Memoirs of an Interstellar Sp...

By Evotechman

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A powerful alien entity has insinuated itself onboard the Eden Colony. He has the answers to humankinds' ques... More

Adonai Attack Fleet - Universe Five
Morfin Imperial Colony
My Girlfriend's Family
Trap the Spy
Battle Group One
Wake the Sleepers
The New Blake
Battle in the Void
The Death of Eden
The Birth of Titus
The Flagship Goes Home
Coordinates ... S1-M1-U1-S1
The Emperor's Prisoner
The Battle for Universe One
Cosmic Invitation
The Black Hole
Jump Drive
The One True God
God's Envoy
The Evil God
The God Realm
The Purpose of my Life
Face To Face with the Creator
Into the Abyss
Battle of the Gods
The Winner Takes It All
Boss's Addendum


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By Evotechman

The Graviton Warship that SP1 commands has five methods of communication that include microwave transmission, verbal and visual input, physical input via a keyboard, and the 'B' Sharp crystal network.

Since SP1 is a Sentient Personality, it can interface with the ship as if the ship is an extension of SP1's body. That means that the ship can react to SP1's direction or to external threats, at the speed of positronic thought.

SP1's new ship is humankind's most advanced and powerful Impervium alloy model. It is currently functioning as a test bed for technology that is not integrated into Eden's general fleet. That is... not until its trials are complete.

Part of its current mission with the GRAV Team was a trial designed to measure power flow from the new model Infinity Battery and fine tune the entire energy delivery system to each operational Graviton system, including thrust projectors, shield, and its manipulation system, under strained conditions.

Instead of completing the assigned mission, SP1 approached universe five at many times the speed of light. He planned to transition from hyperlight to sub-light within braking distance of the battle zone reported by the one Morfin drone able to deliver its warning.

SP1 walked onto the Bridge of his warship and said: "Ship, how long until we enter sub-light?"

The ship answered: "Minus ten minutes, Captain."

SP1 decided to watch for the light show created by the Graviton Ram as it punched through the light barrier. For some mysterious reason, the cascade effect of striking the barrier from the 'above light speed side,' sent astounding visual effects into the hyperlight void. The only downside to the display of raw power was the brief time it existed. SP1 loved the sight.

Too fast, they were through the barrier, and into normal space. SP1 asked: "What's out there, Ship?"

The ship replied: "Scanning."

After a brief pause, the ship announced: "There is a large debris field within hard breaking distance, Captain... Braking now."

SP1 said: "Scan the field for activity, energy signatures or anomalies. I'm looking for anything that stands out from what is expected for this type of debris field."

After a few seconds, the Ship's AI replied: "Captain, the Morfin debris field is being scavenged by several species hunting for Morfin technology. The Level Three Council's technology is highly sought after by lesser species, according to my records. There is nothing else visible within scanning distance."

Then the ship said: "The scavengers are leaving, en masse. I believe they have detected our Graviton wave and understand its implications."

SP1 said: "The situation with the Morfin is terrible but at this point, I'm not worried about scavengers picking over the Morfin corpse. What's done can't be undone, and we are out here to hunt the species responsible for this destruction. What is the time to target?"

The ship answered: "One hour at full deceleration."

SP1 thought: "Wow, Adara's Nanites have outdone themselves. A little over one hour to decelerate from lightspeed... Amazing."

Fleet Commander Seff was woken from a deep sleep by the emergency tone emanating from the headboard of his sleeping rack.

Seconds passed as Seff's surroundings came into conscious focus, then he climbed out of bed, checked his appearance, and said: "Tone off... Answer call. The communications computer opened the line to the Bridge and Seff saw the XO's face on the holo-viewer. The XO said: "Fleet Commander, our sensors in universe five have detected the appearance of a lone graviton wave."

The Commander said: "How long since the human ship dropped out of hyperspace?"

The XO's facial expression and the slant of his golden-yellow eyes betrayed his amazement as he replied: "About fifteen human minutes, Sir. It will reach the debris field in fifty minutes... basically, it is taking one human hour for it to decelerate from light speed to stationary."

The disbelieving Seff asked: "What? How long?"

The XO repeated his last statement then added: "Fleet, it seems we are about to attack a species that is marginally more advanced than the Adonai?"

Seff replied: "I'm on my way."

Minutes later, Seff assessed the situation for himself and said: "This information is new, since our agent's last report. How is it possible to generate such thrust? This is unheard of in my knowledge of history."

The XO said: "There is no recorded precedence of such power in our records, Sir. I checked"

Seff said: "It makes me question the validity of the order to attack Multiverse Ten."

The XO said: "If we don't, the emperor will send someone else, and that will include severe consequences for us."

Seff said: "I know it too well, and if we don't get this invasion right the first time, then I fear our species is in big trouble."

The XO said: "I have full confidence in our weapons technology. I advise that we proceed as planned. Observing this changes nothing."

Seff said: "Caution XO. If I have learnt anything over the span of my career, it is that thoughts of ones, superiority, often lead to that person's undoing. However, we must comply with the imperial directive. To return without testing the power of our opponent will see our heads removed from our necks. Proceed with the plan."

SP1 watched the external display, from his central position on the bridge. SP1 turned its head, and the ship's external view tracked to look in the same direction. The view was crystal clear and showed SP1 a devastating catastrophe.

SP1 ordered: "Ship, send a live feed to Eden."

SP1 viewed the devastation from up close and too personal as the holovid showed countless dead Morfin bodies drifting among the wrecked remains of a hundred thousand Morfin warships and several colony ships. Then SP1 zoomed in on several munitions magazines that had survived the attack and noted they were full.

SP1 discussed the situation with Adara, saying: "I believe the Morfin were caught totally by surprise. Their shields were overpowered in seconds. I know this because their munition's magazine, are full. I don't think they fired a single shot."

Adara said: "In hindsight, what you have discovered is not surprising. It doesn't matter what level of technology or abilities our invaders have. They could not coordinate this attack across an entire universe with such timing or precision, without insider knowledge at the highest level."

"I want you to come home now. Staying there serves no further purpose."

SP1 said: "Copy that. I sent the complete data package to Eden on this ship's performance as I decelerated in case my presence stirs up a hornet's nest and this ship is destroyed. I'm preparing for my return."

Adara continued watching the live feed from SP1's ship as it prepared to jump back to Eden, then she heard the SP1's ship alarm claxon sound and asked: "What's happening, SP1?"

SP1 looked outside and said: "It's too late, I am surrounded by thousands of enemy ships of a design I have not seen before, Adara."

The XO on the Adonai flagship said: "Fleet, the human Graviton ship is now stationary at the edge of the Morfin debris field. We must attack before they discover any useful data about our method of attack."

Seff spoke the words that the XO wanted to hear most, as he ordered: "XO, commit to the plan... Order the attack."

SP1's ship said: "The enemy has appeared instantly, suggesting autonomous teleportation ability. They are firing missiles and antimatter streams... Defending."

The ships Graviton field deflected the powerful antimatter streams harmlessly into space, but the enemy stopped firing as they realised antimatter weapons were useless against the human ship.

Next, thousands of missiles raced toward SP1's ship as it looked around on external view and it said: "Ship, let the first missile hit our shields then destroy the rest. I think their purpose is to test us, but I also want to test them."

Suddenly, the incoming missiles slowed as they neared the outer limit of the ships Graviton weapons range. Then to SP1's jaw dropping surprise, they began disappearing and then reappeared right next to the ship's hull, but inside the Graviton shield surrounding the ship.

SP1 and Adara watched the missiles fasten themselves onto the Impervium hull as if they were limpet mines. Milliseconds later, thousands more repeated the process leaving SP1's ship entirely covered with missiles like wild bees swarming on a landed queen.

As one, they discharged trillions of terawatts of electrical current into the hull. SP1 realised how the enemy had managed to disable the antimatter shielding protecting Morfin ships.

SP1 discussed this with Adara as it happened through the 'B' Sharp comms interface. As they talked, SP1 manipulated the ship Graviton field to scrape the unwanted missiles off its hull and destroy them with its Graviton field. The power they produced could never defeat the generating ability of the Infinity Battery so this was not an effective attack.

Then SP1 ordered: "Ship, fire Neutromatter torpedos at the attacking enemy."

The weapons left the SP1's ship and sped to their targets with all the power of their Neutromatter powered Graviton projectors. SP1 watched as they impacted hundreds of enemy ships and was gratified to see hundreds of tightly packed enemy ships disintegrate with each detonation."

SP1 said to Adara: "So far so good, if they were relying on their voltage discharge missiles to overpower my systems, they are highly disappointed about now. However, I think there may be a possibility that they can teleport weapons inside my ship."

"I have reinforced the internal imperium superstructure, just in case. I'm concerned that if I sit here and do nothing, then that is exactly what will happen. So, I'm committing to a close quarter attack with Graviton weapons."

SP1's ship moved under full power, directly into the surrounding enemy fleet and as he entered, Graviton Rams located around the ship functioned on rapid fire, bringing devastation to any ship they slammed through.

The enemy shields were no match for the Graviton Ram as the human ship punched ten metre holes clean through every ship within its range and those enemy ships that could not move out of the path in time, were left in its wake as glowing balls of slowly cooling, molten metal.

One-minute, SP1's ship was deflecting Adonai weapons fire and dealing death and destruction to thousands of Adonai warships, and the next minute there were no live targets to shoot at. The remaining Adonai vanished.

Over the crystal comms set, SP1 said to Adara: "The enemy invaders have disappeared. They were here for exactly twenty minutes, then the survivors vanished."

Adara said: "I think that once they commit to jumping into the attack, they are stranded. In the twenty minutes they were there, you destroyed thousands of ships. None would choose to face such one-sided fight, so they must need to recharge their teleportation system before they can jump?"

SP1 said: "That is an accurate assessment according to my probability calculations, Adara."

Adara said: "Now we know their weakness and the reason why they attack with total overkill. Once they commit, there are no second chances. They understand the 'all or nothing' battle concept." Then Adara admonished herself and finished with: "Of course they understand, SP1. They are the rulers of an adjacent multiverse."

SP1 said: "They will think twice before attacking me again. I dished out a lot of destruction, flogged them half to death. The good news, Adara, I scanned their ship wreckage that has not been reduced to a glowing metal ball. I believe I can make a copy of their teleportation system, given enough time."

Adara said: "While we are on the topic of teleportation technology, I wonder why they did not teleport their missiles directly into the ship to destroy you from the inside. It's what I would have done if I had that ability."

Then Adara thought: "Maybe they think that is a useless tactic after we used the Re-Creation Seed that they teleported into Eden as a Big Bang cannon. A cannon that atomised the entire Infinity Hub, Seed Warehouse, and the Emissary species."

"I keep saying they, they, they but who are they? Maybe the time has arrived to shake up things on Eden."

Adara said: "SP1, as your teleport system conveniently needs a service before it can operate again, I want you to set course for Eden at full thrust. I will expect you here in four..."

SP1 interrupted, saying: "Adara, they're back. Their number is only thirty thousand ships, and they are well outside my immediate Graviton range... at least three AU from me and in a classic containment sphere to prevent my escape."

Note: - One Astrological Unit (AU) is the distance from Earth to the Sun.

Adara said: "SP1, forget the fight, we must get you home. They must be jumping in from the outer void on the far side of your current location. There could be millions of them out there for all we know."

SP1 said: "Not this time, Adara, my duty is to stay and pass on what I can before the curtain falls. My probability calculations tell me that they would not have returned unless they want to test their big guns against my ship."

"This fight is not over, and they are still confident. They must be, as they sent less than a third of their initial attack force. I need to see this through to learn what they can attack us with. Better now than when they attack Eden."

Adara said: "As you wish, SP1. I will continue watching and recording. Good luck."

SP1 focussed on the enemy, and said: "Ship, arm four Big Bang torpedos and target them at the points that will inflict the most damage to the enemy."

The ship's 3+AI advised: "Captain, my calculations show that four torpedos is total overkill. One Big Bang weapon will suffice."

SP1 said: "Just do it. There is no such thing as overkill in unfamiliar territory and I am certain they have ships or drones observing the conflict from a distance. I intend to show them our true destructive power then they may rethink the value of their strategy and go home."

The AI said: "Weapons ready to launch on your mark, Captain. After the launch, there will be ten Big Bang torpedos remaining."

SP1 waited ten minutes, and the enemy remained silent. The fifteen-minute mark passed and SP1 said: "Adara, I believe they are waiting until the last minute, so they can launch their weapons and jump out immediately. Teleportation is a hindrance once your enemy knows its limits. I bet they constantly complain that there is never enough power as they line up to die."

Adara said: "I'm sure they have never faced off against an enemy like you. I'm thinking they have had a shocking surprise, being on the receiving end of your destructive power."

The ship said: "I am concerned for your safety, Captain, I suggest we retreat. Then I can return alone and recommence this test."

SP1 replied: "No, ship. This must happen here and now. Remain on station."

The ship announced: "Two minutes remain until the enemy's jump system is charged, Captain."

SP1 said: "Stand by... Wait for it...

Fleet commander Seff said: "Boss was right. If just one human ship can do this much damage to us, then it boggles the mind to think what a fleet of their ships can do. Perhaps this is the point for us to pull back and report our findings, before committing completely."

The XO countered, saying: "I disagree, Fleet. We have no choice now. If we pull back without knowing if humans can withstand our supreme weapon, then we will surely be ridiculed and possibly executed upon our return to Multiverse one."

Seff knew the XO was speaking the truth about the reception waiting for them at home if they returned without even trying to attack, and he thought: "I wanted to keep our main weapon in reserve, so it remains viable as a surprise, but what choice do I have. Nothing else is working against this unbreachable human ship."

At that moment, the XO decided to push his point, saying: "Sir, we must commit because the human reputation of genocidal retaliation is a well-known fact. Attacking humans is to become extinct."

"I now see why that is a true assessment. If we do not win here, we are dead anyway, and so is our entire species because we have already attacked a species under their protection and now, one of their ships."

With frustration evident in his tone, Seff said: "Don't you think I know all that? It is true that the emperor is aware of the risk, and we are merely following his directive, but I need time to think about this. I want to save as many of our attacking fleet as possible. So, please, be quiet."

Seff pondered while the room was silent, then said: "This time, we will attack with thirty thousand ships. Humans have a reputation for firing last, so our attack fleet will remain stationary and wait until one minute before their teleporters are recharged before activating the Teleportation Bio-discharge Munitions. This way, our ships will be exposed for the minimum time."

The XO's eyes were drawn to movement from the comms officer, who said: "Sir, the attack fleet says they will be ready in ten minutes."

Seff said: "Okay. XO, we commit in ten minutes. Proceed with the attack."

The Bridge on the flagship was silent as the minutes ticked down to zero, then the XO ordered: "Attack." Thirty thousand Adonai warships vanished from their positions in the Adonai fleet.

On SP1's Graviton ship, the 3+AI counted down the time: "One minute and two... one minute and one... fifty-nine seconds... fifty-eight... then the deafening attack claxons sounded on the Bridge, and warning lights appeared.

Milliseconds later, the ship's AI warned verbally that its Impervium hull was under attack. SP1 launched an attack avatar into space so he could see the ship from the outside and almost feinted... if such were possible.

SP1 asked: "Adara, are you seeing this?"

Adara stared in horrified disbelief at SP1's ship as seen from the external attack avatar. The ship appeared to have a viral growth spreading across its hull.

Lightning discharged from the weapons into surrounding space in an increasing amount as whatever this weapon was, attempted to overload the Impervium hull system by drawing current away.

SP1 said: "The weapon is dual purpose. It is draining power and in addition, it is behaving like bacteria... or a virus... Oh God, it's dissolving the hull and using the material and energy to reproduce... I can't get them off. They are sinking into the hull as they multiply."

Adara said calmly: "SP1, I can't think of a solution to get you out of this predicament... I'm sorry."

SP1 said: "They have attacked the Avatar and it is about to self-destruct."

The outside view perspective changed as the Avatar's existence ended in a flash of antimatter. SP1 deliberately sent out an avatar that had old tech as he was not ready to destroy the enemy.

SP1 said: "Adara, I have sent all the data I can. Keep watching while I am functioning."

As he said that, the hull breached, and the air inside blasted out into space. Then the black virus hexagonal shapes began appearing in the bridge and multiplied toward SP1. They sank into the decks and bulkheads as their numbers increased exponentially.

SP1 knew that Adara would hear his unspoken word through the 'B' Sharp crystal in his head, so it thought: "This is it for me. Stay well... Self-destruct in three... Two... One..."

The entire quadrant surrounding SP1's ship disintegrated as every Infinity Battery on the ship detonated in the worst catastrophic explosion witnessed since the Re-Creation of Universe Five.

The devastating explosion destroyed the attacking fleet as if it was never there, in addition to the remaining Morfin battle debris. The shockwave caught up to the fleeing scavenger ships and they were reduced to random atoms that expanded into the galaxy on the far side of Universe five.

Adara felt the connection with SP1, and the ship sever, confirming that the worst had happened and if her emotions were not being levelled by her struggling Nanites, she would have acted in anger against the person she knew was responsible for this catastrophe.

On the Adonai flagship, Seff said: "Replay the last thirty seconds again. I must be certain that the weapon worked."

He watched the replay several times before he pronounced victory to the fleet, but as his soldiers cheered and stomped, Seff's thought: "The exchange and victory against a single human ship cost more than forty-three thousand Imperial Warships. Why are my Bridge crew and the fleet celebrating such appalling losses?"

"We are simply lucky that the humans destroyed in that ship were not able to send a warning drone like the Morfin ship."

Seff felt a slight dropping sensation in his gut as a new thought came to him: "Hang on, Humans earned their reputation for firing last, but we already attacked. So, why would they wait nineteen minutes without firing a single weapon?"

"Could it be possible that it was the humans, who were testing our ability, while we believed we were testing theirs. In just two battles lasting seconds, that ship learned about our battle tactics and have seen our most potent weapons."

Seff felt sick as he thought: "There is a worse scenario. What if the humans, knowing that we can destroy them, change tactics and become the hunters instead of waiting like the captain of the ship we attacked? Oh, holy emperor, why is it that I feel such a sickening dread in the pit of my stomach?"

Then Seff thought: "The XO wasted no time, sending a ship to the emperor and his war council, to brag about this 'great' victory over the humans... Regardless of how I personally feel, there is no going back now."

Seff called for attention on the bridge and when the cheering died to silence, he said: "It is time to implement phase two... It is time to destroy the Level Three and Level Two Council ruling Multiverse Ten. I believe that when the humans find out they are vulnerable they will throw the Morfin at us where we wait in the void, beyond Universe Five."

The jubilant XO said: "We will engage and destroy the Morfin fleets with conventional weaponry if there are no human ships among them, and if there are, then we will deploy the Teleportation Bio-discharge Munitions against them."

"Either way, the outcome is assured. We will win and there will be minimum losses from this point forward... In fast order, we will rule the entire Superverse... All ten Multiverses are destined to be controlled by our great emperor."

Seff said: "It does seem clear that humans have no answer for our greatest weapon."

The XO said: "Now that we have defeated the human's key defensive technology by dissolving our way through it, they are basically a weak species in all other aspects."

Seff said: "I still see two negatives with this entire situation. One... We should never underestimate an enemy that has advanced from the Stone Age, to ruling Multiverse Ten, so quickly... And two; by forcing them to self-destruct, we will not be able to take valuable human technology as our own."

"It is clear to me that humans would rather die than allow their technology to be stolen. In that respect, Boss is right. This situation has the potential of turning into a terribly wasteful campaign"

The XO said: "Boss said he was returning to Eden to work until the last minute. Perhaps he can force the issue when the humans realise that they are vulnerable. If not, I'm sure he would rather die than go home empty handed."

Seff said: "Boss is resilient and resourceful, XO. Therefore, I will give him a little more time to work before we close the gate on him. It would be a mistake to underestimate the Boss."

Then Seff added: "I saw that he added your nameto his black book, XO. He may die on Eden, when we destroy her, or he maysurvive and come for you."

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