נכתב על ידי MimieLover

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WHAT would you do when you fall in love with an unexpected person and at unexpected time? Zhang Rounan, he ha... עוד



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נכתב על ידי MimieLover

ROUNAN could not stop smiling even in her sleep. This was not just a dream anymore. Despite the fear of uncertainty of the future, she had decided to spend the rest of her life with Wei Ting, the love of her life. It was snowing at the outside but Rounan felt warm inside Wei Ting's arms. They were spooning on the bed, both were still inside their own dreamland. However, the crease formed on Rounan's forehead when she started feeling discomfort around her belly.

She ignored it at first, deciding to stay in her dreamland. Few minutes later, the discomfort came again. This time, the intensity increased and forced Rounan to leave her sweet dream. It was 4 in the morning when she glanced at the clock wall. Wei Ting was still in his dreamland. He remained unmoving when Rounan pushed his arm away from her waist. Probably she needed to take a dump, but another wave of discomfort hit her until she winced in pain. This was not just a discomfort. She was actually having the contraction pain.

"Wei Ting Ge," Rounan gripped his arm and shook it to wake him from the sleep. No response from him. Rounan bit her lips to endure the pain that lasted about 30 seconds. She was very sure that she was having a regular contraction pain.

"Ge!" this time Rounan gripped his arm harder, making Wei Ting jolted from his sleep.

"Why? What happen? What is going on?" he was sleepy and confused at first. However, seeing Rounan wincing in pain, he instantly sober.

"What happen?" seeing Rounan was pressing her belly in pain, Wei Ting touched her back. Rounan was not able to answer until her contraction subsided.

"I think I'm having contraction pain," Wei Ting's eyes widened after hearing that. Panic etched on his face, causing him to be dumbfounded for few seconds before he finally could register what was happening. He finally pressed the 'Help' button at the head of bed.

"They will be coming in seconds," Wei Ting tried to remain calm yet his face turned pale when his palm touched the bed. Why the bed felt damp? He pushed away the blanket, realizing that Rounan had another episode of leaking as there was huge watermark stain on her pink hospital dress. Wei Ting was speechless, so did Rounan. Was she going to give birth in anytime soon? Few minutes later, one female nurse came to check on their condition.

"What can I help you with?" the tall blonde hair nurse asked politely while checking on Rounan's condition.

"I think I am having contraction pain," Rounan informed, clenching her lips when another wave of contraction hit her.

"Stay calm, Mommy. The doctor will attend you in a while," the nurse tried to ease Rounan's nervousness by rubbing her back. At the same time, the nurse requested Wei Ting to wait at outside the room for a while because she had to prepare Rounan the examination later. Wei Ting obliged.

"Don't worry. I'll be at outside," he squeezed Rounan's hand, kissing her temple before he leaving the room. Few seconds later, the doctor arrived to check on Rounan. Wei Ting checked the time on his phone screen. It had been only a minute since the doctor entered the room, yet he felt like years waiting outside the room. After a while, the nurse came out and informed that the doctor would like to see him.

Wei Ting rubbed his sweaty palms on both side of his pants before entering the room. He even could hear his own heartbeat that thumping erratically. The sight of Rounan was lying on the bed with two probes on her rounded tummy greeted Wei Ting's sight once he entered the room.

"Doctor, how is my wife?"

"Mrs. Chan is currently in labour. She is 4cm dilated and the membrane that surrounding the baby already ruptured. We will move her into labour suite in a while," the doctor named Linda explained the current situation. They had been informed beforehand the possible complications of Rounan's condition where there was a failure of prolonging the pregnancy to term if the labour progress spontaneously. Wei Ting just nodded before the doctor excused herself to leave.

"Ge...," Rounan called Wei Ting, fear etched on her face. Wei Ting immediately went to Rounan's side, holding and squeezing her hand for comfort. His other hand wiped away the beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Everything will be fine. I will stay with you," he whispered and kissed her temple again. Rounan did not reply, just squeezing Wei Ting's hand when the contraction pain appeared again. it was so painful until tears started forming in her eyes. Meanwhile, the staffs were preparing to move Rounan to labour suite once they finished tracing the baby's heartbeat.


IT was already 7 in the morning. After few hours enduring the contraction pain, Rounan finally fell asleep in exhaustion after the epidural kicked in. The two probes were remained attached on Rounan's tummy, continuously monitoring the baby's heartbeat during the labour process. Aunty Shihan had been informed regarding Rounan's condition and she had been waiting for them outside the labour suite. Meanwhile, Rounan's parents were expected to arrive at the airport in one to two hours.

Wei Ting pushed away the damp hairs on Rounan's sweaty face. She might be sleeping but sometimes her hand reflexively squeezing his hand, indicating that she was having contraction pain. The pain much alleviated with the epidural, helping her to stay calm and giving her the time to rest while waiting for delivery of their son. Rounan opened her eyes the moment Wei Ting caressed her cheek.

"Am I disturbing you?" asked him, still caressing her cheek. Despite in pain and exhaustion, Rounan still managed to curl a small smile for him.

"No. I just feel sleepy," she murmured, closing her eyes again in exhaustion. After that, there was no more response from her. She fell asleep again. Wei Ting planted a long kiss on her knuckles. Being in this labour suite and watching Rounan in pain, Wei Ting could not help but feeling gratitude towards her. She had gone through a lot in carrying their son. There was nothing in this world that he could give her in return for it. The midwife quietly came into the suite to check on Rounan from time to time.

Exactly at 10 in the morning, Rounan complaint of something coming out. Because of epidural, the pain was bearable. The doctor and midwife attended her, informing that the head already visible and she just needed to push harder to deliver the baby.

"Husband, please give the encouragement to the Mommy," the doctor ordered while the midwife and other nurse instructed Rounan to pull her legs up and hold both calves to keep the legs open. Wei Ting immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulder for support and whispered encouragement words her ear. Seeing the pain on her face, Wei Ting could not help to shed the tears.

"Okay, Mommy! You are doing very great," the doctor kept encouraging, so did the people inside the labour suite. After fifteen minutes of pushing down, the loud cry of the baby echoed inside the suite. Their firstborn was delivered on 7th January 2027 at 1030H. Even though he was born premature at 34 weeks 2 days, he was crying very loud.

Rounan's breathing was ragging as tears kept streaming down on her face. All the pain she experienced just now seemed disappeared the moment the nurse opened her gown and placed the baby on her bare chest. It was the first contact between mother and baby, the amazing bonding that miraculously gave the sense of security to the baby. Unfortunately, she could not hold the baby for longer time since the baby needed to be handed to the pediatric team for examination.

"Now we are done with delivering the baby. Congratulation for becoming the parents to such a beautiful baby. Now we need to attend the mother which the father needs to wait at outside," the young doctor congratulated them. Wei Ting understood that his presence was no longer required, so he had to leave to give the room to them to settling their jobs. One of the staffs assisted him to leave the suite.

"Thanks for everything," his voice was shaking but he managed to thank the staffs before leaving the suite. As soon as he out from the labour suite area and went to waiting area, his legs turned into jelly. He leaned onto the wall and slid down onto the cold floor. Aunty Shihan and Ming Zhu were inside the waiting lobby when the saw him on the floor.

"Wei Ting, what is going on? Is the baby here?" asked Auntie Shihan in worry, especially after saw how pale his face right now. Wei Ting wiped his face using both palms, heart still beating erratically against the chest. Everything he had witnessed just now was surreal, making him speechless as he was quietly crying there.

"Wei Ting Ge, stop making us anxious!" Ming Zhu urged him to give an update. Did something bad happen to Rounan and the baby just now?

"Both Rounan and baby are safe," that was all he managed to say right now.


AT 1pm, Rounan was transferred back to her room. The baby was not with Rounan because he needed oxygen support and close monitoring. However, the couple could visit the baby in the evening later. After Rounan sat comfortably on the bed, Aunty Shihan and Ming Zhun went to hug her.

"Congratulation on becoming a mother," Aunty Shihan hugged Rounan tightly, so did Ming Zhu. Both Rounan's parents were still on the way from the airport and would arrive in few more hours.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything?" asked Wei Ting as he sat next to her. She needed nutritious foods to help her with the breastmilk production and faster recovery.

"I am already full," she just had her meal in labour suite just now. The staffs were very helpful. They even taught her to express her breastmilk. She was only able to produce about 20ml of milk. Was that enough for her baby? The breastfeeding nurse educated her to keep expressing her milk when the baby was not around, so it will increase the amount of her milk later.

"I'm just feel so sleepy," Rounan was really appreciate when they filled her room with flowers and gifts for the baby, but she had not fully recovered from the exhaustion.

"Oh, we won't disturb you then. We will return to home first and come back later with your parents," Rounan just nodded weakly. Wei Ting helped Rounan with the position and pulled the blanket to cover her body.


ROUNAN did not know how long she had fallen asleep, but she was awake by the familiar voices inside her room. It was her parents' voices but they seemed were having serious conversation with Wei Ting. So, Rounan decided to pretend sleeping.

"We decide to register our marriage after we return to China. With the humble heart, I once again ask the blessing from Uncle and Auntie to leave Rounan under my care. I know that I am not perfect but I will try my best to love her, take care of her and our little family as the best I could," Rounan had no idea that Wei Ting was kneeling on the floor, just like the first time he secretly went to her parents' house to ask her hand for marriage.

"Wei Ting, you don't have to do this. Please get up," Mrs. Zhang requested Wei Ting to sit on the couch.

"I will not change my mind about not favouring you becoming my daughter's husband," Rounan's eyes widened after hearing Mrs. Zhang's statement. What does it mean? Her parents clearly knew from beginning that Wei Ting flew across the countries to propose her. They had never against Wei Ting when he stayed with her in Somerset. Then why suddenly Mrs. Zhang seemed against Wei Ting?

"But as the day passed, you have gained my trust. I can see how happy Rounan when she is with you. I hope you will never do something that can break our trust," Rounan was astonished. Does it mean Mrs. Zhang had approved Wei Ting to become a part of their family? Rounan could not contain her happiness, but she must as if she had never heard their conversation. So, she pretended to move a little bit before yawning. After all, she was the actress that had won several trophies in the row for the past few years.

"Rounan...," her parents approached the bed.

"Mom... Dad," Rounan pretended to be surprised, but the tight hug that she gave to Mrs. Zhang was genuine. Despite communicating with them almost every week, she still missed them badly. After that, Mr. Zhang hugged his daughter. Her non makeup face could not hide the glow of the new mother on her face.

"I am so happy that you are safe. Too bad, we can't see our grandson," Mrs. Zhang could not ask much as she understood that the baby was requiring oxygen support currently. She just prayed that the baby was healthy and could be discharged to Rounan soon.

"We are going to see the baby after this. Do you want to take the shower first?" asked Wei Ting. Furthermore, she needed to change her pad now. Rounan looked at him with a small smile on her face. That was enough for him to move closer and help her to get off from the bed. The pain after giving birth was still there, especially around her perineum area because they had stitched the tear below there. Instead of letting Rounan walked to the bathroom, Wei Ting lifted her up and carried her inside.

"Your aunt had brought dinner for us. Let's have a meal together after this," Mrs. Zhang went back to the table to unpack the meal. Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Wei Ting had put a chair inside there. He put down Rounan on the chair and unbuttoning her gown after that.

"I can take shower by myself," her hand gently gripped his wrist, stopping him from undressing her.

"I insist in helping you," Wei Ting moved her hand away and started undressing her. After all, there was nothing to hide from his eyes. He then helped her to remove the pad before open the warm shower for her. He ran the shower head around her body, pressing the few drops of body shampoo on his palm before rubbing them on her smooth skin.

"Ouch!" Rounan winced when he touched her big breasts. She noticed both her breasts were full, indicating she needed to emptied it as soon as possible.

"They were getting bigger. We haven't purchased the breast pump," Rounan gently massaged her breasts to ease the discomfort there. Wei Ting quietly did his job and after 20 minutes, Rounan had finished with her shower and had fully dressed in the hospital gown.

"Just let me walk on my own. Remember what the doctor said? Walking will help to prevent blot clot formation and help with the healing?" she reminded him the doctor's advice before they left the labour suite. Wei Ting was hesitated at first but watching Rounan was glaring at him when he tried to help her, he had to surrender. She could walk on her own even though her steps were slow because of pain.


AFTER dinner, Wei Ting and Rounan went to the baby's ward to visit their newborn. He pushed the wheelchair into the one room as Instructed by the nurse in charge. After that, he helped Rounan to move from the wheelchair to the small comfortable inside the room. After waiting for few minutes, the nurse came into the room, pushing the bassinet inside the room.

"We just off his oxygen this evening. So far, he is doing great and tolerating the breastmilk that Mommy had provided this morning," both Wei Ting and Rounan's eyes became sparkling at the sight of their firstborn. Only now they got the chance to see their son properly. Even though he was born premature, but his weight is 2750g. Rounan chuckled when she gently brushed his soft thick hair, the trait that he obviously inherited from her side.

"I want to hold him," the nurse named Jacqulin was being really helpful. She gently took the baby from bassinet and placed him in Rounan's arms. The baby was not crying, but he just looked at them with a frown.

"Hi..," the baby was still starting at them in confuse. After a while, he finally moved and smiled inside Rounan's arms.

"Look at his cute dimple," the small dimple on his right chubby check was an obvious trait from Wei Ting.

"Welcome to the world, Yuchen. We have been waiting for you," Rounan moved to kiss his small face.

"Chan Yuchen..," Wei Ting gently squeezed Rounan's shoulder, reminding her that the child would be using his surname in the future. Suddenly Yuchen was snuggling on Rounan's chest while his lips seemed searching for something.

"Oh, he is hungry. How about Mommy breastfeed him now? I will help you with it," Jacqulin instructed Rounan to lean back comfortably before she asked the permission to expose Rounan's chest. They were inside private room anyway. When Yuchen sucked her nipple for the first time, Rounan could feel the stronger bonding between them.

"What a good job, Mommy. It looks like the baby is getting the milk from you," Jacqulin complimented Rounan, the act of encouragement to promote and educate mother regarding the benefits of breastfeeding to mother and the child. After observing Rounan and baby for a while, Jacqulin then left to give some space and privacy to them.

"What a powerful suckling," Wei Ting laughed as he could hear Yuchen sucked and drank the milk from Rounan's breast. He playfully touched Yuchen's hand, but the boy decided to hold one of his fingers, making his heart melting at the first bonding between them. He had always loved kids but having his own kid, it was something different. Now he was holding a huge responsibility on his shoulders.

"Thank you for making my dream came true," with that, Wei Ting moved forward and planted a long kiss on Rounan's temple. 


Finally the baby is here. Enjoy reading

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