By johnmr01

4.9K 67 27

When five guy meet each other and find out their all bin kicked out unwanted and a nobody but when they work... More

Team COMBAT song
How we got to beacon
The First Step
The Emerald Forest
Players and Pieces
The Badge and The Burden
Forever Fall
The Stray
Black and White
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
Painting the Town
Dance Dance Infiltration
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes
COMBINE for round one
It's Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
Fall: Onslaught vs Sun
Battle of Beacon
Heroes and Monsters
End of the Beginning
A feather of a rose
Rose and feathers 2
FireRocket and snowflakes
RPG and shotguns
Leader, Monkey and a Cat
The sly Fox in the White fang
A Fox, Cat, Monkey and a leader
Bird, feather, rose, ninja, knight, hammer
Fight for the lamp
The brothers reunited
Argus Limited
So That's How It Is
The Coming Storm
Alone in the Woods
The Grimm Reaper
Dead End
Stealing from the Elderly
The Lady in the Shoe
Seeing Red
Our Way
The Greatest Kingdom
A New Approach
Ace Operatives
Pomp and Circumstance
A Night Off
Worst Case Scenario
Cordially Invited
As Above, So Below
Out in the Open
With Friends Like These
The Enemy of Trust
Ruby team
Jail time
Team Yang
Worthy Of These Final Word

Burning the Candle

37 0 0
By johnmr01

(A glum Ruby resting her head on her hand as swindle has his feet up and is throwing cards into a hat she didn't even care that a card hit her in the head as she is staring into the distance before she is startled by someone slamming their palms on the table she is at)

Weiss: (smiling) I need you to pick a tablecloth.

(slides two squares over to Ruby, both seeming to be similar shades of white)

Ruby: (confused) Aren't they both the same?

Weiss: (sighs in frustration) I don't even know why I asked!

Swindle: The one on the right:

Weiss: Thank you.

(Weiss walks out with the right cloth in hand as Yang and brawl comes in carrying a massive sound speaker on their shoulder, which bounces yangs sister and the table as she's moping on again to jump in the air when she drops it on the ground)

Brawl: Ah too easy.

Yang: (brushing her hands as she approaches Ruby) So, have you picked out a dress yet?

Ruby: What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?

Vortex: On come on she got to come I know me and blastoff are.

Blastoff: You bet.

(They finish putting streamers up as they're the only one that can become they can fly.

Ruby: You two are going?

Blastoff: Heck yeah we're doing a double date.

Vortex: We're going with a par of twins.

Swindle: Nice. As for me I also have a date with a fellow fox.

Brawl: Yeah but I not going to be fun if Blake not here. 

Yang: Oh, don't worry; she's going. (looks over off-screen, exasperated) Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!

Weiss: If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!

Brawl: On come on fog machines are awesome for a dance.

(They are interrupted by the sound of doors opening)

Neptune: (walking in with Sun) Your dance is gonna have fog machines?

Weiss: (stepping up to him, becoming sweet) We were thinking about it.

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Sun: You ladies all excited for dress-up?

Ruby: Pfft... Yeah, right!

Yang: Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!

Weiss: (addressing Sun and Neptune) What are you two wearing?

Sun: Uuhhh... this? (gestures to his current shirtless outfit)

Neptune: (steps up and holds a hand in front of his friend's face.) Ignore him for he knows not what he says.

Swindle: He right. We still need to get are fitting done.

Brawl: It's almost hard for someone like me to find a suit. You just owe big strong muscles.

Blastoff: Brawl if you thinks that hard try find a place to can fit you for pants that don't catch on fire when you fly.

Vortex: Yeah and it's kind of hard to find a place that can let my wings be free. Unlike you sun we like to cover are chest.

Sun: (knocks Neptune's hand away) Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place.

Yang: Yeah, we noticed.

Sun: (rubbing the back of his head, preparing to ask:) Soooo... what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, y'know... Blake-y?

Brawl: Yep.

Weiss: Obviously. (turns and crosses her arms in disapproval)

Ruby: I still can't think of a way to change her mind.

Yang: Guys. (everyone looks at her as she starts walking out) Trust me; Blake will be at the dance tomorrow.

Swindle: I bet you all five hundred bucks she uses a laser to get her attention.

Sun: I'll take that bet.

Neptune: Same here.

Brawl: I'm in.

Blastoff: I out.

Vortex: Same here I don't gamble.

Ruby: I'm in Weiss can you cover me.

Weiss: NO!

(We then cut to later at night where everyone is arriving with their dat)



Blastoff and vortex: Ladies.

Militia: My angel.

Melanie: My smart boy.

Blastoff: Shall we go in to dance.

Twins: That would be lovely.

(The twins hold them by the arm and we head inside as we see Yang their in a dress)

Yang: Hey guys— Oh it you two.

(Both girls take their dat and walk to dance floor as they start to dance with them outside swindle wait for his dat)

Swindle: Dame I look good.

Roxy: That you do. My fox.

Swindle: Ah Roxy good to see you.

Roxy: Yes. Your lucky your cute otherwise i would say no.

Swindle: Well then shall we dance.

Roxy: that sounds lovely.

(We then also head inside with her around swindle arm)

Yang: Well look at this foxy couple.

Swindle: We're not dating it's just a dance.

(We then he off and as the three teammates dance with their partners one member is standing by the punch bowl)

Onslaught: Um they really all have dat. (Comms brawl what's taking you long?

Brawl: (Comm) you try finding and putting on suit at my size.

(The doors in front of her open and she flips out upon seeing who walks in)

Yang: Ooohh, you look beautiful!

Ruby: (groans as she looks distressed in her red dress with black lace, belt, and pumps) Can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these? (tries to maintain her balance as she walks to the podium, much to her laughing sister's amusement)

(Meanwhile outside, Sun, Brawl is seen walking around and wearing a new black jacket (now closed up) with a white tie hung around his neck, which he proceeds to fight with before going inside)

Sun: Stupid... dumb... neck trap!

Brawl: Tell me about it. An forget it.

Brawl: Ah now that better.

Blake: I knew you'd look better in a tie. But I wasn't expecting you brawl.

(Sun stops his struggling and stares at the dark purple dress worn by Blake, now looking like she traded her dark bags for violet eyeshadow, as she steps forward and takes him by the arm)

Sun: Sooo, does this mean we're going. together?

Blake: Technically, though my first dance is spoken for.

Brawl: Just don't get your hopes up. I don't dance.

(Inside the ballroom, streamers are hung through glass chandeliers, pink and blue balloons are everywhere, and students in dark suits and bright dresses are stepping with each other to the music the only ones sticking out are the members for team COMBAT the only ones not dancing our brawl and onslaught. Blake is spun around by Yang before they curtsey to one another, and Sun comes up and takes his date's hands as Yang gestures for him to do so. She goes to hang with Ruby and Weiss in a similar white dress as Yang's in the back of the room, watching Blake laugh and enjoy herself before smiling at her team)

Yang: I told you she would come.

Weiss: Mission accomplished.

Ruby: (turning to her teammates) Soooo, what do we do now?

Onslaught: Really ruby come on. Just have fun let's get some punch.

Yang: Just have fun!

(she proceeds to walk away and do so, with Weiss going the opposite direction and leaving Ruby behind)

Ruby: (Shouting after Yang:) Does that mean I can change out of these stupid things and into my hood now? (waddles around) Stupid lady stilts!

Ozpin: Not enjoying yourself?

Onslaught: Hello ozpin.

(Ruby surprised to see the headmaster step up by her side, but shakes her head and laughs)

Ruby: Oh, no, everything's fine! I'm just not much of a fancy pantsy. dancey girl.

Ozpin: Well, you can't spend your whole life on the battlefield, even if you may want to.

Onslaught: Yeah even if you don't want to dance it's still fun to have a night off.

Ruby: Yeah, that lesson's been floating around a lot lately.

Ozpin: If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners interlocked, although one wrong move on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot.

Ruby: Or a twisted ankle.

Onslaught: Both true.

Ozpin: It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.

(Ruby smiles at the words of wisdom, but turns her head at the sound of the doors opening. Yang is back behind the podium, and smiles at the new arrivals)

Yang: You guys are just in time!

Mercury: Wouldn't miss it for the world

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