you went through brought you here." She tells her daughter. Even though she hated her daughter getting hurt, she also knows everything happens for a reason and without the tough times, she wouldn't be here marrying Daniel.

"Well damn guys, that was beautiful. It's now time for the rings. Big man, can you bring us the rings?" Jesse calls out to Cole.
Cole quickly jumps off his grandfathers lap and rushes over to Daniel and Stevie with his cushion.

Jesse takes it from him and runs his hand through Cole's curly hair.
"Thanks buddy. Do you want to help me with this?" Jesse asks him.
Cole nods enthusiastically and Jesse lets him pull the bow from the ribbon.

Cole then gets the rings from the cushion and hands them to Jesse.
Jesse holds up his fist and Cole bumps it with his own little fist. Then Cole goes back to Peter and climbs on his lap.

Jesse turns to the couple who are about to be married and gives Stevie's ring to Daniel.
"Daniel repeat after me.
With this ring, I, Daniel Joseph Ricciardo, take you Stephanie Dawson to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you and trusting what I do not yet know. I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me. Through all our years and in all that life may throw at us."

Daniel repeats the words and slides the ring around Stevie's finger.
Then Jessie gives Stevie the ring she will have to put around Daniel's finger.
"Stevie please repeat after me.
With this ring, I, Stephanie Dawson, take you Daniel Joseph Ricciardo, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you and trusting what I do not yet know. I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me. Through all our years and in all that life may throw at us."

Stevie puts the ring on Daniel's finger, she has to push a bit to get it around, but she manages and then they are suddenly both wearing a wedding ring.
"Daniel, do you take Stephanie to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Jesse asks him.

Daniel looks into Stevie's eyes as he says: "I do."
He smiles, finally he was able to say it. Now it's just Stevie who has to say it and then it will be official.
"Stephanie, do you take Daniel to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Jesse asks her.

"Oh definitely I do." She answers with a big smile on her face.
Daniel is so eager to kiss her, but he has to wait for Jesse to officially pronounce them husband and wife before he can do that.

"By the power vested in me by the city of Perth I now pronounce you husband and wife. And yes Daniel, you can now kiss your bride." Jesse grins and Daniel doesn't need any more encouragement. He pulls Stevie against his body, looking into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Hi wifey." He says.
"Hey hubby." She replies before he lowers his face towards hers. First just softly brushing his lips over hers. They both close their eyes and deepen the kiss.
Daniel feels Stevie's tongue run along the seam of his lips and he parts them to grant her access. He wasn't sure if he should kiss Stevie like this. Obviously he doesn't want to get all turned on in front of their family and friends.

But now Stevie takes the initiative and he's definitely not going to stop her. This kiss is not like the ones they share when they are in a moment of passion. This kiss seals their commitment to each other. It's slow, romantic and loving. It's a kiss neither of them want to end, but when they hear Jessie clear his throat they both look up. Faces still close together.

"Sorry to interrupt, but do we need to give you some time alone?" He asks them with a wide grin.
"They already had plenty of that this morning. They can wait a couple of hours." Melissa says, soft enough only the people who are standing in the front can hear it.

Both Daniel and Stevie's faces turn bright red when they hear Melissa's comment.
"Can't blame you there mate." Jesse says winking at the newlyweds.
"Sorry, I'm a married woman. A very happily married woman." Stevie gives Daniel a light peck on the lips before turning back to Jesse who invites them over to sign the official papers.

Once that's done it's time to move things inside the barn where Grace has managed to create a very romantic, rustic vibe. She definitely knew what Stevie and Daniel would like even before asking the couple if this was the way to go with the decorations.

There's already a team of caterers walking around with glasses of champagne which they hand out to the guests. For Stevie they have a non alcoholic version so at least they can toast.
They invite Jesse to stay for the reception and party which he accepts. He came by taxi so he can have a couple of drinks before calling one to take him home again.

Once everybody has a glass, Jesse raises it and shouts: "to Daniel and Stephanie! May their odds be forever in their favor."
"To Daniel and Stevie!" It sounds from their friends and family. Even Cole has a glass, but his has orange juice in it. Being the big boy he thinks he is, he also raises it to join the adults in the toast.

"Cheers!" He shouts before drinking the glass in what seems to be one large gulp.
The adults follow him, but with them having alcohol, they take some smaller sips.

Everyone comes over to congratulate the couple and there's a table filled with wedding gifts. They can wait until tomorrow, right now it's time to have some food, more drinks and knowing Peter and Joe, there will be speeches.

The tables are placed together so the group can enjoy the reception as if it's one big Christmas dinner.
The kids are sitting in between both sets of grandparents, because the four of them agreed Stevie and Daniel shouldn't have to be busy with making sure the kids were eating or cleaning them in between.

Tomorrow they can be parents again, tonight they can just enjoy their wedding and being newlyweds. Besides, the four grandparents can never get enough of spending time with the children so they aren't complaining.

Very soon they are all enjoying the food and drinks whilst talking to each other.
There's plenty of laughter going around when Michelle tells stories about Daniel when he was a little boy. Apparently he couldn't sit still and he tried pretty much every sport available, driving their parents crazy.

Suddenly Joe gets up and taps his glass with his knife.
The conversations fall silent as everybody shifts their focus on Daniel's father who clears his throat.

"I hope nobody minds, but I may have prepared a little speech for today. I will try to keep it short, but I don't know if I'll be able to. So just bear with me."
He takes a piece of paper from his pocket and when he unfolds it they see he has several pages in his hand.

"Oh boy." Daniel whispers to Stevie who pats his arm.
"Just let him. It's fine." She says, knowing her dad will probably have something to say as well.

Joe puts his reading glasses on his nose and takes a sip of his wine before he starts to talk.

"Dear family, friends. We weren't supposed to celebrate this wedding until New Years, but a tiny human changed the plans a little bit. I have to say, it doesn't really matter when Daniel and Stevie would get married, it was pretty clear from the start that this day was going to come sooner or later.
When we first met Stevie they were 'just friends'."

Joe looks at them with a suggestive grin which causes everyone to chuckle.
"I think everybody could see they would never stay 'just friends'. The sparks between them were bright enough to light a campfire. Obviously they had their reasons to take it slow, but as soon as they finally admitted they were more than friends, they really picked up the pace."

Again everybody laughs, because indeed, Daniel and Stevie got together in December and now it's August and they are married, pregnant and Daniel has adopted Cole and Zara who now have his last name as well.

"I get it though. For me it was pretty clear that Stevie was the woman Daniel wanted and needed. So for me and Grace it was amazing to welcome Stevie in the family and it was even better that we could also add these two adorable little ones to the Ricciardo clan.
Stephanie, Grace and I adore you. We admire the woman you are, we admire how strong and resilient you are and how you always put Cole and Zara first.

We are grateful that you gave our son a chance, because we knew you two would complete each other. You gave Daniel what he was longing for for so long. Somebody to love and who loves him back, a family of his own to love and to take care of. I really appreciate your compliment towards me and Grace about how we raised our boy. We hope he will someday get the same compliment when one of your kids are standing at the altar about to get married.

You had to overcome mountains, to break down your walls and to open up your heart, but you did and that was very brave. I just know you won't regret it, because Daniel would never hurt you and I know that goes both ways. The love the two of you share isn't for everybody. You are lucky to have found it and I know you both will cherish it and make sure that spark that is between you won't die.

We can't wait to meet that little baby that is still growing inside of you and we can't wait to see what life has in store for the both of you. Just know you'll have us to turn to if you ever need to. But I'm sure Peter and Trudy will be there as well.

We love you and we are very happy to welcome you in our family. We already did, but now it's official. Welcome Stevie, welcome Cole and Zara. And welcome new baby who we will love as much as the others."

Joe raises his glass and again everybody joins him.
Stevie wipes some tears from her face when he sits back down.
"Thanks dad. It wasn't exactly short, but it was really beautiful." Daniel says. He is also very touched by his fathers words even though he knew how much his dad cared for Stevie. That was obvious from the beginning.

Once Joe has sat down Peter gets up and everybody focuses their attention to him. Peter might look like some rugged lumberjack, but the people who know him, know he's a big softie who might make some of them cry.

Peter doesn't have anything written down, but his heart is full of what he wants to say, so he is going to give it a shot.

"Right well, first of all I want to say I'm very grateful for Grace who managed to get all of this done in such a short time. You are a force to be reckoned with that's for sure. I think it's safe to say that this is exactly how my daughter would have done it if she did it by herself. So Grace, thank you." He nods to Daniel's mother in recognition of what she pulled off.

"It was my pleasure Peter." She says, but with a wide smile that shows how much she appreciates the compliment.

"Joe already said some really nice words so I hope I can do the same. I know none of you here knew Stevie until last year. Obviously me and her mother know her very well and when Stevie was young she was a quiet, shy girl who didn't have many friends. Trudy and I always said she had an old soul. She had a plan, a dream and she wouldn't let anything or anybody distract her from that.

Of course we were always very proud of her, but we were also sad for her. She was lonely even though she wouldn't admit it. Where other kids would get invited to birthday parties, she was left out. And even though she always tried to reassure us it was fine and she didn't care about it, we saw the hurt in her eyes."

Stevie looks down at her hands, she really believed she was able to convince her parents that she wasn't bothered by it even though there were times she cried herself to sleep because she felt so lonely.
Daniel takes her hands in his, giving her the support she needs and she looks up to him, grateful for his love.

"Unfortunately Trudy and I were never able to give her a sibling, trust me we tried and it was fun, but Stevie was going to be our only child. Because we were hoping that with a brother or sister, Stevie wouldn't be as lonely. So when that failed, we hoped that she would meet some friends when she went to culinary school. But even there she never really fitted in.

She took her studies very seriously which was of course the reason she was able to get her diploma so fast and find the job she wanted so badly. Then she met Mitch and we really hoped this was it for her. She would be loved, she would have somebody who would support her and take care of her, but he didn't. The only good thing he did was give her those two angels, but other than that we learned very early on that he was selfish and was with Stevie for the wrong reasons."

He knows he can say these things because Cole is watching Tractor Tom on his iPad with his headphones on and Zara doesn't understand what he's talking about anyways.

"It is so hard as a parent to see your child, even though they are grown up, still doesn't get treated the way she deserves. What Trudy and I did know was the harder we would tell her that he was wrong for her, the more we would push her towards him. I mean that's what I would have done when I was younger."

The guests around him nod. That's just what you do, especially when you think you love somebody.

"Today, exactly one year ago, we got the news that our daughter was sick. What we thought would be the worst period of our lives ended up to be exactly that, but that horrible period was the start of something amazing. Because all of that horrible stuff brought Stevie and Daniel together. It also brought her these amazing friends.

Melissa, you are like a daughter to us and we love you for the way you embraced Stevie. Seb, you really are a great guy, take care of your woman.
Tina, you're one of the sweetest, purest people I know and you are amazing with the kids. Charles, if you ever break that's girls heart I'm coming for you."

He points at Charles who acts like he is terrified. Peter has nothing to worry about, he can't imagine ever hurting Tina. He loves her too much.

"Don't they say what doesn't kill you make you stronger? Well that's exactly what happened. Stevie finally found the man who treats her exactly how she deserves to be treated and I think that goes both ways."

Both Stevie and Daniel agree. It does go both ways.

"Daniel, you are an extraordinary man. You showed respect when you gave our daughter time to heal. You helped her heal her heart and her confidence. The way you take care of her and those two babies is just beyond amazing. When I see the way you look at my daughter, it reminds me of myself and the way I look at Trudy and that fills me with so much happiness.

We are thrilled to have you as a son in law and not just because you are a famous F1 driver. It helps, but that's not the main reason." Peter says, causing a wave of laughter go through the guest.

"You did not only break down Stevie's walls, you saved my life as well. I will forever be in your debt even though you don't want to hear that. Seb I have you to thank for being here today as well."
Seb nods in recognition.

"Anyways I've been going on for way too long already. Stevie, you are my favorite daughter, and my only one. All I ever wished for was for you to be happy and loved and I know you are now. Even though you'll always be my little girl, I know I'll have to let you go because you don't need me any more. That isn't easy, but at least I know you are with the right person. I love you more than life itself and I'm so happy for you.

Daniel, son, I trust you to look after my little girl. But I know you will love her in good times and when things get tough, just like she will love you."

He raises his glass, his eyes a bit glossy.
"To Daniel and Stevie and the bright future they have ahead of them."

Everybody joins him, raising their glass.
"To Daniel and Stevie and to love!"

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