Shape of you (Daniel Ricciard...

Por Lieke4043

211K 7.3K 4.4K

Stephanie (Stevie) has to deal with the aftermath of a life threatening disease and two young kids by herself... Más

Curly brown hair
Just a rough patch
Summer break (ups)
Take a good nap
Scarred for life
New paths
Paddock passes
Lightning strikes
Meeting Christian
Take that chance
Sweet dreams
An offer you can't refuse
Fingers crossed
Surprise surprise
Unexpected encounters
First date
It's getting hot in here
Brown eyed girl
Come on over
The first
He's one of the good ones
I found you
Three words
I'll keep you safe
Melissa and Seb
Drop em out
A family of your own
Absence makes the heart... miss you
It's time
The ultimate connection
Happy and loved
Ghost from the past
Starry nights
I'm on my knees
Between fear and hope
Your intentions?
Family times.
Don't let them get to you
The office
A special day
Let's tell them
Clearing the air
Think about it.
It looks bad
The fight is on
Not for sale
Win or lose?
They're ours
Return down under
You win some...
Just a scare
Dress for the occasion.
Bright skies, or....
Tomorrow 10 o'clock
Private clinic
Calling the parents.
Married at First sight
Letting him know
Upside down
Black and blue
Love and lust
Celebrating a win.
Officially yours
Birthday flutters
It's time for family
My endless love
I'm gonna love you
There's alwsys that one person
Last one for now
Not ready
One more push
Isn't she lovely?
Look after yourself
More than a couple of weeks
Family together
Three nights
One step forward, two steps back
Mom's here.
Another day, another battle
What now?
A new chapter
Las Vegas surprise.
Pole position
Who is the champion?
She's ready
It's good to be back
Bittersweet goodbye
Things are changing

It keeps getting better

1.6K 68 26
Por Lieke4043

"Do you think they are awake yet?" Stevie asks Daniel once they have settled down on the couch together. Daniel has poured himself a glass of wine, while Stevie is on some sparkling water. She would have loved a glass of the red wine, but she knows she can't, at least not for the next 7,5 months and after that if she can breastfeed she won't be drinking alcohol either.

The kids are in bed after a nice dinner with the four of them. They haven't officially told the kids yet, Zara won't understand and Cole will tell everybody he meets. Luckily he doesn't understand the word pregnant and he didn't hear Stevie tell Tina she was having a baby. So he has no idea that he is going to be a big brother again.

"They should be up by now, my dad will go to work soon. So I think this is the best time to call them." Daniel says before pulling his phone out of his pocket. This is a moment he has been waiting for ever since they heard about the baby.
"Try not to smile yet. I'm going to give them some shit first." He says grinning.

"Well we've been doing that to everybody so far. I guess we shouldn't spare your parents either." Stevie agrees. It's kind of fun to tease their loved ones a bit. Besides they get amazing news after they made them sweat a bit.

Once Daniel presses the call button it doesn't take long before they see Joe come up the screen.
"Good morning kids. Oh no wait, it's evening there in sunny Miami isn't it?" He asks. They can see he's on the breakfast table, having a large cup of coffee. In the background they hear some sounds coming from the kitchen. Grace is probably preparing breakfast for the two of them.

"Hey Dad. Is mom there? We need to talk." Daniel says with a flat voice, he doesn't even answer Joe's question.
"Ehm, yeah she is... what's going on? Why the long face?" Joe asks worried.
"I'll tell you, but can you get mom. I don't want to tell it twice." Daniel says.
So far Stevie hasn't said anything even though she saw Joe look at her a few times trying to read her.

She keeps a straight face, it's not easy, because she loves Joe and she doesn't want to see him worried. But he will forgive them once he hears the news, she hopes.

"Grace darling, can you come here for a moment? I've got Daniel and Stevie on the phone and they have something to talk to us about." Joe calls out to his wife.
"Oh yeah of course. I'm always happy to see them." They hear Grace's voice coming closer as she is walking over to Joe.

"Yeah well they don't seem to happy to see us." Joe says.
"What? Why?" Grace sits down next to her husband and looks at the screen of his phone.
She can now also see the sad faces of her son and his fiancé, which is unusual.

"We just have something that you guys need to know..." Daniel starts.
"It's about the wedding." He sighs leaving Grace and Joe look at him questioning.
"What about the wedding?" Grace asks. The nerves very obvious in her voice.
"There's not going to be a wedding at New Years. We can't go through with it."

His parents look at each other distraught.
"What do you mean? Why can't you go through with it? What is going on guys? You're not breaking up aren't you?" Grace fires questions at them, completely at a loss about their reasons behind them not getting married anymore.

"It's just not the right time. We can't do it."
Daniel keeps adding and his parents faces keep dropping further. His mom looking really distressed.
Grace is scared that Daniel and Stevie have broken up and that she has now lost the sweetest daughter in law she could have asked for and those two angels of grandkids.

"But... I don't understand? What is going on?" His mom looks like she is about to cry and Stevie can't do it anymore. Grace doesn't deserve to be so upset.
"The reason we can't get married at New Years is that we are expecting a baby and the due date is the 26th of December. So getting married a couple of days later might not be the best idea." Stevie admits, her face breaking into a smile.

"But you guys love each other. I'm sure there's a way to..... hang on... what?" They can see when the penny drops.
"Stevie is pregnant. We'll be a family of five by the end of the year." Daniel tells his parents.

"Oh my fucking god!" His mom shouts, shocking Daniel and his dad. Grace rarely swears, she is very soft spoken in general. But now right now.
"Get the fuck out of here! Are you serious?" She asks in utter disbelief.
"Yeah we are serious. Here look." Daniel holds the ultrasound picture up in front of the camera. Showing his parents their fifth grandchild.

"Well I'll be damned. That is absolutely wonderful. I mean.. it is right? You two are happy about it?" Joe asks them.
"We are. It is very unexpected, but this little one is very welcome." Stevie smiles.

Now she has been able to let the news settle a bit and tell other people, she is glowing. The thought of having another baby just fills her with joy. And now with the support of the people around them it's even better.

"How are you feeling? Any sickness or other symptoms?" Grace asks her.
"No not really. We went to the clinic because I felt some lumps in my breasts, but those turned out innocent and are caused by the hormones. I wasn't sick with Cole and Zara either. I just smelled everything much stronger and I craved chocolate with hazelnuts. But you never know, every pregnancy is different."

The nausea she felt today was more due to the stress, it wasn't morning sickness. Or at least she doesn't think it was. Time will tell if it will develop or not.

"So about the wedding, are you going to postpone it?" Grace would like to know.
"About that. We would actually like to move it forward... to summer break. But we kinda need your help with that. There's no way we will be able to plan everything in such a short amount of time. Especially because we are in Europe and we still want to have the wedding in Perth." Daniel gives him mom his best pleading puppy eyes.

She caves immediately.
"Oh I get it. Don't worry about it, just let me know what you want and I'll take care of it." Grace smiles reassuring.
"Grace you are the best. Thank you!" Stevie feels so relieved. Of course she'd rather plan it herself. But she just doesn't see how she could manage.

"It's fine. Just send me all the ideas you have and I'll make sure it will be perfect."
Grace doesn't mind planning this wedding for her son and Stevie. She's delighted to see Daniel this happy and especially now they are going to give them another grandbaby, she will happily make sure they have the best wedding. Even if it's one she will have to plan in about two and a half months.

"Daniel make sure she doesn't work too hard. That's our fifth grandchild she's carrying and they both need to be healthy and safe." Joe says. For him Cole and Zara are just as much his grandkids as this baby and Michelle's kids. Even though this one is the only one biologically Daniel's.
"You know I will." Daniel grins. He is so happy to hear his dad say he will have five grandkids. They will never make a difference between any of them.

"I'm not sick. I'm pregnant and it's not the first time. I know what I'm doing." Stevie says, she knows they mean well, but she's not going to be handled like some valuable Chinese vase or something. She will do whatever feels right for how long it feels right and is safe to do so.
"He knows. He was like this when Michelle was pregnant as well." Grace rolls her eyes.
Her husband can be so overprotective over the people he loves.

"It's ok, it's sweet, but I can take care of myself and I know Daniel will also take very good care of me."
After a short talk they eventually end the call and Daniel puts the phone on the table.
"I think it's safe to say everybody is very happy about the news."

He leans back, feeling fulfilled, happy and just at ease. Of course it's a bit scary, because you never know what can happen in these early stages of pregnancy, but Stevie seems relaxed so he will try to follow her example. She's done it before and she knows her body best.

"I think you are right. So now we just have to tell your sister and we shouldn't wait too long until we tell Christian. He needs to know that I won't be working until the end of the season." Stevie knows she probably won't be there for the last race. Depending on how it goes, because around Abu Dhabi she will be 36 weeks and flying won't be the best idea by that time.

She is a bit bummed that she won't be there for when Daniel hopefully gets that championship. But she will support him from home, it is what it is and she isn't going to jeopardize this baby.

"My sister can wait and so can Christian. We can call Michelle tomorrow and this weekend we will talk to Christian. Or we could wait until the first 12 weeks are passed."
Stevie shrugs, 'it doesn't matter to me. We'll see. I'm going to get something to snack. Do you want something?" She asks him.

"I'll have whatever your having. Do you need help?"
Stevie leans over and gives him a kiss.
"I think I can manage."
She walks to the kitchen and checks the fridge to see if there's anything she would like.
She's craving something sweet, but she also wants something salty.

She doesn't find anything in the fridge so she moves to one of the cupboards. She remembers there were Reese's peanut butter cups, which would be perfect.
As she is bending over to look through the lower cabinets she hears Daniel coming into the kitchen.

Daniel is met with the most amazing view of Stevie's round bum as she is bending over. He can't help it, but his body reacts instantly. He can almost feel his blood flowing from his brain to his groin. Stevie is still dressed in her sundress, which just covers her bum in this position.

He only needs two steps to cover the distance between them. As soon as he is behind her he lets his finger go over the exposed skin of her thigh.
Stevie heard him walk in so she isn't spooked, but she didn't expect him to touch her. Not that she minds, where his finger has touched her skin she can feel it tingling.

She can feel the warmth radiating from his body as he is standing close behind her. He's not against her, but she knows if she just leans back a bit she will be able to grind against him.
And that's exactly what she does, gone is the craving for peanut butter cups. All she craves now is Daniel, Daniel's hands and mouth on her.

She only has to move herself back an inch before she feels her bum touch his thighs and groin.
"Oh, I thought you wanted a snack?" Daniel chuckles behind her.
"You distracted me and now I want something else." She raises her upper body and looks over her shoulder.

"That's good. Because I intend to be snacking on you." Daniel tells her while he puts his hands on her hips. He moves them up, pulling her skirt up at the same time.
"You really have a magnificent ass." He compliments her. He's telling the truth, he loves the full, round cheeks that feel so amazing in his hands or grinding against him.

"So do you. But you are perfect in every way."
Stevie wants to turn around, but Daniel prevents that. He wants to have her grinding against him a bit longer. His hardening cock is already pushing against the fabric of his boxers.

With his hand between her shoulder blades he pushes her down until she is bent over again. She holds on to the edge of the countertop to hold herself steady.
His hand slides down over the back of her dress, her ass, until he reaches her thighs.

There he grabs the skirt of the dress and pulls it up, revealing the light blue thong she is wearing underneath it.
He groans when he sees the damp patch of fabric between her legs. He has barely touched her but she is already getting wet for him.

"Is it safe to do it while you're pregnant?" He asks before there's no turning back.
"Of course it is. I never did it though, Mitch never wanted to while I was pregnant. But yeah it's safe."
"Mitch is an idiot. I intend to fuck you as long as you want me to and as long as we can." His hands are on her ass, gently squeezing and massaging her soft flesh.

She pushes herself back again, she needs to feel what it does to him so he grabs her hips and pulls her against his crotch.
"Somebody is hard." She giggles.
"Yeah well you know you are the one causing it."

She wiggles her hips, grinding against him which causes a groan to escape his throat.
He pushes his hand between them and he can feel her hot and wet core press against him.
"Already so wet for me." He smirks. He loves what he does to her, he loves how he can get her soaking through her panties with only the minimum touch.

He hooks his fingers on the tiny scrap of fabric covering her womanhood and pulls it aside.
He then slips his finger between her folds, feeling her juices coat it straight away.
He locates her little bud of nerves and carefully rubs his slick finger around it.

"Hmmmm that's nice." She moans softly. Somehow it feels more sensitive than usual, not unpleasant, but her senses seem heightened.
"Just nice? I'll have to do better then." He increases the pressure only a little bit and she feels her knees buckle.
"Ok very nice." She teases him, biting her lip to hold back a moan.

"That's not good enough. I'll have to try harder." Daniel removes his finger from her wet slit and pulls her thong down completely. She steps out of it and he kicks it to the side.
His hand now moves to her flat stomach, even though it's flat now, he knows in a few months time she will have the cutest bump there that holds the biggest treasure of their lives.

Sliding further down he finds her mound and labia again. His finger easily slips in between them, but this time he doesn't go directly for her clit. He pushes his finger inside her wet womanhood, her muscles clenching around it. With the pad of his thumb he rubs her clit while he pumps his finger inside of her, adding another one to fill her up a bit more.

He curves them, putting pressure on her g-spot while he keeps rubbing her clit.
"Ooooh yes." Stevie moans.
"Now that's what I wanted to hear." Daniel smirks.
His cock is straining against his boxers, desperate for some more space, but he wants to make Stevie cum on his fingers first before he takes it further.

He hears the wet sounds as his fingers keep thrusting inside of her, massaging her g-spot as she is struggling to stay on her feet. Her knuckles are white from holding on to the countertop and her breathing is ragged.

He is so eager to bury his cock deep inside her, but he has to be patient, he knows she is already edging closer to her release and he wants to give her that first.

He uses his other hand to pull down the straps of her sundress, she wasn't wearing a bra so once she pulled her arms out of the straps he puts his hand in the top of the dress to cup her breasts.
In the palm of his hand he feels her hard nipple rubbing against his skin.

Her whimpers fill the room as he keeps moving his hand between her legs. He can even feel her legs tremble against him which tells him he will have to hold on to her when she cums or she will drop to the floor.
"That's it baby, cum all over my fingers." He encourages her.

He rolls her nipple between his thumb and index finger, which sends sparks of pleasure through her nerves. She knows she is close. She feels that build up in her core, that build up which will end in her having a mind blowing orgasm.

A few more thrusts of his fingers and she explodes.
"Fuck, oh fuck! Daniel yes!" She cries out when her body convulses against him, his fingers still moving inside her, but his other arm wrapped around her waist to make sure she doesn't fall and hurt herself.

He feels her juices dripping down his hand and wrist, she always gets even more wet when she orgasms and he loves it. He can't wait to lick his fingers clean and taste that delicious honey that tastes like her.

"Are you ok baby?" He asks her once she is over the peak of her orgasm. He pulls her upper body against him so she is standing up straight again. She is panting and soft whimpers still escape her as the last shocks of her high pulsate through her.

"Ahuh. I thought I was just going to get some peanut butter cups. But I have to say this was much better." A soft chuckle escapes her as she is slowly catching her breath again.
She can of course feel how hard he is, his cock is pressing against her back through his pants and now she just wants to pleasure him.

In his arms she turns around after he removed his hands from between her legs. She watches him as he locks eyes with her while he licks his fingers clean.
"You taste so fucking good baby." He groans, his pupils dilated so his eyes look almost black.
"So do you. Maybe I should have a little taste." She licks her lips.

"Maybe later, if you put that sexy mouth on me now I'm done for and I need that tight pussy around me."
Of course he would love her to suck him off, but he is about to burst and he really wants to fuck her.
"I guess it's still early. There's always round two later." She grins, in the mean time shaking the dress of her body, so she is left completely naked in front of him.

His eyes roam her body, her full breasts, her flat stomach, those amazing hips and her glistening pussy between her legs. Even her thighs are wet from her juices.
She proceeds to pull his shirt over his head, finally revealing his chiseled body to her.

She runs her hands over his sprinkle of dark chest hair, her fingers find his small but hard nipples and he sucks in his breath when she touches them.
She looks up and he dips his head, catching her mouth with his. Their tongues immediately find each other, curling around each other hungrily and passionate.

She lets her fingers run down over those crazy tight abs, she can feel every outline as if they are carved in stone and her body feels like it's been set on fire. He just feels so good, so strong and so safe. His skin almost burning up underneath the tips of her finger as if he is running a fever.

With their lips still connected, she quickly opens up the button and zipper of his pants, making them drop to the floor. She cups his bulge over the cotton of his boxers and she can feel the damp spot where he tip is leaking pre cum already.

He groans against her mouth when she rubs her thumb over that wet spot. The friction of the cotton heightening his arousal even more.

Both are now impatient, in desperate need for their bodies to become one, so she pushes his boxers down his peachy bum and as soon as it hits the floor Daniel kicks it to the side.
He grabs her thighs and lifts her up, Stevie wrapping her legs around him so she clings to him like a koala.

Only breaking up their kiss for a moment to see where he's going to put her so he can fuck her, he realizes the counter is too high, but the kitchen table will work perfectly fine.
He turns around and puts her on the cold, wooden surface of the table.
She gasps when she feels her hot skin cool down, but he catches that gasp with his mouth as he plunders her with his tongue.

"Fuck me Daniel. Please!" She pleads when they quickly come up for air.
He slides her to the edge of the table, lining up in front of her entrance and thrusts himself inside in one swift motion. They both moan simultaneously when the feel her walls stretch around him.

His thick girth always makes her feel full and its like she couldn't possibly stretch any further.
It's so good though, the way he fits so perfectly, the way he feels her up completely and the way she squeezes her muscles around him.

"Aaah shit you're so fucking tight." He moans, holding still for a moment.
"No you are just fucking big." She says, her breathing ragged and shallow.
While they enjoy this moment of togetherness, they let their forehead lean against each other, his hands on her hips.

"I love you baby. I promise I'll be careful. I don't want to harm that little bean in there." He says, his voice filled with love and adoration.
"Our little bean in here is perfectly safe. You won't harm it even if you fuck me hard." She cups his stubbly cheek.

Even in this moment of passion he will always find a way to make sure she is ok, to let her know he takes care of her and he loves her.
She crosses her ankles behind him and pulls him closer. His cock being pushed inside her even deeper.

"Lean back." He tells her and she removes her arms from his neck. She leans back on her elbows when he pulls back, only leaving his tip inside her. Just when she wants to protest he pulls her towards him so her bum is almost hanging over the edge of the table.

He starts to move and soon finds a rhythm that is the perfect speed for both of them. He fucks her hard enough to fill the room with the sound of their thighs smack against each other, but careful enough not to hurt her.

She lets her head fall back, her eyes almost roll to the back of her head.
"Oh god Daniel! Fuck yes!" She moans.
"You feel so good baby. So fucking good."
Daniel's fingers are buried in the soft flesh of her thighs. She expects him to leave some bruises, but she doesn't care.

With every thrust she stretches around him, she can feel the edge of his tip, the bulging vein and his balls that slap against her bum every time he slams inside of her.
She lies flat on her back on the table, unable to hold herself up on her elbows.

Daniel's hands roam her body, he stares down at her absolutely loving what he sees. She is just perfect in every way, her ribcage tattoo stands out on her pale skin, her round breasts bounce with every thrust. He can barely see the scars anymore. They have faded so there are only thin white lines left. They never bothered him and they wouldn't bother him even if they were still very visible. She's his girl and she's all he ever dreamed about.

She already made his life richer with her presence and with Cole and Zara. Now she's going to give him another baby. He thought he couldn't love her more and things couldn't get any better. But he loves her more each and every day and things are still getting better as their connection grows stronger.

She grabs his arms and buries her nails in his skin as he thrusts himself inside her. His rhythm getting sloppier as his orgasm is getting closer.
"I'm almost there baby, I can't hold it much longer."
She releases one of his arms and starts to rub her clit, she is close, but not close enough.

The sight of Stevie touching herself while he is fucking her almost makes him shoot his load right away, but he manages to hold it just a bit longer. He wants her to cum again with him still inside of her. He wants to feel her body pulsate and clench around him while he squirts his seed in her.

"Fuck baby that looks so hot. Make yourself cum on my cock, but open those gorgeous eyes. I want to see it happen while I feel it."
It is taking every ounce of self control to hold on just a little bit longer.

Stevie opens her eyes and locks them with his. Her bright blue orbs show how close she is. He can feel her body tense up as she is reaching that ultimate high.

"I'm coming Daniel! Please cum with me!" She cries out just before her body starts so spasm when the waves of her second orgasm crash into her. Her back arches from the wooden surface of the table and she struggles to keep her eyes locked with his.

"Oh Stevie! Oh baby! Fuck I love you!" He cries out before he feels his balls contract and his cock starts to squirt his seed against her cervix. Her muscles contract around him, milking him from every single drop he has.

"Oh god, oh god! Oh god Daniel!" She can feel the hot liquid fill her up, she can feel his cock twitch as string after string of his seed coat her on the inside.

Both have a thin layer of sweat covering their skin as they slowly land back on earth.
Daniel can feel himself slide out of her which causes her to convulse again. She is beyond sensitive now and every little touch is enough to send those sparks of electricity through her body again.

He pulls her up against him, both hot and sticky and in need of a shower, but he wants to hold her for a bit before they go back to doing something so basic as showering. He doesn't want this moment to be over just yet.

Their lips find each other, this time in a slow, almost lazy kiss as they lay all their love in that kiss.

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