Shape of you (Daniel Ricciard...

By Lieke4043

210K 7.3K 4.4K

Stephanie (Stevie) has to deal with the aftermath of a life threatening disease and two young kids by herself... More

Curly brown hair
Just a rough patch
Summer break (ups)
Take a good nap
Scarred for life
New paths
Paddock passes
Lightning strikes
Meeting Christian
Take that chance
Sweet dreams
An offer you can't refuse
Fingers crossed
Surprise surprise
Unexpected encounters
First date
It's getting hot in here
Brown eyed girl
Come on over
The first
He's one of the good ones
I found you
Three words
I'll keep you safe
Melissa and Seb
Drop em out
A family of your own
Absence makes the heart... miss you
It's time
The ultimate connection
Happy and loved
Ghost from the past
Starry nights
I'm on my knees
Between fear and hope
Your intentions?
Family times.
Don't let them get to you
The office
A special day
Let's tell them
Clearing the air
Think about it.
It looks bad
The fight is on
Not for sale
Win or lose?
They're ours
Return down under
You win some...
Dress for the occasion.
Bright skies, or....
Tomorrow 10 o'clock
Private clinic
Calling the parents.
It keeps getting better
Married at First sight
Letting him know
Upside down
Black and blue
Love and lust
Celebrating a win.
Officially yours
Birthday flutters
It's time for family
My endless love
I'm gonna love you
There's alwsys that one person
Last one for now
Not ready
One more push
Isn't she lovely?
Look after yourself
More than a couple of weeks
Family together
Three nights
One step forward, two steps back
Mom's here.
Another day, another battle
What now?
A new chapter
Las Vegas surprise.
Pole position
Who is the champion?
She's ready
It's good to be back
Bittersweet goodbye
Things are changing

Just a scare

1.6K 61 26
By Lieke4043

"Take a few slow, deep breaths Tina. It's ok." Stevie tells her friend who is sobbing after seeing the results on the tests.
She fills a glass of water for Tina to drink once she is able to breathe again. She doesn't want her to choke in it.

"Oh god I'm so relieved. I really thought it would be positive." Tina finally is able to say. The digital test clearly says 'not pregnant' and the other one also only has one line.
It was just the stress and relief that came out all of a sudden and that's why she started sobbing.

"Well at least now you can stop worrying about it. I bet you somewhere today your period will start." Melissa smiles thinking about how she would feel if she got pregnant right now.
Of course she is a couple of years older than Tina, so for her it would possibly feel different. Also she and Seb definitely want kids and they don't really want to wait years before they are going to try.

But Seb is also closer to retirement as Charles is. He already said he doesn't see himself race for more than two years after this season. So that would make things easier, she wouldn't have to do most of the baby phase on her own. Charles is far from retiring, he's so young still and he is so eager to win that championship at some point.

Seb has five, he would love another one, but he is already very pleased with what he achieved.
If Seb quits, so will Melissa. She isn't going to travel the world if he is at home. Once she quits working in the Red Bull kitchen she wants to start her own bakery. Or she will start with making cakes at home for birthdays and build from there. She will miss the team, but she wants to have that family life.

Tina is calming down and sipping from her water while Melissa and Stevie grab a bottle of lemonade from the mini fridge. This morning was a lot more stressful than they thought. It wasn't even about them, but they could just imagine how scared Tina was not knowing. At least now she can move on and relax again.

"So anybody want to go to Melbourne zoo today?" Stevie says lightening the mood.
"Charles and I were going to go to the Peninsula hot water springs. It will give us some time to talk. I know I have to tell him about taking the tests." Tina replies.

It will be nice having some time with just the two of them, Charles can finally unwind after the weekend. He is so focused on his job during race weekends which he has to be of course, but it does make him lose sight of other things. He didn't even notice her being so tense this weekend. Maybe when they have some one on one time today they can discuss some things.

"Girls I could use a proper drink right now. I never expected to feel so anxious for somebody else taking a pregnancy test." Melissa drops herself on the couch in the lounge area of the room.
"Just imagine how you will feel if it's your turn." Stevie jokes. Now they know Tina isn't pregnant the air feels a lot lighter and they can joke about it.

"How did you feel when you were taking tests?" Tina asks Stevie. She is the only one who has experience with tests and having positive ones.
"I guess my situation was different. I really wanted kids at a young age so I was hoping they would be positive. But still I remember those three minutes felt like the longest in my life. I kept staring at the test and pretty soon it was obvious it had two lines. So I was over the moon."

Thinking about that moment for Stevie gives her a lot of warm feelings. She was thrilled to have positive tests and to start that new chapter in her life.
"So how did Mitch react?" Melissa asks her. Knowing his reaction probably wasn't what Stevie hoped for.

Stevie scoffs, that is something else she remembers all too well.
"He looked at it and was like 'so now what?'"
She should have known he wouldn't be the father she hoped for. Obviously she is super happy with her kids, but she really wished they would have a better biological father. Luckily now they have Daniel who is everything they could wish for.

"Did Mitch want kids or not really?" Tina asks her.
"I think he just said yes because he liked the life I gave him and he knew if he told me he really didn't want kids that it would be a dealbreaker for me. He knew exactly what he was doing and I feel so stupid for falling for it." She sighs.

"Well he was very good in pretending. Maybe he should have tried to pursue an acting career instead of something in music." Melissa mocks Mitch.
"Yeah well. He did three good things, he gave me Cole and Zara and he signed those papers so Daniel can adopt them." Stevie will give him that.

"Other than that he's a knob."
All three of them agree with that.

A little bit later they all head back to their rooms so they can move on with the day. Seb and Melissa decide to take the Great Ocean road and wildlife tour. So they all have an amazing day planned.

Daniel and Stevie will take the kids to Melbourne zoo with Peter and Trudy and of course Grace and Joe are coming as well. They still have two days to spend with their kids and grandkids. After that it will be a while before they will see them again. Except on FaceTime of course.

Stevie slides the keycard through the lock in the door and steps inside.
Melissa follows her because Seb is supposed to be here as well.
"Mommy!" Cole comes running towards Stevie as soon as she walks in.
"Hey handsome little man. Did you have fun with dad?" She asks him.

"Yeah and Bastian. We play seek. I found daddy." He tells her about playing hide and seek with both men.
"That sounds like fun. Did Zara hide as well?"

They walk further into the room where she finds Zara standing while holding the coffee table. It's crazy how fast she is growing up now. Soon she will be walking if she keeps going like this.
"Zara wouldn't stay hidden. She just wants to stand and crawl." Daniel smiles proudly. He loves watching Zara explore the world like this. He can't wait to walk around with her, holding her tiny hand in his.

"I guess she doesn't really understand the rules yet." Stevie strokes her daughters dark hairs, she looks more and more like her every day.

"So ehm, I just looked at my Instagram and you girls have been spotted buying pregnancy tests... are you pregnant?" Daniel bluntly asks Stevie.
"No babe I'm not pregnant. It was more of a decoy I guess."

Seb looks at Melissa.
"Are you pregnant?" He asks her, somewhere deep inside he actually has a bit of hope. Maybe the timing won't be perfect, but having a baby with Melissa would be pretty awesome.
"No champion I'm not pregnant. My birth control is working perfectly fine."

Both Seb and Daniel feel a bit disappointed. They are both more than ready to hear the women they love tell them they are pregnant. But apparently this is not the time.

"So then Tina is pregnant." Seb draws the conclusion.
"Actually, she isn't. But she was afraid she was. The only way to know for sure was for her to take a test, but she was afraid people would see her buy the test. We decided we would all buy them so even if people would see us, they would never know for who it was." Melissa explains to the guys.

"Ah ok that makes sense. Well the rumor mill is loving this. Everybody who saw the post is now guessing which one of you is pregnant." Daniel grins, he knows Melissa and Stevie are loving how the online detectives are working again.
"Well then they can wait for a long time, because nobody is growing a baby bump any time soon." Stevie laughs.

"I wouldn't mind seeing you with a baby bump though." Daniel tells her, his eyes softening by the thought of her carrying his child.
"So you want to see me fat?" Stevie tries to make a joke.
"Pregnant isn't fat. But I know now is not the time yet."

Stevie looks at the man she loves. The man she would do anything for and she can't wait to give him more kids. This time kids that have his DNA. She knows he loves Cole and Zara as if they are his and nothing will change once they have another baby. Still she knows it's his dream, he wants to be there from the beginning and she wants that for him as well. Eventually.

"I'm sure you will get to see me carrying your baby. You know I would love to grow our family. But your career is more important now." Stevie says placing her palm against his cheek.
"It's not, you and the kids will always be more important." Daniel gives her a soft kiss on her forehead.

Seb and Melissa quietly sneak out during this cute little moment between Daniel and Stevie.
A few floors down Charles has also seen the Instagram posts.

"Tina? Is there anything I should know?" He asks his girlfriend showing her the video that was taken in the shop.
"Well yeah we do need to talk. But just so you know, I'm not pregnant." She quickly reassures him.
She can see when the tension leaves his body. His shoulders relax and the frown disappears from his face.

"Ok, so is anybody else... pregnant?"
Tina shakes her head.
"No, they only bought those tests for me. They were being great friends." Tina sits down, she feels exhausted after these days of being scared and barely sleeping.

"My period was supposed to start about four or five days ago, but it didn't and I got scared." She is almost afraid to look into Charles's eyes, scared he might judge her.
He sits down next to her and lifts her chin up so he can look at her and she can see there's no anger or judgement in his eyes.

"Why didn't you talk to me mom petit? We are together, you shouldn't deal with things like that on your own. You know I love you right?" With his thumb he gently strokes her jawline.
"I know, but I didn't want to stress you out more. Especially not during race weekends. You are under a lot of pressure and I just felt I shouldn't add to your stress."

Charles suddenly realizes he has been neglecting his girlfriend lately. He has been so focused on getting the results for the team, they have been putting a lot of pressure on his shoulders, they expect so much of him. It's like they put everything on him. As if he doesn't have a team mate, as if Carlos isn't an amazing driver as well.

Sometimes he feels like he has to carry the entire team. They forget that it's a team effort and so every time he makes a mistake they just act like he screwed up for the entire team. But still that isn't an excuse for neglecting his girlfriend who needs him.

"I am so sorry for not being there for you. That was wrong, but you should never be afraid to talk to me because you think I can't handle it." If he is completely honest, he doesn't even know if he would have handled it. It's only the third race and he is already starting to dread the rest of the season if it stays like this.

"Charles, I know people expect so much of you. Winter break was amazing, you could finally relax, nobody put any pressure on you and you were just you. Now the season has started again and I obviously understand you are busy, I know how demanding your job is. But you are not yourself anymore. You expect me to talk to you when something is wrong, but I don't think you are opening up to me at the moment either." Tina doesn't really know what is going on. She can guess, but she isn't completely sure if she is right.

She can see how both Ferrari drivers seem to be treated differently. It's like they don't expect as much from Carlos as they do from Charles which is very unfair to both of their drivers.

Charles sighs, she is right. He hasn't told her he is struggling keeping up with all the expectations. He hasn't told her how desperately he wants to do well for the team, but whatever he does it feels like it's never good enough.

"I know my love. I should talk to you. How can I expect you to confide in me when I can't do the same. It's just a lot right now. The team expects me to win, they get in to every little mistake I make during the race. When it comes to Carlos making mistakes they take not even half the time to discuss it compared to when they discuss mine. And then there's all the fans, they all want me to become champion with Ferrari. But the car isn't good enough yet. It's just, everybody makes me feel that I'm not good enough. That I'm the problem."

There, he said it. He finally opened up to Tina. He can see the compassion in her eyes, but there is also anger. He's not sure if she is mad at him for not talking to her sooner.

"It's not right Charles. You were on the podium today, Carlos wasn't. They have to treat the two of you equally. If they want to become champions in the constructors, they have to make sure the both of you have the car to win races with, they have to stop fucking up the strategies because seriously they are making complete idiots of themselves. They cannot do this to you. And you shouldn't put even more pressure on yourself either. I know you want to win, I know you want to make everybody proud. But I care about you and how you are feeling. The season is still very long and I don't want you to crumble under the pressure."

For a while they are both silent, both processing what the other just told them. Charles knows Tina is right, but he doesn't know how to change it. The team will probably just deny that they are treating him differently, so he doesn't see the point. He could of course try to find a seat in a different team next year, but he has always dreamed about winning races and a championship with Ferrari.

He knows his dad always wanted for him to drive for this team and he is just so determined to make his father proud. He might not be here on this earth anymore, but that doesn't mean Charles wouldn't still do anything for his father, or for Jules.

"I don't want to fail." He softly says.
"Oh moja ljubezen. You are not going to fail. But you have to give yourself a break. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not healthy." Tina pulls him against her. He wraps his arms around her body as he tries to relax in her loving embrace. He is so lucky to have her, but he knows he will have to open up more, he can't lose her because he doesn't talk about the things he is struggling with.

"I'm sorry I didn't see that there was something going on. I should have noticed." He apologizes to his sweet and caring girlfriend.
"It's ok, you're under a lot of stress. But please talk to me. I want to support you, but I can't if you don't open up to me about what is going on."

Charles looks up at her beautiful face. Those gorgeous dark brown eyes that show so much love for him. She is here for him like he will be there for her again. With her support and encouragement he will be able to maybe talk to the team, make them see what they are doing. Hopefully that will change things so they can work more as one team, together with Carlos and his crew. In the end they need both cars to perform. Not just him.

"I love you so much. Are you disappointed that you are not pregnant?" He asks her.
"No I am not. Now is not the right time. I was relieved to see the tests were negative. We will have a family. At some point. But not right now." Tina admits.
Charles agrees. Sure having children with her is something he would love for the future. But right now it's not the right step for them to take.

He puts his hands on her cheeks as he leans in. His lips only gently brush over hers, but he feels her respond. Her hands are on his waist as she sighs against his mouth. Desperate to deepen their kiss he presses his mouth on hers. Her lips part immediately, granting his tongue access to find hers.

He slips his tongue into her mouth where he curls it around hers. She lets out a soft moan, a sound that makes his cock twitch in his boxers. It has been a while since they were intimate. The stress and pressure making him too exhausted when they finally went to bed. But right now, all he wants is to be that close to her. To feel her body respond to his touch. They both need it.

Her hands find their way under his shirt where she feels his warm, smooth skin. His muscles contract under her hands as she lets them travel over his sides and back. She loves how soft his skin feels but how hard his muscles are at the same time.

Suddenly she is overcome with this feeling of need. The urge of being as close to him as she possibly can.
Usually he is the one taking charge, he is the one who always makes sure she is totally ready and relaxed which is amazing. But she doesn't have the patience for that right now. She wants him and she wants him right away.

Only breaking apart for a second she pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his tanned, sexy body to her. She runs her fingers over his tight abs as if she feels them for the first time. Seeing his body always amazed her, she never knew anybody could be this perfect, but here he is. And he is hers.

Not willing to wait for him she takes her own top off, throwing it over his shoulder as she climbs on his lap.
"Shouldn't we take it slower?" He asks her as she starts to grind her warm core over his jeans clad bulge.
"Not today. I need you." She sighs. The friction of their clothing against her womanhood is causing her to get soaking wet.

It's definitely not enough though. So she gets off his lap and starts to take her jeans off. As she pushes them over her hips she takes her thong with it as well, leaving her standing in front of him completely naked.

"Holy smokes you are so sexy." Charles bites his lip as his eyes roam over her body, he loves every inch of it, every curve is perfect for him.
She kneels on the floor between his legs as she starts to open the buttons of his jeans. She really isn't wasting any time, but he kinda likes this part of her.

She was really shy when it came to intimacy at first, but now he sees the confident, sensual woman she can be as well and it turns him on beyond imagination. His cock is desperate for its release from its confined space. Luckily she already has all his buttons open and she grabs the waistband of his jeans.

He lifts his lower body up a bit as she pulls them down, taking his boxers with it. He can't remember ever being naked as quickly as this. Usually he takes his time, pleasing her before taking it any further. But today it's clear she needs this, she needs to be in charge and he lets her take control.

As soon as his boxers are pulled down far enough his rock hard cock gets released and slaps against his lower belly. His mushroom shaped tip is exposed and glistening with his juices.
She doesn't even take his pants off completely before wrapping her small hand around his shaft.

He groans as she starts to move her hand up and down over his hard cock, spreading his precum all over its head and shaft.
"Oh Tina fuck you are amazing." He moans when she rubs her thumb over the little hole in the tip where his juices are oozing out.

When she leans in and wraps her lips around him he lets his head fall back on the back of the couch. Her tongue laps up the salty precum while she makes him even wetter with her saliva.
It feels as if he hasn't cum for ages and with her on her knees like this he is afraid he won't be able to last very long.

The wet sounds and soft moans that are escaping her throat make it even more difficult to control himself.
Luckily Tina can feel him getting restless, he is trying hard not to buck his hips up to fuck her throat as she sucks him, but she can tell he is struggling.

So she releases him from her mouth with a soft popping sound before getting up and grabbing his wallet. She knows he has condoms in it and she quickly finds one.

Careful not to damage the latex she rips open the foil and rolls the condom over his cock. At first she didn't know how to do it, but she is now very skilled as she has had enough practice since they first started having sex.

She climbs back on his lap, straddling his thighs as she kisses him again. She pours all of her love and passion into the kiss while his hands caress her soft skin. He cups her breasts and rubs his thumbs over her nipples.
The sensations that are being send through her body extract soft moans and whimpers from her which are being caught in Charles's mouth.

He lets one hand slide between them and he feels how wet her labia are. One finger slips in between them and he pushes it inside of her making her moan a bit louder. She never takes her mouth off of his, but she gets a bit distracted when he starts to move his finger inside of her. He thrusts it while he pushes the soft pad under his thumb against her clit.

She squirms on his lap while he fucks her with his finger. It feels divine, but it's not enough for her.
She needs to feel full. She needs his cock buried deep inside of her, so she moves a bit, making him remove his hand.
He feels she is moving herself closer to his groin area so he takes his cock in his hand and makes sure it gets lined up with her entrance.

She lowers herself on top of him and he feels himself slide inside her hot, wet opening inch by inch. She envelops his length while his girth stretches her walls to accommodate him.
"Oh Charles!" She whimpers as she feels him fill her up completely.

She doesn't move immediately, she just enjoys the feeling of being full, she hasn't been on top very often. Usually she enjoys him on top of her, his bodyweight on hers. But right now she loves being the one in charge.

Charles has his hands on her hips, possible holding her a bit to tight, but he doesn't want her to move yet. If she does he will be done for.
She doesn't seem to mind his fingers being buried in her skin. She doesn't even seem to feel it.

When they lock eyes they see the burning desire they both feel for each other, the desire and love which go hand in hand.

Once he feels its safe for her to start moving his hands roam over her back all the way up to her hair where he gently tugs it so her head falls back.
"Now fuck me my love." He encourages her and she starts to move.

They get lost in each other, lost in the rhythm of their bodies moving as one as they are connected in a way which is more than just physical. They breathe in each others moans and sighs as they kiss, deepening that connection even more.

It doesn't take long before Tina's body tenses up as her orgasm washes over her like a tsunami. Her internal muscles squeeze around Charles's cock as she rides out that high. Wave after wave it hits her, leaving her trembling and shaking on his lap.

The sensations of her milking him makes Charles follow her in his own high. His cock starts to twitch just before he squirts out strings of his seed in the condom.
He cries out her name while she cries out his, they cling to each other as they slowly come down from that ultimate pleasure.

That evening when they are in bed after a relaxing day at the warm water springs Tina feels the light cramping in her belly which tells her it was probably the stress which caused her period to be late.
Even though she isn't really excited to get her period, at least now she knows for sure they are not going to be parents just yet.

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