All your Fault

By Juicystarz10

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapyer 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 29

5.5K 198 12
By Juicystarz10

I had been looking for a job and soon found myself back at the Jewels . I never thought I'd be back here but that's what I get for depending on other people. I m renting out a condo that has a view of the city. I loved living by myself but it was very lonely at times.
I had been waiting on Angel and Mike to come up for a while now he had been texted me he was here. I pulled my shorts down some and fixed my sports bra. soon enough there was knock at the door. I opened it and Angel jumped on my leg. "Kash you said it wouldnt be long it's be long " "I had to get myself together boo go look at your room with your toys" no that child was not mine but I couldn't cut her off. She was so much to me even though she was young she was too smart for her own good at times.
She ran straight down the hall. And Mike was looking around as I stepped back to let him in. "This is a nice place you have here" "thanks I just thank God I could afford it after all that happened" he rubbed his head "yeah hum where you working now?" I looked down at the floor. "At jewels he said I could come back since a lot of girls have quit" he didn't say anything like I though he would he just nodded his head . "Well just call me when you want me to pick her up." "Okay she'll be fine." "Lady bug" his deep voice yelled through the house. I heard foot steps coming and she had two baby dolls in her hand that were already undressed. I smiled at the sight. "Give me kiss" he said as she kissed him made him kiss her babies before he left.

After he was gone I missed his presence it's been a while since we even talked and just having him here for that little bit of time comforted me.

I went to go play with Angel after we played I changed clothes something casual and we went to the mall I bought her some clothes and shoes just to have at my house. Then she played in the middle of the mall.
I looked behind me nobody was there but I'd had a feeling I was being watched all day today.

The two days went by quick I had cooked us some Sunday brunch and we ate and then I called Mike to see where he was . "Hello?" He sounded half asleep "Hey I was just wondering if you were hungry?" He shuffled "uh yeah I could eat" "okay I have breakfast ready" shortly after he hung up I was a little to happy to have him over even if it was for a little bit. I went got me and Angels clothes out and we took a bubble bath together and when we got out there was a knock at the door. I wrapped a towel around me and walked to the door thinking it was Mike and no it was Deon.

I backed up "what the hell are you doing here?!" He smirked "I thought you would have missed me by now " I frowned "what? No " he stepped around me as Angel came out in her underwear. "Whose this kiddo?" "Angel go to your room baby ok" "ahhh Angel is this Mike kid in ya House why is she here? Where he at?" I pushed him to the door "you need to go. " "you and Mike back together after what he did?" I laughed "when you assume you make a ass out of ya self." He was fuming I knew , he stepped closer to me. "Take that robe off I've missed you." "No!" He grabbed at it "stop Deon!" He smirked and then there was a knock at the door but he wouldn't let me open it. "Move!" I yelled


I heard Kash yell the first time I knew she'd never yell at Angel so who is she talking to? Then I heard Deon so I knocked and she yelled again so I didn't think I just bust the door down. "Get the fuck away from her" he laughed this time I wasn't caught slipping I had my strap and I was gonna use it.

"Boy if you don't get ya ol looking as outta here!" I looked at Kash who looked afraid so I knew he wasn't invited but I had to be sure. "You invited him here ?" "Really Mike ?!" She asked as she moved away from him. I pulled my gun. "Get the fuck out she don't want you here . " she grabbed her phone and called the cops. Once she got on the phone he walked out. "Hang up " "there on there way" "well I have to go I have a gun." "Give it here " she said running to the back and then coming out dressed as I talked to the police that showed up not to long ago. "Hello ma'am what happened?" "Well I was minding my business when i heard someone at the door I thought it was my babies father at the door and it wasn't it was a guy that I don't know that came in ." I listened to her cover Deon and my tracks. She got done talking she walked over to me and she was still shaking so I pulled her to me. "It's fine."

After everything had settled we sat down on the couch Angel was not napping. I was holding her as we watched tv she hadn't said anything nor had she changed out of her towel and i didn't want to ruin the moment by saying thing.

She turned to look at me as the credits rolled. "I missed you" I was taken back by her confession so I did what I thought was right and I kissed her gently and pulled away "sorry I just-" she cut me off by grabbing me back to kiss me passionately. I had missed her lips so much.


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