Shape of you (Daniel Ricciard...

By Lieke4043

160K 6.2K 4K

Stephanie (Stevie) has to deal with the aftermath of a life threatening disease and two young kids by herself... More

Curly brown hair
Just a rough patch
Summer break (ups)
Take a good nap
Scarred for life
New paths
Paddock passes
Lightning strikes
Meeting Christian
Take that chance
Sweet dreams
An offer you can't refuse
Fingers crossed
Surprise surprise
Unexpected encounters
First date
It's getting hot in here
Brown eyed girl
Come on over
The first
He's one of the good ones
I found you
Three words
I'll keep you safe
Melissa and Seb
Drop em out
A family of your own
Absence makes the heart... miss you
It's time
The ultimate connection
Happy and loved
Ghost from the past
Starry nights
I'm on my knees
Between fear and hope
Your intentions?
Family times.
Don't let them get to you
The office
A special day
Let's tell them
Clearing the air
Think about it.
It looks bad
The fight is on
Not for sale
Win or lose?
They're ours
Return down under
You win some...
Just a scare
Dress for the occasion.
Bright skies, or....
Tomorrow 10 o'clock
Private clinic
Calling the parents.
It keeps getting better
Letting him know
Upside down
Black and blue
Love and lust
Celebrating a win.
Officially yours
Birthday flutters
It's time for family
My endless love
I'm gonna love you
There's alwsys that one person
Last one for now
Not ready
One more push
Isn't she lovely?
Look after yourself
More than a couple of weeks
Family together
Three nights
One step forward, two steps back
Mom's here.
Another day, another battle
What now?
A new chapter
Las Vegas surprise.
Pole position
Who is the champion?
She's ready
It's good to be back
Bittersweet goodbye

Married at First sight

1K 48 43
By Lieke4043

A/N: So I only watch the Australian version of MAFS, so I don't know how the UK version goes. I just used how the experiment goes in Australia.

"So Tiffany, you are still very young. Why have you decided to sign up for Married at first sight?" the producer of the popular tv show asks her.
Tiffany thinks about her answer, she has to make sure she convinces them to accept her to participate.

She feels this could be a huge step in her career, she still hasn't really taken off on social media. Her videos aren't exactly trending or going viral, unless you count the one in which she tried to destroy Stevie and the one she was forced to make to set things straight.

Those two were pretty much the only ones that had hundreds of thousands views. After that she pretty much got shunned on social media. So bad that she deleted her original account. She cut and colored her hair, she had some lip fillers and asked her parents to pay for breast implants, which she got. She changed so much, nobody really recognizes her anymore.

She even changed her name online and started a new account. It did mean she had to start from scratch and that's how she ended up here. At an audition for a reality tv show in which she will hopefully be matched with a hot guy. She won't know who he is until they meet each other at the altar to get married.

She has done some research and found out that quite a lot of the cast members of previous seasons are now very popular and have quite the following. So she truly hopes she could be the next who accomplishes that.
It was either this or Love Island and she knew her parents would not be happy with that show.

They want her to find a decent man and settle down, she just wants to be famous and find a rich guy who can support her.
She thought she found that in Mitch, but that turned out to be a dud. He was utterly useless, barely brought in any money and was shit in bed.

After the court case he packed his things and left which she was fine with. He even signed those papers to let Daniel adopt his kids. She will never understand why he did that. He could have tried to get so much out of it even after losing the case. But no, he suddenly had this moment of 'doing the right thing' and he signed.

"Well the reason I want to put my faith in the experts to find me the perfect match is because I really suck at finding a good guy myself. I always choose the ones that are immature, can't hold a job and are just the wrong type of guy. Of course I'm still young, but I'm very mature for my age and I like men a bit older. I need a man who is mature, stable and also ready to settle down."
She smiles, hoping the producer will fall for her act.

"How much older are we talking about?" The producer asks her.
"Well I'm 21 now, but I come across older. So I usually like to date men around their thirties. They are just more mature. Guys my age are still boys who just want to party and drink. I don't want that. I want more than that, I want to love somebody and be loved. I want to be married, maybe have children at some point. Not yet though, that can wait. But yeah, I need a man, not a boy."

The producer nods and writes everything down. He's not buying her story at all, he has a lot of experience with this and he can sense Tiffany is just here for the fame. But that's ok, she might stir the pot a bit and that's what they need in the show as well. They don't want things to go perfect and smoothly, that's not what draws in the viewers.

"Well I truly think we should be able to find a match for you. I will give all your details to the experts and they will go see who would be perfect for you." He tells her and she grins. Some people are just too easy and gullible.

"Ooh that is amazing! I really hope they can find me the man of my dreams." She claps her hands excitedly.
"We will be in touch. We are in the process of having the last talks with possible cast members, so it shouldn't be too long until you hear from us."

He didn't lie, only a week later Tiffany gets the call. They found a man for her and she will get married in four weeks. From the moment she gets the call things go fast. Suddenly there's a camera crew coming over, she has to make sure her apartment is in perfect condition.

Her parents pay for a cleaning lady who needs three days to get everything sorted, but once she is done the place looks amazing.
The first day they come over they want to shoot her introduction to the viewers, so she makes sure to look sexy, but not over the top.

She still has to make herself believable, so she puts in a lot of effort to make herself look more mature, but still hot. She wears something that shows a bit of cleavage, but not too much.

"Ok Tiffany, just introduce yourself to the people at home."
There's a woman interviewing her, even though that woman stays out of the shot. Tiffany is sitting on a stool in her living room, a massive camera in front of her, a microphone clipped to her top and some other members of the crew making sure it all goes well.

"Ok so I'm Tiffany, I'm 21 and I'm currently deciding what I want to do. I'm thinking about going to university to become a doctor or I want to find a job where I can help people. I have amazing parents who support me while I make that decision.
In the mean time I want to find love, I want to find somebody who loves me just as much as I love him."

She continues to tell them pretty much what she already told them producer. Even though they have to start again about three times because she messes it up, they eventually get enough material to edit it so it can go on tv.

Once they all leave she realized this is it. She's going to be on tv, she is finally going to get that fame that she is craving for and that she feels she deserves. And who knows, maybe the guy they are going to match her with is really what she is looking for. Somebody with plenty of money, who won't mind supporting her if she opens her legs for him every now and then.

She grins when she thinks about how easy it was to fool the producer and interviewer. As if she would ever become a doctor. That's gross, that means she will have to take care of people, there's blood and pus and other disgusting stuff that come with that. Never in a million years would she even consider becoming a doctor.

The next recording day is when she is going to buy a dress with her mother. She only has a few options as she will have to be able to take it with her straight away. Usually ordering a dress can take months, but there's no time for that.
She manages to settle for a dress which shows off her new boobs and she knows she looks sexy in it.

Two days before the wedding she will meet the other brides at their hens night.
That night she is wearing a dress that shows quite some skin, its pink with crossed straps, open parts on her waist and just below her breasts, she knows it's daring, but she is probably the youngest and she wants those other women to understand she is a force to be reckoned with.

The party will be on the roof bar of the hotel they are all staying in for tonight. So she takes the elevator up at the time she is told to. When she comes up she sees there's only one other bride who has arrived.
They greet each other as if they have known each other forever, this was also instructed. They have to make it seem like they are all supportive towards each other.

Of course in the end during the dinner parties they will clash, but that makes for good tv. People love to see drama and bitch fights, so the producers will let it happen or if they are being too nice, they will make sure something will happen that is going to stir the pot.

One by one the other brides arrive. All of them dressed up, looking their very best. Tiffany was right, she is the youngest, but she also thinks she is the prettiest.
They have a nice evening, all talking about what they hope their husbands will be like.

"I told them I like a man who is tall, has massive hands..." one of the brides says.
"And a massive cock right?" Another adds.
They all giggle and Tiffany thinks about Mitch and his teeny tiny sausage. She really hopes the man she ends up with in this experiment will have at least a couple of inches more.

It's been a while since she had sex, the insta guy dumped her when he found out what she did to Stevie and Daniel. She didn't know he was a big F1 fan, but he definitely didn't like her actions, so that was over before she knew it.

"I just want to find somebody to build that connection with. I want to have a great wedding, start a family and grow old together." One of the other girls says, her eyes dreamy, wishing for her fairytale life.
Tiffany turns away and rolls her eyes. As if that's going to happen here. Most couples split during the experiment or during the final vowels. So odds are that will be how this desperate woman's marriage will end as well.

"Oh Tiff you look stunning. Your husband to be won't know what came over him." Tiffany's mom gushes over her daughter.
She was a bit shocked when she heard of the plans, but now her princess is going to get married and be on tv to become a big star. That will make Tiffany happy and that's all her mother wants.

Tiffany is their only child and they do everything for her. In their eyes she can do no wrong. Sure she made a little mistake when she tried to discredit that race car driver and his girlfriend. But Tiffany told them her boyfriend made her do it. It wasn't her idea, but that low life of an ex.
Luckily she is rid of him now, he moved out and their relationship is very much over.

"I know I look good mom. His eyes are going to pop out." Tiffany checks her look in the mirror again. The dress fits like a glove, her hair looks amazing, she has it up on one side and the rest is hanging down in wavy curls. It's not as long as it used to be, but still long enough.

She feels very comfortable with the cameras around her, it's like she was born to be a reality tv star. It will be a while before it will be on tv of course, but she's already excited to see herself and to know that everybody will see her as well. The opportunities she will get from this will be huge. This has to be her big break.

"It's time to get to the limo Tiffany." The director tells her.
A limo! She is going to be in a limo. She hasn't even been on tv, but she already feels like a movie star when she gets in the white, stretched limousine.
There's a bottle of champagne with glasses in a bucket of ice and she decides to have a glass.

She isn't really nervous, but a little bit of alcohol for courage won't harm anybody. She offers her mother a glass as well and together they raise their glasses.
"A toast to my beautiful daughter. I hope the man who is waiting there for you is all you want and I hope he will worship the ground you walk on." Her mom says before they carefully tap the glasses against each other.

"He will mom. I know I deserve that."
Tiffany looks out the window as the English landscape passes them by. They are getting married at some venue in the country. Not exactly what she would have chosen. She wanted to get married in the city, in a fancy, expensive venue indoors. Not some farm where she has to walk through the grass to get to her man.

But she smiles and pretends to love it. After all she wants people who see her on tv, to like her. They won't if she starts complaining about the wedding venue. So she'll just have to suck it up and get on with it. The sooner she gets there, the sooner she is married to hopefully a very wealthy guy.

When they finally arrive she has to walk quite a distance before she finally sees the few guests sitting on either side of the aisle. Both sides aren't exactly very full. Her parents are there, but she doesn't have much friends, so production hired some actors to play her friends and family.
His side seems a bit fuller, but maybe they are actors as well.

While she walks to the aisle her heart starts to race, this is really going to happen. She is going to marry a complete stranger. From the back he looks nice. He has broad shoulders, he's tall, he seems to have a nice ass. He's already ticking some boxes.

She slowly starts to walk down the red carpet they laid down for her. When she is about halfway the man in front starts to move and turns around.

As soon as she sees him she stops dead in her tracks. Too shocked to keep walking.
Her father looks at her, not understanding why his daughter suddenly doesn't want to keep going.

He then looks at the waiting groom and he knows exactly who he is.
"You can still turn around." He whispers in Tiffany's ear.
After a short moment of pulling herself together she shakes her head.

"No I'm doing this." She plasters a fake smile on her face as she starts walking towards the man who is waiting for her again.

The groom turns around and for a moment he can only think about how beautiful the young woman is who is walking towards him.
He told the experts he likes younger women, in their early twenties. He told them he wants to have a family and still be young enough to enjoy life once the kids grow up.

Of course it was a lie, he doesn't want kids. He doesn't even want a wife, he's only here because he hopes this can help him land a better job. Maybe some exposure will get him the fame he is craving for.
So he made up a soppy story about how he wants to find somebody to love and who loves him just as much.

They bought it, or so he thought.
In reality the producers soon saw through the facade and when they talked to Tiffany they realized these two would be perfect for each other. Both shallow and in this for the wrong reasons. Of course they would never match them with somebody who really wants to find a partner.

When the bride walks closer he suddenly feels like he gets struck by lightning. There's no way he is matched with this girl.

It feels like forever, but at the same time it's like no time has passed before she is standing in front of me. Now he can see her better and he sees her fake smile. She changed her hair, she has lip fillers and her boobs are definitely bigger than they used to be.

"Tiffany." He says coldly.
"Mitch." She replies.

"CUT!" The director shouts.
He walks over to them, a questioning look on his face.
"You two know each other?" He asks them.
"We do yeah." Tiffany replies. Getting matched with Mitch was definitely not on her bingo card for this year.

"Can I talk to him in private for a minute. Without cameras and microphones?" Tiffany asks the director who nods.
The sound man disconnects the microphones and Tiffany grabs Mitch's hand to take him somewhere they can talk without all those nosy people around them.

"You got some work done huh butterfly." He smirks. Sure she is still beautiful, but she looked better from a distance. Up close he can see how she went a bit overboard with her lips, he doesn't mind a bit of filler, but hers just look way too fake.
Her boobs are nice though, he prefers a big pair of tits. That's one of the reasons he wasn't attracted to Stevie anymore. After surgery her boobs weren't as big as they used to be.

"Shut the fuck up Mitch. What are we going to do?" She asks him, well aware she won't get a useful answer from him.
"We can just say no and walk away." He says and she rolls her eyes.
"No you dumbass. Look I know you didn't come here for love. You want to be famous just like me. This is just exposure for you, isn't it?"

"What else could it be? I know you are definitely not looking for somebody to have kids with." He grins when he sees Tiffany shiver by the thought alone.
"God no. I just want people to start following me so I can become a proper influencer. That whole shit with your ex and those brats didn't do me any good."

"It was your idea. So you only have yourself to blame for that." Mitch crosses his arms.
"So now what?" He asks her.
She thinks for a while and realizes if she walks away now she went through all of this for nothing.

"How about we go through with this, become the perfect couple and once this is all over we go our separate ways again. We can totally use this for our advantage." She suggests.
"You mean you want to get married, live together, go through the entire process, just to get followers?" He asks a bit shocked.

They hate each others guts, after the court case they never spoke again and now she wants to go through with the charade.
"Well we will have free living accommodation, we get to go on a free honeymoon. I don't see a problem with that. We can both pretend to do very well, they will definitely buy it. The bought it so far right?" She raises her eyebrows.

"I guess I would like a free vacation. You know what, fuck it, why not. Let's have some fun while we are here and hopefully in the end it will be worth it." He nods. This could work. They can both pretend very well. He has done that for years when he was with Stevie.

The director comes up to them.
"Are you done? We want to get going."
"Yeah we're done. So do you want us to pretend we don't know each other or do you want to use the fact that we do?" Tiffany asks him.
"We're going to use the fact that you guys know each other. So how do you two know each other exactly?" He asks them.

"We dated for a while, it didn't work out. But we decided we want to try to give it a go. You matched us for a reason, so we might as well see if there was something there that we didn't see at first." Tiffany applauds herself for her acting skills. Maybe after this she should really try to audition for a movie or a tv series. If she can pull this off, she should win an Oscar.

"Ok perfect. Now we would like to do the part of you walking down the aisle again. Do you think you can act surprised to see each other?" The director asks them.
Both nod.
"I'm sure we can manage that." Mitch says.

He doesn't really think he has much of a choice. This is the only thing he could think of to make some more money. He is still staying at his friends place, which is fine, but he does have to pay some rent and help with groceries. So he ended up getting a job at some warehouse where he does order picking for a large webshop.

It's not great, but he doesn't have a girlfriend who pays everything for him right now, so he didn't have a choice.
In some way it's nice to make some money for himself, but it's not nearly enough to live how he wants to.

Tiffany is taken back to the point before she can see Mitch standing. Her father comes over so he can do the walk with her again.
"Are you really sure about this? You know he is useless." He whispers in her ear.
"I know, but I need to be on this show a bit longer than just my wedding. I need exposure to be able to make it big." She explains her father.

"But we can support you. You don't need to do this. I'm sure there's another way to become famous." Her father tries again.
"I tried dad. I just need to get some time on tv and that should kick start things."

There's nothing her father can say to change her mind. It's just a couple of weeks, she can survive with Mitch for a bit. Maybe there's another guy in the experiment who doesn't like his bride either so she can have some fun with that guy.

They walk down the aisle again and Tiffany makes sure to look excited while she is walking towards Mitch.
When he turns around she plays surprised and she slams her hand in front of her mouth giggling.
When she reaches Mitch they give each other a hug.

"Oh my god Mitch? How are you here?" She acts.
"Tiffany?? Wow that is unexpected." Even Mitch plays his role perfectly.

After the ceremony they are both being interviewed and they explain how they know each other.
"This is so weird. We dated for a while and then it ended, but maybe the experts saw something that we didn't back then. So we are definitely going to try to see how things go. Maybe this time it will work out. We are matched for a reason after all." Tiffany tells the camera.

"I always thought she was beautiful of course, but at the time our lives just didn't really line up. I'm very curious to see how things go this time." Mitch adds to that.

They both smile at each other as if they actually care about each other.
Looking at him really fills Tiffany with disgust, but she will play the part, she will do whatever it takes.
While Mitch looks at her he just sees a greedy, selfish little girl who was prettier before she had all those changes done. But if he has to pretend to like her to stay in the show, he will do the best he can.

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